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RP: Bloody Claws (Bloody Claws) First Period - The Beginning and Arrival

Ra'chel looked at the Youth Corp soldier that addressed her, "yes it is. What you want?" She looked the Youth Corp soldier over quickly. She was nervious and fidgety. Forming her answer if asked about joining the Youth Corp and her rights as a citizen. Even though those that belonged to the Youth Corp were more favored in getting work.

She could feel the others nearby looking at her when she was singled out by the Youth Corp female. Which made her more uncomfortable.
Bu'lla awkwardly picked up the item of clothing, immediately leaving a bloody paw print on the thing. By the look on his face this was clearly not ideal, but it would do. He was also wondering why a daur student was carrying laibe clothing in a militia pack.

"Uh, thanks." he said to the other student.

And then he ripped it in half with a loud screech of fabric, the halves quickly becoming strips and then the strips became impromptu bandages around the larger cuts on Bu'lla's arms, legs, and torso. Job done he stood up and sniffed loudly in a superior fashion, his eyes turning to Aka'ashe'na as she walked by. An ear twitched.

"Oh, you're still alive." He stated blandly, trying to make it sound like he didn't care at all.
The soldier smiled as she glanced toward the group of students, her eyes glancing over the crowd. "No need to be nervous," she smiled at Ra'chel. "I heard quite a bit about you from one of my friends; I hope you enjoy yourself here, if you ever need help, for you - or any of your friends - don't hesitate to let me know," the smile remained on the youths face as she continued to stare toward the crowd of students. Her mouth opened as if she was going to say more, but then slowly closed before a kiddy grin appeared, "I'm sure you'll do wonderful, I'll talk to you at the academy," she said before undershouldering her rifle and bidding her a farewell and walking back toward her squad - which had stopped near the transport and were inspecting its undercarriage.

Aka'ashe'na stopped mid-stride and glanced at Bu'lla, giving him merely a big smile before walking toward the assembled group; and more specifically toward where the 'younger' students were.

It was around this moment that the bus arrived at the gathering point for the She'na students, once it stopped the students were instructed to board the bus with their luggage.
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Bu'lla watched the girl passively as she skipped of smiling widely. This was wrong. Something about this was terribly wrong.

"I must be losing my touch..." he muttered to himself, before shaking his head, ears flopping against the sides of his skull.

Bu'lla went to claim his luggage and stepped aboard the bus. Taking special care to sit with his bag on the seat next to him, blocking anyone from sitting next to him.
Ra'chel just nodded numby and moved off to claim her spot in line for the bus ride to where ever it was going to take them. She was glad to be on the ground again. Never again she was going to fly anywhere again, if there was ground transportation, then by boat. But never by air again.

She stepped aboard the buss which was filling up quite quick. Being one of the slower ones, She had the choice doubling up with a stranger or standing. She moved past the seat and let the person who was following her, have the seat. She took a more comfortable seat on the piled up luggage in back.

The other three were on different bus than her. She wondered if she would see them again or not as the full bus took off towards her destination.
Aka'ashe'na was the last one to board the bus, stopping just short of the stairs and looking back at the ship they'd come in on; hell a way to start off the new semester. She took a seat toward the front and at a window, leaning her head up against it and smiling wearily to herself.

Once everyone had boarded the buses, they began to move; winding their way through a maze of streets built beneath the starport before coming to a security checkpoint and stopping briefly for an inspection before being permitted onto the main roadway. The roadway was obviously not at surface level, considering that there was a sheet of transparent armor right above them that showed the dark sky that was presently covered in a dense layer of clouds, the occasional flash from lightning would illuminate the tunnel.

For a while the drive through the tunnel was a bit of a bore for the students, with the only real differences being the occasional turn off into the cities underground parking lot which was connected to the various surface buildings. This changed however when the buses changed over to an off ramp and drove up onto the surface level, where-as the underground looked bland - above ground was quite a different story. There was quite a bit more activity as students and their families walked the streets, going into the various stores that lined the roadway - there were restaurants, gift shops, toy stores, and clothing stores, basically everything the students would need to live their daily lives.
The streets themselves had an odd design to them, symbols and glyphs built into the street, overhead street lights gave off just enough illumination so that their natural night vision would allow them to see clearly.
Occasionally the bus would come to a stop at an intersection, as small cars driven by students would pass through the intersection due to the light being green on their end; after a moment then the bus would continue to move deeper into the city before coming across a sign that read:

‘Now entering school district 12, Welcome!’ the holographic sign would fade in and out, changing colors every so often. It took another ten minutes before the buses would arrive at a large rounded building surrounded by large, beautiful looking trees and rose bushes.

