Star Army

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This thread is basically here so you guys can give me input for the new CCG. I'm going to be making it in stages and in sort of a "tree" fashion so it's more interactive.

Basic flow of character creation steps...

Section 1
(Basic Questions on characters)
Species / Race

Section 2
(Questions on character depth and board rank)
Faction, Occupation, and History

Section 3
(Questions on character depth and ease of play)
Personality and goals in life
Psychological quirks and optional mental illnesses
Helping find a Name

Section 4
Post Bio
Post inventory
Done so far.

Next, we need to list all the player character races, and their possible classes.

Here's what I have so far for player character races:


Classes will be start with the ones on Page 1 of the original CCG.

Please note that if you don't participate in this thread, your ideas won't be counted into the next generation of the don't complain later. Get those ideas in now!
Is it really necessary to have an option for psychological quirks or mental illness? That sort of takes away the creativity and uniqueness of those things by just having an option there instead of someone adding it on their own. It would seem to me if that was there everyone would want a "schizophrenic" character even though they don't know what schizophrenia actually is.
new class: Hunter: A soldier who specializes in fighting a certain type of enemy. Only available right off the bat to Nekos, others may eventually multiclass into this from the Ranger class with GM persmission.

species weakness (selected species, reflects training on thespecies weakness in body and mind)
Sharpshooter, (increases lvl of weapon skills +1, small arms, sniper rifles only.)
Special: ???
Is it really necessary to have an option for psychological quirks or mental illness? That sort of takes away the creativity and uniqueness of those things by just having an option there instead of someone adding it on their own. It would seem to me if that was there everyone would want a "schizophrenic" character even though they don't know what schizophrenia actually is.
I'm thinking if it's left out, we basically won't see any psychoogical quirks/illnesses. Plus, the guide would let people know what is out there with brief descriptions of what things like schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or neurotic disorders actually are.
Rather than take all year to do this myself, can I get some volunteers to help me? What I need right now is people to pick a species (post it here) that they will write a description of and make a guide on choosing the appearance for that species. If you want, you can copy things out of the older CCG or out of the species guide pages, since those pages are going to be replaced by the CCG species ones.

I'm going to be doing the Nekovalkyrja one first because I'm the expert on them, they're highly complicated, and they make up a large portion of the player characters. I'm determined to finally make that NH-22 technical manual (or at least a giant guide to them). Once the CCG2 is done, then the NH-22 will become the new standard neko, like the NH-17 is today.

So, that leaves us (mainly) with Geshrin, Nepleslians, and Elysians...
I'll be done with exams in about 6 days, so I can at least do the guide for Nepleslians if you guys can wait for that long. I'll probably still need help with the details though.

Also, should we make the Kodians and the Phods playable races? Does anyone think that they would ever want to RP them?

As for the thing with the mental illnesses, I don't see any reason not to make it optional. Those who want to RP characters with mental quirks should be encouraged to keep them minor in nature. (Not everyone walks around with serious mental diseases. They wouldn't be adventuring in any case.)

And putting some limits on one's character is a good thing. Limitations generate creativity, believe it or not.
Without limits, something cannot be anything because it is, in the most literal sense of the word, undefined. ^_^

A Nepleslian guide would great! Phods and Kodians, too, but I figure we want to get the "staple" specie in as soon as possible so people can start using the CCG2, and at that point get all the cool new specie in. Then, once Phods, Kodians, New Fenyaro, Mishhuvurthyar and such are in, we can work on new ones or minor races like demons and trolls at our leisure.
If you mean you don't see why I'm saying "people shouldn't make characters with mental illnesses", you misunderstood. If you mean you don't see why it shouldn't be an option on the guide, I said I think everyone would want one and it would take away creativity and uniqueness. Wes and I already discussed it, he thinks people won't all want to have a crazy character, and I can't really argue with that because because we're just thinking differently there. I still think people would be more creative and throw something like that in on there own, and having the option there in plain sight sort of cheapens it, but oh well.

I'd hope the illnesses and whatnot were minor. A whole bunch of crazy player characters probably wouldn't work out too well.
Jadg Wolf said:
I'd hope the illnesses and whatnot were minor. A whole bunch of crazy player characters probably wouldn't work out too well.

It'd be pretty funny for about five minutes. :) But, um, yeah, I agree.

I'm definitely in support of keeping them minor, maybe even having a list of allowable mental quirks.

Some samples:

Mild Pyrophobia: You are afraid of fire. The sight of fire will make you look away and pretend it's not there.

