Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: LSDF Akahar [Chapter 2.0] - Answer Me

Aiesu noted the glass. But made no effort to reach for it.

"You really don't get it, do you? This isn't routine. Do you want them to love you or do you want to come out of this alive?"

Her fingers curled into small fists. Setting Merrill's gift aside on the table, she clenched her fists. Her right arm's skin bit down and fought like pork cracklings as a mechanical whir of her skeleton beneath did most of the work. Starring back, her eye on the same side was still blood shot, giving her a broken myxomatosis look. Her nostrils gazed before her simmering stare levelled.

"Your CO... Had the attack planned. " she continued as she reached lower. "I was under strict instructions not to tell you until now. Plausible deniability: Either he'd be a sole survivor or he'd be marked KIA and do what he pleased. "

Her pale shirt had been held hanging from bared interlocking knife-like teeth, revealing her featureless body - tickling of scarring along the right side from the arm. What stood out particularly were the thick purple blotches along her hips made by thick stubby digits, fingernails still leaving cuts even now.

"This whole thing goes deeper than Aiesu's willing to look: And because your CO did this, she's taken her ball and gone home. Its probably why the consortium pulled out the stops: their invested interest is greater than her's and she's given up on us."
"My bet? Something we'll get in trouble for finding. Way everyone has their panties twisted about this thing, gotta be something juicy." Of course, it wasn't clear who she meant by 'everyone' or even how she knew anyone was serious about it besides Keib. Regardless, she grins wolfishly at Merril. "Course, you wanna get specific for your bets, I bet. I'm putting my money on 'Science!' having gotten out of control and needs to be put down." She puts emphasis on 'put down', clearly hoping that it comes to that.

She glances at Mars "I don't fucking care. Long as it gets me in quick and lets me start ripping it up. You girls can just hide behind me." Of course, Mars hiding behind anyone was nearly physically impossible, but her taunt's point was made. She wasn't persuaded to switch, however; loading up in the WIND suit at mindlessly going through the pre-deploy checks. Impatience was evident in her tone and actions.
"This is the high-kinetic rifle. They are made for Mantus, but I swiped one anyway." The tall team-leader replied to Gough. "Though if you want something big, why not take one of those new plasma rifles we got? They are supposedly quite multi-purpose so you get to try them out. But decide quickly, we are out in twenty.:

Mars moved into front of the team, her rifle in her hands. "Okay everony stock up on ammor, double check your equipment. Don't forget medpacks and something to seal your armour, should something better. Pack few grenades and a blade as well, we don't know what we will meet there. It is unlikely we meet any survivors there, but anything is possible. So finish gearing up, I want to see you in hanger. You have fifteen minutes tops, if anyone is late well.... it is a long walk."

With that Mars turned around and made her way towards the hangar. While she walked she called up Keib. "Captain this is Bastion, team is almost ready. Please keep us informed should something new pop up on the sensors."
"Your bet's on something still up? Then mine's on something that's down. Experimental or illegal weapon gone bad, blew apart ship," Merril said, originally picking up a Hik'id rifle, but when Mars mentioned the new toys, she couldn't help but go for them. "Not bad. . ." she mused, grabbing a M'cel and slapping it on as her attachment of choice.

As she rifled through the pile of various munitions for her launcher, she asked Mars, "You want in on this bet? I'm calling it at 100 bits."

Eventually, she settled on having a wide variety. Two gel marker grenades in case they needed the Akahar to bring the thunder with its guns. An acid gel slug in case of an armored rogue drone. A focused explosion gel slug, for those tough-to-remove stains. And finally, two CRI slugs, because nothing beats melting a hole in a foe with unmitigated heat.