Standing along the curb were a number of adults, all dressed casually, but they all wore a somewhat worried expression – the events that had transpired was obviously not lost on them. When the buses came to a complete stop, each one was boarded by an adult, who looked the students over curiously.

“We know you have all had a rough time getting here, but we must remain strong and ensure that such acts don’t break us,” each adult would say in their own way, but always in a calm and mature manner. “Please gather up your luggage, if you are a new student then please head into the auditorium where we will handle your final registration and answer any question you have – whether it is about the school, or the incidents that have occurred. If you are a current student, we ask that you provide assistance to your fellow schoolmates and help out with the registration.”

Aka'ashe'na let out a tiny yawn, one unseen by the adult on her bus thankfully. Her bus actually had the majority of younger students, obvious given how rowdy some of them had gotten during the ride here. After the adult was done speaking she grabbed her bag and got off the bus, she wasn’t a new student persay – given how she’d been a student of the school previous to this one – but she would help out regardless.. now she wondered about the other three in her class and how they were doing and with that thought in mind, glanced toward the other buses.
Ra'chel stood up off the luggage she was sitting on and moved off the bus when allowed by the others ahead of her. She looked around being thankful to be able to stretch. With her stuff with already, She moved off towards the Auditorium in a manner that showed no hurry in a relaxed way that makes the more impatient ones angry with her. She was new and it showed. She was too busy looking around to follow anyone, till she was reminded.

She arrived at the Auditorium and entered the noisy place. She moved to a an empty seat and sat. Waiting to see what would happen next. She wanted a shower and a change of clothes before doing much else. But that would come when she got her housing assignment. She was just drifting about wearing bloodstained clothes.
The auditorium was large; when looking down at the floor, a student would see their reflection. There were balconies above and stairs on the side that lead to those balconies and a large stage on the far end that was currently covered by a curtain, although students were going in and out of the stage. The floor of the building had a number of separate booths each one set up for a specific purpose, and each had a label referring to a specific division of students.

It wasn't that crowded, although that didn't mean it wasn't noisy; with the size of the building it wasn't hard for the small crowd of students to sound like there were hundreds of them in the place - even though there was barely thirty people. There was almost no signs of any adults though, most of which seemed to be outside and instead leaving school operations to students; a group of these students walked around with armbands on their shoulders that read 'student council'.

One of these students, a male whom was obviously in I'oshen due to the color scheme of their uniform, took notice of Ra'chel - mainly because of how she looked and walked over to her. "Looks like you've been through a lot," he said and took a seat in the chair beside her. "How are you feeling?" he asked, obvious concern laced his voice.

Outside of the building, Aka'ashe'na walked the dozens of ships that flew over the district, some headed for the spaceport - others making their way deeper into the city.
Bu'lla exited the bus and strolled into the auditorium with his bag over one shoulder. His large eyes scanned the room from left to right, each eyebrow rising and drooping as the gaze passed between them. Clearly seeing nothing of interest he peered around before noticing the floor. Leaning down he stared at his battered and bruised reflection with its impromptu bandages.

"And never did a laibe look so magnificent." he muttered, uncontrollably attempting to correct what was clearly an out of line tuft of fur on his head with a paw.

Giving up on such a hopeless endeavor and the lack of anything immediately interesting he turned to leave the auditorium to either find a drinking den, or a shower, which ever came first.
Ra'chel looked at the male in the school uniform, listening to him speak. "I'm tired. Can't this wait till tomorrow?" Looking unsure at him, not with the usual excitement of a meeting new people and a new school to explore. It would come after she was settled in her new place. "I've a formal complaint to file against the airliners for a very disruptive flight here. Press charges against those that ruined my trip here! Calls to make to let my Joint Parents know I've arrived saftly here."