Chocolate Addict: You are addicted to chocolates. You will be cranky and irritable after being deprived of chocolates for a period of 24 hours or longer. The effects disappear once you consume some chocolates.
Kind of half-way through Geshrin. I should do Elysian next.

Here's an idea: If there is a particular part of a JP that emphasizes the traits of a certain race, let's quote that JP in the CCG.
I'm thinking about doing away with the relationship between skills and occupations...basically, why not let people learn whatever skills they want and then put them in the spot they're most qualified in? Also, I'd like to see more "jack-of-all-trades" type characters that allow for more flexibility in positions on ships.
*bonks self on the head*

I still need to do the Nepleslian guide. Um, I'll work on it after getting the Celia's crew manifest up.

Personally, I think keeping the skills matched with the occupation is a good idea. Maybe make occupation optional. Or just have a "jack-of-all-trades" occupation where the player can pick whatever skills are desired.
CCG for Nepleslians

Species: Nepleslian

Home Planets: Nepleslia, Damascia, Rok'veru

Government: Yamatai Star Empire

General Information

Nepleslians are the descendants of the original humans that colonized the planet. These colonists were from Damascia, and those colonists were from Rok'veru. It was generally agreed that Rok'veru was the original homeworld of the humans, until archeological evidence and the mere existence of the Nerimians and the Fenyaris placed this theory in jeopardy.

Nepleslia itself is a very developed world, and the Nepleslians are very familiar with and accustomed to machinery. Many Nepleslians have cybernetic implants and mechanical augmentations.

Nepleslia is distinguished within the Yamatai Star Empire by the talented engineers and ship designers, as well as the disciplined soldiers that it provides to the Empire.


Nepleslians, while mostly human, also tend to be mostly male. Why the female birthrate is so low is unknown, but is suspected to be due to a super-Y-chromosome that evolved over time, which dominates the reproductive process. Some Nepleslians, however, may be mutants or part alien. A very large assortment of strange alien races resides in Nepleslia and its sister planets, many of which are from other universes and dimensions.


Nepleslian culture tends to be rather prone to violence and corruption. Criminal street gangs rove the many mega-cities, fleeing (or sometimes directly attacking) police forces. Acts of terrorism are common, and the government's idea of "welfare" is to drop bags of cash into crowded city squares, causing riots and fighting. Most of the population has some military experience, and that makes the riots and gang wars all that more lethal.

Gambling and betting are very popular, and brutal fighting events are commonplace.

An illegal slave trade also thrives on the planet. Unlike on Yamatai, slaves are treated as prisoners or even cattle on Nepleslia, and often consist of POWs, hostages, and children of other slaves.

Not all hope is lost for the planet, however. Small pockets of civilization still exists on the planet, where the police maintain law and order by being even more ruthless than the gangs that they were trained to fight.


The Third Fleet of the Star Army, currently garrisoned at Nepleslia, is truly a veteran fleet. Some of its soldiers have fought in everything from the Chaos Hive War in YE 21 on Ayenee and the Battle of Nepleslia in YE 26, in which a SMX invasion force was successfully repelled after heavy losses by both sides.


In addition, Nepleslia maintains its own planetary defense fleet.


Nepleslians owe their allegiance to either a crime boss or to the planetary government, which is ruled by a military "Emperor" who is generally corrupt and unable to break from the coercion of the crime bosses, as the crime bosses often threaten the government with terrorism and anarchy in order to promote their goals. The Nepleslian government, in turn, swears fealty to the Yamatai Star Empire. In return, Nepleslia receives military protection and a promise from the Empire not to meddle in the planet's internal affairs.


Nepleslians rely on automated production for most of their goods. The planet is heavily industrialized, with almost zero land-based vegetation on the planet's surface. Some commodities that the Nepleslians do produce themselves are mecha, starships, medical supplies, and weaponry.
The vast majority of Nepleslians share the following characteristics:

A Nepleslian is a human male. While female Nepleslians exist, they are also extremely rare and often closely guarded. Female Nepleslian adventurers are unheard of. Also, while many Nepleslians have some mutant DNA or alien blood in them, most Nepleslians have appearances normal enough to pass for human. Mutant or alien abilities are very rare, and are not recommended. (This is not a superhero RP.)

A Nepleslian is more comfortable in an industrial setting than a natural one. To say that Nepleslia is an extremely industrialized planet would be an understatement. Everyone from the crime lord to the street beggar live in a technology-rich environment. Most Nepleslians are well versed in urban combat, while those who have led more sheltered childhoods are usually skilled in at least one field of engineering.

