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RP: LSDF Akahar [Chapter 1.1] - Staring Back Again

Rae'lynn heard the footsteps on the other side of the door and tensed up a bit. Where there actually pirates left on the ship? Keeping her gun leveled on the Captain she made her way slowly around the desk and looked over his monitors there where keeping watch before the door.

“Veronica I would say you have five, maybe ten seconds “ She reached over for the Captain's gun, made sure it was well out of reach on the other side of the desk and put her own beside it . Even as she counted in her head, she was not looking forward to explaining what she was doing here. She took two steps back from the weapons, then stood at parade rest.
"On my mark," Bastion whispered to Gough as she settled on the other side of the door-frame. She held her revolver in her right hand, ready to push the button to open the doors. She could hear muffled voices inside.

She looked at Gough and gave him a nod. Her thumb pushed the opening button and as the doors slid away she said. "Mark!"
Veronica nodded to Rae as she moved around the chair and seized the tubby captain by the neck, pulling him up to a standing position. Despite saying he was to be a bargaining chip of sorts, she had no qualms of him taking any bullets that went flying from whoever was on the other side. When she heard the door activate, she instinctively covered her eyes by lowering her head behind her human shield. She calls out first, however.

"Alright, if you're part of the crew, you stay the fuck back afore I rip out your legs. You're the ship we boarded, we got you a present." It was hard to say whether they'd hear it before they went all commando, but she was more than ready to fight if forced.
Gough had the grenade in his hand and he was about to throw it inside upon Bastion's mark when he heard Veronica's voice. He whispered to the others. "They're negotiating, but I'm not buying it. Could be a trap."

He waited behind the door to listen to what Veronica had to say. Opening the door and tossing the grenade inside. As he tossed the grenade inside, he was able to catch a glimpse of the room's occupants.

Three. Nepleslian, Geshrin and a Lorath. Nepleslian sitting, Geshrin focussed on Nepleslian. Nepleslian could be Captain. Gough's thoughts were racing to process what he saw in those moments. One thing, however, didn't add up: Lorath facing desk with weapons and is standing at parade rest? That can't be right.

However, you can't un-throw a grenade, much like you can't un-shoot someone. The grenade rolled and clattered along the ground coming to rest several metres away from Rae, Veronica and the Captain. Veronica used the Captain to withstand most of the blast, covering her ears and using his body to absorb a majority of the shock.

Rae was not so lucky, but she anticipated that a flash bang would be the first thing inside. Lorath did not negotiate with pirates. The ear splitting pop and blinding light made her stumble.

"I saw one, a Lorath standing at standard parade rest." Gough quickly relayed to Bastion before raising his shotgun. "Prisoner, perhaps. Cuff the others if they resist. Go."

Gough pumped the shotgun as he moved in, with Al'ris following him. "You'll have to understand that it's once burnt, twice shy with you pirate sorts." He stood with his weapon raised towards the Captain. "What's your bargaining chip, him? For what purpose, clemency at your hearing?"

The pirate captain was mewling in shock and gurgling from the blast.

Al'ris moved towards Rae, with a light machinegun resting by her side a shoulder strap with her hand on the grip and a semi automatic pistol in her other hand. "Keib. There's LSDF personnel." She activated the camera on her helmet and streamed him Rae's face. She glanced towards Veronica and got a look at her face too.

Keib raised an eyebrow when he saw Veronica. She saved him earlier at the armoury by shooting and stabbing her own men during the momentary blackout. He then sent a message to Al'ris, Gough and Bastion. "She's not bluffing. She's backstabbing her own crew, and offering us their captain. Take it."

Keib was putting pieces together as to why his ship would be attacked when it has nothing valuable. "The pirate ship and its captain were a distraction, and I'd like to know more. Much more."

"Yes sir." Gough replied before lowering his shotgun. "Alright, hand him over and come along."
"Are you sure?" Al'ris responded.
"Certain." Keib replied. He was rarely wrong. "Tell her I say 'Hi, thanks for the save earlier'."

"Er, roger." Gough responded again, somewhat sheepish. "The XO says 'Hi, thanks for the save earlier'." He pondered what the XO had gotten up to while he, Yar'mak and the others were killing their own pirates. He heard an explosion in the armoury, but was busy with his own fights, and couldn't investigate it. I need to ask the XO what he means by that...
Mars moved into the room with Gough. Her revolver set on Veronica's face as the negotiations started. Keib seemed to butt in on it, but that was okay, he was the commander now after all. Gough did most of the talking for now.

