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[Carthage] Trinity Unit Mk I Type A (Combat Model)


Inactive Member
=====Carthage Project CP-TRI-J-01-Type A Trinity Autonomous Android Unit (Leutrinity)====

====History and Background====
The Trinity Unit Mark I Type A encompasses so many developments by Jacob Heinsch and his team over the years; from it's advanced learning neural net AI to its agility in combat. Originally conceptualized as two different projects, The Type A is a small and nimble android designed for combat, while the Type B is to boost the Nepleslian population without the need for cloning. Both types have nearly identical outer shells.

The Type A posses many of the same social AI components as the type B, although it is geared more towards military application. The same learning algorithms that they apply to combat situations are used for interaction with their attached companies. This allows a Trinity unit better "fit in" and understand their company's intentions, so it can function more independently without a steady stream of orders. The AI also comes preprogrammed to allow the Trinity to easily adjust to private interactions with male crewmembers, both physical and emotional.

*Combat: One of the original Trinity concepts was to have it function as a highly agile and fast combat android. The Unit's immense ground speed was achieved by advanced electro-active polymer muscular systems in the legs which provided the raw power required to get up to speed and jump long distances.

Almost all trinity units are also equipped with advanced optics in their artificial eyes, allowing them to see a wide range of the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums, in addition to the normally visible spectrum of light. Their hearing is also enhanced compared to a normal Nepleslian, by using the acoustic software in their artificial brains, while their sense of touch is on par with most Nepleslians.

===Statistical Information===
*Government: Carthage Project/Osbourne Corporation.
*Organization: Carthage Project/Nepleslian Star Army - Carthaginian Division
*Class: CP-TRI-J-01-Type A.
*Designer: Jacob Heinsch & Carthage Project Advanced Cybernetics R&D Team Beta
*Manufacturer: Carthage Base
*Production: 3,600 Units
*Crew: Most Trinities are capable of self-maintenance via programming & downloadable diagrams, thus requiring technicians only for major repairs or upgrades.
*Maximum Capacity: Trinity units intended for combat can typically lift 160 lbs. Units used for civilian purposes can normally lift their own body weight.

Appearance: Units are able to customize their appearance through minuscule electro-stimulus of their hair & eyes via built-in conductors at the root of each hair and in the cornea of the eye.

===Unit Specifications===
*Length: 9in
*Width: 16in.
*Height: 4ft 11in Average
*Mass: 180Lbs.
*Speeds: 75 Mph. Max.
*Planetary: Trinities can survive 200 ft combat drops and remain fully functional, and can also survive in space for the duration of their battery's lifespan. The unit's high endurance composite skin is highly resistant to cosmic radiation and most weathering.

*Range (Support): Two days recommended & fourteen days maximum. Most Trinity units are capable of performing basic repairs to their own components. However, without precision equipment available, a Trinity unit's components will quickly degrade in lifespan and capability if self-repairs are made. Aside from emergency repairs, a Trinity will usually limit its self-maintenance to little more than cleaning itself and running diagnostic programs.
*Lifespan: Design life span is projected at 5 yrs between major upgrades.

===Offensive Systems===
* Buckypaper high-density composite nails: Composed of a carbon nano-tube weave, these nails can penetrate most light armor and are especially effective in close combat.

*Small Arms: The trinity is capable of carrying the same small to medium arms that NSA light infantry carries. The trinity also is capable of precision marksmanship.

*Hacking: By using an internal variable band network connection, the Trinity can hack into most smaller computer systems, larger commercial and some military systems via use of its enhanced AI and preloaded hacking software. This component also includes a triple redundant hardware firewall system to protect the trinity from hostile computers.

===Defensive Systems===
CP-PS-02 Energy Shield
This shield generator is housed in a backpack and can encompasses the entire unit for up to 15 minutes at a time, requiring an hour to recharge after full shield energy expenditure. The shield frequency can be modulated to allow weapons fire to leave it while still blocking most light incoming ballistic and energy weapons fire. The backpack itself uses a compact rechargeable battery system similar to the Trinity's internal unit, while the batteries in the pack can be removed for charging, or recharged via a power cable.
Damage rating: 1

*Body Armor: Trinities have minimal body armor, flexible and restricted to vital areas such as the torso and head. The armor in turn is composed of carbon nano-fibers located under the artificial skin of the trinity.

===Systems Descriptions===

*Power: Trinity units can acquire power from both normal food intake and through their internal capacitors. These capacitors can hold a full charge for up to 48 hours under normal load, and for 24 hours under heavy combat conditions. The charging port for the internal batteries is located at the base of the spine, and can connect to existing power receptacle plugs.

