Star Army

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RP: Bounty Hunts [Bounty 4] Firestarters

Foxtrot 813

Prettiest Member
Inactive Member
Planet Nepleslia - Upper Atmosphere - Night

The dark canvas of space slowly started to be replaced with the orange-ish, smog covered atmosphere of the most populated planet in the sector, as soon as the shuttle broke the thick smog cover, the many lights of the Megalopolis that was funky city appeared into view, as well as the incessant traffic from all different sizes of spaceships coming to and fro from the planet.

The transatmospheric shuttle followed the pre-arranged approach vector, veering away from the larger, kilometer large landing platforms and onto a set of several small hangars adjacent to the port. The pilot, still clad in her Styrling Everyday vest and back in her heavy and baggy clothing, started to bring the craft down on one of the hangars that still had its top cover open.

"We're approaching the destination," Amelia said, looking to her side at the other occupant of the shuttle as she extended the landing struts and set down between some large military supply crates next to the medium sized Cargo Runner that also occupied the hangar. The shuttle came to a stop with a lurch as the suspension of the struts hit the metal deck; not a second later, the pilot already started to spin down the engines and shut the shuttle systems off.

Amanozako leaned back in her seat, her feet up on the consol in front of her and her fingers laced behind her head. "Nepleslia at last" she commented, looking out the windows at the view beyond, wrinkling her nose as she did so. "The air is pretty dirty here" she added, noting all the smog.

"Yep," the Nepleslian girl agreed. She was already unzipping the jacket and removing it once she felt the hot air of the planet start to creep into the once-cool interior of the shuttle. "I'll finish doing things here, you can go ahead," Amelia added, flipping a couple of switches on the shuttle's dashboard.

The neko nodded as she got to her feet, stretching her arms and grabbing her jacket, slippig it on. "Suit yourself" she commented as she went to the aft compartment, prompting Amelia to give the same mock salute she always did as she kept on working on the shuttle.

Out of the shuttle, Amanozako could notice that the hangar was very similar to the one on Delsauria, with the exception that the Iron Ferret looked more hand-me-down than it had ever done. The top of the hangar slowly closed, allowing the air conditioning units inside it to once again bring the temperature to a cooler level, but still retaining the same smell of charred ash from the city's pollution as before.

The front of the cargo runner was currently facing the neko, and it was possible for her to see that a small clearing had been set between the supply crates. The outside lights of the starship were turned on, illuminating a single, waist-high stack of crates in the middle, which were still empty, but obviously looked like they had a purpose to serve. There also wasn't anyone around at the time, either.

"Where is everyone?" Amanozako sent to Amelia's comm via her built in wireless. She advanced more slowly on the battered ship, her hand almost casually resting on the grip of her right HHG.

"They should be either in the ship or arriving soon," Amelia answered as if she had quickly scrambled over to get her headset. As if on a cue, the access ramp of the ship sarted to slide down with the hill of hydraulics, and an armored boot stepped on the sloped surface with a clang even before the ramp had fully lowered. When the second foot followed it, Desmond lowered into the neko's view, already clad in the custom armor he had commissioned, but with the helmet clipped to his belt at one side. The bounty hunter was holding a cardboard box in front of him, which was brimming with some rolled papers.

The Nepleslian stared at the neko for a few seconds, before breaking a very quick smile. "Hey," he said. "Just in time."

"Nice to see a familiar face" Amanozako smiled at Desmond, relaxing and walking up to the ramp. "Long time no see" she added.

"I hope you're ready for the next job, since you've been away for a while," he said to the neko, shifting the box so that it was cradled between his arm and the side of his body as he walked down the ramp to meet the neko, using the freed arm to embrace her.

"I'm always ready" she replied, crossing her arms. "What's in the box?" she asked and slide into the embrace, wrapping both her arms about him and holding on for a while..

Desmond started to walk again. "Blueprints for the place we're hitting, every other data is digital," he said, all businesslike once again and continued to move towards the makeshift table under the ship's bright lights.

"Well, that should be fun" she said, walking along with him, her arm draped about him. The Nepleslian grunted in reply, setting the box down on the stack of boxes, but not removing any of the contents.

"They should be here in a few minutes," he said, opening some of the blueprints and laying them on top of the boxes as he waited for the other bounty hunters to appear.

