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RP: Bloody Claws (Bloody Claws) First Period - The Beginning and Arrival


"There is an infirmary inside," the largest of the three Laibe spoke as he raised a hand to shield his nose from the smell. "You would do well to take a shower before you do anything else, after all, we Laibe shouldn't be stinking up the place...." his gaze moved toward his companions before looking up toward the sky. "Once you are done with that, complete your enrollment.. then maybe you can hvae wahtever 'fun' you desired.

Inside - Infirmary

While Aka' stayed in the shower, Ra'chel was given a thorough checking over by a Daur healer. The healer took a small blood sample to test for any diseases or illnesses before checking Ra'chels heart and blood pressure, followed by hearing and eyes and finishing up with a general muscle and reflex test, after the healer was finished he logged the results on a computer and then turned to Ra'chel. "You have no problems to worry about, no diseases or illnesses, blood work came back as ok; but you should probably take it easy for awhile as I did find some bruising on your arms," as he said this an assistant walked over and handed him a note, to which the healer looked it over before signing it and handing it back to the assistant. "How are you feeling now that you've been able to refresh yourself?"

"Much better." Ra'chel smiled as she was clean and in clean cloths. "As for the bruises... I was in middle of an airship-jacking! No concideration for me and the passengers and crew! Not to mention shoddy workmanship of the craft that fell apart under the onslaught of ignorant imbeciles! ... " Ra'chel droned on for at least a good ten minutes before she wound down from her tirade of her flight here. Leaving out the part where she had lost it near the end when she went on her rampage.

She took a deep breath, then spoke, "I'm hungry, tired and homeless!" in a much softer voice. "All I know is that I am in the Bloody Claw Class. I'oshen level of education."

Bu'lla raised a paw, face still deadpan, slowly three fingers curled down into the fist, while the last and smallest stayed upright. Once the fist closed, the top knuckles on the pinky finger bent. Vulgar hand gestures were pretty clear in any language, but relaying the meaning of this one cannot be done here.

Stepping back Bu'lla returned to the hall and turned towards the other door that looked like it was the infirmary.


His scent probably announced his approach even before Bu'lla's head stuck around the door and peered around. Taking in the scenery. Looking for a shower and maybe a bottle of medicinal alcohol.

"Hm mhmm," the healer nodded as he took down the information and then peered at the records. "Which means you're assigned to a class house, once we are finished here you can head there and get yourself something to eat and perhaps some sleep as well," the healer turned when he noticed Aka' step out of the shower.

Aka'ashe'na stepped out and stretched a bit, her eyes falling upon a cart that had a fresh uniform on it along with a folder. The folder had been something that she had on her person the entire time, just located in a pocket of the uniform on the inside. She doned the uniform, checking it out in a mirror to ensure it fit right before nodding her head in approval; she then grabbed the folder and opened it up real quick to make sure everything was there.

"Had a good shower Shu'sha Aka'ashe'na?" asked the healer who was sitting in front of Ra'chel.

"I did, thank you," responded Aka' as she walked over and sat in a chair next to Ra'chel.

Bu'lla's entrance certainly didn't go unnoticed as a pair of healers turned in his direction, they seemed to know what he was thinking as the two pointed - almost in unison - towards the bank of showers. "There," they said together.

Ra'chel gave Aka a quick smile and looked towards the commotion be provided by Bu'lla's entrance. There wasn't much to do now that she had vented and was calm. She yawned suddenly as effects of her trip wore off suddenly. Her stomach growled at the same time. She looked down in embarrasment, muttering, "excuse me," wishing she had a hole to crawl into.

Bu'lla's head swivelled over to the showers as the healers pointed, he stepped into the room with a happy sigh. Leaving his kitbag by the door.

"Finally, some folks around here that understand me." he said as he marched straight to the showers.

His eyes caught Aka'ashe'na exited her own shower and his mouth turned in distaste. All that skin. Didn't they get cold? Ugh.

Not bothering to change down he simply stepped under a tap and drenched himself in water, letting the drying clot and other undesirable bits clinging to his fur wash away as he rubbed the water into his undercoat as well. He finished quickly and shook his body and fur to spray it clean on the inside of the curtains before peering out again, one ear twitching as a trickle of water tickled it.

"So apparently there are no bunks, so who do I have to beat up to get the best bed?" he asked the two healers, ignoring Aka.

The healer sighed and pointed to a uniform set aside for Bu'lla, one that was meant for a Laibe. "First, yo ucan get dressed.. second you can tell me your name so I can verify what class you are apart of..." the Daur didn't sound all that pleased by Bu'lla's attitude.. although when they heard Ra'chel's stomach grumble they managed a smile at the student.

