Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP Cat Meets Bird

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
YE40, 10 hours after departure
RP Location
S6S-Anvil: Medbay---->Cabin 13---->Wardroom 4A
Haisely had stayed in the medbay for a while after Jack had left her earlier, she didn't have cuffs on or any guards watching her now but was bored out of her freaking mind. This Seraphina person hadn't shown up in over an hour now and the nepleslian was getting bored, in an effort to fill her time she had all of her cybernetics working as she tried to work her way into the ships systems to poke around and get some info. She'd managed to scavange up a small handheld computer to try and access a little more than just the manifests. "Who does this person think they are being this late anyway, I've half a mind to tear out their throat." She said to herself.

The sound of rapid steps could be heard as a tall Elysian woman entered the medbay. Her dress uniform and subsequently her, were covered in what look like soot. The tired looking woman fluttered her wings briefly to shake some off as she walked, stopping before the suite. "Seraphina Cerulius, lead for AR&D, please excuse my tardiness.", She said straightening the hem of her skirt after a bow.

"The fuck?" Was the first set of words to leave the pink haired girls mouth when the tall winged woman entered, looked like she didn't even know what she was doing here right now. "You Sera then?"

"Yes, most people call me that for short. Again, please excuse the delay. We incident in the lab. It is resolved now and I can lead you to your room.", The birb with a very curvy figure answered looking a little rough from said incident. Sera gestures for Haisley to follow, "This way please."

"Hmf." Was her only responce, her ears retracting beneath her hair and tail back into the base once again as she rolled off the bed and scurried up to the elysian curiously. "You smell funny."

"Plasma fuel. Very unstable if not handled correctly, and I was training new lab personnel.", Sera answered figuring that was what the girl was referring too. She tried to give a smile despite her current state, "Welcome aboard by the way."

"They didn't give you many details did they." Haisely said with a smirk, it was easy to read this girl she couldn't even believe it, she practically oozed innocence. "You sure you're qualified to lead people? Don't seem like you'd be good at it."

"What is that supposed to mean? I manage lab personnel for Rose, the department head. I've been doing this for over a year now. I helped design a lot of the newer gear we use too.", Sera said not really taking offense, finding the sentiment in her current state rather justified. This is why letting Carl work in the labs was a terrible idea.

"Lady I don't even know what you're on about, just get me some gel and a bed with pillows so I can keep working away form this depressing medbay. What happened you idiots get blown up or something?"

"We're getting there, and the request for the gel was already sent. Should be waiting there.", The angel answered as she tried to relax the teen's anxiousness.

"And sort of. Recruit decided to play with a plasma caught fire."

"Don't tell me I got offered a job because the rest of you are all this stupid sheesh." Haisely replied strolling ahead of her guide and looking around as she went, deciding she'd find her own way to somewhere interesting and no winger airhead was going to hold her back. First things first she needed a computer and preferably something she could use to display a hologram in her own place if people ever wanted her out of the den.

"Good heavens she's a bundle of energy.", Sera said idly as the girl ran ahead.

"How are you going to find your way around?", she called after Haisley before the girl got out of earshot.

"Trial and error!" She called back before her claws popped out again and she scaled a wall up to another landing in moments. Ships like this often had similar layouts and that meant crew quarters and so she went to the usual place, scampering around not a care in the world for anyone that saw her as she made her way towards the middle decks.

I feel like I should follow her, just in case.

Sera quickened her step before catching a lift up, finding the assigned room a few minutes later. Looking in she immediately saw a box of gel, but her eyes continued to look for the girl.

Haisely however, was not in her room. The neon pink girl had instead found her way to one of the mess halls and she had taken up residence in the kitchen since it seemed like no one else was here yet. She tapped her chin thoughtfully as she considered what to have for lunch, she'd missed breakfast too thanks to that woman kicking her out of the maintanence tubes. "They might whack me again if they don't know where I am hmm." She thought to herself noticing an intercom.

