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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 2.0] - Salvage

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Shrie nodded to Amelia's comment. It made a bit sense now, if there were torpedoes on the ship and one exploded, then that would explained the destruction. It was a bit more plausible then pirates in this area. Not to mention that Pirates don't usually use torpedoes like this, you cannot loot much from destroyed ship. Then there was a question, why this ship had aether torpedoes on board. As far as Shrie knew, this kind of ship had no torpedo launchers. Of course those could be installed secretly. Shrie expected though, that the ship captain was part of weapon smuggling ring. They were simply going to sell the torpedoes later. Except someone fracked up and ship blew up. Judging from the stories she heard about the captain, it would make sense.

"Yes," Shrie added in her strange manner of speak. "Explosion on ship. Torpedo made it. Most probably."
Concordia Veil cockpit

"Understood, This one will do so," Six Four said as it slowly started to walk towards the captain. The sound of the doctors footsteps seemed to echo off the walls as it approached Sienna from behind.

"This one apologizes," Six Four said before grabbing the side of Sienna's head, and pulling it to one side to expose the side of her neck. Once exposed the doctor quickly thrust the syringe that had replaced it's finger into the side of the captain's neck, injecting a healthy dose of qualen into her.

"Again this one apologizes, This one Is only doing this for the safety of the greater good of the crew."
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Concordia Veil - Cockpit

Because the captain was already leaning to one side, it wasn't difficult for Six Four's needle-finger to find its mark. In the instant it took for Sienna to realize she had been grabbed and react, the Freespacer medic had already injected her with an unknown chemical and withdrawn with medicinal precision. The young Nepleslian woman's heels came up into the chair and with uncanny speed, whirled around and sprang forward, hands outstretched like vicious claws as she launched out of the chair, slamming into Six Four's chest. Like an enraged animal, Sienna's hands closed tightly around the Freespacer's neck as she knocked the medic flat on its back and landed with her knees astride its torso. The look on the young captain's face was one of pure survival instinct mixed with near-insanity, her eyes burning with all the fury of a woman pushed one step too far beyond her breaking point.

The very second she had the Freespacer pinned, however, before she began to clamp down on the cyborg's trachea, the look on her face quickly softened to one of mild confusion, then to a passive daze. For a moment she simply sat there, straddling the Freespacer with her hands around its neck but applying no pressure, just staring at Six Four as if she had somehow forgotten exactly what it was that had set her off; in fact, by this time it appeared that Sienna wasn't entirely sure why she was sitting on top of the medic in the first place. After a few seconds' hesitation, she removed her hands and sat up, looking around at the metal and cabling running along the walls of the small cockpit command platform as if for the first time. Several exaggerated, prolonged blinks creased her eyelids a few times, like she was trying to clear her vision, and her chin groggily wobbled back to look at Six Four.

With her head canted slightly at an awkward angle, she stared bewildered down at the medic, her brow in a half-frown. "Whu... whut tha frrr..." she mumbled with a thick tongue. "Whut th'frck... did...dja do... t'me..."

Her eyes rolled back into her head and she slumped over to the side, sliding clumsily off of Six Four and thudded onto her shoulder, slightly curled up next to the computer console on the port side of the cockpit.
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"A torpedo?" Oreza asked. What was a mining ship doing with torpedos? "One of those going off inside a ship without a proper ammunition magazine would explain the extensive damage" he frowned.

Glancing up at Shrie, "What do you remember of the explosion?" He asked.
Concordia Veil - Central Airlock Chamber

The astrogator's gaze went between Oreza and Shrie as they talked, and she couldn't help but to notice how 'small' she was, in a physical sense, when standing near those two. She scratched her head pensively, thinking about what to say next. As she did so, she also realized how that single intact torpedo that was inside the ship could be worth a small fortune just by itself, though she still had her reservations about the whole thing. It was very unlikely that another torpedo blew up by itself, it could've been caused by someone just as much as the possibility of an accident, and that was more than enough to make her very, very cautious.

"So what are you gonna do?" Amelia asked the big Nepleslian, resting one of her hands on her hips, while her other warm held the helmet from her suit. There was still the matter of rescuing all of the survivors before anything else.

