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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 1.0] - New Hires

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Ye Old Den

Oreza eyed the Freespacer, a doctor. 'Interesting' he thought to himself. He had encountered Freespacers on occasion and found them to be a fascinating if not very strange people. He opted to let Sienna handle the conversation for the moment. She was the Captain and unless he had to step in he would let her do her duty.

I can give it a try... but what is in it for me?

Crash didn't wait for a response from the human, it went to work quickly and started sending digital commands out to start linking to the station's computer. it was like getting a girl to go home with you if you were a dirty meatbag that is. A good pick up line, followed buy the offer of a drink, or in this case data packet transfers. Then comes the closing the deal, and greasy smooth operator could do it.
Ye Olde Den

The instant that Six Four slipped the business card behind a strap on the front of Sienna's suit, the young woman jerked back, and for a moment looked as if she was about to swat the Freespacer's hand away, hard. Instead, her hands came up defensively, palms outward in a fashion that almost suggested surrender if her body language and irritated facial expression didn't completely undermine the illusion. "Hands to yourself, first off," she snipped tersely, bringing her eyes up from Six Four's hand to its featureless faceplate, staring coolly. "And do I look like I need--" she started, then cut herself off when she realized that, at least according to the half-automaton standing before her, yes, she did in fact look like she needed some kind of injection, no matter how ludicrous such a conclusion might be. Pursing her lips, she huffed through her nose and plucked the business card from the front of her suit, eyeing it briefly. "Well, 'doc,'" she continued, changing her tone of voice to a much more even-pitched one, and adding just a touch of sardonic emphasis on the last word, "if I find I need something for my 'disposition,' I'll be sure to come find you." She forced a tight-lipped, completely devoid of real emotion smile, and started to continue past.

It was at that moment, however, that a loud crash originated from the bar, where the dispute between the Gartagen and the Nepleslians was simmering. Apparently the Gartagen had said something unseemly, or the gruff-looking Nepleslian was really just itching for a fight. Whatever had started it, the Nepleslian now had his meaty paw locked firmly around the bikini-sporting dancing girl's wrist and had yanked her like a rag doll off of Ravakee's lap, following it up by violently kicking the Gartagen's barstool out from beneath him. As Ravakee teetered backwards and fell to the ground, however, he caught himself with one hand on the bar, and his thick, muscular tail whipped forward to help balance himself out.

Mitch's friend, his mildly annoyed look at being involved giving way to shocked alertness, suddenly produced a surprisingly bulky-looking .45 caliber pistol from seemingly out of nowhere, and wheeled to bring its bead onto Ravakee's forehead, perhaps hoping to force him into surrender on his back. Before he was able to level his aim, however, the Gartagen's tail lashed out like a bullwhip the size of a small tree trunk, catching the Nepleslian across the side of the head with a sickening thwump, rendering the man immediately unconscious, and sending the pistol sliding across the floor.

The man's limp form whirled about on his heels, careening unchecked into a table behind him, and as his waist bumped into it, he collapsed face-first on its surface, flipping the entire thing end-up and sending drinks, coins, and a gun or two flying through the air.

In less than a second, chaos would erupt.
Concordia Veil - Lounge

"Copy that," Datsan's voice crackled back over the intercom. "We'll circle back around and call back when we're ready."


Interfaced with the ship's computer, Crash didn't have any trouble linking into the various port networks on the Black Moon spaceport. What he found, however, was less than helpful. The station's computer networks could only be referred to as such in the loosest sense of the term, as there wasn't even a remote semblance of order to them. It was more akin to a haphazard mishmash of independently operated computer systems, all with their own unique firewalls and security systems, and none of them were optimized to communicate effectively with one another. To put it in layman's terms, it was like trying to navigate a city that didn't have streets, addresses, or any recognizable order to its infrastructure in that all of the buildings were built in completely random places, oftentimes impeding accessibility to another or blocking it off entirely.

Some of the security systems were a joke to the Freespacer, easily cracked by its subroutines, but most of those were "protecting" little more than private repair shops and boutiques with paltry cash flows, uninteresting inventories, and records that were wholly irrelevant to him. Some of them were other small ships tied into the spaceport's network, and several of them had records of the men outside having come aboard to do exactly what they had claimed moments before, while others made no mention of them. Finally, Crash was able to locate what appeared to be a database for the spaceport's maintenance logs and crew rosters, but judging from the sporadic and completely irregular timestamps, some of the most recent of which were months or even years in the past, it was safe to assume that whoever was in charge of record-keeping was doing an exceptionally poor job at it, or whatever central authority that ran this spaceport, if there was one at all, simply lacked the internal controls or the discipline to track what happened within its boundaries. Of course, there was also the possibility that such records were stored off of the network, to prevent outside intrusion. Maybe they were aware of the shoddy nature of their network, and rather than spend time making it navigable and secure, they ignored it altogether.


