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RP: LSDF Akahar [Chapter 2.0] - Answer Me


The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member
I ain't no demon, Lord, look to me please
Good men are sufferin' with the evil at ease
Millions of innocents, are born to disease
Where is our solace, Lord?
Oh Lord answer me

The Silent Comedy - All Saints Day

A few lonely days and lonely nights were only a drop in the bucket for the LSDF Akahar. A search-and-salvage vessel employed by the Lorath Self Defence Force to fly as far away from the Matriarchy's homeworlds to find lost vessels. The most recent assignment to look for the LCS Mok'Ro was proving to be a killer.

In the middle of it was Executor Mar'zhaz Keib. Formerly a pariah and outcast, now the shepherd to a flock of his own. To the Akahar, he was their Captain, or perhaps a benevolent dictator in a banana republic with a land area small enough to count on your fingers and a traitorous former superior.

Deep scans of Tange had been underway for those lonely days and lonely nights. More and more sectors in three dimensions of space around the star system were being crossed off. Vigilance was necessary too; a couple of Yamataian craft had come by and some prodding questions were asked. Keib dismissively explained that he was just a gravedigger on official business. In the end Keib was thankful that none of them were as trigger happy as the Matriarchy ever demonised them to be - at the end of they day they were reasonable people, just like Keib.

Despite a four way territorial dispute between Yamatai, Nepleslia, Lor and the Jiyuuians who once called Tange home, the Akahar had to get a job done and find a single corpse in this crypt.

LSDF Akahar, Bridge
"I spy with my little eye," Keib was reclining in his captain's chair on the bridge, cup of tea in one hand, a yo-yo in the other going up and down without thought, and a mask of pure boredom on his face, "something beginning with S."

"Space," one of the bridge bunnies, the Llmanel replied as she kept her eyes on the scanner, voice as flat as an ironing board and disinterested as a buttery politician listening to an appeal to humanity.

"Da." Keib replied, similarly flatly. He groaned, took a sip of his tea and sucked on his teeth before stating the obvious. He and the bridge bunnies were bored out of their skull. "I spy, with my little eye something beginning with S."

Even Greg appeared to have grown sick of routine, resting their head upon their hands as it thumbed a novel for the umpteenth time, perpetual smile having grown dull with the lack of stimulus.

"Stars," the Fyunnen bridge bunny replied as she kept her fingers away from her part of the console, governing weapons.
"Ye-pah," Keib replied, popping the 'p'.

Then Greg had an idea. They looked at Keib to get his attention and then looked into his eyes. Keib raised an eyebrow and shrugged. It could work for a small laugh. He pressed the Intercom button and started speaking. "Good evening Akahar, Keib here. There is absolutely no cause for alarm."

The New Tur'lista bridge bunny chuckled under her breath and looked up from her console at Keib, who was wearing a smile of his own. "Again, again,"

"Shh shh, let them chew on it," Keib said back under his breath.

LSDF Akahar, Medical Bay
Meanwhile in the decidedly empty medical bay, Vithr had looked up from his comic book, wearing an expression of some worry. Though, he was on a similar tangent of potentially fatal boredom with Keib. All of his patients, if he could call them those, were free to wander around as long as they engaged in non-strenuous activity. This especially meant the snow-white, snuffle nosed Helashio - still a difficult one to account for.

LSDF Akahar, Bunk Rooms
Two soldiers and friends were sitting down on a couch in their dormitory and finding their own way to cure the itch. That got an interruption. "What's he up to now...?" Gough asked, sitting on the couch in his room with Yar'mak and watching some personal entertainment on a screen they'd gotten in a salvage.

"Dunno. Want me to investigate?" Yar'mak said as he paused the video and stood up.

Gough looked at his friend. "We should put pants on first if we're going to go out,"

LSDF Akahar, Recreation Room
Al'ris was lying on the pseudosynthetic grass while tripping gently on native hallucinogens, dressed in the barest essentials. Her good conduct during the pirate raid had earned her an extra ration of recreational substances. The apple experiment that Keib had set up earlier had been disbanded and relocated to his personal quarters since he didn't want to risk people eating the apples while tripping.