"Well, that torpedo is a major hazard" Oreza said. "If it goes off when another ship is in range or," he paused, "If someone grabbs it and uses it..." he trailed off as he thought. "we either need to safely despose of it, or disarm it and take it with us. Either way a military grade anti ship torpedo needs to be kept out of the wrong hands"
Concordia Veil - Central Airlock Chamber

Amelia quietly listened to what Oreza had said, and to an extent she agreed with what the Nepleslian suggested, although what more grabbed her attention about it was the value that such a thing had,, not the consequences of getting one. "No, I meant what do you want me to do, after all that happened,"she replied, leaning her back against one of the EVA lockers in the room. By that point she didn't even know if she was still hired.
Concordia Veil - Central Airlock Chamber

Shrie moved in to the Veil with Amelia. Her eyes looked around the airlock in a kind of a confused gaze for a second until Oreza started talking to her again. Her eyes then pierced him, she scanned him, looking for any kind of imminent danger. She still remembered that Amelia was afraid of peopel on this ship and this man moved in and started being inquisitive right away. On the other hand he talked about the torpedo as being a bad thing and that it should not be in wrong hands. That confused Shrie a bit, maybe he was not part of the problem that Amelia had with the ships crew. Maybe other crew-members were the dangerous ones. Still Shrie stiffened a bit, her eyes still locked at Oreza.

"Not many words." She finally responded. "I work shuttle. Then loud noise. Alarm. Only a while. Then a boom. I close hatch and loose myself. I find myself again, everything is black, shuttle broken. No words anywhere. Everything... dead."

Six Four waited as Sienna eventually flopped over from the dose of qualen.

"This one has mearly given you a healthy dose of qualen, you were behaving irrationality and had to be taken care of." Six Four said pushing itself up from the ground, "You should return to normal within a few hours. Until then this one will make sure you are secure and safe."

As the doctor finished speaking it grabbed Sienna under her arms while supporting her head with its forearms. With the captain firmly secured the freespacer began to drag the capitan towards her quarters.

"First mate Oreza, would you mind grabbing the capital's feet. Would make moving her to her cabin much easier. " Six Four said spotting the large nepleslian as it dragged Sienna out of of the cockpit.
Crash had watch the other Freespacer talk and then drug the Captain. It wasn't something Crash supported in the least. So in self preservation, and just good crew-membership, Crash locked everything on the ship down. leaving the life support running at it's bare minimums.

It also sent a message to Amelia.

Six-Four attacked the Captain. Who is now paying me to not kill you all.
I have the ship on complete lock down, and will only unlock it if you or the
Captain gives the word.

Crash brought the lights down to a low level that would allow the fleshies to see after a few moments of getting use to it. It was getting boring in the Ship's computer with out an data-webs connection.
Before Oreza could even try to make some sense out of Shrie's garbled communication, Shrie noticed something new. Out of the doors came a strange being on a heavy suit and it dragged a young woman with it. Shrie quickly looked at Oreza and then lights dimmed down. Suddenly Shrie stood in front of Amelie, shielding her from any imminent danger. One of Shries legs was a bit behind to get good balance should push come to shove. Her fists where balled up ready for combat, ready to parry or hit. Cybernetics whirred in her eyes making up for the lack of light around, although her hurt eye seemed to blink even more as cybernetics in it were a bit broken. Without a word, Shrie stood there watching Oreza and Four-Six, ready to defend Amelia should it be needed. Her training took over once more, even if it was long time since army, this was programmed in her and made into instincts. Especially after what Amelia said about this ship and its crew before.

Oreza listened to both Amelia and Shrie say their piece. He could feel the tension in the air and could not blame them. Shrie did not know them and therefore did not trust them and Amelia after being treated so harshly by Sienna.

He was about to address both their concerns in turn when Six-Four reappeared dragging the drugged Sienna behind it.

Then the lights dimmed. "What happened to her?" Oreza demanded, concern in his voice, the doctor had yet to share it's actions with the rest of them. He quickly scooped Sienna up in his arms, releaving Six-Four of the captain.

He turned back to see the Lorath warrior move into a defensive stance between him and Amelia and frowned. "There is no need for that" he said sincerely. "i assure you no harm will come to you or Amelia"

He then looked around the 7foot tall woman at the navigator. "Amelia, could you please check the ship and find out what happened to the mains?" he asked, "We cant affort to be stranded out here if trouble shows up, and with how our luck's been going, it will"
Concordia Veil - Cockpit

It had been a few minutes since Six Four had dragged the limp, drugged captain out of the cramped space, and aside from the muffled sounds of conversation coming from back in the central airlock chamer's inner hatch, the only noise in the dimly lit cockpit was the dull hum of the computers and pumps deep within the hull. Crash's disembodied digital consciousness, waiting for Amelia's response to his locking the ship down, was monitoring the active systems with mechanical focus, watching the stars, debris, and other points of reference tumble across the ship's wide field of vision across several bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. To say that the newly-rechristened Concordia Veil had gotten off to a rough start would be an understatement.