"Roger," replied Mars to Keib, and then looked at Veronica. The very tall Fyunnen lowered her revolver a bit, to show she does not want to shoot just yet. "We will take your present. But I want you to unload and holster your guns."
Rae had only a brief moment while the flash bang came to a rolling stop by them. She would have cursed but there wasn’t a point. Seeing spots and her ears ringing she leaned forward both hands on the desk as she struggled through the effects.

“….for the save earlier'” was the first words she could properly hear again. She looked to Al'ris with comprehension again “ It is good to see your unit isn’t soft..” she said with a grin eying the weapon leveled at her
Veronica had the pistol also aimed directly at Mars' face after she recovered from the flash-bang. A tense few seconds before the Geshrin snorted "Tch. Fine. If I need to kill you, I don't need a gun to rip you apart, birdie." Even outnumbered and surrounded, Veronica lost none of her fire. Any attempts to cuff her would likely not fly with her. All the same, she did toss the gun towards them casually.

"Hear that, ya fat bastard? Someone's adopted you. Guess I don't have to skin you alive and let my friend here play with the sharp objects. They can do it for us" With that she unceremoniously kicks the captain out of the chair and towards the crew with one powerful leg.

"For what purpose? Cause I hate him. He's doing all kinds of retarded shit for the sake of some ghost treasure. He even goes after you birds while in your space, which is beyond stupid. My sexy bird there in the corner is lucky I decided to take her in instead of executing everyone like the rest of the retards did. And look now, she gets to be with her own folk again." She turns her head to Rae and smirks at her. "You're welcome."
Mars holstered her own gun, happy that those two decided to co-operate. It was nice seeing someone sensible. She picked the gun that the geshrin tossed away, put a safety on and put it behind her belt. It was even better, Mars just asked them to unload the gun, she would even let them keep it. The tall fyunnen decided to ignore the intimidation from the geshrin, it was not worth her time.

She picked up the gun and tossed him Gough's way. "Get this bastard to brig and lock him up. Frisk him first." She said, giving the fat man kick in the butt on the way. Her eyes then went to the other Lorath.

"What's your name, rank and unit." Mars asked Rae.
Rae looked like she was going to snap off to a response to Veronica, then Mars addressed her. Habit and training caused her to stand up a bit straighter “ Rae'lynn Razor, Trooper. I am currently, and very temporarily removed from active duty. I was on a transport when they felt the need to attack it for whatever little it was worth... The rest of the story as she said it is right, so we dont need to shoot her just yet” she couldn’t help but meet Veronica's eyes as she said it, a bit of her own amusement behind them, before looking back to Mars.
"So..." said Mars, her eyes slowly moving back to Veronica. "She was part of the pirate crew and part of the attack on your ship?" She asked simply, asserting the information. Her orders were not do anything to the geshrin girl. Yet.
"I didn't even fight with anyone on her ship. Told them attacking a military ship was retarded. You see why I'm ready to toss this asshole to the dogs yet?" Veronica was still extremely mouthy for someone unarmed.

She looks back at Rae "Just yet? Okay. I decided to save your ass instead of letting the crackheads blasting through the quarters kill you. Would you rather I change my mind now?" Even though she didn't have a gun, the room was fairly small and it would only take maybe two steps at the most for Veronica to reach any of them, at which point it was unlikely to stop her from attacking should she decide to. She turns to Mars. "See what kind of ungratefulness I have to put up with? I don't regret any part of bringing this crew down."
Mars' eyes went back to Veronica. The tall fyunnen was sure that the geshring will be trouble. Some kind of trouble. The simple lack of any respect to anything was a good give-away. Not to mention judging by the girls body-language Mars was sure that the geshrin would really go and try attack her, Al'rish and Gough in hand-to-hand. That meant she was over-confident, insane, stupid or all of those.

