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[Carthage] Perry Class Heavy Expeditionary Cruiser


Inactive Member
Expeditionary Cruiser
Os-C-03 Perry Class

Table of Contents
1. About the Perry
2. History and Background
3. Dimensions and Crew Complement
4. Performance Statistics
5. Inside the Perry
6. Ship Systems
1. Armored Hull and Hull-Integrated Systems
2. Environmental Systems
3. Sensor and Computer Systems
4. Weapons Systems
7. Vehicle Complement
8. Trademarks and Copyright Information (OOC)

-------------1. About the Perry-----------------------------------------------------------------
Designed by Carthage Project scientists and engineers as the standard cruiser for the viridian expeditionary fleet, the Perry is similar to a normal heavy cruiser while lacking only in heavy offensive weaponry. The ship can also carry modules containing cargo, fighter bays, or various other things.

-------------2. History and Background-----------------------------------------------------
Conceived by the Carthage Project as its mainstay cruiser for the new Veridian Expeditionary fleet, the Perry is a jack of all trades. This class of ship is also the first to use a reactor system and developed by the Carthage Project, namely the Carthage Reactor Type VI, developed and tested in-house. The ships spine was also lengthened midway trough its design to facilitate the transport of modules.

-------------3. Dimensions and Crew Complement:----------------------------------------
Organizations Using This Vessel: Carthage Project: Veridian fleet
Type: Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser
Class: NS-EHC-01
Designer: Carthage Project
Manufacturer: Carthage Base
Production: 20 Ships

Crew: 600
Maximum Capacity: 670

Length: 600M
Width: 240M
Height: 108M
Decks: 26
Mass: 200,000 Tons

-------------4. Performance Statistics---------------------------------------------------------
Speed (STL): 0.1 to 0.71c Sublight
Speed (FTL): 10,500c
Speed (Aerial): Mach 1
Speed (Water): N/A

Range (Distance): 200 LY
Range (Support): 9 months with full supply stock.
Lifespan: With routine upgrades & maintenance, the Perry class has an estimated life of 20 years
Refit Cycle: 5 years, or as needed.

-------------5. Inside the Perry-----------------------------------------------------------------

Bridge: The Perry has a more modern bridge layout compared to most Nepleslian ships, with the captain situated at the center of the bridge with the helmsmen and tactical officer to the fore of him, and the science and engineering stations at the aft. The Perry's interface systems are mostly manual, with keyboards, knobs and switches dominating the ships controls.

Corridors: Corridors are well lit, and the overall lighting changes to red when the ship is in combat.

Crew Quarters: Each crewman has their own quarters for the long missions away from port. These are normally sparse except for commanding officers.

Officers Quarters: These rooms are slightly larger, with the captains being the largest, and are fully furnished.

Wardroom: Located on deck 3, the wardroom is where the captain and commanding officers eat. There is a large wooden table that fills the center of the long, rectangular room, with comfortable chairs around it.

Amenities: There is one restroom for every 20 crew members.

Sickbay: The Perry has 4 large medbays, each fully equipped for a warship of it's size and crew compliment.

Engineering: running the entire 10 decks at the aft of the ship, the Perry class has one of the most efficient reactor systems to date. A minimal engineering crew of 15 can operate the ship under normal conditions. All 10 decks can be reached via ladder in the event of mass power loss.

Mess hall. The ship has two mess halls, one fore and one aft, each capable of holding 150 people.

Recreation: The recreation deck (13) is primarily located in the middle of the ship, and only occupies half a deck. It serves relaxation and sporting functions for off duty crewmembers. This deck features a full gym, swimming pool, spa, and various sport courts.

Armories: There are 26 armories on the ship, located every other deck, fore and aft.
These armories are fully stocked with the latest Nepleslian weapons as of YE 30

The ship's exterior is equipped with one large shuttlebay located aft/dorsal which is a force field-contained opening in the hull. The bay makes it possible for shuttles to fly out into space at their convenience. This bay is normally sealed via a large sliding segmented door.

-------------6. Ship Systems-------------------------------------------------------------------

Hull: Composed of thick panels of Neutronium-coated steel around a carbon nanotube frame and Mercurite anti-radiation shielding, the Perry's hull provides fairly good protection.

Main Power: Primary FTL and weapons power is supplied through an aether tap system, which harnesses the fabric of space surrounding the ship and converts it into clean usable energy.

Secondary Power: AM-M Reactor CRT VI
The ship uses a high output fusion reactor assembly to efficiently generate power whilst consuming miniscule amounts of its hydrogen fuel. Fuel is stored towards the aft of the ship and at a safe distance through the reactor and can be ejected from the ship in an emergency.

