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RP: YSS Eucharis Cabin 6 Moments: Wake up Call


Well-Known Member
YSS Eucharis, Cabin 6

If Candon had been awake he would be able to see her thick double braids and the way one of her hips was higher than the other as Masumi paused at the door, fingers on the doorframe. She tapped her index finger against it twice before retracting her hand and she turned towards the bed in the room she had been avoiding.

She stood waiting for her mind to catch up to her body for a minute before she overtook the few steps between herself and Candon's bed. Once there, she knelt down and brought her hand up towards his temple, about to move aside a clump of hair. When she was an inch from his head, her hand jumped back to sit in the air next to her shoulder. She breathed in sharply and made to stand up, ready to move away and back towards the door.

No doubt that by this point Candon would have awoken. One might have expected Candon to have caught Masumi's hand or jumped up. Something different than not moving. He didn't move nor was he aware of her hand. It was far more like him to have some degree of spacial awareness but this morning he apparently had none.
Masumi stopped, looking at the door, and bit her lip. She turned slowly back towards Candon and placed herself on the bed next to him. She evened out the sheets of the bed with both hands, fingers trailing close to his well-muscled arm without touching it. She propped herself up with one hand and sat still for a moment afterwards before letting her eyes rest on her roommate's face, ringed by black hair that still had a piece out of place. Her free hand moved forward once more, towards that bunch of hair that she wanted so badly to move aside. This time, she did not retract it, but gently swept it aside before she moved her hand to his shoulder.

She said his name softly, "Candon." It was at that moment the thought of the friends that she had lost after training came into her mind. She wondered if she would lose him, too. She wondered after that thought what exactly she would be losing. "Candon, can you hear me?"
YSS Eucharis, Cabin 6

Candon stirred. The voice was so gentle he barely heard it, but he knew her voice well. It seemed closer than usual but sleeping in the same cabin had that effect.
"Go back to sleep 'Sumi," Candon groaned, "it's way too early."

He was also freezing without any covers on. Spaceships we're always a little cold. Without looking he reached for the edge of the mattress for the blanket he now knew that he was laying on top of. Catching hold of something warm and soft he rolled over pulling it with him.
Masumi's sapphire eyes widened as her body was pulled with Candon and she went limp in his arms as he brought her close to himself. She had become situated with her knees touching his and her face was close to his chest. She pressed her hands against his shoulders while she stared at his chest with the same wide, blue eyes. Then, feeling a warm chill go up her body from the place her legs touched his all the way to her hands against either side of him, she turned her head a bit and closed her eyes. Acting on instinctual desires she had never felt before, she pressed her cheek into his chest and sighed slightly. It was a happy little sigh.
YSS Eucharis, Cabin 6

Still mostly asleep it took a few moments before realizing that the blanket he was pulling over was not a blanket and was, in fact, his roommate, made evident by the sight of pink hair. Drowsiness was replaced by shock with a slight trembling as he now realized that for the last few moments he'd been holding his workmate like a lover and would probably be hit with serious repercussions, starting with a harassment charge, ending with reassignment, and costing him the closest friendship he had.

But she sighed. No scream of protest or crushing blows. It made no sense to him. He wondered if it was a dream, it made the most sense to him. How else would this be happening? Even then, he had dreamt dreams so vivid that they were real until he awoke. Between his self inflicted stress and the late night he worked this could so easily have been a delusion.

He desperately needer to know if this was actually happening but there is rarely a way to expose an active dream as the fraud it is.
"Ma-Masumi," he stuttered, "I-I'm sorry, I- is this.. is this really happening?"
Taking his hand off her waist would probably have been the wisest course of action but regardless, he did not.
Having slowly grown accustomed to the intimacy of being so close to Candon, Masumi had felt as if she could fall back asleep. Her eyes were still closed while Candon began trembling slightly and she turned her head gently side to side.

"Shh... Shhhh..." Masumi murmured. She took her hands off of his shoulders and moved them across his back and bowed her head slightly so that the side of her face was pressing further against his chest. She stayed like that a moment before looking up at Candon, lips parted slightly as she took a deep breath. He would be able to feel her fingertips gently squeeze his shoulders and back.

"I've never held someone like this."
Thoughts of Masumi previously ignored repressed were now fighting to resurface through the icy surface of Candon's resolve. It felt as wrong as it did right, an odd blend of guild and desire contesting in his heart faster than his brain could keep pace. He felt like a teacher lying with a student as the much younger woman embraced him. Had he led her to this? Was he leading the innocent young woman into the arms of a killer, a drug addict, and a relationship with no guarantees of faithfulness?

