Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Hidden Sun Clan Call from the Void

Tesgi listened intently to Yuumi's response.

"Language is being definitely different in Yamatai, why have more than one word for same thing. If eating cow should say eating cow, at least that is how it is in clan.

But why does Sar-Yuumi say Nekovalkyrja are being created? Bodies being possessions?

Machines are being created... people is being born. Is speaking machine not saying correct?" He said with what appeared to be a puzzled expression.
Yuumi sucked on one of her fangs — a bad habit. Besides being a tell, it was rude.

She did it when she had to tell bad secrets.

"Nekovalkyrja started as war machines. They were warriors, created by human scientists like your Silver Moon Sect's members. As Yamatai aged, Neko became more like Josea there — a human. Unlike humans, who are naturally birthed from the mating of a female and a male, Nekovalkyrja were manufactured.

"It isn't like that as much as it used to be. The newest model of the Nekovalkyrja body approximates natural birth, so Neko can have families, be mothers and wives like any human. But our bodies still are military equipment, unlike a human's. We're expected to fight."

Yuumi didn't start getting into what a soul was. That was too much philosophy and quasi-science for her.
Tesgi watched Yuumi when she was preparing to answer him. So hard to read these aliens. Even the Nekovalkyrja with her ears is confusing, her ears do not move properly. I do not know what her face is conveying. Have I offended her, or is the subject distasteful. He thought.

He listened to her answer trying to be sure he understood properly. Living beings manufactured... she must mean they grow the bodies and then train them. Not our way, but it does not seem right. They make the Nekokalkyjra to be Râyjo Vonai and fight for them, but no way to be free.

As Tesgi began to speak his nostrils flared repeatedly, "Sar-Yuumi... troubling this is being... if this one has achieving understanding... so Nekovalyjria are being bound person... they create you, be training you to fight.. but never can be free because body you be in is considered property.... Tesgi being finding this unacceptable... wrong before the Great Divine.

Even among my people... long ago captured people could be taken as bound person... but always there was being a chance to being free... to become one of the people.

All creatures being from the Great Divine is having right to become free. How is it that Empire of Yamatai is not knowing this wisdom?"
"Nekovalkyrja of the past did not have the opportunity to be free, as I think you mean it," Yuumi said, trying to be artful. "We could retire from the military, but it required us to adopt human bodies — let go of our weaponized forms and become civilians.

"Now, we have developed a body that can deweaponize itself. Likewise, humans can weaponize themselves to be closer to Nekovalkyrja bodies. So we are not shackled as we once were."

Philosophers and scholars on Nepleslia consider what is human and what is Neko. They talk about the meaning of a soul, a spirit, that's made up of quantum bits of data and an artificially created operating system. Where life starts, where life stops ... not the ponderings of a politician. Not even an Empress gets to weigh those things. We swing deals, call shots, make things happen or don't. Think too much and the chance of a lifetime passes by.

Being a prisoner was easier some days,
she thought, and poured herself some tea.
If Nekovalkyrja is bound is always bound because body is property. Makes no sense, what she means by adopt human bodies? he pondered.

Tesgi looked at Josea and then back to Yuumi, and repeated as he tried to figure it out.

"Sar-Yuumi, you are being born Nekovalkyrja, Josea is being born what you call huuman. How can Nekovalkyrja be becoming human to be free? Body you is being born to, is body you die in. At least that is being the way it is with my people." He said with his head cocked at an angle.
I hope his are a philosophical people after all.

Yuumi nodded her head at the question.

"About 34 of our years ago, humans began a transition away from the bodies they came to this place in. They began to create our own bodies, crafted by their hands instead of birthed from their wombs. That transition included technology that makes our minds digital — computerized, instead of fully organic.

"Eventually that technology was followed by the power to transfer our minds into different bodies. It is like taking a piece of paper, which has your entire existence written on it, and moving it from one folder to another. That is how bodies are treated on much of Yamatai — folders. What matters is the mind — we call it a 'soul.' "

Yuumi looked up at the faux stars. "We don't really know what a soul is. We move it from body to body with special machines. We think the transfer is perfect. We think we are flawless, mortals who divined the power of gods and vanquished those gods unto ourselves.

