Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 January 2025 is YE 47.1 in the RP.


Maybe I can clear things up a little?

Ok, several things to address.
1. The pressure fron the planet is diffused by machinery (don't ask me how it works, I'm still working on that for now and this is considered the "future" to a degree, so bear with me people). Besides, yes a planet create some of its own gravity, but I never said that Altini circled a star.
2. Yes, there is underwater land and the oceans are only about 2-3 miles deep, so lots of land underwater.
3. I never said that the planet STARTED as a Jupiter sized hulk of a beast. They Altinians are 'scavengers'. They find a nice quiet planet with hardly any or no sentient life, and then "take a little off the top" so to speak. Meaning they take fresh water, a little atmospere, fossil fuels, natural rescorces, etc. Not enough to truly make a difference to that planet, but when the Altinians have been doing this for thousands of years, every little bit adds up.
4. Then planet's center is what might be considered "dead" meaning cool compared to most planets. The Altinians have HUGE frickin heat generator to compensate. They had to do this when the planet "died", They simulate currents, planetary heat, etc. Knowing this, Anyone could target the generators and kill every single life on the planet by freezing to death. Thus they are guraded.
5. To the question of Altinians leaving the planet: They can, it just tkaes a while to get them space ready. They do go through a typr of decompression, but their gills are adapted to release Nitrogen, so as not to kill them.
6. The planets rings were 'put there' so to speak in honor of the Father of All, who likes glorious things. The rings of Ice were there all ready, and the others were added. Again future technology, I'm still working on it. And I know it's unrealistic for there to be rings of diamond ans silver. LET ME HAVE A LITTLE FUN.... please???????? **begs to have a little fun with the planet**

If you have anymore questions, please post.
Now excuse me while I go to a dance and have fun.

3. I never said that the planet STARTED as a Jupiter sized hulk of a beast. They Altinians are 'scavengers'. They find a nice quiet planet with hardly any or no sentient life, and then "take a little off the top" so to speak. Meaning they take fresh water, a little atmospere, fossil fuels, natural rescorces, etc. Not enough to truly make a difference to that planet, but when the Altinians have been doing this for thousands of years, every little bit adds up.

If this occured over only thousands of years the planet would have crused itself and its inhabitance becuase they wouldn't have time to evolve to the high pressure.

4. Then planet's center is what might be considered "dead" meaning cool compared to most planets. The Altinians have HUGE frickin heat generator to compensate. They had to do this when the planet "died", They simulate currents, planetary heat, etc. Knowing this, Anyone could target the generators and kill every single life on the planet by freezing to death. Thus they are guraded.

The planet has enough gravity to generate its own heat at the core. Your core have insanely high temperatures but would be held in a solid state because of the immense pressure. for you planet to have died it would need a considerably smaller mass

5. To the question of Altinians leaving the planet: They can, it just tkaes a while to get them space ready. They do go through a typr of decompression, but their gills are adapted to release Nitrogen, so as not to kill them.

Decompression of the species itself is not the problem, decompression to go into space will have 0 effect on the creatures. Their ships will, however, need to maintain a resonably similar pressure as the atmosphere on the planet which would require a lot of energy and very strong ships to contain what would essientially be a flying gas bomb.

There are still lots of flaws you need to work out as far as your planet's ecosystem and resources go.
Hey, Uso Tasuki...

Who ever said this had to be FEASIBLE???????


And since there are no limitations to my imagination. The planet and speicies I made has no "reality" limitations, since this is fantasy or science fiction, or whatever.

So nobody don't break your brain trying to figure out if what I think up will actually be physically possible. It's not, don't worry about it, try to have a little fun. :)

Because this is supposed to be fun.

By the way, your depiction of Altini was AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!

As reply to your comment on 3. Thousands of years can be a hundred thousand, or nine hundred thousand or lots more thousands than that. People tell me I get way to detailed so I was trying to slim it down a bit.
oh well.

4. From some of my readings, even huge planets can be dead, but are able to support life with outside (meaning if you don't bring it there, you're not going to find it there) help. The gravity doesn't necessarily make the planet have heat, Although a powerful explosion could jump-start the core and the planet would implode, creating a very nice sized space firework.

5. Your description of the ships made me laugh. The flying gas bombs thing.... **snicker** But, let's just say it works. My brain will explode if I try to figure it out, I like English class better than Physics or Chemistry.

And finally, I said that the Altinians "borrowed without permission" all sorts of rescources, otherwise the planet would have been a useless empty hulk eons ago, with no way to support any life.

Hmmm, what if I were to tell you that the Altinians have adapted to space? Will that make a difference? And that the Albinians are a lesser cousin race. Perhaps I shoud tell you a litle about the government system and religion and stuff.... OK next post.
Who ever said this had to be FEASIBLE???????

