Honored Empress,
We, the undersigned members of the Senate, would like to submit an appeal to you regarding the laws and restrictions present on the Nekovalkyrja.
Since the outcry that followed the Nekovalkyrja Upgrade Order, there has been support in the Senate to the notion that the laws deeming Nekovalkyrja hardware and denying them the consideration of being a species of its own right (See "Bill 95" and the "Restriction on Nekovalkyrja" set of laws) were passed to the disservice of our citizens. We believe that the Nekovalkyrja - in particular the NH-29 and NH-33 series - ought to cease being considered as material, and be considered a species in equal standing to all others amongst our member worlds (i.e.: Nepleslian, Kodian, Phod); and furthermore express that the Nekovalkyrja be allowed to retain the body to which their sense of identity is so derived from.
Such intentions do, however, come into conflict with previous decrees from Former-Empress Yuumi and Former-Empress Katsuko, as well as the Restrictions of Technology Laws whom do list 'Nekovalkyrja'. In our zeal to improve the quality of the lives of our people, we would overstep our bounds. We do not care to bring such disrespect to the Star Army of Yamatai, but feel that standing by idly would be grossly negligent on our part. With the combination of laws, decrees and restrictions; we fear that the letter of the law only allows the nekovalkyrja condition to be made to grow worse, and never improved upon.
And so, we turn to you. It is our hope that in your wisdom, you will have the answer which will lead to the most happiness and prosperity for the souls under your benevolent rule.
Ever in the service of the Empire,