He wished so desperately to do what he thought was right, to push away and reject the affection of someone he didn't deserve but her touch was electrifying, magical even. He was the very person he wouldn't have in his own home, the person he'd kill if his future daughter courted, and his passion grew as his own hand began pulling her closer. The woman he wished the best for was in bed with the man he hated most and he wanted her more as his other hand began stroking her hair. He wanted her like the illicit drugs he'd resisted for years now and he couldn't hide it. The high he'd never be able to duplicate since the SAINT Conditioning Package made its home in his brain couldn't compare as Masumi held him.

The truth he'd never have the strength to admit was that the motherless boy in him deeply, desperately wanted someone to hold him, someone to love him. It made him want to cry to think that he was putting Masumi in danger of falling for himself as his sleep deprived mind couldn't find the right solution to the perceived problem. He couldn't understand it himself. :

"You don't even know me," he responded at last, "are you sure?"
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Masumi's blue eyes went back and forth between Candon's paler but similarly colored own eyes. She wanted to ask what she needed to be sure about, but something deep within her was able to answer that question. Her mind wandered and she asked herself the same question he had posed her over and over, receiving a myriad of questionable answers. She let her arms fall down his body so that they were crossed behind his back and either hand held one of his hips in her palm.

"I do know you," Masumi answered, still looking between his eyes, trying to gauge his feelings in that moment. She took another deep breath and looked down. Her thick lashes shadowed her eyes until she closed them completely when she realized she was staring at his bare chest. She squeezed him closer so that her hips were pressing into his. She could feel so much of him in that moment. It made her gasp slightly and her lids lifted so that she was looking back up at him.

"That doesn't mean there isn't more to know," she said, then bit her lip before releasing it and speaking once more. "I want to be sure. All I know, though, is that I want to hold you close and not let go." With that, her fingers pressed into him and she felt a hot shiver run up her body again and she lifted her shoulders slightly, looking a little bit nervous. "Do you want me to let go?"
Want, no. Need, yes.
It was a simple answer now that he was now more awake and aware of the time. They had work to do. It only made sense that they'd have a sortie only a couple hours away to prepare for.

"Let's talk about it when we get back," he decided, "things really aren't as simple as they seem."

Candon did his best to let go of her. He was no longer holding tightly but not ready to remove his hands from under her shoulders. He had no idea what he was doing now. All he knew was that he had some final adjustments to make on his armor and he needed a shower before suiting up. Grease never agreed with the hemosynth liner. There was something about pushing oxygen through the skin that made stains and smears more like tattoos that he'd rather not have to bleach off later.
Masumi's eyebrows struggled to not push up in the middles as her eyes looked into Candon's before resisting the urge to grip him, pull him into her, and not let go, like she wanted.

"We won't talk about it later," she said, giving herself the distinct impression she was sure of herself. She refused to apologize, but the sorry she didn't want to say was on the tip of her tongue.

When he started letting go of her, her hands were off of him like his body were as hot as coals in a fire. She was flung into the air by an instinctual control of gravity and she looked at Candon as if this would be the last time she had the opportunity to do so in this way.
Now he'd done it, blown the whole thing out of the water because he can't be a typical male. If only she'd met him ten years ago things would be different. He had a feeling why she felt they wouldn't talk about it later, Candon was habitually impersonal.
"If you truly care we will talk later, in this room, when we have plenty of time to decide what we want," Candon replied as he moved himself out of bed and came to stand centimeters from her, "I'm not going anywhere."
Masumi nodded, feeling more comfortable after his last few words were spoken. She moved her hand to squeeze his gently as she stopped nodding and looked into his brilliant, sharp eyes for a second more before bending her head and then looking towards the door.

"I-I..." she stammered. "I need an ST." She looked back at him. "You should get one, too." She tightened her hand around his one more time, then let go and straightened her belt, then pulled at her collar while blowing out a bit of air. She looked at him and a faint smile took up a small amount of space on her face. "We'l talk."

She walked out of the room, looking back once as she left through the door. Five minutes later and she was laying down for her ST, trying to ignore everything else going on around her in the medical lab.
Cabin 6

As the door closed Candon dropped heavily onto the edge of his bed. It couldn't possibly be real yet he knew it was. He had to stop this, but knew he couldn't. The preemptive anxiety of losing her entirely overshadowed the excitement of being with her. His heart and head would not be able to agree on the dilemma. Could a relationship last without her even knowing his real name?

It was irrelevant, in an hour they would be planetside and he needed to be focused for the dangerous expedition should they wish to return to the emotional torment later. For now a shower and ST backup were the only things that mattered. Rising up, he stepped towards the desk in the corner, opening a drawer to retrieve a small bottle labeled Calm.

Sometimes, the key to control is admitting you have none.