So your saying your stuff isn't Feasible? I'm simply pointing out flaws in your logic not attacking you so stop being an ass.

If you change a planets mass that much over a period of only thousands of years the native species are not going to have time to evolve. Evolution required millions of years and a darastic change like that would likely kill everything but the cockroaches.

The gravity doesn't necessarily make the planet have heat

No, not on the surface but you were talking about the core. If you have a planet of that mass it will have a lot of gravity. That will cause all the mass to be pulled to a central point. Because all this mass is pressing down on a certain point, that point will build up incredible pressure. From that pressure you get heat. Reguardless of the state of the surface of the planet you will have a core which is very, very, very hot.

Adapting to space is not the problem, it is virtually impossible for a non-artificial being to do. Your ships will just require more energy to maintain a highpressure inside, that is all.
On a side note, I don't see anything here saying that anything has to be feasable in any way shape or form. This website does not say that it is 'sci-fi' (excluding board posts which I haven't looked through) and there are no rules in the rules section stating that submissions are required to be even loosely based on fact.
Government, Religion... Altini

The government is a little complex. Take the globe, now divide it into 10 by 10 degree sections. There! You have the area that a Mayorial have office. 25 by 25 is a Govern's territory. A Nobleton has an area of 100 by 100. Sort of like mayor, governor, and President, except less authority. The government system is a Republic Monarchy/Dictatorship. There are representatives of the people. A Mayorial Representative (for the 10 by ten), a congressor (the 25 by 25), and a senator (100 by 100). There are also House officers for specifia areas. For example, the House officer of agriculture, or the house officer of Defence. After that you have just one office left in the republic side, The House Lord (prime minister so to speak). In the Monarchy/Dictatorship side you have the Emperor and his Queen (or the Empress and her King). They have absolute authority. They have the final say. Period. The representatives don't have any veto powers at all. No one apposes the Emperor or Empress, doing sych is treason. The Emperor is also the head of all the military units. Each royal has a flagship bearing there name (most space ships are flag ships, new for the current family or used after the old family dies out). The children of the royal family are called prince or princess unless they are the first born. Then it is Emperor Royale or Empress Royale. But this title can be given to a sibling of the oldest, should the ruling party decide another is more worthy of the crown. The Emperor will assign an amnassador if he chooses, though usually he does this himself. He also chooses a Vice-Roy to stand in his place should he not be on the planet. Royal Guards are hand chosen from the elite forces of the Navy and Space Force. They serve without mercy, striking down any threats to the Royal house. Each Royal has a personal or head guard that they trust the most. The children attend public scholl at Astor's Academy. Every year at Festival the Royal family put on a small show ushering in the festivities. No one misses it, as it is a remarkable display of power and tenderness. The family also have servants and attendants. They are well housed, and well compensated and given every freedom to do whatever they want when they are not working. It is considered an honor to be chosen, and most servents and attendants are chosen at birth.

There are no poor, huomeless, or hungry amoung the Altinians. They also pride themselves in having ridded their planet of every deadly sickness. Every now and then there will be epidemics of colds and flu like illnesses, But ther is no cancer, no heart disease, no alzheimer's. No one ails from deadly things. Which brings up the question: how do they die? Well, there are two ways, be killed, or give up. Killed is self explanitory. Giving up basically means that once an Altinian is so old that he/she cannot benefit sociaety anymore, and they become a drain on the planet they can do on of two things: keep draining resources, or surrender the will to live and pass into the Blessed Realm of the Father of All, who lives in glory and paradise forever (if you're a good person. Bad people have to be punished by the Dread Rubuker). Since it is a religious commandment to waste nothing, most choose the second way. Usually, the female goes before the male in a marraige.

Speaking of marraige...
So the Altiains beleive is a higher being they call the Father of All, who they say created not just them but everything everywhere. They worship in their daily lives. Prayer is allowed everywhere, and is common. There is no Pope, so to speak, more like a High Priestess. She is the closest to the Father and leads the people to worship. (The government is mostly patriarchal, the religionis only somewhat patriarchal). VERY VERY RARELY is a member of the royal family name prietess. She is also strpped of her royal title and most of the privledges of royalty, though she keeps her guards. Altinians can be married publically or privately, the priest or priestess charges no fee for the marraige. The divorce rate is around 5%. Abstinence is prefered by both genders before marraige, and "fooling around" is rare, but acepted if the couple then get married. Even the royal family may marry for love, most do, though some marry for politics, but this is frowned at. .....

uh, I have to go to bed now...
Sorry for yelling at Uso Tasuki.
I didn't mean to be all pissy about this, I don't know what's wrong with me.
I'll get around to my character sometime.....
You do realise that the area if a Mayorial office has a surface area of several times that of Earth. One hundreth (a tenth by a tenth) of a planet 320 times the size of earth is still enotmous. Actualy even a nobleton would have control of an area which was huge. A thousandth of a planet may not sound very large but when your dealing with a planet larger than Jupiter ...