"I wonder what potoo bird's yarping about..." Al'ris crooned as chewed on a fruit. She spat the seeds out into a patch of softer soil. "Guess the mimsy will just have to... umh, wear off." It was about half an hour away, if she recalled correctly.

All in all on the Akahar, things were slow. The scans were still underway and little was being located at the moment, save for wrecks of other Yamataian, Nepleslian and civilian ships.

LSDF Akahar, Bridge
"That a Harvester?" Keib said, pointing to an outline on his screen.
"Nope. I think that's a wreck of an Origin-made ship," the Fyunnen bridge bunny said.
"I hear they're alright for Yamataians. Shame I could never get my hands on their kit."

"Do any of you find it kind of odd that a Harvester, a salvage ship made shortly after the Moon Drop," The New Tur'lista bridge bunny said, "is the one being salvaged by something meant for long range missions and colony scouting?"

"With a metric tonne of retrofitting even before the spooks at Lazarus came into the picture; thank you very much." Keib replied. "I'm surprised they don't make a subclass for salvage. These are good ships for capacity and distance." His thought train changed tracks when a blip appeared. "Whuzzat?" Keib asked, going routinely.

"Another wreck, seems mostly intact,"
"Seems to be Lorath."
"Scan it then."
"It's a Harvester...!"
"Get a visual!"
"Check identification!"
"Pinging for beacons now."

The bridge was suddenly aflurry with motion as they verified the identity of the blip on the radar.
Mars enjoyed some downtime. She hanged in her room cleaning her sword and guns. With that done she sighed. The large warrior felt tense and there were two ways to ease tense like that. Three if you count drugs, but she was not into that. Second was a good brawl, but she was not into that at the moment. There was other ways to have fun. Best way to have fun was in two people. Bastion checked in with ship AI and looked where all viable poeple were. She notived Al'ris was alone in recreation room. Mars smirked, that was perfect. She dressed in shorts and singlet and made her way there.

Recreation Room.

Mars walked into the room and noticed Al'ris being quite high. And not in matter of altitude. Mars simply lay down next to other fyunnen. "Here I came with half a mind to seduce you and you are just walking in the clouds." Mars said and snickered.
Recreation Room

Wherever the drugs were at, Veronica was going to be as well. While not high like Al'ris was, she was on something that had put an oddly smug look on her face. The black box attached to her spine had all kinds of chemical wonders stored, but she also knew a bit of chemistry. "Nonono, I'm telling ya. I can splice it in to your fruit and it'll be like ecstasy as well. You'll either have the time of your life while doing absolutely nothing or you'll be rubbing on the table for an hour. It'd be great."

The purple haired Geshrin had apparently been working out beforehand, dressed in a dark blue tanktop that showed her muscular arms and the softly glowing lines of her cybernetics in them, as well as some gray sweatpants that were flattering to her figure. She was leaning forward from a soft cushion, messing with a couple vials of probably illegal substances. When Mars entered, V looked up and smirked. "You totally can, help me convince her to try this and she won't even remember half the things you do to her."
LSDF Akahar, Medical Bay

Merril's hands worked in a furious frenzy. Around, up and down, up and around and down, and loop. . .

Another sweater done. She'd made five, now, and they all would fit the, er, people she gave them to perfectly (she always was good for eyeballing measurements). The multicoloured yarn trailed from a canister, a technology Merril was thankful for, as compressed yarn canisters are significantly less bulky than bringing an inordinate amount of yarn all over the place. She was about to rethread the patterning on the large, wooden needles she used when something occurred to her.