Amaonzako nodded. "Good" she said and took a candy bar out of her coat pocket, opened it and took a bite.
Nepleslia, Upper Atmosphere
The only thing that belied the appearance of the skinny, slinky, suited blonde of the Bounty Hunters in Desmond's shadow was the jangle of magazines against his chest. Three long rectangles with ports and numbers down the left side of his body, while slim cylinders with inflamed edges and a pin each were on the other side. Seemed about right for the Squid - flash bang and start taking prisoners, disappearing into dark oceanic smoke.

Equipped for the sortie, there was an additional layer of armour plating over his chest under the mesh webbing - he anticipated things would get heated in the engagement ahead. "A few minutes is a long time," Danny bought attention to a Ripshot by his chest. Not by making a crotch chop like the average hoodlum, just lifting it by the shoulder strap with his gun and giving it a jiggle. Tasteful, refined even.

A Styrling Ripshot, just like on Delsauria. Though, there were some additions to the weapon, including the addition of a 9mm acoustic suppressor fitting neatly over the barrel and raised raised iron sights to account for the suppressor. It also included a side mounted flashlight, a fitted stock, and a foregrip that ran parallel to the barrel, held with the thumb and forefinger against the barrel with a wedge. Businesslike matte black finish with a hexagonal motif too.

Resting on the opposite hip and a little further down his leg was his ubiquitous 10x25mm Zen Arms pistol. The ones the reds used, and could be found fourthhand, five previous owners from a respectable Nepleslian vendor. Danny's was probably traded several sets of hands warm and cold before reaching his. Behind it was the straight-edged blade. Four feet long in total for slicing, powered edge. His usual cadre of equipment rested on the small of his back.

"I can't keep you waiting then Desmond," Danny smiled, bare face creased with respect for his employer as he looked to Amazonako and Amelia. Blue eyed, trimmed chinstrap beard, blonde hair spiking forward like a petite duck's backside and a neat mullet behind him. As his smile drew in he pulled the mask over his face. Two eye holes with opaque lenses and a hood of altex material had been added, along with some extra head padding. "It wouldn't fit someone like me after all."

Danny looked over to the box of blueprints Desmond had laid down as the mask adhered to the rest of his suit. Took a while to gather all that paper, but every scrap was worth it. Information to win the battle. He waited for the others to come to the briefing.
Nepleslia - Upper Atmosphere

Shortly after Danny made his entrance, a familiar golden skinned Nepleslian joined up with the growing group of hunters, spotting Desmond, Danny, Amanozako, and... Amelia? Rathe wondered what she was doing with the other hunters, hoping it wasn't backlash from the job on Dawn. Regardless of the reason, Rathe would probably get his answer in the mission briefing.

Donning grey camouflage cargo pants, black boots, and his Durandium plated vest under a black leather jacket, the only gold that could be seen on Rathe was his hands and face. Hidden in the inner pockets of said jacket was a black Zen .45 and Rathe's combat knife, leaving the pistol gripped Westech strapped to his back. Covering most of the gun on the hunter's back was a black backpack that had an orange cross spray-painted on it, the same symbol found on many medkits. One could probably guess what the pack held inside.

"Good to see familiar faces..." Rathe noted as he set the backpack down at his feet and stretched his arms and back. While doing odd jobs alone on Dawn was a somewhat decent way of making a living, Rathe was aching to get back to the high risk, high reward flow of working with the other hunters. As he eyed the collection of papers Desmond had gathered, he couldn't help but wonder who, or what their target would be.
Nepleslia - Iron Ferret's

Upon seeing that everyone that should be concerned with the briefing was present, Desmond began to talk. "This is the place we'll be hitting. There isn't much you need to know about it besides the fact that it's where one of the money trails from Delsauria lead to. What you really need to know is the layout of these buildings, take a good look," the Nepleslian said, resting a finger against the blue colored paper to emphasiz the building blueprints, which were a couple of years old, a warehouse and an adjacent, two story building, hinting that there were only so many people they could cram into the compound. A few people needed to be bribed and fooled so that they could get their hands on those blueprints anyway, so he wans't going to discard them because they were a couple years old. "The gang occupying it aren't as organized as the one back in Delsauria, so expect this raid to go quick if we do it by the numbers."

At one point, after the shuttle's engines had finally shut down, Amelia had moved out of the pilot's seat and was staring at the gathering from the open rear entrance of the shuttle. The pilot had propped one of her elbows against one of the sides of the entrance to the shuttle, resting her head against the forearm as she stared at the briefing before her intently.