A Nepleslian usually has at least one cybernetic enhancements built into his body. Nekovalkyrja were made to be the perfect soldiers. Geshrins benefit from bio-engineered bodies. Elysians have wings. The average Nepleslian keeps himself from becoming obsolete with cybernetic enhancements, and, to a much lesser degree, bioengineering enhancements. Cybernetic eyes are very popular, as they offer a much better range of vision to the users, as well as being excellent computer interfaces. Nepleslians also like to show off their battle-scars by replacing lost limbs with cybernetic ones. Of all the species that serve the Empire, Nepleslians have the greatest sense of harmony and communion with machines.

Nepleslians have bad reputations among the other species. You know, when you grew up on a planet whose major exports include crime and corruption, and whose major imports include ammunition and pornography, you shouldn't be surprised if a stranger from another species looks down on you. In the Star Army universe, prejudice is a rare but ugly thing. Not to worry though. Prove your worth to that bigoted crewmember, and he or she would be more than willing to see you in a whole new light.

(I can't get the table to show up right here. >_<)
Species: Fenyaro


General Information: The Fenyaro are half animal hybrids that are divided into four clans, each with three smaller, more specialized classes*. The clans are, the equine warriors of the To'Yaree, the mustiline spies of the Sha'Nai, the canine monks of the Kee'Awloo, and the feline Dy'Unnar. They were the ruling race on the planets of Fenyar and Larrid, having beaten the human like Fenyarin (extinct) into submission.

Culture: The culture of the Fenyaro is a varied thing. Each clan has their own beliefs, and values, which only adds to the diversity of the race as a whole. Kee'Awloo are like druids, looking out and drawing power and insight from the natural world, Dy'Unnar are largely atheistic, and very science oriented, not believing anything that can't be scientifically proven. To'Yaree have created a religion stemming from battle, worshipping the chance to kill and be killed, and the Sha'Nai is too secretive to get a definite idea of it's beliefs or values, if any exist.

Military: The military is mostly handled by the To'Yaree, but the other clans have their own mini protection forces, if need be. All of the races have ties to the To'Yaree, some just hold more sway, (The Dy'Unnar). than others, (The Kee'Awloo).

Politics: All of the clans, except for the Kee'Awloo who feel that that a dictatorship is no way to rule a people, look to the Dy'Unnar for guidance. What the Dy'Unnar say, is law, and anyone who comes against it faces the gathered wrath of the other two clans. Underlying this, however, is a respect for anything the Kee'Awloo say. While the Dy'Unnar's word is law, a Kee'Awloo's is god given creed.


Dy'Unnar: Male: five foot five, 145 pounds, slender build. Female: five foot, 100lbs., slender build. Average age 30, Max: 95.

Kee'Awloo: Male: six to seven feet, 175 pounds, any build. Female five foot five, 145lbs, average build. Average age 25, max age: 150

Sha'Nai: Male: five foot 120 pounds, toned build. Female: four foot, 85 pounds, average build. Average age is 20, max: 80.

To'Yaree: Male:seven foot,375 pounds, muscular build. Female: six foot, 290lbs., average build. Average age: 40 max: 100

Eye colors:

-Dy'Unnar: Grey, (Very rare) Red, (Rare) Orange, Yellow, Green, (Very Rare) Blue, Violet

-Kee'Awloo: White, Grey, Brown, (Very Rare) Red, Yellow, (Very Rare) Violet

-Sha'Nai: Black, Brown, Red, (Very Rare) Yellow, (Very Rare) Violet

-To'Yaree: (Very Rare) White, (Rare) Grey, Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green

Hair color:

-Dy'Unnar: White, Grey, Black, Brown, (Very Rare) Yellow/Blonde

-Kee'Awloo: White, Black, Brown, (Very Rare) Yellow/Blonde, Blue, Violet

-Sha'Nai: Black, Brown, (Very Rare) Yellow/Blonde, (Rare) Blue, (Rare) Violet

-To'Yaree: White, Black, Brown
Looks like the next thing we'll needs is a list of skills. Since skills can esily come in the hundreds and possibly thousands, I'm thinking it might be best to come up with specific areas, much like the sections in a college course catalogue: Language, Information Technology, Arts, and then let the players describe to what extent the player.

Because there was so much confusion and lack of interest in the skill levels themselves, I'm also going to do away with the skill level numbers entirely.

One the skills list is done, the occupations list can be done, and we'll be able to get the second of the three CCG2 parts done. The thrid part of the CCG2 will be the largest, but should also be some of the most fun and creative, inspiring stuff, full of neat ideas and interesting questionnaires.