"Hey bird brained girl, sera whatever your name is, if you can hear this im getting grub."

The intercom was connected to the PA system, which only made Sera red with embarrassment as crew turned to stare at her as her name was used. The woman quickly walked towards the mess hall with a downward gaze.

Haisely hadn't wasted a moment and was already ripping open packets of crackers and cheeses and stuffing her face with them. Seeing the elysian arriving she tossed a cracker with cheese to her. "It's pretty good y'know. Is the gel there?" She asked assuming the bird woman had gone to the dorm first.

Sera was quiet for a moment as she fought over the embarrassment this girl had caused her, " time don't use the PA......please."

"PA system? Eh sure whatever, I want some gel now that I'm not hungry anymore." Haisely said springing from her seat and rushing out once more, she made a mental note to make herself a handheld mic to use with the PA for later. "You coming or what?" She called back to the poor elysian who was being dragged all over.

Sera gave a tired sigh, before quickly eating the cracker and cheese. Today was going to be a trial all in itself. Quickly the Elysian followed after the girl again.

After another couple of stops to take in the sights she finally reached her room and sprawled out on the bed. Now with access to her gel the girl took some in both hands and ran the, through her hair, not quite the same gell she was used to but It did the trick. Within a few moments her previously very long pink hair had become a large pink mohawk with a fringe and Haisely sighed. "That's better... Now to greak the PA system access codes k thanks."

Sera finally caught up exhausted and took in the sight of the Mohawk. To her it wasn't a very attractive, or even flattering hairstyle. Kids these days, which she silently was thankful her son didn't follow such trends.

"Are we done running around now?", The angel asked as she tried to catch her breath.

Haisely noticed the repulsiveness in her expression seeing the mohawk and scowled, "You don't like it? Then don't look at it, my style my body right?"

"Did I voice such thoughts, no I didn't. Just because I disapprove, doesn't mean I'll tell you to change.", The angel admitted as she finally caught her breath, "I may have to buy some sort of beeper just to keep up with you."

"A person's eyes can say more than words." Haisely said absentmindedly while looking around the room and nodding to herself. This would work as a temporary den although she wasn't sure if they'd let her setup as much equipment as she'd like to, might have to get rid of a bed or furniture to make room for extra monitors and drives. "And yes, I am done running around now, I also wouldn't change even if you told me to." The pink, now mohawk adorning girl said calmly as she flopped onto a bed and poked at the covers with her claws.

"Good, because I'm not. I was judged for being different far too much growing up to do it to someone else."

Sera stood straighter as she said this, dusting off her clothes. She was not the judgemental type, or at least tried not to be. "By the way, I don't think we were properly ever introduced."

Haisely sighed and rolled over onto her back to face the elysian, it seemed there would be no easy way to shrug her off and while conversations weren't her strong point in the real world she decided to humor her. "Goenkof, I'm Haisely Goenkof. I'm a stowaway and now apparently I work with you guys."

"Seraphina Cerulius, department lead for Advanced Research and Development. I imagine we'll be seeing each other around, but do call if you require assistance.", Sera said greeting her back.

"Well it's absolutely brilliant to meet you, what did you do to end up being my baby sitter. I assume you're meant to be keeping watch so I don't try and run or blow the ship up?" She asked with a bored tone, although her eyes were being drawn to the wings of the girl in front of her. She hadn't had the chance to meet an elysian like this before.

"Beg your pardon? Last I checked, I'm not your baby sitter. I assume though our duties will cross to where we'll end up working together."

"Oh you're not? So was that white haired guy telling the truth when he just said you were showing me my room and that's it?" The girl was confused, did these people seriously trust her that much after she simply gave her word? Did they expect her to feel obligated to not try and escape if they were this nice, it didn't make sense to her but she couldn't care right now. "Hey let me touch your wings, I haven't felt any wings before."

"Well no, we have security aboard, so secure areas are kept secure........and Why do you want to touch my wings? It's rather odd of a request, at least to elysians. Our wings are sensitive regions.........Hmm, I guess.", Sera said reluctantly.