The bounty hunter let the info sink in for a while before pulling his datajockey and setting it on top of the blueprints, with the upwards facing screen showing the picture of a very particular individual, even by Nepleslian standards. The person in question was flanked on either side by one of his henchmen, who sported the cliche'd Leather jacket and jeans that every single smalltime ganger seemed to love. Being Nepleslian was also where all the similarities to his henchmen ended. The individual was much taller, hinting that he was most likely an ID-SOL or at the very least an hybrid, with the bulky, gene-forged muscles only being further bulked out by what looked like a welding suit -long, flame resistant gloves and all- severely reinforced with pieces of personal armor; even the welding helmet he had on had a few sheets of durandium riveted onto it for more protection.

"Saint Burnard," Desmond explained, which explained the fact that the background of the picture was a burning pile of tires, with a distinctive silhouette on top of it propped up against a concrete post. "Officially, this is the guy we're going after, but the place is actually a safehouse, and the real purpose we're going there is to follow the money until we reach the motherlode, which is why Kendra should be getting there some time before we actually arrive to secure anything before they burn it once they see that we've arrived" he countinued, looking at each of the bounty hunters in turn. If the prospect of being rich didn't bring them aboard, then he figured they were on the wrong line of duty. "The bounty also pays more if he is dead," the Nepleslian added on an afterthought.

After letting everyone take a good look at their target, which shouldn't have taken more than a few seconds given the contrastingly original appearance to his followers, Desmond took the Datajockey back. He had given it straight and outlined the job, so it was time to give the little reassurance. "I've already briefed Jaina and her mercs about the official part of the mission, so she and some of her mercs will be arriving by ground, while we'll be arriving by shuttle," he explained. "They shuttle will also be there in case to warn us about any developing situations; this is the docking district. People like us there even less than they like us in the entire city."

"Any questions?" Desmond finally asked, resting both hands on the makeshift table and once again scanning each one of the other three bounty hunters.
Danny scowled when Saint Burnard's name came up. From what he'd observed and reported of the guy, it all put a sour taste in his mouth. A prolific vandal, graffiti artist, and a wanton arsonist who only left the safety of his compound if he wanted to be personal while his underlings did everything and the rest. However, all that was the boring stuff any two-bit criminal with a room temperature IQ could get their hooks into.

Flexing their muscle and leveraging their assets, the Burnouts were raking in cash from people and drug trafficking, smuggling, and protection rackets. The one time Danny saw the good Saint leave that compound was when someone didn't pay their protection racket, got dragged into a cage, set alight until well done and tossed away once everyone had their heckle. That's how the hunters got the photo of him standing so high and mighty.

"Does the bounty still count if he's in more than twelve pieces?" Danny asked, with no particular enthusiasm save for a growl of anger in his voice. He cleared his throat, sniffing. "But seriously. How many men are we anticipating? I remember seeing about forty or so in that compound," he said, tracing his finger around the marks that he'd made and routes plotted on the datapad, as well as heatmaps for field-of-movement, "if an alert goes out and this turns into a clusterfuck, how many men are we looking at, worst case?"
Nepleslia - Upper Atmosphere - Iron Ferret's hangar

Rathe scanned the prints and pictures as he listened to Desmond. As he reviewed the screen of the datajockey, the hunter got a bad taste in his mouth. Rathe had had quite a number of scuffles with men larger than him, and he never got out of it without an injury or two. Whether it was broken ribs from a knee the size of a skull or a shot hand from a familiar bounty on Delsuria, it was always something. While the target itself made the golden skinned hunter unsure of the mission, hearing the phrase "Follow the money until we reach the motherload" was all Rathe needed to hear to be back on board.

"Not to mention any cops that show up and get the wrong idea when they hear a firefight..." Rathe added after Danny stated his question.
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Amozako crossed her arms, her red eyes scanning the plans, then the imagry of their target as it came up and the briefing went on.

"An ID-SOL?" Amanozako's lips turned up in a wicked grin and her fists balled up. "Finallt an opponent who's on my level to fight" she said with a wicked tone to her voice.
Nepleslia - Iron Ferret's Hangar

"A proof of the kill is all the bounty on him needs, even personal effects will do in this case" Desmond said to Danny, before facing the golden-skinned bounty hunter standing next to him. "If the police are coming, they'll have to be the size of a small army for that district," said to Rathe, then looked at Amanozako before gazing back at the blueprints blueprints. He examined the layout of the buildings for one last time, resting his hand on the improvised table for several moments before standing upright again and unclipping the helmet from his belt.

