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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1.2] The Training Run

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Shar read the note and raised her eyebrows. This might be something. Or nothing. She went through the pockted of unconscious guys again, but found nothing more. She was pretty sure this was the regular terrorist attacks. All the assailants where laibe's after all.

"Bridge," Shar called the top dog. "I got something for intelligence. It is a note describing some kind of meet up. But it might be a ruse, the guy I got this was supposed to burn it after reading, but he did not. So he is either a stupid wanker or he hoped for us to find it. We might ask him though as he is alive and after some medical help he should be bale to talk."
Cargo Hold

Sec'retna grabbed a hold of the cargo container as the Gam'trosha began evasive maneuvers. A number of small objects bounced past her as the ship lurched through the atmosphere. When things stabilized enough for her to move safely she advanced towards the pod.

"Sorry for being cautious, but things have been insane. It is hard to know who to trust in times like this.

Who needs tending to immediately? Otherwise we should get you all to the medical area." she said her tail wrapped tightly around her body.


Def'leor watched with satisfaction as the rogue ship was struck by the incoming fire and sank from sensors.

There were no immediate threats. She turned to Sa'kira. "Ma'am should I order the squadron to regroup or return to base?"

Sa'kira sighed rather heavily as she allowed herself to relax a bit, and rubbed the bridge of her nose in the process. "Order the squadron to regroup, then set a course for base. Run continious scans for any additional hostiles."

She looked up at the viewscreen. "Levi, initiate full scans on that carrier please - I want to know 'how' it got past our sensor nets," she looked over at Levi while saying this before looking up at Zu'rel. "Zu'rel, our marines in the shuttle-bay have found some interesting intelligence from the intruders, please head there and recover that intel.. if the intruders are still alive, question them."

"Shar," Sa'kira then said and leaned forward a bit. "Secure the shuttle bay please, I am sending someone down to recover the intelligence you've found."

A second later a light alarm went off on Def'leors console, informing her that the built up heat was now being vented out into the air. Gauges and readouts showed the reactor running at almost one hundred and sixty one percent, but now that all systems had been freed out of an intrusion, the failsafes had triggered along with those activated from engineering - heat began to vent out from the rear of the ship along with the sides.


"Venting heat now, can you return to engineering please? Things are getting rather unbearable up here..." Quin said over Keri's communicator, her voice sounding rather ragged.

Zur'el stood and bowed before heading out the door, towards the shuttle bay. As he walked down there he though about what he was about to do. he only ever trained for dealing with enemy insurgents, never any real world experience.

Shuttle bay

After walking in and serving the damage, Zur'el walked over to Shar, "Ma'am I am here to interrogate this and the other prisoner, can you please help escort them to the brig with me."

Def'leor watched with a sense of satisfaction when the carrier was grievously wounded by the Defense Corps. However she did not cheer or show any undue excitement. There were people dying there. Who knew how many of the Neshatens aboard that ship had no idea what their commanders were going to do.

This is madness, is someone trying to push us back into a massive civil war. As a people we barely survived it, another could be the end of us. she thought

She opened a channel to the ships and broadcasted, "Attention all squadron ships. Maintain defensive posture, regroup on the Gam'trosha. We are returning to base."

She slowed the Gam'trosha and held position, monitoring her IDT for any tactical issues.

"Reactor is initiating emergency venting to cool down. Ma'am"
"Triage was not on my list of priorities, only seeing the evacuees safely to the pod. One was dead due to not being strapped down during re-entry." Ay'indri stated curtly as the other Daur made her way toward the pod.
"Well look at that, he talks!" Zes'kas exclaimed, "That's good." He didn't have long to be happy about it, a cry for a medic reached his ears. "Stay right there." He said to the unconscious Liabe as he ran towards the cry for help.

Upon arriving he would find a wounded My'leke, a badly wounded one at that. He slid to a stop next to her, "Allright, let's see what we got." He said to himself as he began examining the wounds. "Name's Zes'kas, what's yours?" He pulled his medical kit out, setting it next to him, once he had fully evaluated the wounds, he'd get to using it.

If they're talking, they're living, at least, more living then some.
Cargo Bay

"No need to worry about triage," Ye'gor called after Ay'indri, "everyone alive is fine. I checked. However, what should we do with him?" The young Laibe motioned his nose towards the dead officer he was carrying and slowly finding himself physically tiring of it after all the moving around the ship did.
Shar picked up weapon of the Laibe and put it on her back on a sling. She then took him and put him on the tiny elevator used to get ammunition up. It was big enough for torpedoes so it was big enough to carry body. Shar made sure none of the extremities were sticking out and activated the elevator. She hoped on herself, standing over the unconscious body.

"There we go," Shar said wit ha smile as she ascended. "Okay folks, treat the wounded. Whoever is okay and not busy come here and watch this prisoner. Prisoner will get treament after our people is that clear? Good."