Before she had even finished talking Haisely had gotten out of bed and behind her in a flash, running her fingers over the feathers of the wings with an expression of intriuge. "They're soft..." She said quietly, not daring to use anymore than her fingertips to gently touch the feathers as she stared intently at them. "I just wanted to feel some was all, they looked so soft every time i've seen them before and never had a chance."

"What the?!", she said in surprise, but quickly held her tongue as she felt her wings touched, "Have you never talked with a Elysian before in person?" Sera asked when she found her voice again.

"No, only online..." Haisely said, very gently grasping a feather with one hand for a moment before releasing it. "...Thanks..." She murmered, possibly the first nice thing she'd said to Sera since they met. Her ears had slowly emerged from under her hair once again while she looked at the wings and feathers, and her tail had come out and was slowly swishing around at her feet.

"Sure, anytime."

Haisely turned away and fished a small device from her pockets, she looked back at Sera and stared at her intently up and down slowly, her eyes adjusting as they scanned over the lady. "Here, for repayment..." The girl muttered before she rotated one of her eyes around to expose a small port on the side. She plugged in the small device and immediately it began glowing before slowly building up a holographic projection in her palm, it showed what looked like Sera dressed in a fancy looking engineer suit.

The angel blinked a couple times as she looked the design closely, "This is very well designed. I'm flattered, but repay me for what exactly?"

"Letting me touch your wings of course, dummy." Haisely said, turning away out of embarrassment before flicking the disc at the elysian, it was hers to keep now after all.

Sera caught the disc as it bounced off of her rather generous chest. Looking at the disc before giving the girl a smile, "Thank you."

Haisely wondered, would this girl, Seraphina, enjoy the online world she herself lived in for most of her life? Would she appreciate it if she showed her more of her own secret life? Hang on, why was she even thinking about that, she shouldn't be showeing strangers her secret life, she hadn't earned it at all. "Do we have food?" she asked simply with a blank expression.

"Hm? Yeah, there's a dispensary in the mess. Here, this is your card for food credits. With all the running around, I had almost forgot about it.", she said pulling out a card from her breast pocket before handing it over to Haisley.

The pink haired girl took the card thankfully, it's a good thing she decided to cooperate otherwise getting food would have been difficult. "Oh, cool thanks... I'm gonna head off and grab some food then."

Sera gave a slight bow and a smile before turning to leave, "See ya around Haisley."

The shorter girl reached out and grabbed one of her wings gently, "Did.. you want to come too? I, I forgot where it was..." It was a terrible lie and no doubt Sera would be able to see right through it, but Haisely actually wanted to have some company for once although she wasn't sure why, maybe being in a new place where they'd so easily accepted her had thrown her instincts off or something.

Sera in her naivety, thought the girl was being honest. "Oh, well then I'll lead you there then. To be honest, I could go for some lunch, and tea. I'd love to join you in that case."

Haisely smiled a little, at least now she wouldn't be alone in a big room with strangers eating by herself, she didn't mind eating by herself if she was in her den or somewhere secluded but in a mess hall, that would be awkward. Especially if anyone there knew she was the one who'd been stealing their desserts every night. "I'll follow."

Seraphina lead the way, the trip being a decently short one as the angel knew her way around well enough. The mess hall wasn't very populated, as most people were on duty, leaving plenty of open seats. "What do you want? I'll go grab it, on me."

"Oh uh, maybe a small burger." Haisely answered a little surprised at the offer so suddely. The list of things they could eat was a lot bigger than she expected, even after reading through their manifest so many times, "You guys certainly have a lot of food."

"We supplement with vegetables grown in the park on the hammer, and specially cloned meat.", Sera said quickly before heading off.

A few minutes later, the woman returned with two trays. "Here you go.", Sera said as she passed the tray of food.