"This is all we need to know for now, time to board the shuttle," the Nepleslian said before putting the helmet on. The headgear sealed itself with a hiss as Desmond picked up the rifle propped against the boxes, letting it hang by its sling to his side as he walked towards the shuttle's open ramp. Its pilot wasn't standing by the ramp anymore either, and the spacecraft's engines by the side were already spooling up as it prepared to take off.
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Amanozako shrugged and turned on her heel, marching to the shuttle, up the ramp and into the small craft. She settled herself into a seat and started checking her weapons. Her right side HHG was loaded with red shells, as always, the left with slugs her impaler was loaded and she had plenty of spare ammunition.
Iron Ferret, Hangar
Taking one last look at the plans on the table, Danny was content with how Desmond would proceed with things. "Right then," he made an affirmation as he pivoted and headed into the spooling up shuttle. He wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea that if someone came, there'd be lots and lots of them, but if that was how things went, he'd have to adapt one way or the other. With any luck, all the recon we've done pays off.
Rathe pulled his Datajockey from his pocket and snapped a few quick photos of the blueprints before following the rest of the crew to the Iron Ferret. He still had no idea what Amelia was doing here, but if she were here to complain, she would have done it by now. Rathe could assume she was on the hunters' side, seeing as how she was behind the wheel of their ship.

"Yo, Danny, when'd the chick from Dawn come around here?" Rathe asked as he and the Lorath each boarded the ship.
Iron Ferret, Hangar
Danny didn't grace Rathe with a response immediately as he got ready for the ride ahead. The blonde looked back to his gold companion through the lenses of his improved headgear. I don't think he'd believe 'small universe'! he pondered before clicking his tongue and saying "I kind of recruited her. She's a Hoplite pilot, we were in the market for one, she ticked the boxes, away we went."

He looked aside, furious blush hidden by his mask, but involuntarily making his SQUID suit's camouflage go from matte finish to a sheen similar to latex around his face. "A-and before you ask, she recognised me." Danny huffed. "You'd be so much harder to miss though."
Ge-T1-1A Shuttle

Standing next to to the loading ramp, Desmond waited for all the bounty hunters to board before slamming a closed fist against an emergency button next to the open ramp. The spacecraft hummed as the double clamshell doors slowly swung closed, clicking and hissing as the crew compartment pressurized, leaving the occupants in the semi-dark environment, bathed only by the red glow of the emergency lights. The graviton engines on either side whined as more power was applied to them with enough intensity to be heard and felt by the people inside, which made Desmond have to grab for a hand rail above him to keep himself from falling once the craft suddenly accelerated upwards, making the Nepleslian curse inside his helmet.

The bounty hunter waited a few moments until the craft stopped shaking before he started to move towards the pilot's seat. After a brief word with the woman in question, his voice came through the comms. "Three minutes, do any last checks you have to," he said, turning his gaze back to the dashboard in front of the pilot's seat before Amelia sent him away; the instruments were her realm, after all.

Seemingly unaffected by that, Desmond made his way to seat besides Danny and Across from Amanozako, helmet staring unblinking and unrelenting at a fixed point of the bulkhead like he did before every job as the shuttle shot through the smog-covered planet.

Funky City - Southern Shore District - Late night.

The sounds of the ever distant and sporadic gunfights became farther and farther apart in their intervals. It seemed that even the gangers from Funky City had to sleep some time, at least most of them. The minutes passed by like they were hours to the seven mercenaries waiting inside the cramped van, who were just waiting for the go ahead from the bounty hunters, and the fact that the interior of the van had started to become damp and hot wasn't much help either; it had only taken those few minutes to make the place start feeling like a sauna.

Despite that, there was a small respite in the fact that the ever-present and pervasive smell of ash and burnt wood that seemed to be everywhere in the district was mitigated by that. It didn't stop the mercenaries inside from blurting out curses about the heat or the smell every couple of seconds, though.

"This is Banshee; ETA two minutes," A woman's voice sounded on Jaina's headset amidst the crackling of static.

Amanozako lounged in her seat, looking comfortable and like she did not have a care in the world. Which, really, she didn't. The neko carried simple, rugged weapons, which rarely failed her and otherwise utilized her highly advanced combat body to do the rest of the hard work and her neko body had never failed her. So, instead of quadruple checking her gear again, she relaxed and kept an eye on Desmond sitting across from her in his battle armor. She could see he was mentally preparing him for the mission to come. It was interesting to watch someone not built as a tool of war prepare themselves for something that, for them, was unnatural and traumatic. Comparatively, for herself, going into battle was the same as brushing her teeth, since from day 1 of her life she had been pre-programmed with all the knowledge she needed to be ready to fight as anyone else was ready to take a breath. And that did not even account for the years of military combat experience she added on top of the programming.

