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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1.2] The Training Run

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Def'leor took a second to respond because it took her a moment for her mind to accept what had been said. It took her another moment to consider the responsibility.

"Ma'am, I accept the position for as long as you want me to. I swear to perform the expected duties in a manner that will ensure you do not regret your decision." she replied.

"You are quite welcome, as an Acting XO, during combat operations all departments will report directly to you. Any requests for materials or supplies, at least until we get someone who can handle supply work, will also go to you."

Sadly though, her rank means that she is still limited in what she can do, without the security clearances, she won't be able to access information that a typical XO can.. but.. one thing at a time, thought Sa'kira.

With a nod of the head; she looked at the drinks that had been placed in front of each of the Enlisted crew. The drinks had a mostly reddish liquid inside, which bubbled slightly when a top was pulled off. "I'm sure some of you know what this is, but for those of you who don't. There is a tradition within the military, whenever you are assigned to a new ship or a new station, you receive one of these: The Life Essence of a Seu'krona. This drink means good luck, and long life."

She grabbed one of the bottles that hadn't been passed out and placed it on the table. "You may drink, and make sure to drink it all.."

As the crew drank, the following message would be received from Def'leor and Gev'inov from the ships computer:

Four ships detected, ID confirms as friendly, approaching from the east.

Zu'rel took the bottle and opened it when the Shipmaster said to. Once he started drinking it he decided that he could have lived with out tasting it. Oh he knew it was impotent and how it was traditional but it tasted very... Awkward. He made sure he drank every last drop, he didn't want to offend. He was happy to see everyone who got their promotions, he knew he was going to have to work hard to get one of his own.

He looked around and wondered how much longer this was going to take. He wanted to get back up to his console to work on his investigation of the contraband, and the miss-packed cargo container.

Def'leor picked up the bottle and unstoppered it. She had heard of Life Essence of a Seu'krona, and reports by some of how it tasted. She brought up the bottle and proceeded to down it. She had no desire to give Sa'kira or her crew offense. She smiled as she drank it, for once her poor sense of taste was an advantage.

Once the bottle was done she returned it to the table. She made a mental note that once she returned to the bridge, she would need to pull up data on her new responsibilities.
Gam'trosha Lounge

Keri took the armband intended for Xeui'na, giving the piece of cloth and its badge of rank a brief smile as he thought what the young female kits reaction to the promotion might be.

"Of course, I'll see that she get's it U'Cet." Keri responded briefly before the shipmistress launched herself into making additional announcements.

The kit cast Def'leor a pleased smile upon hearing of her placement as the ship's lexicon. It would be a difficult task given her lack of training toward's the officer position, but given the navy's lack of properly trained personnel they had little recourse but to rely enlisted fresh from basic training for positions which would normally require people with years of prior experience.

The kit took the glass of reddish liquid, the Life Essence of a Seu'krona, gently into his hands when it was offered. As instructed, he refrained from attempting to drink from the glass until told to do so.

After that instruction came, Keri tilted his head back and attempting to drain the glass quickly -- letting the bitter liquid surge down his throat and rush past his tongue.

Once the glass was empty, Keri set the empty glass down and tried to keep his mind off the odd twisting sensation that was coming from his stomach -- which he decided had to be his nerves complaining about all the awkward ceremony.
Crew Lounge

Taking back the drink offered, he had heard of such a ritual, and was prepared for it, even though he wasn't officially a part of the crew. With all the briefings and the information gathered, however, he was creating a checklist on his datapad for things he would want to check out for any possibilities of boosting the Gam'trosha's capabilities.

The first thing on his list was to take a look at the sensor array. He wanted to identify any weaknesses in the scanning capabilities, or exploit anything that they original engineers hadn't thought of. Besides all that, he had been working on a theory of how to boost the sensor strength of any ship's sensors by going beyond the small portion of the light spectrum they used for the signal.
Crew Lounge

Def'leor checked her communicator to see if the Gam'trosha was holding position. She raised an eyebrow when she saw a message in her in box.

"U'Cetrinal, there are four vessels approaching. They are identified as 'Friendly'." She said to Sa'kira, though she was not willing to accept blindly that they were friendly. After the prior mission, friendly could be dangerous.

"Perhaps they are part of whatever alternative plans the squad commander has." she said

Sa'kira nodded. "Alright, so it seems the squadron has arrived. Once you are finished with the traditional drink, please return to your stations; our infantrymen should assemble in the armory, just in case our squadron commander has anything 'special' planned."

The Shipmaster looked around the crew, she wasn't going to leave just yet but instead wait for a few to see if anyone had questions or concerns, otherwise she did notice that their head healer gave a quick salute and then headed out of the lounge to return to the infirmary.
Having sat through the promotions and the celebration afterward; Levi was anxious to get back on the bridge and at his station. Thoughts of today's events and images running through his mind So Def'leor is now my superior in rank and position, heh could have been worse. Now as for that asteroid disappearing from sensors like that; it screams and FTL entry and exit but I need some gravimetric scans to confirm my theory.
He quickly raced to get back his sensors and hopefully get the response he was hoping for. I'll congratulate Def'leor later
Crew Lounge

Tal'Dar took back the drink like the others. He wasn't bothered by it in the least. In the meantime, he had other things on his mind. The youthful engineer wasn't very ambitious, but did have ideas, ideas that could change the face of warfare.