Merril strapped a Stalwart Enforcer to her hip, satisfied with her choice of sidearm. A knife was also added, stored on her other hip, as it's best to have a backup to the backup. "Always lock the gate three times," as her mother always said.
"Maybe, but that'd be boring." Veronica shrugs, grumbling as she pats herself down and murmuring something about 'a fucking cigarette when you need one.' She gives up and settles herself into the suit. "You already know what I'm betting. Hard touch." She snickers at her own joke, as it barely qualified as one. nonetheless she glances to Mars at Merril's insistance she join in. "Why not? You're putting your ass on the line out there, put it on the betting too."
LSDF Akahar, Armoury
(We'll assume Kam'Kebek got what he needed, and Homeslice can describe his equipment on the shuttle or once he posts)

The three amigos of the Akahar, Al'ris, Gough and Yar'mak had all been keeping an eye out for each other. Yar'mak nodded at Bastion's suggestion to take the Hik'id plasma rifle and looked at the piece. "Oh, guess that works. I'll take it. Its all shiny and shit too!" He grabbed one from a rack and fitted himself with some magazine batteries.

Their armours were well sealed, they had an assortment of grenades amongst themselves, Gough was carrying a spare medical kit since he'd be in the middle of the group rather than at the front like Yar'mak and Al'ris. Merrill was still the expert stitcher when it came to medicine, but having some spare medicine on hand would never go astray.

"We have shitloads of these guns after that delivery, hopefully they don't spray and jam like the other guns we get," Al'ris sighed bitterly. Akahar was always last on the supply chain and first to get the worst - for science of course.

"We're ready when you are, Bastion." Gough said after he'd finished inspecting Al'ris' Tenshi armour and deemed it and her weapons to be fighting fit.

LSDF Akahar, Hangar
Vathr'dral was in the pilot's seat of the shuttle. He seemed to have settled quietly into the background events of the Akahar since the pirate attack, keeping his head down. He drummed his fingers against the metal around the buttons of his console and on the joystick. He wasn't needed for much save for the occasional bit of maintenance or inspection. At least now, there was a good opportunity to ply skills again.

"Ten minutes to shuttle launch. All personnel proceed to the shuttle immediately, please," the New Tur'listan bridge bunny's voice could be heard over the intercoms to Vathr'dral's headset and to the Armoury. The pilot started making his pre-flight checks again to see that nothing had gone wrong.

"Vectors, check. Trajectory, check. Clearance, check. Payload..." he turned his neck around to look at the empty seats behind him. More than enough room for the crew and their equipment. "On its way..."


LSDF Akahar, Keib's Office
It took the grey-skinned New Tur'lista a few moments of thought, brow furling and neck tilting ever so slightly at Aiesu. What Keib didn't have that Hakahn did was the professional detachment of his superior - the ability to just plan without emotion clouding judgement. Conversely, Keib cared for this damned crew and everyone on it. It was a quality neither good or bad - it had helped the ship when it was under attack from the pirates, able to rally and protect his crew.

However, he could not lead. He was emotionally compromised since he knew that there was no help for him, that the interests of others were breathing down his neck - anyone offering anything, even his own superiors had an ulterior motive beyond 'the mission'.

Checking the list, he struck the real Aiesu from the list of would be belligerents in this dogpile of a mission. Hakahn's motivations were cloudy but impossible to ignore if he wanted out and was willing to scuttle the ship and everyone on it. The LSDF Brass that hated him wanted him to die and made no illusions of wishing him ill on a wild goose chase. God knows what'd happen if the Akahar had the nerve to succeed.
Lazarus was doing it 'for science' - whatever that was supposed to be. Finally, there was Veronica - something about her domineering and slips of insight screamed ulterior and opportunistic; she couldn't possibly have known - or could she. Information is never secure if persistence is infinite or if a person was involved in keeping it.

All of their accumulated motives were just those: motives. They didn't matter to Keib. What Keib had on his mind was imagined purpose created by betrayal. The damned crew was united now, too far galvanised and beyond the brink, too heavily invested to just turn back empty handed and be summarily executed for failure. It'd be Keib's mouth fellating the cold barrel too.

"I knew that," he mouthed quietly when Aiesu spoke of his CO, returning her stare back at her. "It couldn't not be. Nobody aside from me, the Brass, and Lazarus is supposed to know what's going on here - until Hakahn told those pirates. How far back do you think he had this contingency?"