"Wait, how many of those robots are there?" Soft Touch asked Vithr, trying to count the ones she could remember on her fingers.
Null paced up and down the hallway leading to the bridge, she'd been on the ship for a week but still hadn't met with the captain, and even though everyone she had ever know thought she was weird for it, she always insisted on thanking people in person, even if it meant otherwise unnecessary trips to different ships. She bit her knuckle as she came to a stop a few centimetres away from the door, feeling the plastic of the translator pressing against the bare skin of her arm, she'd made a necklace out of it by attaching a string around it. She had made a dress out of the extra large sweat shirt she'd been originally given, none of the clothes she'd been able to find were small enough to fit her properly, and she'd given up after a while, resorting to cutting the shirt to shreds and having to scavenge a score of safety-pins. Part of her felt out of place wearing it among real sweat suits and military uniforms.

She turned around again and walked ten metres down the hall before stopping again, and looking over her shoulder at the door. In truth she had other reasons for wanting onto the bridge, there'd be a full navigational console that would let her see where they were and relax, finally being able to explore the charted universe and try once more to figure out just how she can return home. She knew it would never work, there was nothing she could do that would allow her to simply use the star charts. Turning on her heel she walked, nearly at a run towards the door to the bridge, and her hand was hovering over the pad to open the door but she just stopped as her ears were filled with the captains voice, causing her to jump back before the trainslator around her neck started speaking, letting her know that everything was alright. With a light thud she hit the ground, her bare foot kicking the door, she winced wondering if she'd broken a few of her toes. All the while wondering why he would send such a message.
Recreation Room
"Something's... got the big bird in a tizzy. I can hear it from here..." Al'ris commented offhandedly as she arched her back on the grass and extended every bone in her back, a satisfying pop could be heard when her tailbone stretched. She then laid back down on the grass, looked at her fruit and looked at Veronica with a raised eyebrow. "Rubbing?" She chuckled, drawing it out for a few seconds as she gathered her thoughts, "Hell, you Geshrin don't know how to use a Lorath right if you think it's just rubbing."

Gough & Yar'Mak's Bunk Rooms
"I'm not saying we need pants, we're on break after all," Gough told his companion.

"But it would be nice - right?" Yar'mak finished his sentence. "But I don't think the Freespacers are all that prudish either. Did you see the mural they drew in the head?"

Gough rubbed the back of his head and rolled his eyes with a wry smile. "I suppose but still let's not labour the point - pants, yea, nay?"
"Yeah yeah, I know what you can fit up there. Fucking fit the whole table up yer twat, probably." Veronica snorts at Al'ris. Looking at her small kit complete with syringes and a measuring vial. The woman's eyes narrow at one of her mixtures, like she didn't recall making it. Squinting at it she shakes it lightly, the lime green liquid suddenly starting to bubble, much to the woman's amusement. "But no, really. Ol Ash-face wants us to do something, he'll fuckin tell us. Till then, try this shit. You'll be soaring.
Mars chuckled as she laid back on the fake grass next to Al'ris. It was nice to just chill, it was even nicer that Mars had no need of drugs to achieve relaxed state. Of course part of her marial training had stuff like meditation to help clear your mind and a breath control, but she rarely did so. It was better to focus on having your mind clear all the time. Not that Mars was particualry succesfull in that anyway.

"See that?" She pointed at utterly mello Al'ris. "Burn that in your mind. Completely calm and relaxed Hellion. Most of the time she is so angry her pants are on fire."
Recreation Room
"That's not all we could burn, mmhm," Al'ris rolled over onto her belly and looked at the blades of grass a few inches away from her face, toying with them. Her back was just as toned as her front, strong and muscular as expected of any Fyunnen worth their salt as a warrior. "It's been... what, five days since anything happened? So bored right now,"

"And Keib's been soooooo busy. He hasn't left the Bridge at all." It wasn't unknown for him to stay on bridge when he was interested in a salvage, but this time around something felt wrong about it. Al'ris perished the thought - it was just another salvage yet to be found, right? And while that Salvage wasn't found she could do other things. "Maybe... maybe this," she was referring to her decidedly indecisive state, "is what a quiet day is supposed to feel like."