Haisely nodded her thanks and dug in stright away, quickly devouring the burger along with its sides, it was a lot better than the rations she'd been stealing before and her face was a mixture of bliss and hungry need as she ate. Well after all this she couldn't even bring herself to be as mean anymore, but she was was still uncomfortable about talking so much in the real world.

Sera enjoyed a calzone and a cup hot lemon tea, but finding the girl's appetite and ferocity quite surprising. "You must have been really hungry. If you're still hungry, you can always get more.", she offered as she only made the half way point through her food.

"I'm ok." She replied softly, she was used to not eating much so it was ok. "Hey, can I take you somewhere, where I can talk easier."

"Um, sure, where is it you want to go?"

"Uhm, here just put this on your temples." The girl said handing two small patches to the elysian, "And then trust me, also make sure you have that disc I gave you earlier with you."

Seraphina did as asked and patted the pocket after she placed the patches on her temples. "Ready and the disc is right here."

"Good, now close your eyes if you can't handle motion well." She said before taking out her small device once more and tapping on the screen several times. Within moments the two of them fell unconcious as their minds were stimulated by the device. Haisely opened her eyes when the feeling had settled and looked around the pseudo universe her mind was now in along with Sera, who was represented by the avatar on the disc she had given her earlier.

Haisely herself was now the embodiment of a punk rock neko with pink fur and a read stripe down one side, blue ears and hair on her head and plenty of leather in her jacket and pants. "Hey how do you feel? Crazy right, welcome to my own little world. In here I'm god and this is my form, you get to take on the one from that disc earlier, you like it?"

Sera came to, dazed, opening her eyes slowly as she picked herself off the ground. The first thing to be realized was the change in attire, as her sight was greeted with her hands which pushed her up, now suited.

Standing up fully she looked down at herself fully, twisting around to see past her chest, at the suit she had recognized from the disc. "It feels very comfortable here, as if tailored specifically for me. The tool arm, what all can it do?"

"Well that depends on the tools ya got there. Looks like you could just about build yourself a space ship with all that." Haisely answered with a chirpy tone, she was almost like a completely different person now. "Anyway thought I'd bring ya here first so you could get used to the world and how it works, we'll be connecting to my personal server in a moment and fair warning, there'll be a lot of fans there but we will be protected."

The punk neko summoned a console from nowhere and tapped out a few commands, the world around them shifted and a voice spoke "Shifting to new Virtual access point, standby." Then instantly, without any shaking or twisting like the first time, they were standing up on a podium looking out over a crowd of easily 200 people.

"You called this place your private server, but what exactly is this place?"

Sera had to squint to see the crowd as she shielded her eyes from bright lights. This was such a strange experience, and could now understand her son's fondness for these VR worlds.

“Well I’m glad you asked. This is a whitelisted meet n greet room in my own virtual world, here I can address my fans and as name suggests, meet and greet them.”

Haisely gave a wave to the crowd who responded by cheering even louder, although a small group of about 20 off to one side simply clapped in silence. “In here I’m known as MissPinkRocker which is also this avatar design, I have several designs to switch through depending on what I’m doing but this is my favourite.”

"I didn't realized you played. You mentioned different outfits for different activities. What would those be?", Sera asked more curious now. It was clear that there was much more tothen this girl, and this world she had created. The fact she said she was God her, was however, a little unsettling.

"Well I don't quite play, more like entertain and take requests. Nothing disgusting if that's what you were thinking, I just try to break into systems and people bid on how long it will take me and iff i get caught or not. As for my other outfits, I have this one which I call the crowd pleaser for meeting my fans, and I have a more working style uniform for when I'm doing a show which like that arm of yours helps me out when im trying to break in." She explained while making faces at the crowd who cheered back regardless.

"Celebrity hacker is a new one.", Sera said thoughtfully as she processed this. She looked to the crowd examining the gathered people. "So are we supposed to do something, or do you normally have to wait for a challenge.", the birb asked as wondered how this gig worked.