Airlock System: The main airlock is located on the ventral surface of the ship, designed to allow the crew to quickly board and depart the ship.

Docking system:
The Perry uses the new Nepleslian UNIV-A Docking clamp systems, located midway on the spine of the vessel, which enables any smaller vessel, so equipped to be docked to and also carried along by the larger ship. The UNIV-A is capable of quickly docking and releasing any compatible ship attached to it via 4 magnetic clamps.

Escape Pods: Escape pods are located primarily on the forward hull with enough to accommodate a crew of 600. An MEC-D is located at the Medibay for the injured or otherwise incapable of surviving in the pods. The pods have food and oxygen for 90 days and are on a 5 sharing basis. MEC – B also provided inside should the 90 days run out.

Environmental Systems: Enviro and Atmospheric generators/recyclers are located at various key points inside the ship. The ship is designed to be self-sufficient for 9 months, at which time it should dock to acquire fresh air and supplies.

Normal Spatial Communication: Laser and radio bands provide normal space communications.

Hyperspace Communications: The hyperspace communications relay allows near real-time communication between starships and other vessels or planetary bases.

Unidirectional Gravitational Plating: plating on the roof emits a psuedo-gravitational field that is attracted to the plates on the floor pushing everything on the ship 'down'. This creates the false sense of gravity that permeates the ship

Module system:
The Perry can carry 2 Modular cargo units. The module system is the measurement of standard cargo capacity. Each "Cargo Moduleâ€
I must say two things:

Firstly, while I am fond of forum tags and prettying submissions, all things are good in moderation and I must say the clashing eye-hurting color coding is way waaayyyy too much for good taste.

Also, you're going to have to find another name other than 'phasor' because it's way too close to the Star Trek 'Phaser' for comfort.

Oh, nice little picture. ^_^
Primary Shields: Collapsed Dimensional Shielding, a relatively new technology based on older super-string theories, wraps a single dimension around the ship, making it very difficult to damage with energy based weapons and some kinetic weapons.
A tad too slow,

Warhorse Stats said:
4. Performance Statistics
Speed (STL): 0.70c
Speed (FTL): 10,000c
Speed (Aerial): Mach 1.4
Speed (Water): N/A

The Warhorse is only slightly smaller than the Perry.

Also a Power Armor contigent perhaps?

The pods have food and oxygen for 90 days and are on a 5 sharing basis. MEC – B also provided inside should the 90 days run out.

I dont want to know how it smells like in there after 89 days ~_~.
Ok, to answer a couple of questions/concerns:

I just made up collapsed dimensional shielding, thou I guess it is theoretically possible.

I designed the ship compared to the NDI heavy cruiser. take a look at it and then tell me if you think the Perry is overpowered.

It will have a power armor contingent when I or someone else can get around to designing new ones for Carthage. x.x the Perry alone took me 2-3 days to be up to SARP standards, and by comparison the Axis should take a month.

I got that weapon and most the other off of the NDI heavy cruiser design. Since it's already approved for SARP, please explain this contradiction in terms to me?

Also, I cleaned up the coloring Kotori, hopefully this will be better. You asked for better formatting in a different submission, so I'm just trying to make it easy to read and jump around the sections in the ship description.

Oh and Doshii, you may hate steve perry, but he LOVES you! =D
The Nerimian tech level is on par with Yamataian tech. Right now us Nepleslians have to create ships based on our tech level.

Oh sure sure there is a contract between Nepleslia and Nerimia, but remember that while NAM is a goverment body, Oscorp is not. Even then NAM does not (Or atleast tries not to) use Nermian tech in its Designs.

EDIT: Because yeah, you might need Derran Tylers permission if you want to use his tech.
No ... just no.

1, Cut down on the psychedelic. It just makes the top of the page look decidedly silly.

2, Perry? Any reason for the name at all? Given that Perry, when not a name, is an alcoholic beverage. Made from pears. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perry

3, That is a very short about section. Look at other ships to see the level of detail you should have. It also doesn't say anything other than "This ship is as tough as other heavy cruisers, but I didn't put in quite as much weaponry."

4, Some of those details, like about the reactor, should probably be in 'About'.

5, Please look at the nomenculture system of the site. We do not use 'EHC' for 'Expeditionary Heavy Cruiser'. https://stararmy.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=697

6, We are told the ship has 600 crew. However it would be vastly more helpful if you could tell us how this crew is divided - how many are marines, how many bridge crew, how many engineers, how many pilots, how many are security, how many officers there are - that sort of thing.

7, You do realise that your ship is a Sovereign class from Star Trek with some more spikes right? Because that is very very obvious from where I'm sitting. It's sort of similar to how your other ship is rather obviously a Romulan Warbird.