Mars would note that the placid Hellion lying beside her hadn't gone to the gym to 'work off steam' or punch a bag while, nor did she ever see such a placid expression on her face for a long time.

Gough & Yar'Mak's Bunk Rooms
"You know what," Gough concluded, "if we're standing here discussing pants, whatever's going on elsewhere probably isn't as interesting." He sat back down on the couch and leaned back.

"Eh, I suppose you're right," Yar'mak sighed. "but while I'm up do you want me to get some drinks?" Yar'mak turned around, backside to the wind as he squatted down to look at the contents of the minifridge. "Beer, wine, or just Duq cordial?"

"Surprise me, doggy," Gough cooed as he resumed the video with a grin. "C'mon you're missing the best part."

After kicking the door and giving it a bump, Keib's thought train accommodated the interruption with "What's the damage visual? Come in." and the doors opened automatically for the Freespacer. The bridge was a flurry of activity, a handful of minds working in concert and scanning with everything they had. The signs of retrofitted Freespacer technology were apparent too, the holographic roots of the tree appearing to pulsate as the ship's computers and ARIA were in overdrive.

All the while, Greg was keeping the wheels of this machine lubricated with tea. A cup of which was offered to Null as it passed by. Empty cups on desks and in cupholders were soon topped up.

Medical Bay
Vithr closed his comic book with a thumb as the bookmark and started counting on his fingers, "I think there are six of them for that single Pratima unit hub," uncoiling his fingers when he reached five to count to ten if he had to, "plus Ms. Kalopsia, and now our newer addition. So that puts us on eight."

He flicked his comic book open again and sighed. "Why? Gonna make a sweater for the big one and the hub too?"
The racket didn't even manage to phase Aiesu, a pale figure lumped over a console on Keib's left - a ribbon of cables tickling its way out of the flooring and up into slots running down her spine in cuts through her shirt. She hadn't slept now in nearly 144 hours. Even so, her console continued working without a single finger-press through her rest her sleeping mind at work as a secondary ARIA for the ship.

A battery of secondary scans using the new equipment made the hull beneath her feet buzz aaudibly- some bizarre device known almost separately on the net-work as 'APQHSA Frozen Eye v0.37b' revealing itself to be '[Unable to penetrate the hull of the vessel]' indicating a probable '[high-potential quantum-memetic event, potential risk unknown]' followed by a scribbling of equatia and diagrams on the console -- namely a sphere with three dimensional sine-waves rippling through it in rings orbiting the core of the holographic ball that seemed almost locked, seeming to breathe. What this meant was almost anyone's guess.
"Aw, damn. Looks like I'm going to need three more." Merril sighed, looking at the differently sized items of apparel that rested beside her. She tugged at her sturdily constructed tanktop, which kept her chest bound so it wasn't in the way of daily activity. Pulling a communicator out of her fatigue pockets, she turned it on and checked the time. "Eh, I need a break anyways. I'll make the rest later."

The woman grabbed the pile with a careful motion, not to keep them folded, but to keep them from getting all tangled up in eachother. She headed straight down to the bridge where she knew the Lazarus representative was last. Something about computers or somesuch junk that Merril never bothered to care about.

When she got there, she noticed the hive abuzz and a confused smirk came across her face. Asking Keib what the deal was would have to wait, especially since she noticed Null lying in the hallway just outside the bridge.

"Hey, Null-null, catch!" She said, tossing the comfortable, multi-hued sweater to the Freespacer. Without waiting for a response, she sauntered over to Aiesu, placing a sweater in the construct's lap.
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The door slid open to Null's surprise, or perhaps horror. Behind the door the hive that had suddenly switched into high gear. She pulled her self to her feet, just before catching a sweater with her face. She peeled the sweater off of her face, at first not sure what it was that she was holding. She smiled a little as she took it in, the colouring of it reminded her of a spectrograph.

