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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1.2] The Training Run

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Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Captains Cabin - Five minutes later

Sa'kira entered her cabin, a room much larger than the cabins used by Enlisted and most other officers. She marveled at the decor, but that wasn't what was on her mind. She walked over into her office and picked up a small folder that was laying beside her computer, she opened it up to see that her requests for promotions to her crew had been granted. "Good," she said and set the folder back down and picked up a wooden box that held the new armbands for those who were to be promoted.

She placed the box in the inside of her coat and then walked into the bathroom to look into the mirror; briefly she stared at her appearance and then turned her face from one side to the other and nodded.

Picking up the folder once again, she left her cabin and made her way to the crew lounge on the bottom of the ship and arrived some time later to see who else was there, other than one of the ships medics who was currently preparing some food for the crew on a portable cook top.

Lower Crew Lounge

A table had been set with bread and a plate full of meat such as ham and steak bites. There was also a pan of brown spicey sauce for the steak and a bowl that had various types of fruit in it. There were also drinks that the crew could choose from, water, milk, juice, and even several non-alcoholic drinks.

Toward the back of the lounge was a table nearest the window that had a box sitting on it, the box was presently sealed.

Zur'el stopped in his cabin after finishing up the cargo container fiasco, to grab a change cloths. "I'm probably the most hated person aboard, and hell I haven't been aboard for more the a few hours." he said to the wall, as he dug through his bag. After he changed he grabbed his piked cap and headed for the lounge.

Crew Lounge

Once he entered the room she bowed to the Shipmistress, then grabbed a bottle of water and sat down. Sitting there he thought about how maybe getting this ship as his orders wasn't such a good thing.
Crew Lounge

Def'leor walked into the lounge and looked around. She saw the Ship Mistress and one other crew member present. She took a moment to check her communicator to ensure that the ship was properly holding position. After confirming that thus far all was well she entered the room.

She walked towards Sa'kira and stopped when she was an appropriate distance and bowed. As she straightened Def'leor noticed the various items positioned on the table. However, until Sa'kira gave an indication of why they were here, she chose to stand a short distance away and wait.
Crew Lounge

Keri'cruen had arrived first -- proceeding directly from the engineering bay after dropping off the faulty capacitor he had discovered earlier. He sat seated upon a comfy counch, blue-green eyes upon the entry way as each of the other crew came in one at a time.

When Sa'kira entered, Keri'cruen rose and bowed to the shipmistress. Then to Zur'el -- who had to be the agent Xeui had mentioned earlier -- he spoke softly.

"X'Muyeia Quin'trema and I have found something down in engineering that you might want to take a look at after this, assuming you've the time. 'Somebody' has removed components from one of our energy capacitor's in the engineering bay. It could be anything from sabotage, bad maintenance or outright theft. Hopefully, we won't find any other parts missing after a more thoughrough examination."

When Def'leor entered as well, Keri issued the aviator a polite nod of greeting, before finding himself a place at the table where Euy'ica Sec'retna had been depositing assorted foods and other items.
Crew's Lounge

Zur'el sat there for a few second thinking it all over before responding, "That is most interesting, I would like it if you could right me up a report that details the missing parts, plus anything else you have noticed in the Engineerium. I would be most appreciated, I still have to investigate the cargo container problem."

Pausing for a second he had a very nasty thought run through his head, his face showed very little but the mask dropped for the briefest of moments showing his concern. "As soon as this meeting is up I think if possible could you take me to where this part lives?"

He was very concerned that the cargo container and now this problem have anything having to do with each other. he made a mental note to take a look and see if any of the crew or the ship on a whole had any enemies.
Crew's Lounge

Sa'kira returned Def's bow with a gentle, approving smile. "While we wait for the rest of the crew to arrive," she said to Def, but also to those already there. "Go ahead and grab something to eat or drink, relax a bit. Once everyone is here I'll announce promotions and get us started on our briefing."
Crew Lounge

Def'leor walked over and got a bottle of water. She placed a piece of bread on a plate, put some of the steak bits on it, and drizzled some of the brown sauce. Of the items on the plate the brown sauce was about the only thing that would have flavor, so it would make the bread and meat more palatable.

She found a place to sit, and stabbed a piece of meat with her utensil and ate it. Def did not know how the sauce tasted to others, but at least it had some flavor for her.