8, That is extremely slow FTL. Now don't look at NDI ships to work out how fast your ship should be - look at other Nepleslian ships.

9, You have an additional [/colour] box at the end of your performance statistics.

10, Please, please, put some more detail about the bridge. Look at the Sakura, the Miharu or any modern ship to see the level of detail we want for a ship that may have to be RPed in. You can't cover details with 'more modern' - that means nothing. Less than nothing even.

11, Your crew quarters have no details what so ever! Look at other ships I beg of you. I know NDI doesn't normally detail rooms but we do! You have to make these rooms in enough detail that someone can actually go into one and RP - without having to make it up as they go along. What's the bed like? Where do they store clothes? Does it have a writing desk? Even more importantly - how many are there on board?

12, Where does that Captain sleep? Are we to expect that he sleeps in the crews quarters like everyone else?

13, And officers? We could really do with some quarters for the officers.

14, Every single crew's quarters has its own washroom? Firstly for a military vessel that's ludicrous. Space is everything, why would you waste it on a frivolous luxury? Secondly - details! Tell us what is in the washroom, how its laid out! Is there a toilet? A basin? A shower? A bidet?

15, Nice to know the reactor is efficient. Now how about actually telling us how the engineering room is laid out rather than just running for ten floors. How do you get between floor for example.

16, More details about the mess hall. I'm going to assume it has tables in it. But having details about how serves the food, how it is distributed and from where and things such as that would be good. In an ideal world I'd ask for measurements in metres to see how big the room is.

17, You have a nice idea there. Recreation deck. But you spoil it with a complete lack of details. This will definitely be RPed in, if the ship is RPed in at all, and yet as a player I have NO idea what to do with it. What's in the deck? What facilities? A swimming pool? Park? Gym? Shooting range? Harem? Casino? Bar?

18, How about a Wardroom where the officers and captain eat?

19, How about armouries?

20, How about corridors that link the rooms?

21, How about some details about how the rooms interrelate. For a indication of how this can be done on a large vessel look at the Onslaught.

22, Is there no medbay? No please to get patched up or healed on a war vessel of this size?

23, How about the shuttle bay which is detailed on the drawing?

24, For that matter, why are the main sensors pointing backwards.

25, How think is the hull?

26, Anti-matter won't cut it. I know you're a big fan of your Star Trek - because this really is very Warp Drivian, but in this universe anti-matter is not capable of delivering the amount of power needed to run ships of this power - the fuel is used up too quickly. Even in Star Trek they weren't carrying nearly enough fuel ...

27, How does the UNIV-A Docking clamp system work? What allows it to clamp onto other vessels?

28, You actually mention a Medibay here ... and yet don't have a room for it.

29, Your details about the pods aren't bad - but preferably we could have how fast they travel, and what they look like from both the inside and outside. I'd also like to know how they launch through the hull.

30, In statistics you say the ship can last 8 months without supplies, in systems you say 9.

31, Why, oh why, would a Cruiser be carrying Cargo Modules?

32, You detail the Shuttle Bay here, but you should really have it under internal details.

33, Tachyon's really don't work that way ... but I'm willing to believe that some approved ship does use that sensor already.

34, Notable lack of radar.

35, Your sublight drive is NDI technology. Why would your ship have that?

36, Collapsed Dimensional Shielding certainly sounds very cool, but I doubt it would work. Details of how you wrap a dimension postulate in super-string theory, where those dimensions are the smallest things in existence and wrapped up in high energy strings?

37, More NDI technology, I don't know why you're using it. Your institution, while linked with Nepleslia, is not linked with the NDI.

38, What variety of computer is it? Quantum? What are its capabilities?

39, The layout of your weapons isn't the way we do them.

40, You really should be linked with NDI before you start using all their technology ... especially when all of the weapons are taken from them.

41, 1 AU really doesn't out range most guns in this setting.

42, You can not base the name of an RL person. And this thing is so close to a Sovereign in design it's nigh on Copyright violation ...
Thank you, Zakalwe. We needed that kind of detailed piecing apart of this thing.

In all honesty, Razeal, I've found you're criminally uncreative. What's worse is, either you don't realize it or you pretend you don't and hope we don't care. Unoriginality isn't exactly uncommon in sci-fi settings (virtually everything's been done before), but you're barely throwing a fresh coat of paint on things.

Maybe you could do better. I don't know. But what I do know is, you haven't proven yourself to me to be skilled enough to call yourself a career 'ship designer'.

But I'm always willing to give a guy another chance, if he shows his skill. I challenge you to prove me wrong.
Still not nearly enough details, a large number of my points still stand.

If required I can go through the whole post again, commenting all the way, but so far - it's simply not detailed enough, along with other problems outlined above.