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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 1.2] The Training Run

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It was as if someone had taken the systems sun and placed it inside the shuttle bay, that is how bright the lights had gotten. The intruders, those who didn't have goggles on which would've mean the majority of them, found themselves squeeling in pain and shielding their eyes from the overheads.

After several seconds, the intense charge blew out the overhead lights.
Several seconds was all Shar needed though. She leaned out from behind a parked shuttle she used as cover. Her rifle was in her hands and ready to fire. She aimed her sights on the nearest target and fired several stunbolts, while he shielded his eyes.

"Fire! Fire!" She shouted into comms and fired as long as the tricks she used allowed. Trying to get as many as possible.
Sher'Van cried out in pain as the bright light hit his eyes, leaving him unable to see. He knew though that even though it felt like somebody was driving a red hot poker through his eyes, if he stopped, even for a second out in the open, he was going to eat a stun bolt.

So he ran faster, until he ran face first into a wall with a nasty "THWACK". He collapsed to the ground as the sounds of the mock battle took on a weird fuzzy quality. He didn't get up and laid there as if deciding whether or not to pass out. He just hoped somebody didn't decide to hit him with a stun bolt for kicks before he made the decision.
Zes'kas had continued to fire as he noticed Rosec'a falling in behind him. Well, at least our deal is still on. He fired a few more arrows, nodding at her. Upon hearing her talk, "I'm not sure if this is the right time for talk, but thanks." He smiled.

Upon peering out, preparing to fire another volley, he noticed an enemy coming at their position. What is he thinking?? Zes'kas raised his bow to fire, and as he was about to pull the trigger, the lights flashed brighter than ever.

Zes'kas cringed, bringing his trigger arm over his eyes, trying to keep the light out. "Are you allright? Rosec'a, we aren't blind now are we?" He awaited her response as he tried to regain his sight, though he heard a loud sound, not like gunfire, more like someone falling. Is someone hurt? I need to help them, if I can see.
Levi kept an eye on the readouts the sensor were feeding him looking for any anomalous readings. When the readout on the enemy vessel lit up he gave a silent cheer for the crew of the Gam'trosha was now in the fight and can now give as good as she got; the hunted had now become equal to the hunter.

"That will teach 'em to think we're helpless"

"Becareful with the simulated engine damages, we are not in space," warned Sa'kira as she turned slightly toward Zu'rel. "Instead, cause a failure in their shield systems please."

"Take us out of here, use the clouds and get us 'above'," she glanced down at the mission clock, five minutes left....

Computer Room

The sound of noise coming from the small panel was getting worse, it was accompanied by a constant 'slapping' sound as well as if something was banging against the shaft.


Another invader had been knocked down by weapons fire from Tite'Yanus's anti-infantry turret, the soldier had found themselves sliding across the shuttle bay deck and into a stand of crates that promptly toppled over.

Within a few seconds, Zes'kas would feel the impact of a stun round into the side of his chest.

However, Qyu'amene would himself taking heavy fire with at least three stun rounds hitting his anti-infantry turret and another one that splashed across his front left leg, registering a simulated 'broken leg'

"yes Ma'am, changing the targeted system now, Oh, would you like the other ship to start attack the primary yet?"

Zur'el started changing the parameters to his attack, it was quite simple. a word change here a value there. it was ready to activate thirty seconds after the order was given.

He was still concerned about the pre-battle digital attacks. he would have to talk to the Main Computer tech to see what all they could help find out about them.
It worked and it worked just fine. Most of the enemy forces from the closest shuttle were shot or just lying down. With so many stun-bolts flying around, they won't be up anytime soon. Now for the seconds part of her plan.

"Good work folks keep it up," Shar said as she leaned back. "Tit you are with me! We will go under the floor to the loading bay and flank those suckers, I need someone with big guns with me. Everyone else, hold them here. Sir if there is too much heat coming your way on the walkway, just pull back."

With that she opened a grate, with ladder leading to the Loading bay, under the hangar. It was a 3 meter drop, nothing she or Tite'yanus could not handle. First she scouted surroundings of her landing with her rifle and only then she hopped down.

As she landed she immedietly vaulted into a nearest cover. There she looked around, trying to find out if the enemy had the same idea.
Sher'Van reeled after a nasty blow to his head at the hands of his mother's practice sword.

"What the hell was that supposed to be, Fiko? You learn that in some serial novel?"

Sher'Van couldn't seem to come up with a retort as he clutched his head. It didn't help that she was right.

"Who do you think you're trying to impress? You think the enemy is going to stop to marvel your fancy flourish? No, he's going to calmly step aside and knock your ass to the ground like I just did." she said sternly.

He groaned in response and closed his eyes to shut out the ache in his head.

When he opened them again, he momentarily panicked as he found himself lying in a cold metal shuttle bay with a throbbing headache and fuzzy vision not helped by the sparkles in the corner of it. It came back to him slowly. Right, he was on a training mission. He was dimly aware of some soldiers opening a grate and jumping down, leaving some to cover the entrance.