At the request to get dressed Bu'lla merely shrugged and tore the ragged and burned and wet collar from around his neck off with a rip of fabric, shoulder cloak and loincloth following, his shorts stayed on, though. Quickly he strapped the new uniform on over his temporary bandages.

"Bu'lla Mat'ari, soon to be Bloody Claws class president. I'm just waiting for them to get around to the announcement, surely. All this chaos and all." He said, sounding supremely confident.

The healer looked through their records, checking to see if what Bu'lla had said was true. "You are checked in now," they said; although making no mention of Bu'lla being a class president. At this point other students began to file into the infirmary, some looking a bit injured while others appeared to be just under the weather. "Although it seems I'll have to put off any further exams for now, I'll leave you in Shu'sha Aka'ashe'na capable care," and with that the healer got up and gave a curteous nod of the head toward Ra'chel before leaving to attend to other duties.

Aka'ashe'na had been sitting cross legged in her chair, but seeing the healer left, quickly sprang to her feet - standing up on the chair instead. "I guess now would be a good a time as any to show you to the the class house," as she said this she hoped down from the chair and looked toward the infimaries exit. "It isn't far from here, a fun walk really!"

Ra'chel just nodded as she watched Bu'lla's antic. She stood up, grabbing her pack. Slung it on and then did the same with her weapons roll. She wondered if she was going to get a room to herelf or have to share with another. "Let's go..." Trying not to sound bossy as her stomach rumbled again softly.

Bu'lla looked around in confusion for a moment as everyone ignored him, before finally taking on an annoyed expression and grabbing his pack to follow the others. Footpads clicking on the ground in frustrated steps.

"Still gunna beat up someone for the best bunk." he muttered.

Ra'chel smiled at Bu'lla as he joined up with Aka and her for the walk to their new home. "Wonder if Si..what ever his or her names is.. gonna join us?" Looking around for the other that had joined their little group on the flight here.

"I guess we'll find out later, perhaps..." smiled Aka' as the group left the infirmary and made their way outside. "Come on, that way," she pointed toward the east.

Outskirts of Sub-district 28

The walk from the auditorium was rather uneventful, but that was probably because it was getting rather late already in the day; most shops were closing up and students were heading in for the day. Passing through the market square gave Bu'lla and Ra'chel and good glimpse at some of the shows they would have access to, food stores, video game stores, clothing, jewelry, a student shop as well; amongst a number of stores. Arriving a few minutes later at the main road that lead into SD-28, there was no fence but there was a guard shack with a Laibe standing outside of it, the Laibe was leaning up against the shack and had a book in their hand.

As they walked up to him, Aka' pulled her school ID out and showed it to the guard. "Ahhh, welcome back," he said to her with a faint smile and looked at those with her. "You two must be new, do enjoy your stay and don't cause too much trouble please," he said that without ever dropping his smile.

It wasn't even that far from the gate, their class house was practically right next door even - located behind a hedge row. The house was two stories tall, had a garden in the front and fenced off area in the back; the blinds were closed so no one could see inside. The drive way already had a car parked in it.

Aka' rummaged through her pocket and a keycard to Bu'lla and Ra'chel. "Don't lose them, you'll need them to enter the house but you just need it on your person. Go ahead, feel free to explore the home, I do need to check in with the districts security," she smiled faintly.
Ra'chel took in the sights, committing the route to memory as they proceeded through the city to their district to live in. She nodded to the Laibe Guards at the checkpoint. She was curiuos about that as most cities didn't have guards.

Ra'chel listened to Aka as she took the keycard from her. "Whose the vehicle belong to?" Eyeing the vehicle, giving it the once over.
"Mine," Aka' responded gleefully. "I had it brought over from the capital, looks good huh?" she asked although not really expecting much of an answer. The car was a four seater, one driver, three passengers; it had a futuristic look to it with a curving front end - with the areas around the driver and passenger being made out of a kind of flexible glass to afford those inside a near unobstructed view of the area around them. The car as obviously moved utilizing anti-gravity pods, given how there were no tires to be seen.
Bu'lla peered into the cab in muted interest. Looking studiously unimpressed with the vehicle as he followed the other two inside. He looked at Aka and then peered inside in comparison, given how short she was.

"How do you reach the controls?" he asked finally.

