Maeda-taisa remained seated with his forehead rested in his palm as the other senators said their heated parts. When the opportunity came—perhaps during the brief break as legislators and their aides examined the latest proposal—he looked up and signaled for a point of order. He rose stiffly once he'd been given permission to address the chamber.
"There are few things more unfortunate than soldiers who do not understand the civilization they protect," the blond political attache began, briefly peering down at the awards and devices adorning his uniform. "Though your inflated self-worth and attachment to the NH-29 line certainly makes sense, Senator Kotori of planet Kotori in the Kotori system, and I can surely understand how your experiences have shaped the odd worldview that seems to fuel your crusade."
A large volumetric display littered with lines and lines of numbers and statistics appeared behind the taisa.
"But the fact of the matter is most citizens in this Empire, Nekovalkyrja or no, do not see eye-to-eye with you," he said as the confusing chart behind him highlighted and focused in on a single number: 99.85, in big block letters, followed by a percentage symbol. "Ninety-nine-point-eight-five percent. That's how many of my constituents—only point-one-five percent against—approve of current laws regarding Nekovalkyrja-type weapons. My duty is to those from the Tami system, so it is not my place to speak for other representatives' constituents, but you should all find the numbers are similar across our great nation.
Moreover," Maeda continued with a raised voice, "you do not seem to have considered how reversing current restrictions would impact military policy or doctrine. The Star Army of Yamatai is the greatest military this galaxy and some universes have ever seen. But make no mistake! Granting personhood to this Empire's warrior-vessels rather than simply keeping it with what we scientifically recognize as "
the soul," which already occurs and garauntees the same rights to
all Yamataians, would have disastrous impact on how we conduct war. Nekovalkyrja were created to protect life by providing our soldiers with an expendable shell with which to fight and die in. If our admirals must suddenly recognize new social rights to the equipment their personnel wage war with then their jobs are that much more difficult. Tami rejects this.
"Rights for all citizens are already equal and secure. Becoming attached to the equipment you were assigned is
Nekoyanki-level delusion."