He knew that in his current state, he wouldn't stand much of a chance in a straight up fight, let alone one with significant enemy advantage like this one. He remained on the floor as he tried to search for an escape route deeper into the ship. He slowly turned around and saw a small grate in the wall.

Maintenance tunnels! he couldn't believe his luck. He pulled the grate off and slipped inside quickly when he thought nobody was watching, the sudden movement drawing a wave of nausea that he fought off.

He traveled a bit down the cramped tunnel before he stopped to catch his breath. He pushed down another wave of nausea and tried to no avail to steady his vision. After a moment's rest, he pressed on, hoping that this tunnel would lead him somewhere he could redeem himself.

A number of sensor ghosts appeared on the ships sensors; flickering in and out of the ravaging storm, some appearing below the ship while others appeared some distance away. Some moved fast, others rather slow. Every so often, a large energy signature would be picked up the sensors only to disappear seconds later.

During this, Zur'el would hear a splattering of chatter coming from some of the squadron ships that were observing, but beneath this chatter was something else - faint traces of others communicating but it was mostly garbled.

"Not yet, it would tip them off that we've broken into their systems," Sa'kira said with a raised hand for 'no'. "Wait another few minutes, then do it..."

Thinking for a moment, Sa'kira hit the comm. button. "Status report on the shuttle bay," she said, sending her message to all of her infantry that were involved in repealing the borders.

"Levi," she turned toward their science aviator. "Scan the storm, see if there is anything we can use to our advantage."


The loading area beneath the bay was littered with crates, some of which had been broken up either because of the storm or because they hadn't been secured. There were shuttle parts all over the place, creating quite an obstacle course for someone to get through.

"Still shooting," came Tite's response to bridge. "Give us five mikes." Having had his LVGs flipped on now and noticing that most of the enemies were still disoriented, he used the opportunity to move his way deeper into the shuttle bay, moving quickly from crate to crate and firing at any enemy movement that he saw, whether standing or fallen. Once he got a few meters farther forward he took up a defensive position, hiding behind a crate and reaching his turret over the crate, using the various instruments on the turret to locate and target enemies.

The light burned like some sort of... fluorescent light... okay that was probably a bad analogy. Rosec'a was, at least momentarily, in far too much pain to care. Making matters worse, she could dimly make out - through sound and muffled silhouettes - that things were going poorly for the boarding team. Allies went down. Even as her vision cleared enough to make out some base details, Zes'kas took a shot to the chest.

Fucking fuck fuck fucking...

Eloquent, aren't you?

She had to stay in cover, that much was clear. Nobody was helped by her racing across a killzone. Taking a glance from Zes'kas towards the ongoing carnage, she made a snap decision and temporarily disregarded that oath to... do no harm. Did stunning really count as 'harm'? Debatable. Regardless, her options were limited - she grabbed the Laibe by the shoulders and dragged him into cover after her.

Then she opened fire at the first thing she saw advancing (her sight was still too fuzzy to determine more than that - it was pure chance that she'd chosen Tite and his turret, which had a high probability of ending badly for her), keeping herself as covered behind the boarding shuttle as she could manage. Rosec'a wasn't a good shot. But she did have some eighty shots left in her power crystal. And she fully planned to exhaust them.
"Ouch..." Zes'kas mumbled as the stun bolt hit him, causing his suit to register a chest wound. He felt Rosec'a starting to pull him into safety, so he helped as he could, pushing his legs to lessen the burden of his weight. After being pulled, he propped up the best he could and pulled out a bandage.

Might be training, but I would've just got pegged if it wasn't. He applied pressure to the "wound" as he wrapped the bandage around him, tying it tightly off afterwards. It'll have to do for now, I've got stuff to do right now.

Zes'kas tapped Rosec'a on the shoulder, "Patched the "wound"." He saw his bow lying out of reach, in the open. That's unfortunate. He didn't want to risk being shot again, so he grabbed the rifle off his back. He made doubly sure it was set to "stun" and took advantage of the scope as he fired a few bursts, keeping pressure on the catwalks.
Qyu'amene Perked up but quickly found HERSELF hit and injured. She attempted to return fire but realized for the sake of keeping this exercise realistic she had to get into it.

Qu'amene sighed and began limping away as best she could feigning injury. She hunkered down into cover and called out over the radio. "I need medical attention. My front leg has been broken and I am taking heavy fire!"
Sher'Van continued to make his way through the access tunnels while doing the best to ignore his pounding headache. These tunnels really weren't designed for somebody with full combat gear, and he found himself constantly having to adjust his sword or some other piece of kit as it would get caught on something.

Finally, he came to an exit into what looked to be a corridor of some kind. Sher'Van took a deep breath and quietly exited the cramped space. He quickly tried to get a feeling for his bearings. He knew there was an elevation change as he crawled through the ducts and he did travel a significant distance from the shuttle bay, so he took a rough guess that he was somewhere on deck one. Not much worth sabotaging here unfortunately.

He needed to get to either the second deck where the bridge was located, or to engineering in the third deck. A wave of nausea passed over Sher'Van and he braced himself against the wall for a second. Maybe I should aim for something a little closer in case I pass out again he thought. The first deck held a turret and the armory, perhaps he could try stealing a radio and tuning in on their radio frequency and then going from there.