He let that idea sink in for all of a moment before continuing at low motormouth pace. "Could've been months in advance, the Mok'ro was always a pin on our board, kept near the very bottom until the mission and you came along. The Mok'ro mission is practically public domain knowledge for whoever's crazy enough to go after it. Wouldn't surprise me that it pinged your radar at Lazarus. Could perhaps be Veronica's angle for a big score with... the... underworld."

He took a breath. He hadn't allowed himself to breathe through that entire analysis, t-shirt hanging limply against his ribs before oxygen filled his lungs and his belly.

"I had Greg look at your sneakers. You didn't seem to mind me prying before," he rused quietly as he uncrossed his legs. "I knew it was someone's stains there. He overwrote his onsite records, so it had to be him. Thank you kindly for... confirmation of my worst fears." He stood up in front of Aiesu's battered form and stood for a moment, still looking directly into her eyes.

"To be frank," he was trying to speak directly to Aiesu Kalopsia - if she'd even listen now. He turned around and towards his desk, grabbing a candy and putting it in his mouth. "If it makes you feel better I will make Hakahn scream like a bitch if I find him. Won't undo shit," he acknowledged with a sigh, "but just imagine," perhaps she had voice mail.

"At the very least," a grin crossed his lips that seemed to be enabling sadism under the guise of hot and steaming with lots of screaming revenge, "one of you will enjoy the show and toy with him alive rather than dead." He tugged his glove at her with his brow obscuring his eyes and fingers flexing beneath the leather with loud creaks. "And that will put a smile on all of yours and my faces." It was likely nobody on the Akahar would mourn his passing.

"One constant in this dogpile that you've bought to my attention," he held his arms up over his desk and stretched his index fingers and thumbs out to make a frame, "is that I care a little too much about what's right in front of me while being pressured on all sides by these shadowy motives." He put the imaginary picture over the impish Construct, "It puts me in a precarious position, so - what're you going to do to me, Aiesu Kalopsia," Click. He snapped his index fingers and thumbs together. His voice as entirely gruff, not pretending to be inspiring or pomp like that speech at the ready room. "Cry about it, or make something of it?"
"Alright alright. Pile in girls and those who look like girls." Suited up, Veronica was eager to go and stopped at the entrance to the shuttle exit, letting everyone else past her. She was apparently planning on being the first one out, and the one to draw first blood. (Which she so hoped she would get to do.) "Please keep your limbs within the ride at all times, or it'll be ripped out into the vacuum of space. We are not responsible for injury or death at your destination. Fill out a survey when the ride is complete!"
Her stare was glassily dead: blank like a wall -- that someone was supposed to be on the other end, that the receiver had been lifted. But nobody spoke. And nobody listened. It took a moment for her connection to time out before the gears started turning behind those eyes again.

"If he lives, we get to see who he talks to." she began, licking her lips in cool detached thought. "He'll lead us to the mouse-holes."

Carefully, the construct lifted herself to her feet, clutching at the desk before hearing muscle give out and motorised skeleton kick in, driving her motions with a distinct whirr. She soon poured herself a slow cup of coffee - catching her fingers with the hot liquid but lot flinching when she should have -- saving herself from flinging the cup to the ground at her own feet.

"We... You have to be above your baser instincts" she smiled. "Or you're going to get us all killed..." and then the fakeness of her smile died down in favour of something warmer. She stepped closer, on the tips of her toes now as she regarded him - her expression genuine, belonging to the woman who'd refused to give him the time of day not even minutes ago.

"If that happened, you'd never stop crying, would you?"

She pinched his cheek between her burnt thumb and index finger, pulling as a mother might a child. Ordinarily it would have been condescending but there was a real fondness somewhere inside it.

"Then what would I do with you?"
Mars smirked as she lead the group to the hangar. Then she smirked even more under her helmet, when Veronica did the flight-attendant routine. "You heard her, saddle up boys and girls. Double check your armour if it is properly sealed, once we get in, next stop is vacuum." Mars reminded her team. She knew that all of them already checked their armour and they will probably do so again while they are on the way, but it could not hurt to remind everyone.

