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RP [Bounty Hunter Series] Mission 1: Housekeeping

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Ground Floor

She never got to see the danger noodle, That sucked...

Shasta was almost panting when she burst through the ground floors door, with some tactical sense she leveled her energy pistol and threw it open with reckless abandon. And then immediately got hit with a blast of freezing cold air that made her squeak in surprise right on time to realize most of the people on the ground where dead, That sucked too.

An animistic instinct stopped her from rushing out to search for the big snake likely for the best as she never saw the blade or the invisible cat-friend and didn't even smell her until she revealed a part of herself. It became easier as Shasta was suddenly aware that someone was there, Snow softly floated and then melted on a form almost unnoticeable in contrast to the dark and white all around and even more revealing was the purple lips, Lipstick?

Shasta smiled with little regard to her safety as usual as she took in her surrounding.

And then with a casualness that betrayed any sense of danger casually took a single step back into the hall and reached over to start closing the door with her free hand. She didn't like cats. All the evidence pointed towards cats. And like any good nepleslian, Even though her father was yamatain and she knew some cool-cats, So to speak, Didn't like cats. And cool snakes weren't worth dealing with the weird horny cats.
Upper Floors

Alone. The big capitalist organics had run off, and ordered Phage to go back to look after the air-defying vehicle.

Opening the electronic third eye inside their head, the short cyborg simply connected to the gunship's internal and exterior cameras without moving a muscle... Felt fuzzy... But it looked fine, other than the cockpit canopy being open? This kind of wireless communication always lagged in a really annoying way, which robbed Phage of the normally pleasant feeling of being free from one's meat-shell.

"The vehicle is fine." She told Duncan both verbally and electronically. It took them several moments to figure out that catching up to them in person was probably a good idea. The unblinking look on their face behind the glass, and an even more mechanical walking pattern, suggested concentrating on several things at once. "No danger is present to it's frame..."

"Should Phage drop ah smoke grenade down middle buildin'?... So them not seeing our mew-tant?..."

Three hands already on the small bomb, ready to pull the pin.

Clearly, they were not ready to leave just yet.

Being ordered back to the transport aircraft meant... Well, they couldn't rob things....
Ground Floor

Sassina dropped the body and pushed through the doors into the building and past Shasta. "Have you located the package? Is there anyone injured?" She asked bruskly as she passed them not caring for their little staredown.
Ground Floor

A talking snek was frankly more than the mad mutant could process at current. Somewhere in the back of her mind a couple pieces connected to the puzzle of the big, Person dressed noodle.

Seppy Shannon? Semper Susan? She surmised, Knowing she wasn't quite there yet. But what she did know was that it was armed, And also armored, And big guys like Bozu where often secretly afraid of things like snakes and squids.

Bad flags. She ignored the invisible cat and leveled the energy pistol at... Her? back, A subtle beep as it switched to a less invasive stun feature with the press of a thumb at the same time one of her boots connected with the door to kick it shut. Stranger danger was a big danger in nepleslia after all.

"Nope!" She declared loud enough to both reassure her and make what was, To her, A cool echo as she fiddled with her free hand to type out a simple command on the datajockey strapped to her gun toting wrist as she decided how she wanted to handle a really big talking house pet.

It was time to call in her babies.
Sanssinia was many things, but short was not one of them. Even though her standing body was past Shasta, her tail wasn't. In fact, as Shasta's boot slammed the door shut, it caught the tip of Sanssinia's tail, smashing it cruely between the door and the jam. Sanssinia's scan of the interior for additional personnel was cut short as she reacted instinctively. As a pythus, that reaction was to squeeze whatever was responsible. With surprising speed, Sanssinia instinctively wrapped Shasta in her coils. Sanssinia was practiced at Hesskara, the Separa'Shan art of grappling and knocked the pistol out of Shasta's hands as she drew her fighting knife. She very nearly stabbed Shasta before she caught herself. "Liar! Where is the girl you kidnapped? What floor, which room?" She asked, pressing the knife against Shasta threateningly. Through her neural link, she contacted Mark. <I really hope your tardy butt is close, did they switch to feeding the Kaiyo lard while I was gone?>
["Well, I'm standing just down the street staring at the carnage you guys left through my visor....or I assume it was you. 6 guys dead around a fire barrel, some chick in a suit outside the front door. That you guys? Because if not, I'm not gonna feel bad about shooting anyone who jumps at me out here. Might want to inform them I'm coming if you can."], Mark messaged back via audio link from his Geist.

The human male was carrying a Sickle 6mm bulpup assault rifle, which was currently trained towards the mysterious woman as he slowly and quietly crept along the walls of each building he passed. On his right his sat a S6-P2 Wraith 10mm internally suppressed pistol, and a custom plasma katana on his left hip. Above the pistol was a collection of hand grenades that were also S6 in make, 2 frag, 2 plasma, and 2 HE which together had a bit of heft. All of that, and the ammo in appropriate pouches/pockets adorned the black star army type 31 field uniform in full battle kit, a last gift from captain Hoshi before his buyout of his military contract. Completing the kit was a field pack with essentials, a Cross Long Combat Knife strapped to the side as backup.

With a starter fund from his brothers, and following the directions that Sacre had left him, Mark Oaklen had made his way out here. Mention of the Kaiyo brought a bit of sadness which he buried. The slightly enhanced human continued his approach as he relayed again, ["By the by, you gave some very shitty directions. I'm surprised i'm not later."]