Cautiously Null stepped through the door, her bare feet on the floor plates of the command. Her eyes darted around the room, and part of her wanted to cry at the state of the ship. Her eyes finally landed on the man captaining the ship, he was calm as she stepped up to him, and bowed low in front of him, that's what these people did wasn't it. "I just wanted to thank you for your hospitality, with regards to my situation." She held the sweater close to her chest as the translator hanging around her neck made noises that she could only hope would convey her words. From her bow she still couldn't help herself but let her eyes dart around the room, wanting to more fully examine every bit of it.
The interior of the Akahar's bridge was an odd sight. It was clear that for a while they didn't have enough resources to go around until recently, and they'd splurged on it. Unidentifiable devices of a strange Lorath design were on the walls, interlaced with the familiar Freespacer retrofittings, including the holographic roots of a tree and a coffee machine with some clear and present changes on it. It didn't appear to be where Greg was drawing his brew from.

In the centre of it was Keib and his bridge bunnies on the outer edge of a circle around him. The man granted himself a moment's respite to look at Null from his chair. He was close to the ground and in the centre of the Bridge. "No worries at all, Null," he said, voice warm and almost fatherly. "Just doing my job - oh! Where did you get that sweater?" he leaned in, smiling at the sweater that looked to have been hand-knitted. "It looks very well made."

Aiesu was given a sweater of her own too. Keib looked at Merrill, who seemed to be the culprit for the sweaters and gave her a smile. "She's kinda of asleep right now, scanning. She'll see it when she wakes up," he gave Merrill a nudge and a wink.

"Sir," the New Tur'lista bridge bunny relayed to Keib, who snapped back to attention. "It's her."
"Notify crew, put them on ready?" the Llmanel bridge bunny asked, turning around.

He looked at Merrill and Null and held up a hand for pause, "Hold off for now. We can scan and plan deeper now that it's a confirmed match. Bring up the schematics for a Harvester class and I can plan a few routes before announcement."

"Yes Keib," the Llmanel bridge bunny replied.

Keib watched the hologram before him and overlaid the images of the one his ship was scanning. He then remembered something and looked at Merrill, "Uh, would you mind?" he asked, looking past her and toward the doors. "You can tell the others if you want, but I won't give the official order to prepare until I'm ready." It was out of concern rather than professionalism. Merrill and the others were the only crew he had.

Recreation Room
"Y'know..." Al'ris chuckled towards Veronica. "I think I've got some... uh smooth egg stones back in my dormitory... wanna to play with some later?"

She also wondered where the other Fyunnen that was around Veronica was and voiced this concern. "Hey, where's... the one, who's her name, Rae'lynn?" she searched her cloudy mind. She'd seen her around before.
"Eh. Sure. I'll whip up some cocktails for us too. You can even drink it. It's pretty great." Veronica reaches back, pulling out a skin flap on her back which exposes the armored plate of the box attached to her spine. She unseals it briefly to refill one of the reserves with the drugs she just put together. Resealing it and pulling her shirt back down, she rolls her shoulders.

"Rae? Fuck, she's still moping about going from soldier to scavenger. Might have you help me either remove the stick from her arse or fuck her with it. Not sure which yet. She's probably still around somewhere." Veronica glanced over at Mars. "You seen her lately? Military gals like that are more likely to snap than you or I. Might wanna check on her."
LSDF Akahar, Engineering

Akahar's walls were enthralling. Or that's what Kam'kebek was trying to convince himself of.

The stocky Fyunnen man sat with his feet propped up at his station, watching the bulkhead across from him if for no other reason then there was simply nothing else for him to do until his relief for the day's shift arrived. Ten-hour graveyard shifts weren't any fun and Kam's was slowly ticking down to being over. By which that meant it was over. He just happened to learn over time that his coming relief had a bad habit of not showing up on time. Ever. Scans were fine, engine output was optimal, and there wasn't a thing out of the ordinary.

