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Can ships turn WHILE in FTL? If so, which sorts?

One reason (though probably not the reason) SARP rules now prohibit FTL combat is because back in the days past there used to be FTL combat, but it became overpowered to a ridiculous degree. So it was removed altogether. The old Yui-class ships used to be able to carry out FTL strafing runs, but then no targets would be able to avoid them.
If you can do FTL combat... so can your enemy do it to you. And they usually get the first strike against you.
And that would leave you without the support you need to sustain an effective battle as your infrastructure of Industrial, Food, Medical, Personnel resources to draw upon would be gone. Your Military Command, Intel, Bases, will be gone also. Which leaves you very little to return the favor.
Depends really, sinec FTL isn't really possible within a planets Hillsphere it would really only work outside of a star system or away from gravity wells.
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