Trinities can also use broadcast/wireless power while aboard ship or friendly vessels so equipped. This allows the units to operate for extended periods of time without running down their internal battery.

The unit's food intake system works much like a normal Nepleslian, using nano-machines to break food down into its usable components. Water can also be absorbed either through food or normal consumption of liquids for use in internal lubrication. Waste is disposed of in the form of small dry pellets prepared by the unit's internal nano-machines and exits in the usual biological manner.

*Athena AI system: Developed primarily by Jacob Heinsch and later in house at Carthage by Beta team, The Athena AI is capable of learning ad changing its operating parameters on the fly. The AI excels at combat as well as civilian activates and has even been used to a limited extent in medical duties aboard Carthage base.

A sub-program that is part of the overall Athena AI is a combat limiter. This prevents the unit from overloading its power system or injuring itself accidentally through over-exerting itself in combat.

*Recreation: In addition to its more obvious combat functions, the Trinity may also be used to sexually satisfy soldiers. However, by default the Trinity will avoid sexual relations outside its immediate squad in order to help maintain squad cohesion. This poly-fidelity also helps the Trinity maintain excellent levels of hygiene while still servicing multiple soldiers, and allows armed forces to use this as a as carrot-and-stick reward to encourage the squads to productivity.
This is accomplished physically by the use of artificial female organs similar to the Eve type, but lacking reproductive capabilities.

(OOC)Thanks to the many peoples who helped me! =D
Revision changes are highlighted in red.

This page written by Zachary T Carpenter & Leutre Veressis using the template designed by Wes Davis. Copyright ©2006
Last revised March 23, 2007
Edited your image to a link, Zach.

This will not be approved until your Juggernaut is approved.

Not to mention that the history going into this unit makes it rather hard to justify approving it anyway.

Technically speaking (to address this before Zack does) there's nothing particularly wrong with this unit, other than it somehow survives in space. A description of the actual armor, and how the backpack interacts with the Trinity unit, would be helpful.
k will do.
I suppose I should explain that it survives in space because the artificial womb is inactive and thus requires no oxygen for the non-exsistant fetus.
1, Past years? Carthage hasn't been around for years.

2, It's ‘AI' not ‘Ai'.

3, It's ‘boost' not ‘boast'.

4, ‘merged based' is an ugly syntax feature, I suggest reworking that sentence.

5, In tech submissions it might be best to say ‘Nekovalkyrja' rather than ‘Neko'.

6, Again, ‘several years'? I didn't know Carthage had been around that long.

7, When dealing with feet you do not use the decimal system. You give feet then inches.

8, ‘Capabilities are far surpassed by its appearance'? That means it looks far better than it is capable of.

9, How did Carthage get accurate information on the newest Nekovalkyrja models? Given that the NH-28 counts as a Nekovalkyrja I'm not sure if you can say that really.

10, On open ground most Nekovalkyrja will fly if they want there top speed.

11, Carthaginian Star Army? So you're not even serving Nepleslia now, right?

12, You're not using the right nomenclature system.

13, ‘Normal civilian use units' isn't good grammar. Far better would be, ‘The units used for civilian purposes can, normally, lift ...'

14, Length is relevant – how far is it from breast to spine?

15, 4'11â€
Two things...

AI Type: Artifical Neural Net AIs and directly coded AIs are entirely different things, but your description hints at being both. The former is fluid and relatively uncontrollable, almost exactly the same way human minds are. It cannot be "programmed" in the traditional sense, so it would not have "operational parameters." The latter type could be programmed, but for it to have the same level of free will would require among the most advanced AI engineering technology in the SARP universe (fitting a starship AI computer core in a humanoid robot). Which of the two AI types is it?

Homo Superior: Sentient humanoid robot? Difficult, more expensive, but not unprohibitively so. But a military-grade war droid that supposedly looks like a sexy, scantily clad girl? C'mon. If it were an intelligence-gathering machine, I could believe it. But its a direct assault unit. And how do you squeeze in durandium and military-grade high-grade shield emitters into something with the frame of a young woman? (Custodians droids are something like 500 pound bruisers, aren't they?)

Then you give it sex and reproduction capability. Giving a machine the ability to manufacture and maintain biological components (or the nanotech advanced enough to perfectly replicate it) would not only take up precious space in an already tiny machine, but would likely make it much more expensive to produce -- for no good reason. Believable if they were going to be concubine bodyguards for some rich Nepleslian, but this appears to be a battlefield weapon.