He looked down at his datapad, and after finishing the details, he forwarded the concept of creating a controlled singularity inside of a vaccuum. This was only the beginning phase of his overall ideas. He further explained in the message that the controlled singularity would provide the required gravity to maintain a controlled environment for the production and containment of neutronium, thought to be impossible to harvest because of it's instability. In his letter he explained that the gravity of a neutron star keeps the neutronium from deteriorating and thus exploding due to the release of energy, and that the collision of anti-matter and matter could produce a singularity within a vacuum that would be enough to maintain that environment. Having explained all that, he also added the threats and dangers that would follow by producing a weapon out of controlled neutronium.

After sufficiently voicing his concerns in the letter and forwarding it, he spoke up to the ship mistress in the crew lounge, "Mistress, I know I'm new around here, but I do feel that if we are to make any sort of move, we need all of the information first. I think the best course of action would be to fill out those black spots on the scan before we decide our next move," he explained, and with confidence.

Def'leor looked around at her crew mates, then back to Sa'kira. "I'll be on the bridge ma'am. I will contact the Squadron commander and see what our 'exercise' is gong to be so we can prepare." she said, have a slight bow and walked out.

On her way back to the bridge she monitored her bridge station. The weather conditions were still atrocious, and no sign of improvement from the readings. What kind of training event does the commander have in mind? Sending the infantry down in this weather? They will be blown all over the place. she thought.

Once on the bridge Def took her seat and strapped into the chair. She unlocked her station, and pulled up the IDT to monitor the approach of the other ships. In light of the recent events she was not entirely trusting of the classification of friendly. She transmitted a message to the approaching ships.

To approaching Neshaten Shukara Navy vessels. This is the NSV Gam'trosha. U'Cetrinal Sa'kira Shipmaster.
This is acting Lexicon A'Fuereb Vail'ant. Please identify yourself and intention.

"Problem is that we had no ships in a position to scan those regions at the time, so we can only thoerize what was actually there," said Sa'kira as she replaced the holographic imgae with the asteriod again. "However, hopefully as the investigation continues we won't have to be guessing on these things.."


NSV-Gam'trosha, this is J'Yura Vi'cena of the NSV-Shadow of Light. We are here to give your ship a trial run since the training center is down. Please accept comm. request, and be ready to receive two new recruits.

On Def'leors console, she'd notice a request for a comm. uplink.

Outside, in the weather

A small shuttle soon departed one of the She'tan'ora vessels and started to make it's way toward the Gam'trosha, a long flight due to the strong storm in the area.

The pilot let out a curse as he compensated for the weather. "Hope you two aren't flight sick," he called to his two passengers. "If you are, there are barf bags under your seats.. please use those and not the deck..."
Shar smiled and accepter the drink. The worm blood was not bad drink, but it could use a drop of Vodka in it. Shar tasted a bid, rolling it on her tongue and swallowing. It did not have vodka in it, or any alcohol. How dissapointing, it was just a good old worm blood. Not the first time Shar had one. She had it when she go accepted to Special Unit of guard, she also had it after she completed her rite. And when He died, she drank a little too to celebrate him. Then she tried to commit suicide without success. Was it luck or not? She did not knew.

This drink reminded her of that all. The woman sighed and finished the drink, setting the bottle back on the table as if it was burning her fingers. She suddenly felt like throwing up so she sat back on the couch, rubbing her forehead.

She was paying only half attention to what was going on next. The fly-girl became lexicon, good for her. Shar could not be assed with all that responsibility. She would not mind handling the ship marines though. Then the rest of the squadron arrived.

Shar was feeling a bit better by now, looking at Tite'Yanus. "So Tit," she said, teasing him with his little nickname again. "I guess it is time for us to sit on our arses in the armoury." She said and headed there.

"Thank you, but we'll be fine. We're counting on you to get us there safely after all." Stahp nodded to the pilot. In the passenger seats he could see through the cockpit and barely make out their destination ahead. It took him a bit of effort to stop himself from getting up and moving in closer to get a better view. The Gam'trosha, their first assignment aboard a vessal.

"So, I'su... how does it feel?" He asked his sister, keeping his eyes on the window of the cockpit. As excited as he was, he was sure the Liebe woman that he owed his life to would be even more excited. He knew just how hard Ari'Su had worked for this. It was her chance to make a name for herself and he would do everything he could to help her with that. A small smile etched itself on his face as he thought of his sister's dreams.

Stahp's goals were much simpler. He merely wanted to live as a good and noble person; one that his parents would be proud of. He also wanted to pay back the dept he owed to Ari'Su and her family. The smile on his face receded as concern took him. The first step to paying that debt was making sure that Ari'Su made it back to her family alive, even if it cost him his own life.