For what he'd been told was supposed to be some horrible ship that was running on nothing but a prayer the Akahar seemed like she was handling herself well. Outside of the nerves about the people refitting the team and finding some discrepancies and problems with the new upgrades, nothing had been particularly exciting. He could have been reading one of the quartet of magazines each discussing various topics - mostly string theory and possible applications of aether - but he'd read through them too many times already.

He pulled his lighter and cigarettes from his uniform jacket and lit up. It was reflexive and likely going to kill him, he thought, if he kept smoking as a way to pass the time. But he'd barely managed to take a deep drag on the cigarette before he saw his relief walking through the door. He snuffed out the cigarette, deposited it in the trash, and gave the young woman only a simple wave before leaving engineering. He was on his way for the recreation room to let off steam and the Pariah wasn't in the mood to exchange pointless niceties with somebody who couldn't even bother to actually show up at work on time.

So with a mission in mind he'd set for the room. The Pariah had already managed to start stripping off the top of his work uniform and pulled a small book from his pocket before he suddenly realized that he wasn't alone in the recreation room. He stood there in surprise for a moment, even if his expression was as passively hostile-looking as always, then offered a simple wave with his free hand, "Hi all."
Veronica glanced over to the man entering the room and immediately began to laugh. "Your balls aren't in here, ya spineless fuck. Keep looking. If you do have any guts at all though, try some of the shit we're on. It's fantastic. You can forget your name for a while even." She remembered the man not stepping into the fight when they first met, and obviously thought very little of him. But interesting that she was offering the same sort of pleasures her and the crew member were enjoying. Perhaps it wasn't a grudge and just a poor impression?

A change in her expression as her muscles tensed, leaning back into the cushions as her injector filled her body with the chemical cocktail she had brewed, a grin appeared on her face as whtever she had made was making her immensely satisfied with something.
"Whatever you say, Cap!" the wildcat said, a fang peeking out of her mouth in a smile. Merril practically skipped halfway out the room before turning back and asking the freespacer on deck, "You coming Null-null? This place is busier than an Eitis den in spring! Non-bridgers won't get much done here."

Null's translator would fumble over the word "Eitis," eventually spitting out the Trade word "Rabbit." Regardless of Null's answer, Merril trotted her way down the hall, heading in the general direction of the cafeteria. Better to ready up on a full stomach, after all.
Null pointed at the woman who was half way out of the door, before thanking the captain once more for his hospitality and curtseying before leaving, hurrying after the voice that had called her to follow along. She caught up with Merril as the translator finally finished with her words. Null pondered on them for a moment and then had to ask. "What's a rabbit? Is it some sort of weather phenomenon?" She was earnest when she asked, looking up at the woman, she'd never heard of nor seen a rabbit in her life, and terran animals weren't part of her education.
The translator, thankfully was adapted for the odd switching of the Lorath equivalent of rabbit at this point, so the chat delay wasn't nearly as long. Merril laughed heartily at the question.

"You space robots are pretty funny!" she cackled, slapping Null on the back. "An Eitis is a critter that breeds really goddamn fast in the springtime on Lor. So when I say the bridge is busier than an Eitis den, I mean really goddamn busy!"

The duo reached the cafeteria area, which was woefully understocked at the time, save for the vending machines which supplied Soft Touch with many-a-snack. She asked the Freespacer, "What 'zactly do you eat?" while retrieving another bag of jerky for herself.
'Tilt' regarded the other woman with - as unchanged but seemingly aggressive an expression as he regarded anybody else he dealt with day-to-day. He didn't even spare her a response when she tried to antagonize him. The Fyunnen techie had dealt with more than a few people with that sort of attitude early in his service and knew full well why it was she hadn't gotten the fight she'd been looking for from him. He wasn't going to defend himself for doing his assigned duties. Instead he fished his cigarettes from his pocket and found a comfortable spot of relative shade before opening his book. As he found his place, without looking in Veronica's direction he spoke.

"If its all the same to you, I've got to sleep in a couple of hours. I'd rather have a clear head."