With that she noticed Zur'el who walked to her and asked her about interrogation. "You got bugger luck boy," Shar said to the young Daur. She then pointed to the unconscious body on the elevator. "This one here is unconscious. Too many stun-blasts in the face, hope his brain is okay. The other almost bled out since someone happily gnawed on his throat. But you can be useful and watch over them meanwhile." She said and handed the boy the rifle that the terrorist had.

"I got work to do meanwhile," She said and walked away. She headed for the walkway that was damaged during the fight. She knew that the Daur instructor was there and she did not hear him till now, needed to check if he was okay.
Shuttle bay

"Uhh Thanks...?" Zur'el took the rifle and check the weapon over, before setting it on a crate behind him. He needed both hands to check the guy over for any information. With practiced fingers the pockets and uniform was searched over making sure there wasn't any information or anything worth while.
"Place him somewhere, where we can ship the body back to his family I assume. Either way I'd prefer it if we treat the dead with the respect they deserve." Ay'indri stated with a swish of her tail while watching the Healer.

"Blame the terrorists. I had to kill one who'd infiltrated the Shraw just before our pod launched. By now if he somehow survived three or four plasma shots to the chest, he is dead from explosive decompression."

As the kit rummaged through the intruders pockets, unknown to him, the intruder slowly opened his eyes and stared up at the bays ceiling but his attention was taken when he felt the hands in his pockets.

Despite having the bandage around his neck, and still feeling a bit wozy from the blood lose, his adranaline kicked him as quickly reached for a hidden knife and attempted to attack Zur'el.

At the top of the stairway that lead up to the walkway that spanned the shuttlebay, Shar would find the Daur instructure leaning up against a partially destroyed part of the walkway, his hand over his wound which had since been sealed by the body-suits own medical foam. The daur looked over at Shar and smiled weakly.
Shuttle Bay

As soon as he felt the body tense up, Zu'Rel jumped back drawing his sword. "Don't move, don't try anything." His Kurkri style blade arched towards the intruder. "I have had a pissy day so go ahead and upset me."

He made sure he was two paces away and ready to swing and remove the guy's arms if he made any attempt to attack.
Cargo Hold

"Since none of you need my attention, I will see to getting your falledn comrade moved down the the Medical section for storage. Once we return to base, I will arrange for the body to be released for burial." Sec'retna said.
Cargo Hold

"Plasma bolts, explosive decompression, then there's falling," Ye'gor commented as he readjusted his grip. He then looked over at the healer when she mentioned Medical, "Lead the way. The sooner we get that done, the better. Then I can help out where I'm needed, which would be a nice distraction right about now."
Shar smiled back as she kneelt by the instructor. "Hey there, I will get help boss. You did jolly good up here, saved our arses with your over-watch." she said to get his attention. Even with suit helping him, there was a lot of blood. "HEY I GOT ANOTHER WOUNDED HERE!" Shar shouted down at the medics.

Levi turned to face the shipmistress; "Understood" he said as he turned around and his fingers began to dance around the touchscreens on his control panel. "Beginning comparative analysis of past scans and to more recent and current ones; including metallurgic and spectrographic readings" he faced glowed with a green tinted hue as the holographic readouts began displaying in front him. "Comparing with known schematics of past and current designs."
Zes'kas had just finished examining, and patching up the wounded My'leke's wounds, though she never answered his question, Must be a quiet one I suppose . He stood up, "Best I can do for now, I know I'm probably needed somewhere else."

As if someone was reinforcing his statement, another call for a medic rang out. Zes'kas chuckled softly, "See what I mean?" He pointed his gold-tipped tail at the My'leke, "You'll be fine, I will try to see you later!"

He ran towards the next call, having to make his way up to the upper level before finding the distress source.

"Came as fast as I could! Which was pretty fast I do say. So let's see what we got here." He crouched next to the downed instructor examining all the wounds, reading off in his head how to patch each one.

To keep conversation going around, he started to talk as he began to work on patching the wounds, "Some crazy stuff right? Not what I expected today, wasn't on my list of to-do's."
Cargo Hold
Sec'retna found the deceased person, and recorded the person's name and grade. She then crossed over to one of the containers in the hold that was not damaged and pulled out a body bag. She brought it back over and set to the task of loading the fallen soldier into it.

Once done she closed it and turned to Ye'gor. "Kindly take the other end of the bag and we will take this soldier to the medical center. A proper autopsy will need to be performed to determine official cause of death."

Def'leor calculated a return trajectory for their base and transmitted it to the other ships. She then started the Gam'trosha heading away. She settled for a moderate speed so as to not stress the structure and systems any further.
Cargo Bay

Ye'gor was quick to take the other end as all he could think was that it was the right thing to do. "Ready when you are," he replied to the healer. The young Laibe then made a nod to the Or'ion Seeker and followed Sec'retna out.
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