"Not a moment of starlight crosses the surface of the Empire without each citizen being reminded of that premise."

The image of the Neko shifted again, to a human and a Neko. "In our ignorance is our weakness. And our strength."

She looked back to Tesgi, embarrassed again. "I say too much. The people whom I serve are a complex tribe, and we still are so very young."
Tesgi listened to Yuumi's explanation his tail started twitching partway through it.

"I believe I understand now. Both about the changing and what you meant when saying you manufacture your flesh. Your people have learned to genetically design bodies. To make different versions of yourself, I presuming with intent to make better. You then copy the spirit of the person and put it in the new body. Is it proper to believe that a defective body would be destroyed rather than subject a spirit to be placed into it?

My clan learned the science to clone bodies long before the Norka. But the warriors called those created such to be non-persons. Even when the Silver Moon would copy the mind of the original into it. Because the cloned person had never undergone the passing from youth, they were considered neither children nor adults.

The Council later passed a law that forbid the creation of a member of the clan by cloning. So now cloning is only used to make replacement parts, organs and limbs to replace those damaged or diseased."

Tesgi picked up his cup and took a sip. After placing it back on the tray he looked back at Yuumi.

"So is everyone within your clan less than 34 of your years old? Or are there still those who were around before you made new bodies? It would seem sad to me if there were no elder to tell stories."
Yuumi nodded to his first assumption — defective bodies were destroyed before spirits could be placed in them — and considered his next question after she absorbed what he said about his people. She envied how they handled cloning.

"We suffered several Empire-wide calamities during those 34 years, and many citizens died who were old. There are still many who are older than 34 of Yamatai's years, but most are part of our Empire's neighboring nation, Nepleslia. We have few storytellers. Often, we rely on our computers to tell us our history."
Tesgi thought about what Yuumi had said. "Computers and books can provide Lore. But Elders tell stories, personal events that they partook of. If they are your elder, then they are sharing part of your family history. By listening and remembering, you keep their legacy alive."

Tesgi was feeling tired, and the injuries he had sustained at the hands of the NMX were bothering him. His head drooped for a second.

"Sar-Yuumi, Tesgi grows weary. Has one last question for now then wishes to lie down and rest, perhaps go with friend Josea and allow your healers to treat.

Since Tesgi can not return to his home. Will Tesgi be having to stay in this place or will he be allowed to go to your world to live?"
"Neither," Yuumi said, finally smiling. "Someone from your people is here to retrieve you. Vonai-Rya'ka of the Poku Degonjo Saeruo, I believe. Does that name sound familiar?"
Tesgi's eyes widened and a grin appeared. "The Vonai-Rya'ka has come here. She has asked for Tesgi... Vonai-Rya'ka is not being a name, is being a position, title. She speaks for the Clan in much the same way you speak for your clan.

Tesgi has never met the Vonai-Rya'ka, but she is a powerful warrior from what I has heard. The first Vonai-Rya'ka since the Norka."
"When you are ready, then, we will go to meet her, and see you safely home, Tesgi," Yuumi said. "I don't believe the Vonai-Rya'ka is in a hurry."
Tesgi stood up and did his best impression of a Yamataian bow. "Thank you Sar-Yuumi, Tesgi shall always be in your debt."

Then with Josea walking along with him left to find the medical center.

The station PANTHEON-IES spoke up as Tesgi left, "Premier Ketsurui Yuumi, shall we contact the alien vessels and grant them permission to approach?"
"Please, KAMI," Yuumi confirmed, having bowed back to Tesgi after his bow to her.

"Make sure the Vonai-Rya'ka knows Tesgi was harmed by NMX munitions, but is receiving medical treatment from us."
Chiharu Star Fortress

The IES sent the following message:

To Poku Degonjo Saeruo Vessels
You are authorized to approach Chiharu Star Fortress.
Please take an initial position of .3 light seconds. We will then guide you to the proper bay.