The neko stretched her arms and legs lazily and settled in for the ride.

"Got that right..." Rathe responded to Danny, not noticing the new shine on the Lorath's suit as he scanned the shuttle for a seat. Ultimately, the Nepleslian stuck close to the other hunters, sitting down across from Desmond and Danny, two seats from Amanozako.

As the hunter inspected the respective loadouts of his colleagues, he could almost immediately see what their roles would be. Desmond and his battle armor would be the closest thing to a juggernaut the group could get, so it was pretty clear that he would be on the front lines with guns blazing. Danny's trademark suit would most likely put him in a stealth role, along with Amanozako, who had all the stealth and silence of a cat, plus the ability to manipulate gravity, plus a lifetime of military training. With Amelia as pilot, the only person Rathe couldn't find a role for was... Rathe... He wouldn't necessarily consider himself a soldier, but his skin made him one of the worst choices in the group for stealth. With his skills more fit for pursuit or close combat, the hunter was out of his element to say the least. Then again, everyone needs to get out of their comfort zone every once in a while.

As Rathe rechecked the backpack in front of his seat once more, he realized what his role was. "Medic..." Rathe mumbled to himself. While he was no juggernaut, ninja, or gravity cat soldier, Rathe was fast, and he was prepared, probably more so than most if not all of the mercs.

With his mental quandary sorted out, Rathe returned to the item at hand, being the ID-SOL, his gang of grunts, and the task of getting to them.
Funky City - Southern Shore District

"This is Roach-Actual," Jaina responded with pre-designed codename. "We are ready and waiting."

"You lot," Jaina punched at the back of the Van's cabin so the men in the back could hear that. One of the priviliges of the leader was that she claim shotgun and had relatively enough room to herself, while others were cramped in the back. Jaina looked back into the cargo space in the back through the tiny window and grinned. "2 minutes. Get ready, check your guns and all that. Duncan I want you nearby, hold onto my butt so I can tell you where to shoot with that big gun of yours."
Funky City - Southern Shore District - Sauna Van

Duncan mopped at his soaked forehead for the upteenth time as they sat boiling away. Luckily, he was a man of good habits and stayed properly hydrated.

He still thought a lot about what happened on his last mission with the mercenaries. Especially on down times like these. He had set out to just do the job, he never expected it to become death on such a large scale. The tattoo he recently got on his back was still a little sore but nothing he would worry about.

Hearing the bang alerted Duncan to Jaina's orders. He smiled broadly and raisdd his eyebrows in amusement at his personal standing orders. He replied in turn, "Boss, I will gladly grab whatever you'd like. My gun is yours to use." He checked his launcher's cylinder to confirm it rotated properly.


Planet Nepleslia - Funky City - Southern Shore District - 2 hours earlier

The advent A2 set down on the building roof with a lurch, which allowed the smog to finally settle on the passenger compartment. The driver's door swung open, allowing a fully armored Desmond to jump out of the hovercar with a crunch as the soles of his boots splashed against a pool of opaque, milky water; no sooner than the bounty hunter had left the car, he was already moving towards the trunk to retriever whatever gear it was the other occupant would need to do the initial, but critical part of the bounty they were going for.

The trunk contained just some basic stuff. A quvier with arrows, the recurve bow and Kendra's large chainknife.
Kendra herself slipped out of the passanger seat and checked herself. She had a gray hoodie, hiding a Styrling everyday vest. On her head was a beania, that when pulled down would actually become a mask. At her side was a nepleslian combat knife and zen arms silenced pistol. Her job on this one should be silent after all.

"Care to go over our time schedule again?" She asked Desmond as she aproached us. "Just to be sure."

The Nepleslian finished retrieving the items from the trunk and moved back to where Kendra was. "Thirty minutes to get in, thirty to recorver anything before we arrive at the place and wake everyone up," he said, extending the weapons towards the Separa'Shan. Somewhere below them, a car engine roared, sounding like a machinegun since its owner had decided it would be a good idea to drill holes in the muffler.

Kendra nodded and folded her arms on her chest. "All right," she replied and sighed. She was a bit nervous, after all it was some time, since she last broke somewhere. "You want me to plant explosives somewhere? Create a diversion? Well if there is a chance. How are we on with comms?"