Several minutes later, the intercom tone sounded again, and the speaker hissed before forming Datsan's voice again. "Concordia Veil, Black Moon," the man hailed. "We're in the mooring tube and outside your airlock, ready to come aboard with your permission."
Central Airlock Chamber

After sending her message on the intercom, Amelia slowly made her way to the central airlock of the ship to 'greet' the port officials, which was ironic in itself for her that anything in Black Moon could be called official. She got into the central access through the small hatch, where she looked up towards the airlock from where the two men would be making their way in and then towards the Datajockey in her hand; There was no reply from Crash.

Realizing that she couldn't stall them any longer, the young astrogator activated the intercom again, "Roger, cycling the airlock." She said, turning around and finding the controls to equalize the pressure from the chamber with the mooring tube's. Once that was done, she made her way back to the hatch, standing with it behind her back as she waited for the two visitors to come aboard.

Above Amelia, behind a few pipes and wire bundles was Crash. It had finally found mentions of these people, but before It could send the information to the Female she was opening the airlock. oh Crash could have overridden the command code keeping the door locked until the manual override was engaged, but it didn't want to alert the intruders to it's presence unless necessary.

Instead, It watched and waited. It didn't have any on-board weapons but it did have the legs an mandibles of the spiderbot, beyond that It had it's connection to the ship's systems. Maybe if Amelia had a breathing unit It could vent the atmosphere aboard.
Concordia Veil - Central Airlock

Amelia felt some mild pressure in her ears as the pressure equalized, and the dull hiss around her faded away, punctuated by the loud bang of the dorsal hatch swinging open, revealing the beige-colored rubberized cloth of the mooring tube fixed above the ship. Standing on either side of the open hatch were the silhouettes of two men in vacuum suits, their helmets tucked beneath their arms and a stun baton on each of their belts. One at a time, they squatted next to the open hatch before the ladder rungs set in the airlock wall, feeling for the next rung down blindly with their foot as they each made a cautious descent. Both of their suits were a deep navy blue with crimson piping along the shoulders and down the flanks, but otherwise had no distinguishing marks.

The first one to reach the floor turned to face Amelia, a younger looking man, clean-shaven with exceptionally bright blond hair, wavy and long enough to be shaggy if it wasn't brushed neatly to the side. The blond man gave Amelia a congenially friendly smile that still carried the tone of professionalism, and offered a gloved hand to shake. He was tall and statuesque, and his teeth were so so brilliantly white they almost sparkled, in that way that high-priced salesman were lampooned time and time again throughout history. His artificial air notwithstanding, he was indeed quite easy on the eyes. "Hey, I'm Paul," he introduced himself with a twinkle in his electric blue eyes. "And my partner Datsan, the one you were speaking with earlier," he added, nodding behind him at the thinner, slightly more frail-looking man stepping off the ladder.

Datsan was an older fellow, with narrow eyes that slanted outwards slightly, almost as if they were drooping off of his cheeks. Leathery skin hung off of his gaunt cheeks, and thinning black hair flecked with gray crowned his head. He too was clean-shaven, although the top parts of a tattoo were visible poking out of his collar beneath the suit, too little to tell exactly what it was. He wasn't attractive at all, especially standing next to Paul, but the friendly smile he offered in greeting as well made his presence more comfortable, like that of a weathered and wizened father figure of sorts. "Pleasure," he replied in that oily, off-tenor drone that Amelia had heard over the intercom, and nodded once. "Nice rig ya got here," he continued, looking around the airlock as if he were admiring the ship from afar. "Seen a lotta Jinsokus in my time. Real reliable ship, she'll carry you forever if you treat her right. You the captain?"
Ye Old Den

"Apologetic," Six Four began, brushing down its sleeves. "My apologies. This one forgets how you non 'spacers are about, what was it called? Ah yes, personal space."