Adley cussed under her breath as the seemingly canine-in-nature woman retreated back into the room, the volumetric mouth fading away as Sanssina pushed past her to get into the building - it seemed like suddenly shit was getting real so the Neko quickly retracted her wrist blade to swap it out for her suppressed SMG, raising a toned and shapely leg of armour plating to kick down the door when her sonar picked up. The charging handle was quickly racked back to chamber a round and the stock deployed in one smooth, practiced flick of the purple woman's wrist as she turned to point it at... some dude in a mismatch of outdated Yammie equipment and the sister company to those that had made her stealth armour.

A single round smacked into the snow near Mark's left boot as Adley's own foot followed the turning motion, kicking up a generous spray of snow as her suit's stealth suite was activated once more, altering its properties and what parts of the colour spectrum were absorbed/reflected by it - in short she seemingly phased back into the void by the time the snow fell back down to the ground, floating a foot off the ground as she quickly maneuvered to curl up underneath a slight overhang, weapon still trained on mark incase he tried shit. He had every opportunity to just slap a round into her skull and be done, maybe he wanted to run a knife across her throat? but by the way this individual moved it seemed he would've been smart enough to know that a knife wouldn't do shit to her suit.

A friendly then? mayhaps, so the purple Neko spoke up and her voice was carried on the wind, a simple question of "And who the hell are you with, hm?" after her sneaky repositioning, which had barely taken three seconds to carry out - hell if she was honest the SAINT never left her bones, kind of hard to drop something that was drilled into you for the majority of your shelf life.

Duncan turned back to Phage as he descended, noting what the Freespacer was referring to and ultimately glad that the little thing had stayed with him, "No, keep the smoke handy for now but this stairwell should help us avoid any incident until we catch up to Shasta. Great thinking though little one."

Duncan kept moving, checking the dirty little windows at every level to ensure there were no surprises. He felt that the idiots in the building were not really expecting any opposition and he knew that they woud come to regret that, but not until he caught up to his team mate and found out what the commotion was all about.


As he and Phage reached the bottom of the stairs and the Lobby of the Hab building they witnessed the confrontation between Shasta and the mysterious Separa Shan. It quickly escalated and the snake person had wrapped Shasta in it's tail and was being quite threatening with the knife it was holding. It was blaringly obvious to Duncan that this was not a member of the gang they were tracking and either Shasta had some type of bounty on her or this was a big miscommunication.

Caught up in the moment Sacre was rudely interupted from her mutant interogation at the arrival of more indivduals to the lobby party. One was a short, round space suit fitted Freespacer and the other was a much larger man, dressed in a bulky jacket, massive gauntlets and an armored mask.

"Untail the nice mutant, Scales," the moduated voice of the large man said as he stepped closer, his shotgun hanging ready across his chest. "I'm not sure who you are or why you're here but I am sure we can talk this out. Especially if it means not drawing the building full of delinquents up stairs on us."

Through her neural link, Sanssinia communicated with the rest of her squad. [I have an associate approaching. Please don't shoot him.] Associate was the wrong word, friend would have been more accurate. Sanssinia leveraged herself up to use Shasta as a human shield of sorts. This wasn't how the thugs earlier were acting, so Sanssinia had questions. She looked suspeciously at the large man. They had probably heard her question to Shasta. "We're here for the girl. Hand her over, and no more people need to get hurt." She said, she wasn't a particularly good negotiator.
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Were all Nepleslian 'habitation' blocks full of turdy carpets and snakes with guns? No wonder their capitalist culture was so unhinged.

Phage emerged from behind Duncan, rolling through the doorway and extending all of their extra camera-wires and input cables like a technicolor plastic jellyfish. Only way to really gather information on this green noodle person-thing.

"Tha frozen water drag-marks indu-cate they came from... outside." A rather nasally statement of the facts. "It is no-likely they are part of the... Thugs, you calling them?..."

"Yes? Please un-noodle the doggu girl, long green person? We need them to complete a boon-ty hunt."

Sacre could feel the buzzing network presence of this diminutive snowglobe-thing all over her. It was trying to establish a direct connection.
"I'm with Sacre, ya know, separa and really likes her knives. You know what, fuck it, this is not the time for this.", Mark called back, ready to run for the front door. With a path set, his feet were a moving, his body strafing to the side faster then a normal human as he made a sprint for the door, his enhanced reflexes prepared to dodge as he headed for the building. "Trust I'm your ally, or shoot at me, but I'm getting in that building."

[Sacre, coming in fast, and really hoping your friends don't shoot me. The sneaky one seems friendly so far.], he communicated ahead to the danger noodle.

After the initial shriek and series of yipping of surprise and relative discomfort bordering on pain. She had begun to ramble which became harder as she figured out being squeezed particularity hard made it equally hard to breathe, And her tail was pressed up against her at an extremely uncomfortable angle. And neither kicking, Flailing, Nor wiggling alleviated any relief.

With one hand wrapped painfully to her chest and unable to call in the couple drones she still had lingering but unordered to attack, She composed herself as best she could with all eyes on the arrival of Bozu and Two-Bee and not her. And carefully used a free finger to try to scrape against her stun baton and its switch. It was pressed both against her leg and the snakes coil but little alternative was reached in the oxygen starved mind of the mad mutant as she gasped and yipped in the clutches of her previous interest that had gotten her in this situation...
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