"I'd appreciate some assistance in getting them accomplished." Ra'chel was a bit cranky from the after effects of the Adreniline rush. "So point me in the right directions." She was a bit bossy, but then he looked like he just stepped from a grooming saloon while she was rolling around and getting soiled. "I don't care in which order I get those accomplished in."

Then remembering her manners, for it would be rude not to at least make an effort to be a bit more friendlier. "I'm Ra'chel Bush'tail. Nice to meet you." Standing up to give a polite curtsy to the male that sat next to her. She sat back down as she felt a little dizzy at the sudden movement to greet the male properly.
As Bu'lla had been about to walk out, he would be stopped by a Laibe who was standing just outside the entrance. "Don't you think you should check in first before going off on some escapade?" asked the student, who was obviously much older than Bu'lla.

The council student rubbed his chin, then when Ra'chel introduced herself he returned it. "Names Yi'shi Fuy'he, student council vice president," he gave Ra'chel a respectful box of the head. "It is nice to meet you Ra'chel Bush'tail, now, as for what you would like to accomplish."

“If you want to fill a complaint against the airlines all you need to do is just let myself or the president know, however; I must remind you that while your flight might’ve been disruptive, it is not the fault of the pilots, they did what they had to do in order to get you and the others here safely,” Yi’shi said this with a straight face.

“As for pressing charges against those who actually caused the disruption, that is already being handled and those responsible will be put on trial and charged; you don’t have to worry about doing anything there,” the student pulled out a datapad and stared it for a moment before putting it away again. “You can contact your parents once you’ve been assigned a home, by the way, were you already assigned a class?”
Sylik wandered through the school's complex, eventually ending up at the greenhouse and gardens.

"Huh, there's a lot of space for plants here, huh. . ." He mumbled, his ears flicking while one hand ran over his cranium. "That'll make for a nice change. . ."

He settled on mumbling things to himself and taking notes on his little notepad. If anything, the I'oshen was going to at least get plenty of valuable experience in the gardens while he boarded at the Academy.
Laibe stared up at the older, taller, bibger student impassively.

"The hell did they feed you with when you were younger?" Was his first response.

Before the other student could reply Bu'lla turned to look back at the room again. Nothing of particular interest was happening still. No one seemed to be taking names, or even rollcall to see how many students had been killed by this latest attack. Mostly it seemed like the student council clique marching around with their armbands trying to show they were in charge of the whole affair, somehow.

"Tell you what, when the hens finally sort themselves out I'll come back. In the meantime, I want to check in by claiming the best bunk by force, have a shower and then maybe get into a fight at the public house. Good day." Bu'lla replied, staring the other student down. Clearly meaning for the larger student to back down into front of him.
“YIP!” Ra’chel yipped quite loudly as she looked at him, “I just arrived here! I’m an I’oshen! At my old school before getting accepted here.” She was a bit miffed. But she reigned in her temper. “I’ve not been assigned to any class per se. Nor a bunk assignment in the dorms…”

Then what he said caught up with her, Ra’chel spoke aghasted, “Home? I’m being fostered out while I attend school? What type of system you guys running here?” Standing once more to look down on Yi’shi, in a stance that she was ready to punch his ears in.

Aka'ashe'na walked into the auditorium, intent on getting herself cleaned up and into something a bit less…dirty.. before helping out with anything needed; she was about to walk into the buildings temporary infirmary when she heard a yip followed by a raised tone – and glanced in the direction it had come from in time to see Ra’chel and another student.

As she approached the two she listened to what was being talked about and smiled. “Ra’chel!” the young Kit said with a smile on her face, placing both of her hands on the back of the chair that Ra’chel had just been sitting on. “The student council doesn’t foster us out, instead; the academy does something different than other boarding schools. Unlike those other schools, who have dormitories for all of their students, our school doesn’t. We use class homes instead….” Her voice trailed as she looked at the badge on Ra’chels clothing – or rather – what was left of the badge anyway.

“Ahhh, if I remember on the ship your badge read ‘Bloody Claws’,” she then looked at the student council member and beamed. “Yi’shi, I can help her out; there are others who might need your assistance.”
Yi’shi nodded and gave a courteous bow before looking at Ra’chel.