"We should move back to our ship." She said simply. "What will happen with you depends on my commanding officer and not me. For now you will be our guest. I am sure the boss will work out some sort of deal with you. If that fact that you saved lorath soldier will be confirmed."
"Y'hear that babe? Stop standing like you shoved one of your toys up your ass. Speaking of which, you want to go get all your kinky little toys out of your cell? I got them for you from your ship, but I'm not going to walk all the back there for them now." Apparently Veronica intended to embarrass Rae for her comment.
Rae'lynn tossed a glare towards Veronica and her outburst “ I think we can just leave this place , unless you want to stay around and remember fond memories Veronica. “ The words dripped sarcasm, Veronica's words obviously hit home a bit. She turned her head regarding Mars again “ Lets get off of this boat and sink her. “ she finally moved from parade rest, moving and stopping near the elevator , now waiting for the rest of the.
Mars grabbed the weapon, that Razor tossed on the table and went outside. Her eyes were still being careful about Veronica and her movement. She did not expect the pirate-girl to try anything, but it would not hurt to be careful.

"Toys?" Mars said, perking her eyebrows at the fyunnen. It interested her. She needed find out more about this soldier, whoever she was. Mars was sure that Keib will have a lot of question to both women.
“ Dont worry about it. When they took me Veronica felt the need to grab some of my.. personal items. “ Rae shook her head after that, not intending to say more. “ Have you found any more hostiles on board?” Rae wasn’t sure if they had swept the ship before finding them, or by chance they had ended up in the captain’s room near the beginning of their boarding operation
"Scans shows it empty. We will seal the airlocks after we get back on Akahar." Mars replied to the fyunnen. It was okay for her to know that.

"Keib." Mars turned of her helmets loud-speaker and contacted the XO on the radio. "I have a supposed Lorath soldier that was held captive, some rogue lady that saved her and they took the pirate captain alive. I am taking them all to the airlock. We will seal the airlock after we pass. Where do you want me to take them? All of them to brig or just the pirate?"
"Mars. Scuttle their ship and bring the captain to the Brig." Keib replied over the speaker, "Bring the others to me and tell them to get their belongings and any other data on the Captain ASAP." That meant tapes, transmission logs, journals, anything. Keib had to see a thread. "All of us want answers to this, and we're going to get them one way or the other. That's a solemn promise."

Cerise eyes blinked over Keib as she was absorbed in thought, watching Pratima move and bounce like a child in a candy store over the Akahar's systems and hardware, much like a park warden. She was watching both the metal body before her and the artificial inteligence that was permeating the Akahar. "Pratima," Aiesu asked, trying to get the freespacer's attention.

The freespacer's head turned about 120 degrees to face Aiesu. "Yes sir/madam/unspecified?" it asked, continuing to fiddle with the control panel in front of it. It had apparently hacked the displays to play a freespacer game called 'warp-tris' a variant on the ancient game of falling quadrilaterals.

"Where did you learn to program?" Aiesu replied, stepping out from behind Keib's chair and moving beside her to inspect her handiwork. Grinning with genuine astonishment. "Hardware and software seem to be to you like breathing is to us." Effortless, subconscious and impossible to forget.

"Machine code was the native language of my ship." Pratima said, "And in the creche we played with electronic circuits and microchips. We were an R and D ship. Doing experiments too dangerous for the main fleet."

"Haaa..." Aiesu breathed. "So it has been your life. Tell me," She watched the freespacer's handiwork as she kept in conversation. "How familiar are you with artificial intelligences? No doubt you've met the ship's native ARIA by now, AkahARIA."

"Of the six minds currently inhabiting this shell, two of them are artificial intelligences, three are female, one is male. We have met ARIA, it seemed frightened by our mindtouch."

Inhabiting shells. Aiesu sucked on her teeth for a few moments thinking of the implications of this. Maybe freespacers had figured out their own way of creating something similar to the ROM-Constructs of Lazarus, with very different means. "Tell me more..."

"More about?" The freespacer asked.

"About you..."

"We were trapped all alone with ourselves in the virtual node awaiting rescue because we carried important data, so we could not allow ourselves to end. We hacked a method for longevity that is considered ungood. The punishment/consequence/result is that we are... stuck with each other. It is good to finally have people who are not us to talk to. What about you and your people? You seem very different than us. Your ARIA seems sad. There is no druid to tend to your digispace, and it's empty, lonely... it must be maddening."

"We operate on a very different set of principles. I've only had a passing familiarity of Freespacer technology operation, but we have created our own means and our own methods of cyberspace, foreign to you as yours are foreign to us."

"But where are the thousands of artificial minds that operate subsystems? Some people, some animals, some plants, but all minds, all communicating? There is but one mind that struggles to handle everything, not several each focused on a different subtask. Your way seems... ineffective, stressing, spartan. No time for joy, only work." Pratima shook its head "So what is your purpose? Are you an artist of science like we are?"