The Premier Ketsurui Yuumi is ready to meet with the Vonai-Rya'ka.

The person we rescued Tesgi Toioky, was injured by the NMX. His injuries are being treated by our personnel.

Gulvi-ka Mui

Kohaku was meditating in her chamber when there was a chime at the door. She stood smoothed out her clothes and told the computer to open the door.

"Vonai-Rya'ka, we have received permission to approach the Clan Yamatai station. They report that the Tula Tesgi is being treated by their people." said a male Qaktoro in the door way. "Your orders?"

"Notify the flotilla to make ready for tunneling. The flotilla should follow 10,000 units behind the Sword. All ship weapons should be in safe mode." Kohaku said.

The grey furred Qaktoro bowed and the door closed.

So far, so good. Now we will see if Tarbah's faith in me is well and truly deserved. she thought.

She sent a message to Saflea to prepare herself and her honor guard.

A few minutes later she stood on the bridge of the Sword.

"Drive is charged Vonai-Rya'ka, we may proceed when ready." the pilot called out.

"Signal the Yamatai Space Station. Tell them we are coming through and that there are twenty ships escorting us, but that they will remain behind us." Kohaku said to the communications person. When she heard the message transmitted, she gave the signal for the flotilla to move.

In front of the Sword the fabric of space wrinkled and then swirled as the wormhole was formed. Once complete the lead ship moved forward and vanished from normal space, behind it the other ships entered.

Moments later the flotilla appeared in normal space at the requested distance. Once the last of the ships came through the wormhole closed behind them.

Bridge of the Chiharu
The sensors showed a quantum event forming at the specified distance from the fortress. There were three distinct types. The lead ship was larger than the rest. There were twelve other ships that appeared to be fighting craft. Lastly there were eight smaller lightly armed vessels.

The ships moved into a precise pattern on either side of the large ship, forming some sort of honor guard.

A communications channel was opened from the lead ship.

"Yamatai Space Station this is the Gulvi-ka Mui, we have the honor of carrying the Vonai-Rya'ka. She request permission to dock and meet with your Premier." came a voice across the channel.

All traffic in and out of the Star Fortress was cleared prior to giving the aliens permission to approach. They did not want an unfortunate incident such as a collision to occur.

"Gulvi-ka Mui, Welcome to Chiharu Star Fortress, and to Yamatai Star Empire space. You are cleared to approach bay eight, the doors are open and facing you. When you approach at 10,000 meters please shut down your drives and we will bring you in by out tractor systems." the Taisa for the station said standing at his station.

He then sent a message to the Premier

"Ketsurui Yuumi, the Poku Degonjo Saeruo vessels have arrived. The ship with their Emissary is moving towards us. We are bringing them to Bay eight. Please advise what kind of arrangements you would like us to make for reception. Magnus-Taisa"
Premier Yuumi said:
Arrange the best conference room you have, and outfit it to the nines. Let's be impressive here. Food, decor, all of it. Use Nodal System decor if necessary.
The Premier watched the ships approach the station.

"A Sakura-class hull ... an old one."

"Where did they get it?" Kei asked, hands folded into her Samurai sleeves behind the Premier.

"Salvage from the SMX?" Miki posited, watching the wall-sized volumetric panel next to Yuumi.

"They didn't get it from us," Yuumi said, thumb and finger rubbing the front of her chin. "KAMI, are there any traces of aether emanating from those vessels?"

The computer paused to check all available data. "No, Premier. The engines produce plasma-based thrust, and data suggest its faster-than-light propulsion relies on wormhole generation, not hyperspace fold."

Yuumi's ears wiggled a little, then peeled back. "Wormhole generation ... that uses less power?"

