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[Carthage] Starviper Class Fighter


Inactive Member
==== Space Superiority Fighter NS-SSF-1a StarViper ====

=== Background & History ===
Developed by Carthage Project as their main star-fighter, the Starviper uses off the shelf parts to increase ease of manufacturing and reliability. Perhaps considered a dated design by some, the StarViper is intended to prove its worth in combat.
Its early development came from comparative data analysis of all the major powers star-fighters and finally settled on a middle ground between all of them. It was also decided that the fighter should be atmospherically capable in anticipation of a future space superiority fighter.

=== Statistical Data ===

Government: Carthage Project
Type: Short-Range Multipurpose Fighter
Class: Space-Fighter
Manufacturer: Carthage Base
Crew: 1 Pilot

=== Speed Data ===
Speed (Sub light): 0.30c
Maximum Range: 150 hours flight time under main reactor
Lifespan: The vessel is rated at 10+ years, not including upgrades.

Length: 20 feet
Width: 32 feet
Height: 8 feet (10 with landing gear deployed)
Weight: 3 tons (3.5tons fully loaded)

Pilot Information: One pilot between 5' and 6'3 tall.

===== 4. Roleplay Stats and Cost =====

==== Sections and Armor Rating ====
Main Hull: 3
Port Wing: 3
Starboard wing: 3
Main engine: 3
Port Engine: 3
Starboard Engine: 3

==== Ship Resource Point Cost ====
FTL Engine: 0
Hyperspace Drive: 0
Sublight Engine: 30
Main Starship Super-weapon: 0
Main Gun Battery: Varies
Secondary Guns: 0
Point Defense Guns: 0
Main Generator: 400
Secondary Generators: 0
Environmental Systems: 1
Computer: 100
Armor: 150 (50x3)
Stealth Armor: 0
Sensor System: 100
Shield Systems: 600
Nanotech systems: 0
Total: 1381

====Weapons Data====

*Weapons pod (2): These two cavities in the fighter can hold various weapon systems listed later in a secure bay with doors that protect the internal weapons system when retracted
Primary Purpose: holding a weapon unit
Damage: None
Payload: 1 weapon system per pod.

*Modular weapon options

Rail Gun (2): This is a small sized rail gun mounted in one of the compartments. When deployed a hydraulic arm moves the gun outside of the bay and will then target anything the pilot targets with his H.T.B helmet

Primary Purpose: Anti-mecha/Anti-fighter
Secondary Purpose: light Anti-ship
Damage: moderate
Range: unlimited in a frictionless environment
Rate of Fire: 2 rounds a second
Payload: 3000 Half-inch rounds

Type II Energy Pulse Cannons (2): An electromagnetic weapon - sends rapid pulses of exceptionally strong interphased electromagnetic energy resulting in a 5 terrawatt blast that forces its way through most known shield technology and produces a dramatic shearing effect which quickly destroys the target ship's materials.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-aircraft
DAMAGE: Moderate damage against hulls. Heavy damage against shields.
SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti-missile/defensive
RANGE: 3 miles in an atmosphere.
RATE OF FIRE: fires in rapid pulses of 4.
PAYLOAD: Effectively Unlimited.

Type II Plasma cannons (2): This weapon is a extension to the reactor that channels its power through magnetic focusing systems to provide a powerful compact energy weapon that has a near limitless ammo supply.

Primary Purpose: Anti-mecha/Anti-fighter
Damage: light
Range: Generally 2 miles
Rate of Fire: continuous stream (useful for shooting down missiles)
Payload: Effectively unlimited, so long as the ship provides power for the plasma gun.
Plasma gun: This weapon is a extension to the reactor that channels its power through magnetic focusing systems to provide a powerful compact energy weapon that has a near limitless ammo supply.

Type XII Firesturm Missile pod (2): Containing 20 energy signature seeking micro-missiles, the Firesturm Pod uses data from the fighters targeting computer to acquire its targets and their priority.

Primary Purpose: Anti-mecha/Anti-fighter
Damage: light
Range: Generally 1 mile.
Rate of Fire: 10 missiles per second
Payload: 20 missiles


*Armor: The starfighters hull is primarily composed of the advanced lightweight alloy known as Durandium, which provides excellent all-around protection from starfighter and mecha-based weaponry, good to moderate protection against heavy anti-fighter weapons, and poor resistance against starship-class weapons.

*Shields: The StarViper is equipped with basic electrostatic shielding which repels most comparable fighter weaponry and can be set to low-power mode when not in combat.
====Systems Data====

====Fighter Subsystems====
*H.T.B: A relatively old innovation the H.T.B. allows the pilot to see sensor targets highlighted aim turrets and see critical data displayed directly on her retina. It also allows the pilot to target and fire her multiple weapons systems with relative ease.

*Class 3 plasma reactor: using a combination of chemicals and a small electric shock to start a plasmatic reaction contained by magnetic fields to power the ship and weapons systems.

*Chaff system: This devise deploys a radar dummy (usually a large reflective surface or series of small flares) to attract incoming enemy missiles and draw them away from the fighter.
Until further developments are made elsewhere (I made the points clear), this thread will be locked.
*H.T.B:[/b] a relatively old innovation the H.T.B. allows the pilot to see sensor targets highlighted aim turrets and see critical data displayed directly on her retina. It also allows the pilot to target and fire her multiple weapons systems with relative ease.

Remeber to remove the unessisary [/b] in your next update.
Updated as of Feb 7th, 2007. I would appreciate the fighter formated SRP list and any suggestions for stuff I might have forgot.