Star Army

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Altinians were originally called Albinians, and they're from Albini. So, they're not new at all, just one of the species that never got really detailed.
Actually Wes, the reason I'm giving such a huge description of the Altinians is because they are a superior race to the Albinians. They are similar yes, but also very different. For instance, Albinian age normally and have way shorter life spans.


*scratches head*
Altinians Again

Okay, so onwards with Altinians...

I said they age slowly after the 20th birthday, and I meant VERY DANG SLOWLY... They can live to be over a thousand years old. And they are rumor going around that the newset generation may top 1,700 years. But as the newest generation is around, oh, three to four months old right now, no one can be certain.

Other things: Females do develop breasts like a human female, keeping them even when they are not nursing, the nipple cannot be seen because of the fur.

ok... well that was short, but my stomach is empty and mom made fried chicken.

Ketsurui Samurai added to the CCG.

*Also realizes he needs a page in the CCG that explains what each faction is*
Altini, The Blessed Realm

Altinians are a 'cool' blooded species. Meaning that they produce some body heat, but ony about 90% of what they need to survive. The other 10% must come from their surrounding environment. Altinian body temperature is on average, 100 degrees F. If the temp drops to much the Altinian will go hypothermic, and die.

A little about the planet.
Altini is Peligic planet, meaning it is over 70% water. In fact it's 100% water with no surface land masses. From space it looks like a blue marble. There are two rings around the planet, made of frozen water, powdered diamond, and crystalized silver flake. They are considered sacred and heavily guarded in case someone tries to take a little. There are surface buildings, built on floating rigging and they moves with the currents unless moored to the ocean floor. The planet itself is a little bigger than Jupiter and has a heavy atmosphere. The average water temperature is around 80 degrees F, I have no idea what that is in Celsius. The planet core is not made of molten nickle and iron like earth, but instead is made of molten gold, another item outsiders would like to have. The main buildings are the Royal Library and Museum of History, The space fleet ship yards, and the government house. Another building of interest is the Temple to the Father, at Mount Dawndra. This building goes from the surface of the ocean, down to the top of this massive ocean mountain peak. The reason it does this is because once every 5,000 years the montain rises out of the water and and is encompassed by the temple. I O I (pretend the 'I' are walls and the 'O' is the mountain peak.) The second largest building on the surface is the Palace, which also extends below the surface. Mothers who give birth that year travel to the temple to have their babies. Children born on the mountain have special powers and a better advantage than other children, and other Altinains. The last time the mountain raised was twenty six years ago. Strangely, only one child was born that year. They people live under the surface in small houses moored to the ocean floor. The planet itself is protected by a heavy shield and cloaking device. This obscures the planet and protects it from outsiders. The planet is protected by huge star ships that orbit the planet (think super star destoyer big). They detain ALL vessles approaching the planet. They have powerful weaponry. and only the insane or the foolish would challenge these ships.

Altinian personalities:
Most Altinains are very mild natured. They can be quite defensive about everything they feel strongly about. Most disagreements end in a tradition tussle, with the first to cry out in pain being the loser. These fights aren't meant to harm, but to prove who is better. Reprovals given to a subordinate are not in the form of a stiff word but a sharp slap. Females are fiercer in battle, and more vengeful then male, though males are stronger. Nearly all Atinians are xenophobic, disliking any outside race. A few are open minded, and the current Emperor even took and outsider as his wife.

**got to go, I'm going shopping with mom**

You say that the planet on which your Altains live is larger than Jupiter and has a heavy atmosphere. This must mean that the pressure in the oceans are immense, much greater than even the bottom of the marriners trench, at which point solid steel can be crushed. If any species evovled in this sort of pressure, they would have to have increadibly dense (or wiry) bodies, or some form of alien physiology which is near impossibly for us to imagine. And they would not be able to survive in less pressure; you can see that on Earth where if you take very deep sea creatures to near the surface the differance in pressure kills them. This means their starships must maintain massive gravity feilds or atmospheric pressure, simply to keep their crew alive, and this itself would take up a huge amount of power, and mean that in a combat situation, it's just one more thing that can go wrong.