"Correct, Premier. Wormhole generation and travel in any form requires less energy, as it is not strictly propulsion, unlike hyperspace fold. Folding consumes enor"

"So we can believe they don't have aether. That's a start." Yuumi straightened her collar some and watched the ships slow to a halt. "Kei. Your best two Stealth Sentinels, please. Miki, make sure the arrangements go as needed."

The two bowed to Yuumi, then exited to handle their separate duties.
Chiharu Star Fortress
The IES for the Chiharu started making arrangements, both physical and otherwise. The largest conference room was being repurposed. Tables and chairs were being brought out of storage and moved into the room. Silk drapes and other wall ornaments were being formed by the Nodal system. The Flag of the Empire was displayed on the rear wall.

Requests for food, drink and ceremonial dishes, glassware and cutlery were pull out of storage and arranged.

The table was covered in a white cloth with Ketsurui red trimming. An ice sculpture center piece was carefully placed.

The stations musical corp was notified and a platform for the performers was set up on the left side of the room.

Meanwhile in the landing bay preparations were also underway, a security/honor guard presence was put in place, and a large red carpet was rolled out, it ran from the interior door to the place where the ship was to be placed.

Gulvi-ka Mui
Kohaku stood on the bridge watching as the Star Fortress grew on the view screen.

Saflea looked at her, "That structure is huge. Power generation signature is consistent with those we have detected in other Yamatai Clan vessels."

"Star Army of Yamatai, Saflea. Their fighting ships are a different organization." the Emissary reminded.

"Star Army. Sorry, it is an unusual concept. This is a very thrilling day. A turning point for our people. Your honor guard is standing by Vonai-Rya'ka. As you requested, Twenty Swift Knife Sect warriors from the Ruoka'ka. Per your orders, they are carrying bladed weapons only, formal attire.

The Lore Keeper and Faith Walker representatives are waiting with the warriors as well."

"Excellent, you have the other items I requested prepared as well." the emissary said.

"Yes, the tokens are prepared they should be sufficient to honor our hosts. The translator devices have been programmed with the latest version the Silver Moon clan could provide."

"Approaching the designated distance from the alien structure. Securing engines and helm Emissary." the pilot called out. "We appear to be in some sort of projected gravity beam."

Kohaku ran a mental checklist of the preparations. Everything was as ready as she and her people could make it. She walked over to Saflea "Time for us to join the others then."

Shortly after the Emissary had left the bridge the Ta'a replayed the communications with the Yamatai Clan structure. She growled deep in her throat. We may not be a large as this Clan, but nor are we beggars that their Premier should insult the Emissary. she thought.

"Pilot, all engines back reverse. Hold our position." she said angrily.

The pilot did as ordered, and the plasma engines flared to life The ship shuddered to a stop and a vibration could be felt in the decks as the Sword refused to be pulled forward.


Kohaku felt the ship deaccelerate. She stopped at an intercom station, activated it. "Bridge." she said, a second later the unit displayed a channel to the bridge was open. "Ta'a what is wrong? Why have we stopped?"

From the speaker, "Vonai-Rya'ka, we can not proceed. To do so would be a grave insult to you and to the Clan."

"What do you mean? What insult? You do realize how important this meeting is to the Mui." she replied.

"Yes, Vonai-Rya'ka. But still we may not proceed. If we were to enter their structure as things stand, it would be an insult. I have reviewed the communications. You have spoken directly to the the station, stating our intentions. So far, their Premier has only spoken back through intermediaries. So doing she sends a message that you are not her equal, and that she does not respect you. If she disrespects you as our Vonai-Rya'ka, then she disrespects the clan and the Mui."

Kohaku mentally played back the conversations. The Ta'a was correct, Yuumi did not speak to them, the station personnel did. Gah, how did I miss that, it would not even occur to the Premier. It is simply how they operate. she thought

"Ta'a, this meeting of our peoples must be done in a good way. We are new to this meeting of races in a peaceful nature. Kindly inform them of the situation, politely." she said emphasizing the last word.


"It shall be done as you command Vonai-Rya'ka." the Ta'a said turning off the intercom. She turned to the communications station.