The Freespacer was about to speak up again, but the sudden loud noise at the bar caused the doctor to emit another techno grumble. "Irritated: So uncivil." Leveling its now un-slung Ingtris flamethrower at the squabble it paused for a moment, remembering what happened the last time it let loose a torrent of liquid plasma at a fight in a public place. Lowering the weapon, Six Four looked over its shoulder at Subjects 324 and 325. "Annoyed Statement: Hope you two don't mind a bit of a bar fight, because it seems we have one on our hands. My suggestion would be to leave now or seek cover if you're not too much into fighting."
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Ye Old Den

Entering into the "Den" Vel approached the nearest table to his right while drawing his laiz pistol and discharges a single shot at the hip of the Nepleslian man who seemed to have the advantage over the, what he assumed was, bioengineered lizard and spoke very calmly, despite the possibility of retaliation "If you attempt any hostile actions again, I will make sure you live to regret it" he says in a soft baritone that most would consider quite beautiful, had it not been filled with icy promises of pain and suffering while still holding the laiz pistol in his left hand.

He turns to the Freespacer and Nepleslians giving the three of them an oddly friendly smile despite what they just seen and heard as he waits for a waitress.
Concordia Veil - Central Airlock

Crossing her arms across her chest, Amelia watched as the two men descended into the airlock chamber, somewhat glad to see that at they at least were wearing something that resembled what their profession would look like and not some ramshackle thing that she actually expected. With a faint smile, she took the proffered hand and returned the handshake as she watched the man's partner climb down into the chamber; The disparity between how the two of them looked and acted was ironic for her, like a living embodiment of the 'good cop' and 'bad cop' personalities that happened on any police-related novels.

Slipping her hand out of the handshake, Amelia nodded at both the older man's greetings and comment about the ship. "The Captain is... Busy with other things." She said to him, not wanting to reveal that the ship was actually only manned by a single person at that moment, spiderbot notwithstanding.
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Concordia Veil - Central Airlock

Datsan turned his head slightly to the side, keeping his eyes on Amelia as if wondering if the young woman intended to offer further information, or perhaps showing a hint of doubt in her statement's authenticity, but the gentle smile on his face never faded. After a brief pause, during which Amelia said nothing more, Paul rapped his knuckles on the helmet tucked beneath his arm, stepping forward. "Well!" the younger man interjected in a disarmingly friendly tone, and shot a dreamy smile and wink in Amelia's direction. "Let's get on with it so we can get out of this lovely lady's hair, hmm?"

"Aye, let's," Datsan agreed, looking over at his partner with a nod, then back at Amelia, clearing his throat with a slow, grating, gurgling sound. The older man kept his congenial expression, but something about his presence made him appear much more bored with their duty, like the routine of inspection rounds had long since lost its appeal to him. "If you'd be so kind as to take us to the cargo bays. We'll need to have a quick look-see in your living quarters and cockpit, too, but don't worry, the things we're lookin' for ain't that small, so it won't take us long. And we don't plan on turning the place over; just gotta do a quick walk-through is all."

Ye Olde Den

Due to the upended table and splattered drinks, food, and other miscellanea, as well as the sudden and unwelcome intrusion on the shaky peace within the establishment, tempers immediately flared. The patrons that had been sitting around the now-upside-down table all simultaneously leaped to their feet, weaving an intricate tapestry of obscenities and curses in a few different languages, and all of their eyes immediately went towards who they perceived to be the source of the attack, although not all of them agreed on exactly who it was. Three sets of eyes - those of a masculine-looking Nepleslian woman with dreadlocks, a red-haired Minkan male, and another Nepleslian man with a shaved head - locked themselves on the downed Gartagen who had just tail-checked the unconscious man into their table, and two other pairs - a gray-scaled Gartagen and a smallish Nepleslian female with two bionic arms - brought their glares on Mitch.

Neither Mitch nor Ravakee noticed the ire aimed in their direction, however. Ravakee, flat on his back, reached to the side and nabbed another unoccupied barstool by the legs, kicking backwards with his feet to put a little distance between himself and the nasty-looking Mitch, who was now advancing on the downed Gartagen and brandishing a knife in his right hand, his left still anchored to the wrist of the dancing girl who was now trying to fight him off, furiously wriggling like a fish on a hook while she spat venomous insults, curses, and angry statements calling his masculinity and parentage into question. For a brief second, Mitch looked back over his shoulder, commanding the girl to be quiet in exceptionally harsh terms.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Ravakee brought the barstool in a fast arc in front of him in a violent swing, and the wooden chair smashed loudly on Mitch's knife-wielding arm, sending his weapon skipping across the floor. The Gartagen barely had the chance to get back on his feet, however, when the hulking Nepleslian female grabbed him by the shoulders and tossed him back towards her confederates, sending him tumbling on the minimum semblance of balance across the floor while Mitch reeled in pain from the impact, releasing the girl as he cradled his smashed arm.