She thought about what Sa'kira had said, promotions? she wondered who earned a promotion in the last debacle. But the mentioned briefing had her curiosity. Before taking another bite she took a quick look at her communications unit. No change in position despite the weather.
Crew's Lounge

Tite'Yanus walked into the room a few minutes after everyone else had gathered. Glancing at the foods, he grabbed a slab of meat between his teeth and drug it onto a plate. He then grabbed the pitched of milk between his teeth and poured it onto a bowl that he had placed onto the plate. Very carefully grabbing the edge of the plate, he carried it hanging out of his mouth over to another table where he then nudged the bowl off of the plate and began eating and licking up his milk.

He didn't say anything as he entered.
Qyu'amene walked in and took a slow look around. She had once again been slightly late, but considering the events of earlier it had given her much to ponder. Once she had entered the room she plopped down on her haunches and surveyed her comrades. It appeared that they were in line for yet more training and preparation. Both of which she understood to be necessary.
Shar helped out in the cargo-hold fast enough. She carefully dug into the box with gloves on and took out the ammo boxes. THe rest could be in the heat anyway. She slowly and carefully carried ammo out as no one else seemed to have balls to do so. Setting them off she heard the announcement calling them all to the crew-lounge.

She looked at the Daur that was supposed to train her in using the tanks. "I got to go chief, ship-mistress is calling." Shar said and hopped back into the tank, parking it onto the ground and de-powering it. She then quickly walked to the lounge. It seemed most of the people were still there.

Shar saluted the ship-mistress and then sighed, took out a cigarette lighting it. The scarred daur looked over tables with food and drinks. "No booze, go figure," she muttered for herself. The girl poured herself some juice and took another smaller glass, which immediately changed into ash-tray. With another small sigh she sat away from everyone else enjoying her juice and deathstick.
Levi entered the Crew Lounge and became instantly dejected that again he wasn't first there. I have to do something about that, I shouldn't be so late to these things he thought to himself with his ears dropped back in dejection but once he saw that there was food already prepared he perked up and his ears snapped back up to their usual alert position. Spotting both Def'leor and the Sak'ira at the table he made his way over and payed his respects to the Ship Mistress with a perfectly executed respectful bow.

"No updates on the storm but I have the computers set to continuously monitor it and alert me if any thing changes for the worse." he said to both Sak'ira and Def'leor.

Def'leor listened to Levi. "I've got the Gam'trosha's flight system sending me constant updates on our position and attitude. Really does not feel right leaving the bridge under these conditions." she said in response to his comment.

While Sa'kira waited for their last two crew-members to arrive, she walked over to the table and lifted up a metallic panel to reveal a control pad underneath which she began to type on. The center of the table lit aglow for a moment as the system accessed the data that Levi had acquired in relation to the asteroid.

A glossy white asteroid appeared floating over the table, turning slowly on its axis. Some areas of the roid were blackened out, denoting areas that hadn't been hit by sensors. A measuring bar showed the asteroids length and height.

"While we wait, I would like all of you to take a good look at this roid," muttered the Shipmaster as she hit a button, the roid stopped spinning and a number of areas suddenly became highlighted. "We now know that this asteriod came from outside of the star system," she looked at the crew for a moment, then back at the roid. "The question is.. where?" she didn't wait for anyone to answer, instead she walked around the table and toward the 'rear' of the asteroid.

One thing the crew would notice right away was that some areas of the asteroids body were highlighted in red boxes and circles, denoting areas of extreme interest - including one on the rear which showed a booster of some sort. "What do you all make of this," she pointed at the booster.

Eyeing the layout of the asteroid, Tite'Yanus was reminded of something he had read in a book once, or seen in some sort of movie.

"It reminds of the 'Hammer Station' assault idea. Albeit slightly modified. The concept was that there would be a space station that would use some sort of towing beam to grab onto a large asteroid, position it between the station and a target planet, and then reverse the polarity on the towing beam to launch the asteroid at the planet. I had heard of a concept such as this in my youth, but for obvious reasons there many things that could easily go wrong such as losing power to the beam while it was towing the asteroid in. It seems somebody has modified the concept and made it usable, which is concerning because even an asteroid with a diameter of 10km should produce energy 100,000 times that of our most powerful nuclear weapons."
Shar blew some smoke towards the ceiling to not bother anyone. "Well I think it is pretty clear. Someone strapped a rocket on a rock and used it to attack us." She said with a smirk. "Excuse me ma'am, but what we need to find out is who strapped it on the rock. Cannot some geologists trace the rock to some asteroid field? I mean it could not be sent from too way afar, or it would probably much much faster then it did. Or do we have a good scan on those boosters?"