Mars sat herself on a part of bench that was a bit lower then others. It was made for her so she could fit in the shuttle properly. "A bet huh? Sure I will bet as well." Mars nodded. "I say with all my optimism, that we will find empty ship. What happened there was just an accident, they reactor leaked or something, killing the crew. Then some pirate found it and took it apart, which is why it look like it does. Well there goes my hundred, because it is never so easy." The tall woman sighed.
Merril took a few minutes to mull over Veronica's taunt. Most of this time was loading into the shuttle and making final checks on her armor. Finally, she came to a conclusion she felt she'd be happy with.

"Alright. I call your bet!" Merril snarled from behind her helmet. "But I wanna see you crying when I come to collect!"

It wasn't that she resented Veronica for what she'd done. Far from it, in fact. It's that she resented Veronica for doing it well. With any luck, the wildcat would be right and they'd find a shiny new toy to whine about to the Matriarchy and not deal with any more bizarre traitor-y bullshit.
LSDF Akahar, Hangar
The Away team was ferried aboard the shuttle by attendants once the final checks were made. Gough, Yar'mak and Al'ris' armours were confirmed sealed. Merrill, Mars, Veronica and Kam'kebek were also deemed safe to go. "Away Team Alpha leaving now," the New Tur'listan bridge bunny announced as the airlocks and hatches to Vathr'dral's shuttle started to close - payload confirmed safely aboard.

Upon his HUD, the markers lit up as the automated part of his takeoff handled itself to gently nudge the shuttle up and out of the Akahar. However, he still had to pay attention if something unexpected arose that the autopilot didn't account for. Fortunately, it was a smooth push out into the void of space, and the console lit up and his rolling start commenced.

The vector towards the Akahar was a lazy curve towards the wreckage of the Mok'ro, which was eerily still in the void of space. After all, objects in motion remained in motion unless acted on by external forces such as gravity, meteorites or salvagers. There was approximately ninety five metres of the thing, roughly forty five metres wide and sixty metres high with five decks. It was a large ship indeed - if there were cargo containers fitted to its exterior the Harvester would've dwarfed the Akahar easily. Those containers were probably Goddess knows where.

A gaping hole on the starboard side, stretching like a jagged scar between Decks three and five starting at the stern and reaching the underbelly of the ship in the middle had threatened to cleave the thing in two. A glowing point on the HUD indicated the first insertion point for the . "Akahar, I'm going to make a single pass around the ship," Vathr'dral relayed to the mother ship as he recalculated a vector to make a circle around the thing before insertion. "Sensors are on for close scanning."

As the shuttle made its way across the port, decks one, three, four and five had evidence of smaller explosions, the hull dotted with open holes. One of which was big enough to land the shuttle in, and where the second insertion point was recommended. It could've acted as an extraction point too. "Away Team Alpha, I have orders to drop you off the point of your choice," Vathr'dral turned around from his chair to address them. "Point one is inside the huge gash on the starboard side. Point two is inside one of the holes on port, the one in deck two. The other point will be used as extraction."

"Your call, Bastion."

LSDF Akahar, Keib's Office
"I'll..." Keib's eyes drifted around the room before settling back on the small figure in front of him. A grimace came across his face and he averted his gaze as he realised he'd come up empty. He bit his right index beneath his glove and turned for the door. "You'll tell me when I have an answer..." he mumbled as he walked towards it, door opening for him automatically. "I have a mission to oversee now."

With that, he left the woman to her own devices inside Keib's office without any specific directive. The door was open, refreshments were there, his computer was turned on and a television with some entertaining movies and a games console in a pile, she was just there. Just distractions, just ways to take her mind off the pain if she felt like it.

He reached the bridge and cricked his neck. "You're late," the Llmanel bridge bunny observed pointedly.
"Don't worry, all under control so far. Brief me."
"Vathr'dral's just gathering extra data. That gash on the side seems to be a lot deeper than we first thought - it penetrates right to the centre of the ship without splitting it in half."

"So that means the explosion that caused it was closer to the exterior rather than in the middle. Weird," he mused before resuming his position in the middle of the room to watch everything. He held out his hand and a mug was passed to it swiftly. "Bring up the pictures."
"Affirmative," the Fyunnen bridge bunny replied before Vathr'dral's sensor data started appearing on screen. "Shall I send the pictures and news home?"