Also you never actualy said what your planets compostion was, just that it was 100% covered with water and had a core of solid Gold. Is most of the planet in this case made of solids or water. Is it just ocean, does it have a sea floor around where you might expect one on earth, that depth down, or does the sea continue all the way down to the core. If it is mainly solid, that is to say if it is only covered with an ocean, I'm not sure if a solid world of this size can exist: the gravity of the planet might rip itself apart (or something like that). I persume it has to be solid, and with realitively earth like in depth oceans, seeing as the Altians have enough materials to build houses out and build enormous "super star destroyer big" ships.

I don't know if this planet can work, or if the habitants can survive outside the planet. However, if you made the planet much smaller the pressure and solid planet problems would go away. Any thoughts?
Actually, Z, it is possible for the Altains to leave their world because of decompression. If the species wishes to leave the planet, all they would need to do would be to spend time decompressing, so that they do not suffer the effects of "the bends" where the nitrogen built up in their blood would bubble and cause very bad things to happen, even possibly death. But, on the other hand, perhaps the Altians have a physiology that protects against such occurances.

Just my two cents.
Actually that is wrong Lenwe. Decompression is for humans returning to surface level, they are already used to that level of pressure and are merely returning to it. A rapid change in pressure is fatal and pressure being to high or to low will also kill an organisum. To low pressure usualy means not enough oxygen reaches the brain eventualy leading to brain death among other unpleasent things. To high pressure will simply crush your organs. To compinsate for high pressure fish on earth have very thin skin and tissue which is surrounded by the water they swim in inside and outside of their bodies. This equalises the pressure so their organs are not squised and ruptured.
What about the decompression that occurs in space? His kills creatures doesn't it? And the effect of such a lower pressure would likely have a similar effect on a creture comping from a planet larger than Jupiter.
Lets not forget your planet won't have wind because it lacks a land mass on the surface. You REALLY need to say if your planet is water to the core or has land under it. This will have a huge effect on the surface as far as plate techtonics and waves goes. Aside from that a ring of dimands can not form around your planet. Dimonds require carbon, heat, and pressure. They would only form below the surface of planet.


Edit: By the way, There is a ring of dimonds around the planet between the 1st and 3rd rings however they are to transparent to be seen.

Edit again: and the light sources on the surface are your floating cities, to small to be seen from orbit but they should produce enough light to be noticed from space..

Another Edit, I sware this will be the last one: This is your planet as water all the way through to the core
Jupiter's mass is about 318 times that of the earth, which means that not only would there be awesome atmospheric and oceanic pressures on Altinian life, but also that they would be in a 318+ gravity environment. So, if they'd weighed 100 pounds on earth (That is, their mass would be 100lb or 45.36kg), that'd be over 31,800 pounds (15.9 tons, 14424.24 kg) on the Altinian homeworld. I'm not seeing how anything humanoid could survive in such conditions on the surface.

I think the idea of a gold-core planet is neat, though, and it certainly is a source of conflict in the plot.
Very nice picture

The Diamond rings could theoreticly come from a minor planatoid rich in carbon and diamonds than smashed into another minor planatoid rich in silver it could create those type of rings. The only problem is that this is increadibly unlikely, especially one rich enough in silver to create a ring around a giant planet
The planetoid wouldn't have enough pressure to form a dimond, and if two were to collide thwy would either remain mostly intact and orbit as moons with large debree fields orbiting the planet or simple fall into your planet and sink.
Your right, the diamond and silver rings are unrealistic, amd I have to say that a core of a giant planet (which would be much larger than a normal planet) being made out of Gold is extremely unlikely. That much gold is just very very (very very very) unlikely to have formed during the creation of the planet. On Earth a lot of the iron core comes from another plant that crahsed into ours and the cores fused together. Can you imagine that happening with Gold?
Silver and gold are elemental metals, so there's no telling how rare/common they are in other systems.

However, I agree that diamonds can't form without intense heat and pressure, both of which are absent in space.

I like the idea of a Jupiter-like homeworld, though.
Oh really? I was under the impression that all metals formed in the late stages of a stars life during it's last stages of fusion, and their where more common elements (like iron and carbon) and less common (like silver and gold), because of their atomic make up and how likely they where to be created in a fusion reaction. As I said it's possible, just very very very very very (very) unlikely.
You're probably right. Silver and gold are more complex atomically than commonly occuring metals here on Earth, so it at least makes sense to me. Did you read this somewhere?
I read a lot. I did some casual research about stars and fussion a while back and probably came up with the facts then