Def'leor listened to her fellow crew member's offer their input. She then chose to speak.

"Somehow I doubt we have more than visual. We never even knew about the boosters until we started shifting the asteroid's trajectory. Most of the ships were too busy shooting, and then the explosions from the terrorists pretty much affected most ships. It is unlikely that anything of them survived the impact.

But that is not the worst. There is no way this came from our asteroid field using just thrusters. The composition was such that it should have been detected and tracked long before it appeared on our planetary defense systems. Some how someone moved it, in a manner that kept it off our sensors and then released it. I am unaware of any technology we possess that could do that. Now that does not mean that the terrorists might not."

Anas'tasiya entered the lounge quietly, knowing that there was already a conversation under-way. She didn't know anyone yet, save for the Ship Mistress whom she had briefly spoke to when she first came aboard. The healer looked at the asteroid, eyes narrowing with interest towards the red indicators. She didn't have much knowledge of space, or asteroids for that matter - but she knew enough that asteroids shouldn't have engines. She took up a place next to the table, brilliant purple eyes movedbriefly from face to face in curiosity.
Toward's Zur'el, Keri nodded softly and said, "I handed the capacitor over to Quin'trema Xeui'na, who is keeping an eye on things in engineering at present. You can drop in and take a look whenever you have the time. I'll send you a note with my finding's in regard's to the tech, once I have a chance to give it a proper look-see."

The silver-haired kit then turned his attention over to Sa'kira, and waited with the other's for the remainder of the crew to arrive. Once Sa'kira queried the crew on what they thought in regards to the asteroid hologram she later displayed above the table, Keri slowly circled the projection in order to get a good look.

He frowned softly, then spoke with his eyes on Sa'kira. "It remind's me of the delivery systems intended for cometary bombardments in terraforming. In planet's without sufficient quantities of water, the most economical idea to get water is to drop icy comets from the systems outer belt where they are abundant and build up what is available on the planet. It's not an inexpensive process, and most of the water starts off tainted with things like ammonia and needs to be filtered or treated with nanites. I'd have to check, but someone might have used a design intended for that and repurposed it in order to drop this asteroid upon Levia."
Sa'kira listened to her crew as they gave their feedback, she nodded every often at what was said, staring at the holographic image of the asteroid as it began to slowly turn.

"All we know is it's general direction," she stated in regards to Shar's geologist comment, another display appeared beside the asteroid, showing it coming from the systems galactic west. "What's worrisome is this..."

"Also, while our ship doesn't have much data on 'where' it came from, the outpost that was monitoring it DID and Intel was able to recover the sensor logs from the black-box." She looked over at Def'leor, then knelt down beside the panel and tapped it a few times, a dialogue box on the holographic tank appeared saying: 'authorized personnel only, please enter command code'

Sa'kira did just that, entering her command code, along with the code for unlocking the data so that the rest of her crew could get access to it later.

The image suddenly faded outward, then was replaced by recorded sensor logs from a sensor outpost that 'had' been out on the rim of the system. The key word being had, because right beside the logs was the words 'station destroyed by asteroid'

This new image showed the asteroid as a circular white object as being beyond the sensor field which was being displayed as hundreds of small diamonds that ringed the entire star system - just a short distance from the net was a circular looking sensor outpost that monitored the net, the asteroid the asteroid was at a direction which would've taken it well clear of the star system. The sensor data then time-lasped by one hour every minute, showing this asteroid moving ever so slowly, then it suddenly disappeared from the display.

The time lapse continued until the asteroid reappeared, except this time it was well beyond the sensor field very close to the outside. The asteroid began to move, only this time at a much faster rate.

Red lines appeared showing the asteroids trajectory toward the sensor outpost, after a minute of the data being played the asteroid struck the outpost and that was it for the data. The data, however, replayed itself as the larger image of the asteroid reappeared into focus.

Zur'el watched the hologram and sensors footage, after the sensor log finished he had a thought, "Ma'am could the Asteroid have had a FTL system? It might explain how it appeared and disappeared." He sat there thinking over the problem.
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