Keib held up his hand. "No. Hold on for now. The less people know about it the better."
"We will get in through the hole on port side," Mars replied to the pilot. She climbed to cockpit meanwhile to watch what there were going into. "The other hole is across three decks, so we will be more free to get out if needed. If you do not feel like going in, we can just space-walk. Also look out for some buoys with passive sensor. This could be old pirate trick, leave the ship be and wait for someone to come, then take them out and steal their stuff."
"Certainly, Ma'am," Vathr'dral replied as his scanners switched to look for any signs of active beacons aside from the Mok'ro's distress signal. The ship was lifeless in all senses - no signs of electronics or biology. "Seems clean. I'll drop you off on the hole in Deck Two." The shuttle was turned around near the port side and its rear was facing the hole. After reversing backwards, the shuttle was now partially protruding from the Mok'ro. "You might want to head back in with the others, you'll have to go for a short spacewalk."

Once Bastion was back with the others, the hatch to the cockpit closed and a warning sounded over the internal communications, delivered by a computerised voice: 'Warning, exterior atmosphere unsuitable for life. Please ensure proper equipment for the environment.'
The hatch began opening slowly, and they could see nothing but inky blackness. The lights from inside the shuttle slowly started to illuminated the walls of the destroyed Mok'ro. The away team seemed to be in a hallway. The hallways had indoors windows, looking down into the large cargo hold. On the other side of the cargo hold, they could see the gash that'd torn the ship in half.

Signs on the wall indicated that to their left was one of the aft-side Engineering bays while to the right, a cluster of crew quarters was said to exist in that direction.
"Hokay check again if you suits are sealed people," Mars said to the team as she got back from the cockpit. She did the same herself, her systems were green so she just moved to the exit. In situation like this, leader always had to go first. As soon as everyone checked their suits and she made sure Vathr'dral sealed himself in the cockpit, she opened the hatch. In front of her was the mighty Mok'ro. Destroyed, with a gaping wound and that wound be their way of entrance.

As she flew through the space, she waved others to follow. Her rifle, was already in her hands. She landed inside the hallway, overlooking some kind of cargo-space. Magnetizing boots of her armour, Mars landed and looked around. Engineering or crew quarters. That was not too much of a choice.

"Akahar-actual, this is away-team. We are inside. Moving towards the aft to inspect the engineering," Mars reported and waved towards the aft. "Gough, Yar'mak and Al'ris you are on point, Merril, Veronice you got the rear. Let's move out."
"The fuck I do. If something needs killing, you better get the fuck out of the way." Although she had been (interestingly) quiet until they got inside, being told to take up the rear was apparently not something she intended to do, evidenced with a half laugh at the notion. Watching their backs wasn't something she felt obligated to do nor intended to. All the same though, she wasn't pushing her way past everyone seeing as not everyone could fit their bulky suits past the hallways yet. It would, of course, be up to those in charge if it was worth starting something with her now about it.

Even though there were no active threats, Veronica's cybernetics were active and charged. Ready for... something. Whatever it may be.
"Tough luck, as soon as I find something to kill I will unleash you on it," Mars said back, looking at the ex-pirate. "Till that time, you have to hope something jumps us from behind and you will have to kill it. See you good at fighting, and them three up front are good at moving around destroyed ships AND fighting. You should be glad enough to even be here, normally we don't let civvies with us."
"How many wrecks do you think I have had to go through after blasting the shit out of it? Fuck you. Fuck your military, and fuck you again. Anyone that stands in the way of my kill is getting stepped on." Apparently she wasn't keen on listening to Mars. She would likely have to hope for the best with bringing a pirate along.
"Knock it off! The hell you think this is, a henfight?" Merril snarled at the two of them, landing behind the party with silenced thuds of magnetic boots on metal. "For all we know, we've got a ship full of Mishhu, and you're arguing about trying to kill things? You'll get your goddamn chance, just shut the hell up and keep moving!"