Bu'lla himself preferred the tight control and mayhem his hoverboard could achieve.
Home in a new City

Ra'chel nodded and moved on towards the house, looking it over with interest. She liked the yard as it was big enough to exercise in with her sword to keep up the skill with them. She liked the privacy of the backyard that would become her dojo when the the weather was permitting for her to be outside.

She entered the house as it was going to be her home and looked over the set up. It looked to sterile as if no-one lived there. Neat. Very neat. She wrinkled her nose a bit and began to look through the variuos rooms to find one unoccupied. She found a small room near the back of the house on the first floor. She had an uncanny way of ferreting out the overlooked rooms. It reminded her of the little room she had left behind. She smiled and she 'claimed' the room.

The room had one single person bed, desk with chair, wardrobe to hang clothes up in with a matching dresser. Several small shelves for knick-knacks and books. There was a little stand next to the bed that held a small reading lamp. There was a window that looked out over the back yard and it even opened to let in fresh air. She smiled as she made herself at home.

She placed her joint family picture when all were alive and together on the bedside table along with another of herself and her joint family sister Kata'nova. Kata'nova in full dress uniform of the Youth Corp Company she belonged to. Herself in a very nice full length formal dress of the latest fashion. Both were smiling that little 'I've got a secret' smile. The small date on the picture was taken a few days before Kata'nova took her fateful mission into space.

She flopped back on the bed, knocking her weapons roll to the floor with a thump. She held the picture of the two of them before her as she laid back on the bed. She stared at the picture of them both. "I haven't given up on ya Kata! I bug your home command to keep the search up for you. Be safe my sister, compatriote in arms!" She whispered.
Aka' raised an eye-brow upon hearing Bu'lla's question. "I guess you've never driven a car before, the system automatically adjusts itself for the height of the driver; provided there is more than one, but since I'm the only one who drives that car is is adjusted for my height. I can also just use voice commands if I want but that just elimanates the fun," she smiled.

She walked a bit of a distanec from the home, not that far of course, she still wanted to be able to 'see' what was going on. When she was by the curb she pulled out her cellphone and flipped it on, then engaged the holographic display which showed a list of numbers that she had recorded into her phone; she was tempted to make the call but decided to hold off on it, and closed up the phone and put it away into her pocket. She walked back up the driveway and then leaned against the car, glancing up at the second floor which had all of the houses bedrooms, including a few single bedrooms and some multiple occupancy ones. "May as well find yourself a room and get comfortable," she was glad her own assigned room was locked, so no one would be able to go inside.
"There's no way a car has been built that would allow a kit that small to touch the pedals and see over the dash at the same time." Bu'lla said to himself.

He looked at the car once more and then turned and walked into the house, he took a gander through the rooms below, making sure to stare into the fridge and the cupboard in his daily search for enlightenment before heading upstairs picking one of the singular room. There was no way Bu'lla was going to let a snorer live if he had them alone in the same room, this wasn't Jui'ashen dorm life anymore. It was Bu'lla's room.

Closing the door behind him he dumped his pack and stood, closing the curtains and staring out and the muted light from without. Then his hands started shaking as the built up stress and near-death of this morning passed through him. He let the shakes pass through him, letting his body work itself out for about half an hour before sitting down on the bed and sitting back to snooze.

Saving an entire shuttle full of students was hard work.
Aka'ashe'na didn't really stop for much, entering the house and going straight to her room; where she unlocked the door and entered - although she kept the door open so that others could talk to her if the need arose. It was a spacious room, much more than the others in the home, it had a king sized bed along with two dressers, one of which had a TV above it mounted to the wall. There was some luggage piled up near the clossest, her luggage which she'd brought there days earlier but hadn't yet unpacked.

She plopped down onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling, which had a star-like theme to it. There she rested for a few minutes before she received a call on her phone, informing her that other members of the class had arrived and would be on their way.

With a sigh the young Kit sat up and grabbed a computer pad off the dresser, heading back down outside to wait for the new arrivals.

One hour later

For the next hour, seven students had arrived at the home, varying not only in age but also their division and race. Two My'lekes arrived together, obviously siblings, while three were Laibe and the rest were Daur. The new arrivals were quick to pick their rooms although with their arrival also came a bit of chatter and noise that would wake anyone up that had been asleep.

Aka'ashe'na pondered whether the class would have time for a meal before curfew, checking her watch she saw that they still had two hours to go and pondered whether to make food for the class or to have them go out. With the idea fresh in her mind, she decided to find out and began to ask each student, when she got to Ra'chels room she tapped on the students door - although she could just enter if she wanted, she wasn't sure if the student was asleep or doing something.