“I do hope you’ll like it here, if you need any further help just let the council know and we’ll help as best we can,” with that he turned around and walked away.

Aka’ turned her eyes back toward Ra’chel. “I think it might be best if we changed into something.. err…” she looked at her own uniform which was blood-stained.. “not so dirty, the infirmary over there,” she pointed behind her, “has a shower and we can ask the person in charge for some fresh clothing.. after that we can get something to eat if you want.”

Back outside, the Laibe whom had spoken to Bu’lla grinned at the younger student’s reaction. “You won’t be able to do any ‘claiming’ until you’ve been assigned a class and such, until then; why don’t you explore the campus a bit.. I’m sure the grownups here won’t mind if a student or two… ‘gets lost’,” the Laibe turned away – and then started to act as if he hadn’t noticed Bu’lla.

Campus Garden

As Sylik went about his business, a student watched from above in a nearby tree.

Ra'chel nodded whole heartedly at getting cleaned up. She turned to Yi'shi, spoke softer in a pleasant tone. "I..huh...apologyze for being a bit rough with you. I should've asked for clarification."

She motioned Aka' to lead the way as she grabbed her pack and weapons roll. She followed Aka' to the makeshift Infirmary to get cleaned up. Which turned out to be a check-up on her health status along with a shower and a clean change of clothing.
Bu'lla sniffed uncomfortably, resisting the urge to slap the other laibe silly. Instead he turned and went on his way around the campus to explore and learn the place before the crowds of lost students started bumping into each other.

Bu'lla wouldn't get very far though from the Auditorium before three Laibe students approuched him, one was obviously younger than him but the other two were older - given they worse the insignia's of Jui'ashen's. The younger of the three folded their arms over their chest and looked at Bu'lla. "And where do you think you are going?" they asked, looking the Kit over for a moment before shaking thier head.

"I have a feeling you haven't gone inside and checked in haven't you?" one of the two taller ones asked.


The inside of the infirmary was quite spacious, and it had the same kind of medical equipment one would find in a fully functional hospital - only in portable sizes. The head doctor there was a My'leke whom wore a doctors robe made for their race, they'd watched as the two kits entered and assigned a Daur healer to assist them, the healer performed a brief medical checkup on Ra'chel. "First off lets get you cleaned up before we perform the health exam," the Daur glanced over to a set of series that were up against the wall, all of them had privacy curtains around them. "Take as long as you need, and wash thoroughly to get the blood out of your fur. I'll have a set of clean clothing waiting once you ar edone," in this case; it would be school uniforms since thats all they had - but it was better than nothing.

Aka' gave a nod and grabbed Ra'chel by the hand, and dragged her over to the showers so they could quickly get rid of the bloody stench that was starting to waft off their clothing.
Bu'lla raised an eyebrow at the three larger students. He'd faced worse odds today, but being covered in cuts and with blood and...something else all over his fur he wasn't really fit to fight right now. Instead he merely gave an indignant sniff and extended a wrist forward for the other student to smell. That was, if they couldn't smell him from across the room already.

Bu'lla's deadpan eyes spoke exactly how he felt about this situation. No Laibe should have to suffer such in the presence of others. There should be riots in the streets if a good laibe couldn't wash his fur as required.
Auditorium/ Infirmary

Ra'chel didn't to be told twice. Lugging her gear with her into the booth. She stripped and washed very carefully, not missing a spot. Taking her time and just enjoying the moment. She spent a long time in the showers.

Once out and seeing the school uniform laying next to her stuff and her bloody clothes were missing. She put on the uniform and smiled as it was just slightly larger that her frame, but wearable. She put them on, checking the stuff that was in her pockets at the time of disrobing was laid out neatly on a tray.

She put it all back in the various pockets of the new school uniform she was given. She added a belt to clinch it up some at the waist, giving it abit more of a flair to the skirt portion. Even new shoes, which was a delight scince hers was two years old and well broken in.

She grabbed her stuff and exited the shower booth to proceed through the check-up and and enrolling into this new school she looked forward to.
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