"I suppose that's one way to put it..." She smiled, inspecting Pratima's hardware. One of the bridge bunnies was watching Aiesu leering at Pratima. Another bridge bunny frowned, looked at her companion and shook her head.

Pratima noticed the two bridge bunnies, darting closer to them suddenly to inspect them carefully. They leaned back in surprise. Then it turned back to Aiesu. "Why are you showing signs of sexual arousal?" it asked the leering one, "this unit is designed to be sexually compatible with a wide range of other units, however this is not the appropriate time for leaving your sex hormones turned on. Recommend temporarily turning them off until the emergency is finished."

"Hrk-" Aiesu gasped, blinking and feeling a heave in her abdomen. "N...nevermind. Involuntary." She was blushing furiously, before her cheeks became devoid of colour again. "I'm just very fascinated."

Pratima cocked its head to the side, then put its face super close to Aiesu's. It simply stared at Aiesu from super close for a little bit, then "BOO!" It spread it's arms very wide. Then it chuckled furiously at Aiesu's reaction. "Yes. Your unit is prone to involuntary reactions. Was this deliberate, or the result of a calibration error? This unit can assist with calibrations."

Aiesu didn't reply.

Keib found that Aiesu and Pratima were getting on like a house on fire and made a momentary smile, but her motives for doing so seemed mercenary from Keib's perspective. He looked over to Merril. "Pst, Merrill." He asked beneath his breath.

"Yeah?" Merril mumbled, beginning to nod off while standing. The tech talk bored her, and she wasn't about to listen to a bloody robot's backstory.

"I think she likes our new guest." Keib let the exact meaning of that hang for the moment.

"So, she's a scientist. They prolly got hardons hard-wired into their. . . hard hats?"
Merril stumbled at her attempt to say something really witty, and shrugged.
"Point being, she's got whatever going for her. Science boner. Y'know."

"I'm a little curious too, but there are more pressing things at hand." He replied, looking at the view screens for Mars, Gough and Al'ris.

"Like what? Everybody's either dead or uninjured now, yeah?"

"And we have a prisoner and two turncoats in our favour."

"Shit, did I miss- oh. Good to know I didn't miss any, then. Pirates are cowards once they know they don't got the guns to back them up."

Keib held up four fingers to indicate how many had died by his hand, then flattened his hand and waved his outstretched palm, indicating that they weren't much chop when the chips were down. "You?"

"Two I know I killed. The others mighta just got caught in the crossfire. I'm only claiming the ones I see the light leave. Goddess claim their hearts," the medic made a gesture of prayer, though a little more malicious in execution than a simple blessing.

"Hopefully God snatches them to Hell on the way there." Keib replied, tapping his left finger against the arm rest of his chair.

"Now you're talkin'!"
The wildcat eyed Keib, examining her now-commanding-officer a little more closely.

As Merrill was looking at Keib, she noticed a scar on the palm of his left hand. It stretched from the base of the index finger to the lowermost thumb muscles. It appeared to have been made very carefully and very deliberately.

"What's with the battle scar? Seems a little unusual to be a simple gun wound, and looks too straight to be from a knife in the heat of battle," she asked tactlessly, eying the cut.

Keib gasped and quickly balled his left hand, concealing the scar.

"Story then? Damn, I really wanted to know. Buuuut I won't pry. This time~!"
A fangly grin.
Mars frowned and looked at Veronica and Razor. "We are going to get your stuff. Gough, take the fatarse into the brig. Al'ris do whatever you want." Mars said with a chuckle. "XO said to the grab intel and scuttle the ship."

"Sir," Mars went of silently back to comms with Keib. "There might be good stuff on this ship. I think we should sniff around before we get rid of it. We still work on tight budget and these folks might have something we could use. Also... they will have credits and valuables. We might want to make some savings for the rainy day."
Rae'lynn frowned a bit then looked to Veronica “ Do you know where they are keeping my gear? Maybe a few other choice things for you to grab?” The look on her face doubted there was anything quite that choice to grab here, but she was resigned to having to stay on the ship that much longer
, and who knows? It was a pirate ship and they may have gotten lucky.

Her mind raced though even if she wouldn’t show it . So far the boarding party had been pretty tight lipped on names , but the Akahar was a ship she had heard all to much about. She took her first steps out of the Captains room , at this point it was hard not to feel cursed.