The shot from the newly-arrived Iromakuanhe rang out at that second, grazing his intended target on the shoulder, causing Mitch to spin the other way and yelp in agony from the second wound. The shot went through the beer glass of a table some distance behind him, causing it to explode into hundreds of tiny fragments streaming foamy comet tails of fermented liquid in every direction and soaking the man who had just been enjoying it. On the Black Moon, weapons fire was not so uncommon that anyone but the greenest residents shyed from it, so what Vel thought would surely startle the rowdier patrons into calming down actually only incited things further. The din and chaos in the bar escalated out of control in less than eight seconds.

Vel's threat was lost in the noise, and the only reply that the horned newcomer received was from a seven-foot, gorilla-armed ID-SOL. And the reply didn't come in words, but rather, in the form of a rear choke as the massive forearm of the gigantic superman wrapped under his chin and lifted him out of his seat, squeezing just enough to pinch Vel's airway closed.

Over to the far side of the bar, just outside of the perimeter of the rapidly-spreading bar brawl, Sienna groaned under her breath, less out of alarm, and more out of little more than frustration as she quickly took stock of her surroundings, backing up closer to the wall, but making sure to leave herself a clear path to the exit in case things really started to deteriorate. "This is gonna screw us up," she shouted to Oreza over the crashing, cursing, and yelling. She checked the clasp on her pistol, ensuring that it was free in its holster in the case that she would have to use it.

Another thin, wiry Freespacer patron was thrown - literally thrown - through the air towards Oreza and Sienna, sailing feet over head over a table before landing on Oreza's chest, bowling him backwards with almost enough force to bring the large man to the ground, but otherwise bounced off of him and collapsed in a heap at their feet.
Concordia Veil - Central Airlock

With a nod, Amelia, turned around and opened the hatch leading out of the airlock chamber, seeming to be slightly more at ease then once she actually saw the two officers, although she still had her reservations. She twisted the lever on the circular hatch, unlocking it, and then pushed it outwards to reveal the circular main hallway of the Concordia, before grabbing the edge of it to support herself as she moved outside, where she turned around and looked at the two men.

"What kind of thing are you guys looking for?" She asked as she waited for them to follow her.
Ye Olde Den

Vel's surprise at his not noticing the giant of a man behind him was short lived, as he was lifted up he drops his laiz pistol on the table freeing his hands to grab his Faelraig out of its sheath and activated a single 3 foot green tinted laser blade of the twin bladed weapon. Before he attacked he realized that the ID-SOL was using much less than his full strength which caused him to come to the conclusion that this man was merely attempting to keep the peace rather than attempting to cause harm to him. He then lifted his hands to the sides his empty left hand open and his right still holding the Faelraig in a manner that suggests that he doesnt wish to engage in hostile action on the man, but was still prepared to defend himself if need be. He hoped that the giant gets the hint as his ability to talk had been closed off by the mans burly arms.
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Creeping along slowly and quietly,Crash kept an sensor on the pair. It was nervous having the two unknowns aboard the ship. the mention of the captain gave It an idea. Quickly wording up a decently untraceable message Crash sent it off to the Captain's communicator.

Your Ship has been boarded by "Official" inspectors.

Once it was sent Crash continued to follow and watch the group.
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Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

Paul and Datsan stepped over the threshold and ducked their heads through the hatch into the corridor behind Amelia, casually surveying the ship's interior with casual interest. "Mostly a few kinds of meds," Paul replied conversationally as he looked down the circular corridor, away from the other two, before turning his blue eyes back to her. "Couple different kinds of, ah..." he paused, snapping his fingers as if trying to remember the exact word. "Cyclo... cyclopyrro... pyrro-something, that the bosses here have their hands pretty deep in. A few other things too, it's a long list."