I thought they were one and the same, but I realized they weren't. This is basically an article on a war droid with a quick sidenote about a sexdroid designed for human reproudction. However, these should be submitted separately since war droids and a robot capable of birthing living children would each have its own entirely different line of criticism and critique.
Why do you keep bumping this without addressing anyone's concerns, Razeal? Wes isn't going to just pass this without you dealing with at least some of what we've brought up.
Seriously, when I just see "BUMP" for a reply, I generally ignore the topic entirely.
Tell us what changes you make. Moderators need to know exactly what you changed, so that way we have a log of how things went. When you just bump things after editing them, we don't know what has changed.
Kokuten said:
Hrm, maybe you could make it less... I dunno, 'Rape Targetable'?
It is suppose to look harmless..and they can be used for procreation! =D

Doshii Jun said:
Tell us what changes you make. Moderators need to know exactly what you changed, so that way we have a log of how things went. When you just bump things after editing them, we don't know what has changed.
Should I post each new version/revision as a reply then? =/

1) Its history claims years of research, but Carthage was formed like a month ago.
2) It's such a duplicate of Naomi Armitage (especially with that pic), thinking of appriving it makes me feel dirty.
3) "trinity's combat speed is on par with that of the newest observed Nekovalkyrja models" - Like NIWS? I'm incredulous.
4) "Trinity can even outrun them on foot over open ground." Consider that the average NH-29 can do 70mph with their flight (sprinting up to 30mph on foot if needed) and NIWS can form her own distortion field and zip around like a Mindy armor, I doubt this.
A microfusion reactor? Inside something that is meant to be reproductive. Not to mention all of the other things this unit has which seem highly unlikely in such a small package, considering the Nekovalkyrja is composed of femtomachines. This is essentially a robot that can somehow produce a child. "Years of research" by a private team that just happens to be connected to Carthage as well is also hard to swallow.

This submission is not approved.
RazealK said:
<s>(OOC) Blinded by the light. Revision changes are highlighted in red.</s>
Should say:
(OOC) Blinded by the red.

miniature spatial gravity manipulation unit...Advanced actuator systems...small magnets in its feet...
Technobabble alert! Gravity is essentially (or at least caused by) the bending of space. Calling something a spatial gravity manipulation unit is like calling a ship a 'ocean-going water-traveling unit.' Aside from that your description is sorely lacking in technical aspects, but I personally don't think that its a major issue. Most SARPers are writers, not academicians...though it would be nice to at least give the systems some proper names.

This development was also further aided by studies conducted by various Nepleslian scientists on the homeworld.
Unless Tom or another Nepleslian GM gives you permission, you can't drag their government into anything Carthage related, no matter how much I know you want to.

The unit's AI is also a new development, utilizing a preprogrammed AI which is capable of learning through a growing neural-net system. This technology branched from the Juggernaut teams Guardian AI and was part of the basis for the completed design.

Referencing to an incomplete source is bad. Since you haven't cleared up how Juggernaut AIs work (and the fact the Juggernaut is still unapproved) its not helpful to tie designs together.

*Hacking: By using the retractable universal interface cables at the back of it's neck, the Trinity can hack into most smaller computer systems, larger commercial and some military systems via use of it's enhanced AI and preloaded hacking software. This port also features a triple redundant hardware firewall system to protect the trinity from hostile computers.

Actually, I think Wes needs to clear this up when he has the chance. I sent him a query a while back asking what is/isn't allowed ICly in terms of hacking, especially involving PANTHEON...but I guess he's been too busy since he hasn't replied. Theoretically any system that allows anonymous access (PANTHEON) should be cracked eventually ("argument by scale"), but since no one in recent SARP history has dipped into the digital warfare realm there's really no reference to go on in terms of IC capabilities and OOC rules -- or if hacking is even possible with the diety-like PANTHEON watching everything.

*Height: 4ft 11in Average
*Mass: 120Lbs.
Increase the size and mass significantly, or downgrade defensive systems. A machine with the defensive capability of low-grade power armor should not be so light and tiny.

Doshii Jun said:
A microfusion reactor? Inside something that is meant to be reproductive.
Doshii is right; You can't have everything. Make up your mind on whether you want it to be a battlefield weapon or a socializing robot. You can't combine both worlds, at least not while maintaining that militant strength. Perhaps it would be more plasuable to create two variants; one strictly for combat and one strictly for reproduction/looks? If you think a high-powered battlefield weapon can be so sexy AND practicle, you've been watching too much anime.