The medic raised her rifle, surveying the area after she was done bitching the duo out.
LCS Mok'Ro - Port Hallway, Deck Two
"Affirmative," Yar'mak replied. Gough and Al'ris nodded and raised their rifles, moving in first. Al'ris, the largest and heaviest equipped of the trio took point while Yar'mak flanked her left and Gough was on the right. Together they moved down the corridor, towards the aft of the ship. Gough had a good view of the interior of the cargo hold, looking through the windows. Each footstep they took into the hall kicked up small clouds of lunar dust, forever hurtling, however slowly into space.

He blinked and let his aspectation take hold, gazing across the interior of the hold through the stained glass. Something colourful caught his eye down there and he wiped a swathe of dust away with his hand. When he looked back down, what he was looking for seemed to have been a figment. "Bastion, the cargo seems to be undisturbed," he relayed before moving with the rest of the group. His gaze focussed back upwards and towards the opposite walkways on the starboard of the ship.

Ahead of them, a section of the floor had been destroyed, leading to the deck below, and out into space. Films of dust were floating through the air, gently crashing against Al'ris as she hopped over the hole with her arms raised and her boots demagnetised, pushing against the ceiling and remagnetising her boots as they made contact with the floor. The engineering room was ahead, the door was wide open, and she could see

Yar'mak looked down the hole that Al'ris had jumped over and squatted down. "Looks clear down here."

Suddenly, a very loud thump hit the window next to Veronica and Merrill. A dessicated husk of a person had collided with the window, leaving greasy stains of a man's face and - the unfortunate soul looked ... fresher and more bloated than expected. The lack of any bacterial infection in space had preserved their body by drying them out. It looked as though some portion of the decomposition process had taken place but ceased to continue in hard vacuum. Gough swivelled.

LSDF Akahar - Bridge
"Away team is on. I repeat, away team is aboard the LCS Mok'Ro." the Fyunnen bridge bunny was watching their positions on the 3D map that was projected above Keib. Keib had put his seat into a reclining position and was looking at the Mok'ro from its belly. Pale blue wireframes hanging lazily in the air above him with six cerise dots clustered together on the aft side of deck two, and an orange box disengaging from the vessel and doing perimeter duty.

"Mmmhmph," Keib mumbled as he leaned up and put his left hand into the projection, swirling his hand through the middle of the ship and stirring up the image, making it ripple and warp. "Now... what is the Quantum Event that the sensors picked up?"
"We're not sure," the Llmanel bridge bunny stated plainly.

"That's exactly what's eating at me." The cup of tea on the armrest tray was unattended, and starting to cool. "The sensors are still detecting that something is happening," he chewed on the quantum possibilities of it and pressed a few keys on the armrest to bring up a window. "Could it be dimensional? There are many theories about dimensions, none proven, but the theories are sound. Some people blame the Mishhuvurthyar on extradimensional interference."

"What tree are you barking up, Keib?" the New Tur'lista bridge bunny interjected.
He was looking up what he could on the sources he was able to scrounge. He had access to a limitless amount of knowledge - he convinced one of the universities he attended to give him free access as alumni. By convince, he hacked himself into having infinite access. However, Keib probably wouldn't be able to read all of it, which was why it was left in a library to begin with.

It didn't stop Keib from trying. "A thorny one with claws that catch, Miri," he replied.
Mars looked forward with a frown. She had a bad feeling about this gig. Especially when they found out that cargo was un-touched. That meant that these were no pirates. Pirates can use ship to trap rescuers, but they would not leave the cargo behind. Unless they went in for just one thing. This did not look very good at all. On the other hand, if someone was after something specific, they would take it and be long gone. Mars was no coward, she was itching for a fight as much as Veronica, but unlike the ex-pirate geshrin Bastion responbility.

"Away team to Akahar actual," Mars commed the bridge of her home ship. "Look up what Mok'ro carried. Was there anything... special? We see the cargo and it seems like everything is there. Keib, you know what that means, don't you?"

*THUD* Mars turned around to see that a body hit the window by Veronica and Merril. Bastion frowned again, turning back and moving one, flying grafully over the hole, before magnetizing her boots again on the other side. "Move up," she just said, ushering other to catch up with Al'ris.