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Breakfasts Around The World and In SARP Factions


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Here's another amazing "around the world" article that will make you think. Breakfasts can be very different around the world. In the Eucharis I've typically described American-style or occasionally Japanese-style breakfasts being served (omelets, pancakes, etc) but this makes me wonder if I should switch it up more to stuff like more fish and tofu and maybe some of the various other breakfasts based on the article to represent the various cultures of Yamatai.

What does your character eat for breakfast?
Fish and more fish-based dishes would certainly make some sense, but however, some of the factors that make fish such a staple of the Japanese diet historically and in modern day may not necessarily be true for the Yamatai.

For example, space for raising animals or growing land intensive crops isn't really much a concern compared to Japan. Additionally, they have entire planets worth of climates and seasons available to them instead of just an island nation's. This along with a reasonable assumption that food transportation and storage is significantly more advanced than our own makes me think that they probably enjoy a very varied diet.

That being a culture tends to become fond of a few dishes and flavors. I imagine the Yamatai would gravitate towards umami flavors, and anything that nekovalkyria are great at converting into energy. (You probably eat a lot of it on-duty, so you probably get good at preparing it a lot of different ways.)

As an aside, I imagine that for the Yamatai eating has become something more of a pleasurable activity and less of a necessity (due to their super metabolism).
Sune prefers to eat a traditional breakfast proteins such as eggs, and bacon, sausage or ham. But he balances it with either fresh fruit or juice if available.

Katae on the other hand, breakfast always includes a large cup of coffee. Preferably with raw sugar, a bit of hazelnut and cream. She given her choice she prefers a meal like steak and eggs.


As for the Hidden Sun Clan, the Qaktoro which are the major species, breakfast is a mostly meat, typically the lizard that is their primary protein, but any other type of meat would work, served either raw or medium rare. The meal would be rounded out with fruits, nuts or vegetables. Drink would be strong flavored like cider.
I do recall something key in Yamataian culture; they were treating Nepleslian style food as an exotic delicacy back in YE 28, from what I recall during a stop-off on Yamatai when key members of the Sakura crew ate at a high-dollar restaurant, where 'down home country cooking' was truly something noteworthy to ingest. This would lead me to think that consuming bacon, eggs, pancakes, and other conventional westernized breakfast cuisine would be a distinctive treat, enough so it would explain why such food is being served as breakfast aboard the Plumeria, feeding a Princess of the Empire.

What also stands out and needs to be noted is Yamataian heritage being closely tied to Nepleslian eating habits. A high protein and carbohydrate saturated breakfast does seem to be the fare of choice for such a background influence. I would imagine, perhaps, some distinctively 'fusion' style cooking methods would be applied, especially to feed nekovalkryja, some ideas come to mind such as...

Bacon Fried Rice, With Extra Egg.
Biscuits, With Plum Jelly.
Hashbrowns With Sriracha Sauce.
Rice Based Cold Cereals - With Extra Sugar Added.
Egg, Tofu, Soybean, Pea, and Radish Omelet, With Optional Hotsauce.
Egg, Bacon, Potato, Mushroom, Radish, Onion, and Rice Stir-fry.
Salmon Omelets.

Meanwhile, a look at individual character breakfasts;

Miles Gunn had Lorath-Nepleslian fusion breakfast; Fruit native to Lor served in oatmeal, with a ham-like steak, and a crunchy honey-grain-and-nut bar. Dessert in the form of a biscuit-like muffin which includes a light glaze of a sweet-and-savory gravy like sauce, with cranberry-like fruit suspended within the biscuit. Beverages include a milk-and-coffee like drink, and fruit juice. - A supplemental 3oz of scotch is also an essential part of every breakfast.

Helen Klein had "SHOCKocolate Coated Anti-Matter O's, with EXTRA MINERALS AND METALS AND STUFF EXTREME", along with an 18oz steak served over a lattice of extra-thick bacon, three jumbo eggs - over-medium, three fluffy biscuits (She cleverly places the egg into the biscuits), and a fruit salad. Beverages included a meal-supplement shake with strawberry flavor, and a 32-oz coffee.

As for Lorath breakfast fare, generally, breakfast consists of grains and nuts slathered in honey or cream, fruits, and crispy fried meat in sparing quantity. Generally, Lorath breakfasts are not very 'complex' in presentation, often treated as a light but nutritional meal to ensure that no lethargy is produced by heavy meat servings, or excessively inflammatory foods. However, Fyunnen and some Lmanel are noted to increase their meat intake for breakfast due to calorie intake requirements, in which case they often consume syrup/honey glazed meats.

