Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Bras! I'm getting way too old for this.


Inactive Member
The group made there way through the space port, the leather man first, followed by Tred, then Harry, and last John and James, laughing at something as usual. They made there way to the check in point.

The spaceport here was well guarded though hardly secure. Military power armors and soldiers were a common sight, roving the grounds. The outer buildings showed serious wear and tear, bullet holes and craters marking the reinforced concrete surface of the structures. Even the structures further toward the centre of the facility didn't look entirely new. High above the surface of the world the snake like transport ship was beginning its decent toward the ground, heading for one of the open concrete landing pads on the ground, marked with a 12 number label and surrounded by a small grouping of crates marked for Nova Corp.

The guards at the check point looked them over and waved them through. They didn't think that un-armored individuals could do much damage inside of the starport before they were gunned down by the abundance of troops.

The group continued their way to crates, and sat around, waiting.

The transport's many segments lowered landing skids and slowly sat itself down on the landing pad. Two of the spherical hull segments opened up, ramps lowering for a few uniformed ground crew to load up the crates.

"Hey." The leather man said, lighting a cigarette, "We're coming on board, I think you'll find these in order." he gave the passes to the most authorative looking guy. "Get off there," he told John and James, who had climbed on top of the crates and where running around on them.

The man they handed the passes to looked at the passes and then back at them,"well... ya sure. Get on board." He said. The rear sphere had a few seats for people to sit in and was accompanied by some open space where paper boxes were being stacked. A ladder in the very centre of the compartment led up to a small hallway that ran along the spine of the craft, apparently the method of moving between segments. The workers tried shooing the people off the crates with kind words like, 'mother-explicative deleted' and just plane, 'explicative deleted'

"Come on." The leather guy lead to the seating compartment. The others followed them, admittedly John and James went the long way round.

Before long the transport was loaded and the hatches sealed. One of the workers banged a few times on the head segment, "YOUR GOOD TO GO!" He yelled out before running off. With a combination of anti-grav generators and standard thrusters the transport lifted off again and began making the climb to orbit.

They waited a while, before the leather guy strode over to Harry "Go for a leak." He whispered in his ear. Harry nodded and walked out the compartment, and began to pretending to look for a toilet. In fact he was checking the ship out, its rooms, the number of people on board, how they where equipped etc. He put his keen mind to putting it all together.

The compartment they were in had an electronic lock on it which prevented access to the spinal part of the ship, although the datapad they had received earlier had detailed instructions on how to bypass the lock and within moments they were inside the hallway segment. Each segment had a lock like this one and was sealed off from the rest of the ship with its own oxygen supply. They were apparently the only occupants of the ship besides the captain who's room was at the end of the hallway. There were 8 compartments in all, with theirs at the very end of the ship and their target closer toward the front, the 3rd compartment. He found the captain wearing a vest, jeans, and a red cap. Under his seat was a small energy pistol. Other than this he was unarmed.

He began to look harder for any security measures, anything, while still looking for the loo.

Sadly, the ship was not equipped with a loo, at least none that he could find. The only other security measure between them and the pilot's seat was another electronic lock.

Harry went back to the compartment, and communicated quietly with the leather man, "It doesn't look that bad, only one person, the captain, back turned. We going for fatal or non fatal? And when are we acting?" Meanwhile Tred was simply sitting, his eyes glazed, while James and John where talking quietly in some language only they seemed to understand. The leather man recalled the pad, the length of the journey and so forth. "Fatal I think." He whispered back.

The instructions they had were to make their move in exactly five minutes. By now the ship was just about to engage its FTL system and had cleared the atmosphere.

"Everyone ready?" he asked. Harry simply nodded, flexing his hands slightly. Tred, nodded almost unnoticeably, and John and James simply laughed. The leather man himself felt underneath his trench coat for his own pistol.

They waited for four minutes to pass, at which point John and James methodically opened the section up to where the Captain was. They worked silently, a complete difference from there normal noiseless selves.

Tred and Harry stood waiting for anything unexpected to happen. The Leather Man followed silently, yet stayed in the hallway, out of possible sight.

The captain didn't seem to notice, the view screen showing the inky black of space distorting slightly as the transition to hyperspace was made. Once in FTL he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, thinking he could relax for this part of the trip.

The Leather Man walked out, being careful, and in a single casual movement, drew his pistol from out of trench coat, and shot him in the head. The silencer made the round almost soundless.

The subsonic round penetrated into the back of the main's skull, splattering brain matter and chunks of bone outwards. The bullet remained lodged in his head as the body slumped over and fell out of the seat.

"No hard feelings." The Leather Man said, patting the body on the shoulder. John and James swarmed in and quickly worked their way around the room, and the ship, finding and deactivating all the electronic recording equipment they could find. Harry came in and took the body elsewhere, calmly putting him in a corner.

The once roomy cockpit seemed to be getting smaller and smaller with more and more people in it. Before long all the recording devices had been disabled as well as the black box and locator beacon.

The Leather man sat down in the vacant chair. "Mr. John, if you can spare a minute can you redirect the ship to the meeting point. James, go through the computer records, look for anything of any interest, and delete anything that is incriminating. See if the ship transmitted anything." He casually ordered, putting his feet up. They did so, making a few snide remarks.

The ship was soon redirected back toward a small area of Neplelsia inside of the city with a new set of identification codes. With the variety of ships in the area they would be able to land more or less unnoticed.

"Harry, be a doll and make a list of anything valuable on board. Trent ... do whatever makes you happy." Harry began to obey, writing up a list, while Trent found an empty room and sat in it.

The ship would soon set down in a clearing just outside one of the slums of the planet. Waiting for them would be the same young man that gave them their little mission in the first place. In the other compartments there was a variety of things. A load of fresh produce from Ayenee, a crate of sexy bras and panties from a company called Yuukos. A large amount of fresh coffee beans was inside of one compartment while still another carried electronics, person computers, datapads, and the like. The crates that their employer wanted were stored in their own segment of the ship.

Harry gave the list back to the Leather Man, who nodded approvingly. James and John went on their own private crusade to look for anything at all unusual in the ship. When they landed, the Leather Man walked up to the young man "Service and delivery. You must be pleased." He said smoothly.

He nodded, handing over a bag that contained their payment. "Do what you want with the ship, I just need the crates." He said, moving over to the segment he knew the crates would be in, "If you don't mind would you open that door?"

"Harry." The Leather Man gestured, and Harry, who had taken John and James position at the controls, opened the door.

The young man entered the compartment and pressed a few buttons on the crates, making them levitate a few inches off the ground. By attaching a few leather belts to each of the crates he could pull all of them along no problem. "Your help is greatly appreciated, I'll get in touch if I need your help again," He said before pulling the crates into the nearby slums.

"Alright. Nice dealin' with ya." The Leather Man put on a cockney drawl, before walking back to the ship. "Lets get out of here, downtown, we can sell the ship and gear, then decide what to do next." Harry plotted a new course, while the Leather Man counted how much money they'd been given.

They had received several thousand KS in fairly large denomination coins that seemed fairly old.

"Well I suppose it was easy enough to merit little cash. And we did get a nice new ship, and a large cargo of," He glanced at his list, "Bras! I'm getting way too old for this."