Also how did your government evolve, actualy how did the social nature of your planet evolve? It seems unlikely that their would be a monarcy without a nobility and aristocratic system in place as well. Has there always been just one nation on your planet? If not it would be intresting to know where they got the idea of war from, or the incentive to build war ships.

Also you have a contradiction in terms "Every year at Festival the Royal family put on a small show ushering in the festivities. No one misses it, as it is a remarkable display of power and tenderness." Just as a question how can a small show have everyone? And by everyone do you mean everyone on the planet? That would be a really small show wouldn't it? Also how do you combine power and tenderness is a festivel like this? A puppy with a bazzooka?

How do your people keep themselves rid of EVERY deadly sickness. You do realise your also covering biological weapons and geneticly engineered pathogens as well? The only way you could do that would be to have your blood filled with nanobots that look after you, or massive genetic engineering to create an unrealistic immune system.

If you have such a heal restorative as advanced nanobots or bumped immune systems, and you have gotten rid of cancer, heart disease and alzheimers, and I'm sure a host of other maligns, it seems unlikely that your body would be affected by age, your body would just heal the damage. THis means that you can not get to old to benefit society, your still as healthy and as clearly minded as you where when you where 18. The only way they can become not usefull is by becoming "un-groovy" and being out of step with modern culture and technology.

This post is long enough, but I'll be saying more (there a lot to say) later. By the way if your character is going to be the one child that was born the last time the whole temple thing or whatever rose up, don't you think thats a little, uh ... tacky?
Who ever said this had to be FEASIBLE???????

If you don't be somewhat feasible it's only a matter of time before you'll pull some more objectionable material out, and that'll lead to problems. That won't be fun. And Zack was just pointing out some inconsistencies, you didn't have to get mad at him.
I have a suggestion. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't, but here it is.

How about we stop focusing on the things and start focusing on the people of the RP. From what I've seen so far in this discussion about Rivil's race, people seem to be doing a lot of "Why it can't work" talking. Uso, Zakalwe, why don't we just drop it, and as Rivi said, have a little fun with it?

I fully agree with her, this is all made up. Sure the science behind the tech is as much based on science as it can be, but the species are all made up according to what the creeator wants. You all jumped on me when I was creating the Fenyar, but after some heated debates, you all backed off because, I hope at least, you realized that it wasn't going to change my mind on how they acted.

I think we all need to just chill out and let Rivi make her race the way she wants to make it. Because deep down, if we started analyzing the stuff on Star Army, we wouldn't have much of an RP, just people sitting around in OOC fighting amongst each other.

And Zakalwe, I don't think it would be tacky of her to create a character like she wants to. It's her race, and I have learned that if you don't have a character that is a key figure to the race, no one is going to get interested in them. You have to have something to show the other players why it would be cool to play that race, through RP. Look at Yui and the nekos, Sergei and the Fenyaro, Zemer and the Elysians.
If you don't be somewhat feasible it's only a matter of time before you'll pull some more objectionable material out, and that'll lead to problems.

That sums up why we are doing this and why we are trying to help develop these places. Remember that creature you made that was invulnerable to everything except knives? Coming up with stuff becuase 'you think it would be cool' is something you'd do in a superhero RP not something you should do here. Badly made planets and species virtually destroyed this RP in the past and I'm tired of people complaining becuase we point out flaws for them so they can fix it.

How will anyone ever get better at designing planets if you don't help them by pointing out their flaws? The geography thing is very important especially later on when actual RP begins on the planet. If its going to be included in the RP then all the bugs need to be worked out.
Here's a solution: I'm going to make a GM call and say that Altinia's mass is 5 times that of the Earth. So, there's still some high pressures and lots of land, but not so much that it makes no sense. Now, most of the other issues are solved. The planet core can be "dead," and there's not too much pressure or gravity for humanoid life.

For future reference, players are free to submit any material they want to the SARPG, but only materials that make a reasonable amount of sense will be accepted and integrated into the RP.

While pointing out flaws in someone else's works is encouraged (it is NOT a personal attack, and don't take it that way) and helpful, offering solutions at the same time is better. If we need to take someone's imaginary construct and alter it a little so it fits, okay; of course, we should do our best to preserve the original feel and idea of the submission.

Lastly, be civil.

EDIT: Alternatively, if the middle of the planet was somehow hollow, we wouldn't run into these mass problems. But, it would have to be artificially-made, I'd think.
Good call. Still living on the relic of some long lost but technologicly advanced cilvilisation (all technology either lost or hidden somewhere where it's near impossible to find) could be intresting, seeing as the planet could have more quirks than just being hollow: strange life forms, artificial spires, unaproachable sattelies. Could be fun.

