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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

If you need to bypass me for speed, no problems here. I just haven't made it to a keyboard. My car is in the shop downtown, so I'm walking around.
Sorry I haven't kept up with posting these past few days. It's been rough. I'll have more time tomorrow, after I wrap up some things at the station.
I'd like to let @Khasidel and @Tom catch up.

Or, if they've caught up but don't have anything to post, just flag me in here so I don't feel guilty about keeping going.
@Nyton when you say 'energy refill,' what do you mean there?

Post will be coming after work tonight, in like 13 hours. I have long shifts.
It's one of Zeros abilities to refill other Armors power levels, it was used in the fight on the train against Shunka. Of course 'refill energy' by no means means stand there and get attacked by V3&4 while doing that.
Kishi armors have 4 volatile energy reserves housed in their back, often called capacitors, since they share the same role as the ones the Mindy II could install on its hardpoints. One capacitor is worth 100% power, a metric based on the amount of power required to fully recharge an entirely depleted barrier. With 4 capacitors, the nomenclature is often "400%".

Tom goes further on that concept.

On his left arm is a shield that houses inside 16 more capacitors. With the 4 default capacitors, Tom essentially has 2000% worth of reserves total to play with.

While Tom could hoard all of these for himself, the equipment on his right arm's shields - a repair tool on one side, an energy projector on the other - allows him to share that stored power. He can project a single bolt worth 100%, and project a constant stream that recharges much faster as long as Tom can keep on target (which means that it's easier to do while he and his intended target aren't moving much).

Though, keep in mind that Tom's energy recharge rate is the same as anyone else; he has a big reserve, but he's unlikely to be able to resplenish them all in combat. A Kishi recharges its barrier at a rate of 5% per second of low activity and once its barrier is full, that power then goes to filling the reserves (at a similar rate).

There are alternate ways of recharging reserves; for instance, the Jigoku shield on Yukari's and Reika's armor emits a field similar to the Meni-Custom saber-rifle in defense mode; when it receives energy damage, a small part of it is converted in extra reserve power (i.e.: when Nyton used Shinigami earlier, be blocked a flurry of rapid-fire aether shots, which seemed to refill 2-to-4% each).

Bear in mind it's not always a good idea to hoard your reserves, since being at max reserve power means that you're wasting your recharge rate.
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Reactions: Tom
Thanks for the explanation. I'm pretty basic when it comes to combat (I've always viewed it more tactical than detailed, but you know that by now), but this was very helpful!
This may be a dumb question, but what offensive power other than the rifle does Tom have on the Zero? I know he's been swapped out with a lot of shielding support, so I'm not sure of his offensive output, so to speak.
Tom's loaded up with two Urami plasma rifles, and two Yomi aether saber-rifles. He's essentially packing extra weapons in case his team need replacement (because weapons do end up breaking during heavy use).

The plasma rifle was what his armor offered him at the start of the fight. If he wants a saber-rifle, nothing stops him from stowing the plasma rifle and wielding that instead.
One thing I can never remember is if shields are 'fixed' to the arm to allow dual wield or if its held thus occupying the hand. How do the shields mount again?

Also, Graviton Beams are the Force! We are the Black Jedi Knights!
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The Kishi's forearm is pretty contingented.

The palm-side/inner surface of the forearm is where the graviton beam and the sticky-mines are mounted. It's also the part that swivels on the thumb-side/inner edge of the forearm to allow the wearer to slip his arm in and grab the handle inside.

The outer-edge/pinky-side of the forearm is where there's a bulge (not dissimilar from the armor pack on a fully geared Macross Valkyrie fighter) that includes plasma thrusters, one facing the front just past the wrist and the other facing the back of the elbow (in prime position to cause damage in elbowing blows).

The back-of-the-hand/outer surface of the forearm has a slot from which the liquid metal/nodal material can emerge from. The most common application is for it to protrude an attachment point for your shield; that's the attachment point of the shield. Since the nodal aperture is a slot, the hardpoint can slide across it and rotate 360 degrees, so it's not an ordeal to move the shield around and can be handy if you need to move the bulk around so that you can grab something with your hand. The Kishi's shields are not made to be held by hand; Nimura hasn't made an handle on them (thus far, anyways)

If the shield isn't in use, the nodal material in the slot can be used for other things, such as an elbow blade, a wrist-sword, or animated saw blades along its length (which can give a bad surprise to any Mishhu trying to entangle a Kishi).
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