"I'll leave that to you, just don't blow something up we might want to recover," Desmond said, checking the webbing on his armor briefly before looking back at the snakewoman. Since he was wearing his full helmet, the voice came a little distorted by thing, too. "I'll breaf the other people and then we'll be coming to get you, so you'll be out of comms until we're back in range," he added.

"Okay," Kendra said and slither to the open trunk. She reached in and took last thing, a satch charge. Just in case. The snake woman than proceeded to close the trunk and looked back at Desmond.

"Off you go then and get those slackers here." She said and smiled, trying to shove confidence. "Just beep on comms when you are back in range. No one should be able to pick that up. And don't worry. If I get in trouble I'll call the cops."

The last comment made the nepleslian briefly smile behind his helmet, although outside Kendra would only see that he nodded. "Okay then, good hunting," he said, turning around and boarding the hovercar again.

"You bet," Kendra said and saluted back to Desmond as a joke. She than turned around and slithered away. Alread moving low to the ground in animal like move. There was nearly no sound to it as her scales move over the ground.



Funky City - Southern Shore District - Outside the compund, south side

The double doors at the back of the van swung open on the clock after the two minutes were up, making the ashy, polluted air feel like a heavenly breeze coming out of an air conditioned to the mercenaries. Black tar ran down the gutter between the sidewalk and the asphalt, adding the unlikeable smell to the pollution.

The mercenaries closest to the exit stepped out first, their boots splashing against the thick black sludge, fanning out and covering their sectors. Inside the van, the merc next in line after Duncan tapped the back of the nepleslian's. It looked like everyone was ready to leave the van.

From the looks of the situation, it seemed that the mercenaries still weren't seen, so they had time to react to the two gangers who were playing sentry outside one of the main entrances.

Funky City - Southern Shore District - Outside the compund, North Side

The rear cargo doors of the shuttle opened before the spacecraft had even landed. If the opening rear doors wasn't much of a sign that they were supposed to get out, the pilot craning her head from her controls in the front and yelling for them to go over the comms would've been a sign enough.

Desmond quickly unclasped his restraints, bringing the silenced battle rifle he was holding at the ready. The street ahead of them was empty, with the few bystanders quickly scattering from the scene once they saw the occupants of the shuttle leave.

Like the mercenaries, their arrival seemed to have gone unnoticed by the gangers, but the thrumming sound of the gravitic engines were loud enough that they wouldn't have gone unnoticed.

The Nepleslian quickly got into a crouch, rifle pointing forward as he waited for the other bounty hunters to disembark. "Jaina, we're here. Execute." He said on the comms, pressing one finger against the side of his helmet. Once the hand was back to gripping the handguard, he went back to looking down the gun barrel. "Preysight," the bounty hunter said, activating the thermal sight of his helmet.
Funky City, Southern Shore District, North Side of Burnouts Compound
Danny was so thankful that his suit wicked perspiration as he felt anticipation dance across his mind. Bullet-shaped butterflies in the stomach despite all the research, preparation, and effort he'd put into making sure his side of things ran smoothly. He was still wiping his brow and brushing his sweat away, even though it wasn't in contact with his skin for long. Once the doors to the shuttle opened and restraints were unbuckling, Danny rushed out with his submachine gun in hand.

Moving off to Desmond's right and crouching down with his weapon raised, onlookers could see that the man's suit was starting to shift in colour, turning a matte sheen of navy for a moment, with new splotches of colour appearing around his body, starting with the limbs creating an angular camouflage pattern. Black and red like brickworth and the occasional concrete grey or deep ochre to break the linear uniformity. It was a camouflage pattern made to mirror the environment around the Burnouts' compound - piecing together photographs and making a colour sample.

It made sense to move blended. A lot of the graffiti even followed fairly uniform colours and tones too, which was fortunate - the camouflage didn't have to think too hard. "Your call, Desmond," Danny confirmed over radio as he looked at the wall he was facing, looking for those ways in to start his trade of cloak and carbine skulduggery.
Funky City - Southern Shore District - Outside the compound, south side

Jaina carefully stepped out of the van and stacked with rest of her men by the wall. She checked two guards at the gate, but it seemed that the mercs were still unnoticed. Jaina checked her watch and right at time, she could have hear Desmond in her earpiece.

"Roger," Jaina simply responded. She then turned around and pointed at the men in her group, equipped with silenced weapons. She then gestured to them to go take out the guards. It would be nice if the attackers could remain stealthy for as long as possible.