Datsan waved his hand dismissively at Paul, and clucked his tongue. "Listen, pal, I don't think she wants a full briefing," he scolded his partner, and apologetically looked at Amelia. "Long story short, the big guys that run this joint want their cut of anything that moves on or off-world, and wanna keep tabs on what passes through. That's why they run this joint - they stay informed." Scanning the hallway with his eyes one more time, he looked at Amelia again and raised his eyebrows, his lips flapping loosely as he softly blew through them, and extended a hand to his side, inviting Amelia to lead on. "After you," he said.
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

"Right." Amelia said as her gaze switched to Datsan, and then to his partner, then started walking to one of the first cargo bays. She wanted to tell them that this had been the ship's first flight in a long time, therefore there wasn't anything worth noticing, but she was sure they wouldn't simply take that for an answer and leave. There was also the possibility of bribing them, but then again once they smelled money they would latch to her like a leech until they bled her dry of it; There was also the possibility -that she wanted to discard but still had to consider- that they were just honest officials and were simply doing their jobs.

"This is the first cargo bay" She said, turning her head around to gaze at the two men once she was standing in front of the other airlock. She then opened the door, pressing a button on the panel besides it and watching as it hissed and slid open.
Concordia Veil - Port Cargo Bay

The inspectors stepped past Amelia, glancing around the empty cargo bay almost timidly, like they were expecting something unpleasant inside. After they seemingly assured themselves that nothing within the bay would jump out at them, they entered, going around the outside wall in opposite directions. Every few feet, they rapped on the bulkhead with their boots or their knuckles, like they were feeling about for hidden compartments. Once they met each other on the opposite side of the bay, they nodded to each other and started back across the barren floor, nudging aside the occasional bit of stray scrap that hadn't quite made it into the garbage back on the Amatsu-Nova.

Paul raised his hands out to either side, smiling across the vast cargo bay at Amelia. "Flying a bit light, aren't you?" he said jovially, his voice echoing slightly on the metal walls. "Your captain must be new at this."

"Shaddap already, Paul," Datsan said, his exasperation becoming a bit more evident in his voice. By then the inspectors had returned to the hatch leading back to the centra corridor where the astrogator stood, and Datsan looked back at Amelia again, looking apologetic for his partners overly friendly attitude. "If we can just see the other bay right fast, then take a peek in your cockpit, we'll be through here. If your captain ain't around, we can skip past the talking to him - ain't more'n a formality anyway."
"Sure." Amelia said, a bit off-put by the situation after noticing the hint of agitation in Datsan's voice. Whether or not she had shown any reaction to it, though, was open to interpretation as the raven-haired woman stepped back to let the men out of the cargo bay, trying not to seem like she was nervous. She pressed the same button next to the door and it slid closed, but by then she was already on her way to the other cargo bay, which was just a short walk from the first one, walking past the engineering section of the ship. Seeing the door to the engineering section reminded her how her captain had removed the key component from the ship's drive, which would prevent it from taking off, basically a clear statement that she wasn't trusted, despite being part of the crew.

Repeating the same procedure as before, Amelia opened the airlock to the second bay, still frowning from the freshness of the memory. "And this is the second one." She said as the door hissed and slid open once more, revealing the badly lit insides of the second cargo bay.
Concordia Veil - Starboard Cargo Bay

When the next cargo bay was opened, the two inspectors repeated their same routine, only this time Paul stayed next to Amelia, at her left side, apparently sulking from being reprimanded for nothing more than a little humor. Datsan made his rounds around the bulkhead in the same fashion, then when he came back around, he gave Amelia a tight little smile as he clapped his hands together conclusively. "Well, that was probably the fastest inspection I've ever done," he remarked, and nodded once to Paul. "You satisfied?"

"Yeah, sure," the blond man replied, still pouting, and adjusted his belt. In the same motion, too quickly and subtly to notice, he unfastened the stun baton from where it hung, and jabbed it into the back of Amelia's neck, just at the base of her skull. An electrical hum and quick zapping sound was the last thing the astrogator heard before her vision flashed white, and her limbs suddenly went limp like lead weights. She blacked out the instant before she crumpled to the deck in an unconscious heap.

Crash watched the attack and was livid... That flesh person was It's pet... How dare they harm It's pet. Quietly it started to lock down the ship including the exits. They would not be leaving alive. Unless the Captain showed up and let them out or something, they were all Crash's to do with.

Accessing the Ships internal comms Crash opened a live feed as he continued to move back towards the engineering. "You have hurt my Pet!, Do you understand what I will be doing to your corpses once I am through?" the voice was one of Amelia, "I will lube my engines with your blood and have your flesh stretched and tacked to the exterior of my hull! Your screams will echo through out me as my droids fillet you out! Your meat will be fed to your family and friends!"

It needed to get them to leave the cargo hold that Amelia was laying in. Then Crash could seal the doors to that bay... Then the MAYHEM WOULD START! Maniacal laughter started to fill the ship.
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