"Yeah usually, but today I already said I was busy so they're just here to see you actually, told them I'd handed out a new avatar and they all wanted a look. So today Sera, you're the celebrity!" The neko looking girl grinned and threw her arms out, directing the crowd and a spotlight out of nowhere, to Sera in her own avatar form standing beside her. "So everyone how does she look!" The whole crowd was now clapping and cheering for the elysian.

This caught her rather off guard, her wings drooping slightly as a stunned look took over her face. "...........oh" Sera said in a small voice as looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Ah lighten up Sera, nothin to be afraid of here they all just wanted to see ya!. Anyway I think I've shown you enough for your first time in here, you wanna head back now?" Haisely asked putting a hand on the elysians shoulder.

As soon as Seraphina unfroze, she became very flustered and sporadic. Much like the startled dove from which her wings resembled. "Well I-I can keep going I just was not prepared so ya know I get nervous l-like this as you can see so maybe at least out of the spotlight for now please.", She said, the words just flowing with no pause, or slow as her wings twitched and fluttered nervously.

Haisely nodded and gave a final gesture to the crowds before walking the girl backstage as it were. Now they seemed to be in an entirely different place all together, a large room filled with screens, keyboards, a dishiveled bed in the corner and a closet looking set of doors at the far end of the room. "Welcome to paradise, here is where the magic happens. Don't mind the mess sometimes I stay in here for days at a time is all." The punkrock neko explained.

Sera took a minute to calm down, her wings going still in their folded positions. "It's nice, but what about your body on such occasions where your here for extended periods?"

"Usually I come in here while I'm curled up in a den or somesuch, preferable after a big meal so that I don't wake up starving." Haisely explained before jumping onto the bed and laying down. "All the money people bet goes back into this place, allows me to bring in more fans and upgrade the kind of virtual gear I can use on jobs. Some of it I keep when I need food or clothes in the real world. or for those member discs like the one I gave you, the guy who makes them ain't cheap."

"Well we certainly have you covered on clothes, food, and shelter. I guess that means you'll have much more then usual to put into this place.......I gotta ask, but why bring me here? This seems like something you'd show a friend.", she admitted as she looked around, before urning back to Haisley.

"Considering the amount of people who keep begging me to show up more often it's not exactly secret although you're right I don't bring any old person in, I'm not sure if I could easily call you a good friend or anything yet but you did help me out so I felt like showing you a little bit. Plus if you haven't noticed already I'm a lot easier to be around in here." The neko said, flicking some dirt off her nails. "And aside from that you're a pretty cool person, so sorry in advance for when we leave cause I'll just go back to being a the same as before."

"To be honest, my son when he's home, plays these kind of things quite heavily. Now I see the appeal. He's actually about the same age as you too.", Sera mentioned as she felt good about the girls words, "Also thank you for your kind words."

“Don’t mention it, hey ask you son sometime if he’s heard of me, would be kinda cool if even people here already knew me hah.” Haisely chuckled, but they’d been in for long enough now people might be worried on the outside. “Now close your eyes and hold on.” She said before cutting the connection.

Sera was about to say "I will.", before the connection severed. It felt like she had resurfaced from underwater. A feeling that was rather odd, and left with a shivered filled daze as she awoke.

Lifting her head up from the table, the angel took the patches off her temples before offering them back. "That is a sensation to get used to."

"Yeah." The girl beside her said simply, packing the equipment back into her little pocket. "Don't lose that disc." Haisely said softly, she was quite proud of her work and losing discs was not a cheap accident.

"Thank you....for sharing that with me."

Haisely simply shrugged and stood up without saying a word, before quickly leaving the mess hall and returning to her room where she sought refuge below her covers and continued her work. Diving back into her digital world where she could be free.

Sera was now left alone, but it brought a question. Had she just made a friend? Her's were limited to only a few, mainly all being those of the Pine family. Someone who wasn't, was a nice change for once. With the meal over, she got up and left shortly later.

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