He pushed himself off the wall and started walking with his rifle at the ready. He walked for some time, deciding to take several short breaks on the way while he had the chance, but at some point he must have gotten turned around as he ended up near the airlock instead of the armory.

He cursed his fuzzy head and wished the ringing would stop so he could think clearly. With a sigh, he slid down a wall and sat on the ground in front of the airlock; his head hurt, he was tired of fighting the urge to throw up, and the shuttle team had likely been entirely been wiped out anyway. He sighed again and thumbed over his radio; he shouldn't just sit here doing nothing. He might miss some important communications, but he could always just use his normal radio.

He hoped the crew of the Gam were using standard channels or this was going to get tedious. He made a note of his current radio frequency and then started flipping through both common channels and random frequencies while listening for comm chatter.
Main Computer Core

Keri muttered a curse under his breath as the noises he heard grew louder; noises which didn't belong aboard a starship. He suspected that there must be a breach somewhere which lead outside the ship's hull.

The kit strained his eyes, still trying to find the specific source of the sound; if there was a breach it could be very bad if they took the ship into orbit; at the very least it would depressurize the main computer chamber and possibly even cause additional damage during the out-rush of air. He'd probably have to go EVA in order to inspect the damage properly and determine exactly how it had been caused.

Keri briefly thought how the damage might have come about; perhaps a micro-meteor punctured the hull and had also caused damage to the ships data links in the process, causing the malfunction with the targeting systems. Usually the ships shields would prevent such an occurance but it might have slipped through earlier when they were trying to take down that asteroid.

At the least, if he could find the hole it would be possible to put a temporary patch on it in order to prevent depressurization.

"yes ma'am holding." She sat there monitoring the comm chatter around the area. He hear the other ship babbling and chatting about the combat. "Ma'am another option is to hack the monitoring ships around the combat zone to fire on the enemy..." His voice faded off as he heard something underneath the comm chatter. he went to work trying to bring it out clearer.

Def'leor listened to Sa'kira, Careful with the simulated firing. We are not actually firing. This is a simulation.. or is it. She did a quick check of the IDT and verified that her shots were targeted at the components that would disable not destroy even if they were actually firing.

"Verified simulated weapon firing targeted to disable. Ma'am."

After checking her shots she entered a series of commands and thrustered the Gam'trosha into ascent.

She wondered what had happened to the shuttles that had been pursuing them. "Increasing altitude, waiting for firing solution on the other ship." she called out.

Several more ghosts appeared on the sensor display at long range, disappearing with each flash of lightning that had super-charged the skies, resulting in a cascading electical affect that spread out across the sky.

Sa'kira stared at her own display, noticing the ghosts as well and rubbing her chin. "A'Fuereb, direct sensors to grid forty one please and set their scan radius to wide angle, I 'think' the P'Iurebe might be leaving a surprise for us somewhere..."

She had a gut feeling, a churning in her stomach, and her tail was twitching slightly. "C'bar Zu'rel, redirect communications array to grid forty one as well, focus the dish and see if you can pick up on anything."

She then turned toward their science aviator. "C'Bar, I need a status report on this storm, how much longer will be around and what's the maximum ceiling currently." As she said this, more ghosts appeared behind the ship at a distance of roughly ten kilometers.

Main Computer Core

The rushing of air grew louder for several moments, as tiny droplets of rain pelted his face for a minute or two. Something was burning, smoldering within that shaft, the smell was of burnt electrical components combined with a strong silvery and copper smell.

Then a volumetric window chimed, and a new message displayed:

Stage One Diagnosis Completed. Failure found on main computer core data-cables one, eighteen, twenty one and thirty three. Diagnosis shows improper connections to one, eightee, and thirty. Cable twenty one is showing high tempretures, please ensure heat and radiation shielding has been installed and then re-enable.

Main Corridor

As Sher'van scanned, a loud sketching sound punchered his ears.

Shuttle Bay Proper

From Shuttle Two, a new group of boarders appeared accompanied by thier squad leader who shouted, "Supressive fire!" as four new contacts would appear for the Gam's defensive team, these four came around the shuttle and took up positions behind a number of crates before opening up with heavy fire on a number of positions.

Several of the shots, most wild, slashed the air just a few inches from Qyu'amene's face with one of them leaving a faint mark on her helmet - although her systems registered only a grazing hit with no damage.

Several shots grazed past Tite'Yanus with one actually hitting her turret and knocking it offline briefly and would require a restart.
Kyle said:
She had a gut feeling, a churning in her stomach, and her tail was twitching slightly. "C'bar Zu'rel, redirect communications array to grid forty one as well, focus the dish and see if you can pick up on anything."

"Yes Ma'am, I'll get right to work." Zu'rel keyed up the comm's array controls, It prompted for his security codes so he put them in, all 52 characters. Once it allowed access he programed the orders to adjusts it range and area. With a press of the enter key he set it to scan the area ordered. He set a few audio scanner programs to scan different frequencies and filter out atmospherics, to produce the best clarity.
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