The anxiety was killing the Laibe Combat Engineer, she looked around excitedly, her head shooting over a glance at her Step-Brother as he spoke, his voice helping to alleviate some of the excitement. She couldn't help but feel the grin flash across her face.

"This is great, I can't believe this. Can you? It feels like yesterday we were back planetside... well, it was planetside, but you know what I mean... right?" she tilted her head looking over at the Daur before her.

She took a look around the shuttle again, before taking a deep breath, "What about you Brother, how do you feel about this? I know you've always wanted to help people... Do you think you're doing the right thing here?"

She couldn't help but ask, they hadn't really seen each other while in Basic and their job training. It had killed her to know that her brother was probably making enemies and didn't have her there for back up. She smiled again, in complete happiness over this opportunity to make something out of her life.

Stahp turned his head away from the window and stare curiously at his sister, surprised by the last question. He honestly hadn't expected it from Ari'Su. For what reason did she think he would start doubting himself now? Ah... he thought, realizing how long it had been since they last saw each other. He slowly raised his hand and placed it over the girl's head, gently ruffling up her hair.

"It's been half a year, hasn't it, I'su?" The Daur asked rhetorically, carrying a soft and warm smile. He hoped she had been okay without him around to look after her. She was what other would consider rather rough around the edges. After ruffling up her hair more vigorously this time, he then looked up at the metal hull of the shuttle, imagining the stars on the other side before answering her questions. "Where else would I be...but here? Where else would I find people more desperately in need of a smile on their faces then the ones up there?"

A memory of his father's clinic filled with smiles and laughter briefly swirled in his mind before he pushed it aside. He lowered his head and looked to the cockpit once more. "How...have you been...?" He suddenly asked, stopping himself from adding 'without me.'
She found herself struggling to put words together. She couldn't help but lean into the hair ruffling. The thing she had missed most during her training was just being able to talk to her step-brother, "Half a year brother... It's a long time," she spoke in a soft tone, her look now fixed onto the deck plating.

"I wasn't able to sleep much while in basic and engineering training..." she spoke up after a small moment of silence. She didn't really know what to say...

"I thought we would never see each other again. But, I held on to a glimmer of hope that we'd serve together... well, here we are..."

She smiled faintly. She would then sit back, instead of being hunched over staring at the floor, her gaze now on her step brother, Her deep purple eyes taking in a long missed sight before smiling again, attempting to shake the sad mood off of herself.

"What about you? How have you been?" She would finally ask.

Keri smiled softly and glanced toward Sa'kira. "I suppose I should head back to engineering and give Xeui'na the good news."

The small, platinum-haired kit swivelled about and took his leave of those who still remained in the lounge, leaving just after Def'leor did.

Engineering Bay

After donning his new rank band, Keri'curen navigated his way back through the ship and into the vessel's engineering bay, spotting his friend leaning over the main computer workstation and too preoccupied with whatever occupied her attention to notice his silent approach. The young kit slipped in behind the girl, his tail swishing slightly back and forth in his pleasure to be the bearer or good news. With his hands behind his back, Keri gently kept Xeui's new armband out of immediate view.

"Heya there. The promotion ceremonies all done." Keri said, his mouth was unconsciously inching toward an almost impish grin.

Stahp was troubled by Ari'Su's confession that things didn't seem to go well for her but he decided not to push for more details. She appeared to be unprepared or perhaps unwilling to speak of it. Maybe one day she'll tell the full story of their time apart, but for now it was fine if she didn't want to. What mattered most was that she was here with him right now. The only other issue left to deal with was his sense of guilt when she asked the same question of him.

The Daur's training went relatively well. In fact, some of it was rather enjoyable. Sure there were a few 'arguments' but nothing he could not handle. However he wasn't sure if it would be a good thing to say to her. If he sounded like he had a good time without her she may take it negatively. Lying to her wasn't an option either. He could never allow himself to tell a lie, especially to her.

"I'm here aren't I? Don't worry over me so much. That's MY job, LITTLE sister." Stahp first joked in an attempt to change the subject before carrying it on in a more serious tone. "Did they allow you to send a message to Father and Mother before you left?" He would ask, fully expecting that she had.

His ploy at changing the subject worked, " Mom and Dad? Yeah, of course, I wanted to make a call to you. But they wouldn't let me, I don't know if they got a call to you or not. But..." Her voice seemed to just stop in its track as she held her tongue.

Should I tell? she thought to herself as the silence dragged on for a few seconds.

"T-they said they're proud of us, and they wanted me to tell you that they loved you." she looked back down to the floor plating, it wasn't easy keeping things from him, but, she knew this might not go over well with him at first. Perhaps another time would be best to explain while they weren't on the shuttle.

"I missed you, brother," she said, unsure of why she stated it now, but the Laibe did it now. Besides, it wasn't everyday a Laibe was all sincere like this to a Daur, a rare sight it must be for two of their kind to be considering eachother kin.
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