Traditional Helashio breakfast fare focuses entirely on fruit, grains, cheeses, and nuts. This is largely attributed to the need for traditional 'wild' Helashio which live in tribal communities to conduct a mid-day hunt for any meat, also, the Helashio metabolism favors meals focused upon carbohydrate intake and protein gained from dairy products.
Tom: "If I cook, I do it for Yukari; if she cooks, she does it for me. So our breakfasts sometimes have lots of sausage and potatoes, or they have fish and rice. We always eat hearty in Ralt no matter what. Sometimes, Yukari asks for a special breakfast, and who am I to refuse — right honey?"

Tom looks back toward the kitchen from his seat at the dining table, where you can only see his top half because of the tablecloth. No reply comes from Yukari, but then Tom suddenly looks a little pale. And rather blissful.

Tom: "Yup ... can't refuse ... "
The Breakfast of Champions(?):

On the Crimson Kestrel
When supplies are good and there's reason to celebrate, the team eats hearty!
  • Eggs over easy, nice and crispy
  • Two rashes of bacon, cooked to perfection
  • Pork Sausage with Fennel Seeds
  • Lightly fried Mushroom
  • Hash Brown
  • Cup of Tea, extra strong, two sugars, bit of milk
  • Sometimes, a bit of alcohol works too, usually a morning beer

When supplies aren't good...
Gotta settle for something simpler that'll still keep you going for the day.
  • Cereal or Porridge with maple syrup
  • Toast with hazelnut spread
  • Orange Juice
  • Cup of Tea as mentioned above

At Sargasso
Eating out for Breakfast? Oh well, cheap eats at Sargasso - emphasis on cheap. 'Eats' may be subjective for people with more refined palettes.
  • A beer from Lina's. Somewhat watered down compared to big city fare but still able to put some lead in your pencil
  • Some Beef and Black Bean from the cheap Yamataian place down the road. It might not be beef, but it'll do
  • The 10DA Deal from Neppies, with a egg and bacon roll, some fries and a hash brown. Might include something resembling coffee if you add 2DA more
  • A stimulant Burger from Neppies if you really feel like getting that extra jolt for the morning

On the Job
When we're waking up in some hellhole in the middle of nowhere and we don't have the time to get a proper breakfast.
  • Ori-Mart Breakfast Bear Bar - A joke between me and Kai that comes in eight delicious morning flavours
  • Yamataian brand vitamin water
  • Breakfast in a Box, shake it, stick a straw into it and drink. Slluuuuuuurp (not recommended for stealth missions)
Since Shizuka hasn't done much breakfast off base or ship, she's likely just had whatever SAoY mess halls are serving up that morning. I'm sure carbs and protein are the bulk of what she tries to cram in; but never juice and milk together, and never milk before a hot or heavy work day. I'm thinking, if she had a choice, she'd likely go for any kind of meat that had been cooked on a grill, then thrown onto a bed of rice with a raw egg cracked over it (which suddenly reminds me of my late paternal grandfather, now that I think of it).

For Asrid, the military career part of her life would reflect Shizuka's, but before that she lived with her family whom fished commercially. Because of this I'm thinking she eat fish most mornings unless a treat of some kind of land animal was picked up at the market after a good haul. Probably an evenly split rice or bread based meals would be the main thing with the fish as well as eggs done a multitude of ways. I could also see seaweed in there often enough, living in a coastal city.

Dick, as much as he knows better, probably just shuffles by a Neppies for a stim burger on his way to work for the same reasons one would grab a coffee in the morning.
Thud… Thud… Thud…

A figure in bare feet descended down a cold flight of metal stairs, wrapped in dark green and white striped pyjamas, rubbing at her eyes. Investigating.

"Wh… Its 4am, Rebbie. What are you doing?"

"Eating." the Sourcian replied, basking in the warm glow of a halogen light and her bounty.

"Yyyyyyeeeeees" Sana replied shakily, unsure if she agreed with her counterpart as she looked over it. "I can plainly see that. You have quite the feast. Or what used to be a feast." Sana pressed her face into her palm.
Rebeka had gone to the trouble of taking everything in the food stocks of the ship and preparing it in ways which frankly even bacteria would have trouble with.