"Open a channel to the Star Army" station, to my console.


On the bridge of the Star Fortress they watched the alien vessel slowing approach under the pull of their graviton beam projector. Suddenly the image of the ship changes as purple flares of energy stared coming out of the crafts engines halting its progress.

Gerard watched and noted that the sensors confirmed the alien ship was holding position. A second later his communications chief signaled. "Taisa Magnus, the alien vessel is hailing us. Putting it on speaker after translation."

"Star Army station.
I am Kamti Geasia, I speak for this ship.
Your ways are not the way of our people. We may not proceed until a matter is resolved without insult to the Emissary and the Clan.

The Vonai-Rya'ka has shared words with you, but so far your Premier has not shared words with us. We may not proceed until she does this.

We await."

Gerard had a look of concern, "Kontan, pass on this information to the Premier immediately."
Yuumi sorted her outfit -- her best power suit of shades of teal -- and opened a panel that liked her to the bridge of the Emissary.

"I apologize for my behavior, Emissary," Yuumi said. "A small crisis on my home planet demanded my attention, and I resolved it as fast as I could. Please be reassured no slights are meant against you. We are ready for your arrival on the station. Welcome to Yamatai."
Kohaku listened to the reply, it was brief but sufficient. She knew the Ta’a was not looking for an apology, just an acknowledgement from one to another as equals. “Signal our acceptance. Also advise them that we prefer to come in on our own power.” She said to the Ta’a.


The Ta’a smiled broadly at the last statement made by Kohaku.

"Star Army station.
This is Kamti Geasia speaking. We have heard the words of your Premier and we accept them as you have accepted ours. Kindly disengage your gravity beam, it is our wish that we enter under our own power.


Gerard listened to the translation. He was glad the initial hurdle of status quo had been cleared. He turned to the Harbormaster, “Sutton-Taii, inform your people to disengage the graviton beams, use bay lighting to indicate where our guests should park.”

The willowy, flaxen haired, Yamataian female looked at Gerard to make sure she heard properly. “Right away Taisa.” She replied sending the appropriate command.


“Pilot hold position until the gravity beam is terminated. Then proceed with thrusters, standard docking procedures just as if this were Home Station.” The Ta’a said.

A moment later the beam stopped and the sword lurched backward ever so briefly before the pilot started moving them forward. She watched the alien structure grow ever larger in the view screen. The only object that she was use to being that large was world station. The fact that the Yamatai Clan called it a fortress did nothing to make her feel better. She chose to conceal her nervousness by monitoring the data on the console.

She watched as the bow of the ship passed through the force field across the bay entrance.

Landing Bay

The Sword glided into the cavernous bay on pure momentum, the pilot activated their Heim force generators as it approached the threshold. The ship remained several meters above the deck its hull glistening in the bay lighting and the clan’s crest visible on the top. Using thrusters the pilot of the clan ship slowed the vessel until it hovered above the location that had been designated. A gentle touch of the controls caused the Emissary's ship to turn around so that the 'sword' pointed back towards space. The pilot would have preferred a more impressive maneuver, but erred on the side of caution given their location. Arresting the ship’s rotation, she nudged the ship down towards the deck. As the ship lowered panels on the bottom opened and the ship's three landing gears extended. They reached full extension just prior to touching down. The ship's movement was arrested by the landing gears as they adjusted to the weight.

The Ta'a of the Sword smiled to herself as she watched what had happened from her station on the bridge. "Nicely done Pilot, showing off just a little I see." The pilot turned to Ta'a, “The Emissary wanted our arrival to be impressive. About the best I could do under the circumstances."

The Sword sat still for a few minutes, as various sections of the hull opened to allow the retractable weapons though never powered up to be withdrawn. Once all were retracted and the sections closed the ambient noise from the ship became lessened as the drives were secured and the ship went into a lower energy mode. One the starboard side of the ship a panel opened and a ramp extended and made contact with the deck with almost no sound.