By the way, looking at the map where's the planet going to be? Near any particularly violent cultures? Do they actualy have an enemy not yet encountered by the Stararmy? Perhaps their outside the current universe, or in another galaxy connected only be a natural wormhole. Just throwing ideas in the air.

You might try clarifying what sort of defensive and offensive weapons they have on their ships. Have a look through some of the ship specks on the site if you don't have any ideas and create some of your own. As for design I'd suggest something smooth and flowing like water, and probably fitting the mindset of an aqarian race.

Also your race is going to be naturaly great spacial tactiticians seeing as they are used to working in a 3D enviroment. THey will have a natural understanding of three dimensional manouvers and battle. It's part of their mindset.
What's happaned to Rivi? I thought she really had something there. Has she gone?

If she has are we going to intergrate her planet into the Star Army universe anyway? How long an absence means that he/she has left?
This is my understanding of the relative genetic relationships/derivations of the various "human" species. I guess I'm trying to make things less confusing for the new players. Wes, is there anything wrong with my understanding? I meant for it to be fairly vague. Downward means some genetic derivation of some sort.


Feel free to take the image and redraw it, btw.
OK I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
So where was I ???? holy cow you guys posted a lot about the subject.....
Ok so in explanation:
Yes I know that the government officials cover a lot of ground. I hadn't added the "local" government yet.

The local government is basically 'village eldars' in charge of a small area of purhaps 20 families. The Eldars are not approved by the official government or Emperor, they can be removed by another person after a test of strength. Usually this test is a ceremonial battle of who is stronger. (sort of like in nature, the stronger dog is leader of the pack). Anyway, there is no set term, just until someone else comes along.

The festival is televised and some people stay home and watch. The royals redo the show several times a day on a rasied platform. The show usually includes a "display of power" which could be anything form a generator causing a larger tidal wave when the Emperor rasies a hand, to unveiling the plans for a new ship. Then tenderness could be something as simple as declaring the engagement of one of the Princes, or presenting the Emperor's newest child to the public. So there's the answer to that question.

The government evolved over a large span of time. The Altinians were once (as in once upon a time) nomads upon their planet. As the society evolved, they found themselves in need of governing. So they asked the Gods. The Gods came in the form of an alien species that forced the Altinians to serve them or die. The altinians resisted, many perished. Eventually they were able to free themselves from the clutches of the aliens. But not before learning the alien's way of government. They saw that of all the things the outsiders did, this was the only good thing. They adopted the government system after they disposed the current outsider ruler.

I mentioned before that the mountain rises out of the water ever 5,000 years. And that during that year the children born were more powerful. Several years before the outsiders were disposed, only five children were born in the year of the mountain. The power of the mountain was only distrubuted between these five, where as it was usually shared with several thousand. These five grew immensely powerful. Strong enough to aide their people in casting out their oppressors. This happened after the Altinians were nearly wiped out. The population was brought so low, they were almost not viable to recover their numbers. That's when they started looking at genetics, and building ships for space. They had to protect themselves in case the outsiders came back.

These five were known as the Liberators. The eldest was given the title Alpha, the youngest, Omega. Ever since then, the first and last child born during the year of the mountain have been granted more power than the others born. They also receive the titles on honor of the past ones.

Getting rid of disease part. I think we had a minor miscommunication... I meant all the natural DEADLY diseases on Altini. All the non-deadly diseases are allowed to survive, providing balance of some form. They are very seceptible to off world diseases unless heavily immunized. There are also natural bacteria and viruses on the planet (or nothing would ever decay) that evolve and eventually pose threats. But the population is vaccinated once the healers find a cure.

Social classes are widely different than earth. There are those who serve in some way and are seen as higher class I suppose. Those in government are more respected. Those that teach are seen as "better" as well. Merchants and dealers of goods are "low class" I suppose. As to the royalty, the first Alpha was a male, the Omega a female. The married and ruled the people in justice. At the end of their lives, their children were elected so serve in their stead. Eventually the elections died away and the decendant took rule by birth. As for aristocracy, the Representative, Congressors, and Senators are the elite of the society, with everyone else falling somewhere below. Military personnel have higher class as well, with officers rivaling the Highest government officials in status.

And as for the single child born this time around at the temple. She was named Omega and Alpha, but the powers she received were horribly muted and lessened. Her capabilities are very disappointing compared to other children born there. (Seriously, it's almost like comparing say... Q from startrek, to.... uh.... maybe Storm from the X-Men ((not in the powers they have but the amount of power they have)) compared to Q, Storm doesn't have all that much) I'll explain how this happened later.

Ok, so that's it for now, have to go to work.
And sorry for being such a pain in the butt.