"Its good. I should eat more often."

Sana looked over. Eat more of what? She couldn't quite identify what was before her.

"Was that… Sushi?" The sushi that Miles spent hours preparing especially for our anniversary?"

"Mosquit fried… I grilled the sashimi though. Its too delicate for frying…"

"…Too delicate… Too delicate? Haa… Rebeka, Mosquit is a brand of engine lubricant."

"I knew that."

"And grilling it… Defeats the point. The fat escapes and ruins it!"

"It gives me a drippy tummy. Would you like some?"

A drippy tummy… Sana bit at the sleeve of her pyjamas. If Miles weren't asleep, the two would be rowing by now.

"No I… Value my" she paused, her thumb motioning toward something resembling an upside down meatloaf. "What's that?"

"A Phoenix MAN(!) special sandwich" Rebeka beamed, proud of herself for pronouncing the name properly in Trade. She'd laid into it substantially with both her Lorath accent and her appetite.

"…Its bad. Its been bad for like three weeks now. Neither of us dared to move it for fear it would disintegrate because of the mould. I think I'm going to be sick."

"Oh, is that what that is? I did wonder."

"Why does it… Look like that?"


"Just chalk?"

"I deep fried it."

"Why is it smoking?"

"Liquid nitrogen. It was too hot so I had to cool it down."

"Too hot so you couldn't…" Sana sighed. She was too tired to get angry with Rebeka, which is likely why Rebeka chose this hour to conduct her orgy of formerly food-like substances. "And pray tell, is that Miles' embalming fluid you're washing it down with?"

"There's sun flour oil… Some of the wine we had… Thermal paste… Vodka and … Armour lubri…"

"Stop. Look. No more. Me." Sana said, pointing to herself, making a running motion with her arms.
"Going to bed."
"You…" she pointed at Rebeka. "Clean up. Leave no trace of this."

"Hum?" the Sourcian replied with a mouthful.

"I'll tell Miles you ate the sandwich. AND the sushi. That's fine but… Don't tell him what you did to it. I just want a nice day. Just me and him and absolutely none of you, okay?"

"Alright. Sleep well, Sana."

Of all the nerve...
I imagine the typical chelti breakfast starting with some sort of fruit, fresh or preserved, plain or sour bread maybe with some spread, possibly some small serving of meat if available. Served with a pot of tea and a small cup of watered wine, fresh beer, or smaller servings of stronger alcohol.

Other meals may include what would resemble a meatloaf, mushroom teas, and only for the very rich small servings of steak. Meat is very expensive on a planet where the closest thing to a cow stabs people.

This may seem rather spartan but meals are typically large affairs involving many participants for chelti, so some substance is gained from conversation as well. On special days certain savory meats and delicacies may be served as well.
Here's a grasshopper farming pod for people who like to eat grasshoppers. I imagine this could be popular is some SARP societies. In Yamatai, edible bugs (micro-livestock) are probably seen in a similar manner as shrimp, I think. Did you know shrimp and lobster were once considered "poor people" foods? Some indentured servants headed to the American colonies even had contractual stipulations limiting the amount of lobster they could be fed. I've noticed toasted crickets on sale at a candy shop I like to go to (I haven't tried one though).
They're not bad, Wes. A lot of the flavor depends on how they're cooked, and whether they're done with spices or not.
That's a really good idea, Wes. I might use something similar for chelti critters too. I can't wait until culture exchange begins to talk about what kind of bugs people like from the others planet. XD
Just for you guys at SARP, I ate some crickets due to this thread. These were a commercially packaged toasted kind that was flavored (bacon cheese in this case, lol). I assume that because they're all protein and no fat, they don't have that much flavor on their own. A toasted cricket is a bit crunchy but overall quite fragile and easily chewed. The exoskeleton isn't really much different than, say, the shell of a popcorn kernel when it comes to having it in your mouth and it was less pokey/noticeable than I expected. Overall it was okay but I'd take chicken nuggets over them, lol.
I've seen bearded dragons go crazy for crickets, and all the hamsters I've had went completely bonkers for the grasshoppers we had out back. Fun stuff.
I follow a few Japanese Twitter accounts. This breakfast comes via user @HappyTravelJP.

I feel a little silly for this, but I don't even know what to do with that fish. I've never eaten such an intact fish before.