As the rest of the crew were elsewhere, working to contain their increasingly precarious situation, the minutes ticked by around the ship as uneventfully as they had since they arrived in this lonely corner of space, latched onto the dead ship like a parasite. Uneventfully, that is, until the ship's long range scanners broke the monotony, registering a hyperspace signature less than a quarter million kilometers from their position.
Concordia Veil - Central Airlock Chamber

The massive Lorath getting in front of her was what surprised Amelia the most, not the fact that the ship had gone in lock-down; she already had a clear idea of who could've done that. The astrogator slowly pushed herself out from behind Shrie, so she could face Oreza again, but then she saw something that surprised her even more than what had just happened, as her expression changed to being somewhat surprised when she saw Six-Four dragging Sienna towards them. She was unsure of how to feel about that, at least she wouldn't have to deal with the captain at that exact moment, which was a good thing for her.

"Remove the lockdown, got it," she replied to Oreza, squeezing her way out of the then very populated airlock chamber. Once that task was done, she made her way towards the cockpit with quick steps, already pulling out her Datajockey to talk to the bot, only to confirm her initial suspicion. She quickly tapped out a short response as she entered the cockpit, jumping down onto the navigator's seat and setting down the datapad between her legs before she twisted the helmet from her suit, removing it and setting it in the deck behind her seat.

 Lift the Lockdown
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Shrie looked at Amelia who seemed to think that there was no danger. As far as Shrie was concerned that was good enough, but that did not mean it was time to be careless. As Amelia moved out of the airlock chamber, Shrie followed her as a shade. Slowly and without makin a noise. Her eyes did not leave Oreza and Four-Six the whole time. The tall lorath still did not trust them. Shrie stopped in the entrance to the cocpit, giving Amelia personal space, but also so she could stop anyone would would try to get in.
 Why should I... the captain was assulted but the freespacer...
And now there is a hyperspace footprint entering the system.
Powering up engines and weapons. Prepare to run...

Crash responded returning limited control to the cockpit.
Delerict, Medbay

Dylan was waiting for nearly half an hour now. No one had checked in anymore. Not Oreza, nor Six Four. " They just forgot me, I think." He mumbled.

He saw his suit floating around him. " No. I can't use that. Energy's depleted." He said to himself. But he began to think. " Perhaps, if they come back, I can force some air into that suit. Than I could survive for some minutes. Yes. That could work."

He tapped on the console:

Hello, anyone still out there? If you want to know, I've got some medical supplies for Six Four. Also, I've got a depleted dusk suit. I might be able to hold out for five minutes. If I hold my breath perhaps even longer. Let me know what to do.
Concordia Veil - Cockpit

Amelia quickly operated the controls as soon as the lock-down was lifted, her hands a blur as she activated the necessary systems that would allow her to work, but eventually stopped when she looked down at the Datajockey and saw the other message that Crash had sent. She stopped activating and checking the different systems and looked at the ship's sensors instead, only to confirm what the bot had said. The astrogator frowned, exhaling slowly between her clenched teeth, that was... Complicated.

More importantly, that also raised a more important question for her, should they just hail the new arrival? It would be the standard procedure in any case, but then they could be the buddies from the person they had spaced earlier, or simply more pirates; they weren't in a safe system after all, and the mining ship was proof of it. "Oreza, I got a new signature on the sensors. Should I hail them?" Amelia asked, two fingers pressing against the astrogator's headset, it wasn't her decision to make anyway. It wasn't her decision, but that didn't also mean that she wouldn't prepare for any eventualities, so she quickly pulled the Datajockey up and typed another message to Crash.

 Can you fly this ship remotely?
Concordia Veil

As Oreza took the Sienna's limp form from Six Four, the freespacer dusted its hands off as if to get rid of some unseen filth on them.

"Calmly: She was behaving erratically, this one merely gave her a calming sedative. She should wake up in an hour or so." The doctor paused. "Correction, should be back to normal within an hour or so. Until then Captain Shelton will be a bit... loopy."

Without saying anything else, Six Four nodded its head before heading off to the spare storage lockers to retrieve the extra dusk suit.

"Now unless anything further is required from this one, it has to go retrieve another individual from the medical bay in the ship below."

Derelict Outside the med bay.

Six Four left no time for anyone to really ask any questions, after retrieving the dusk suit it made a beeline to the airlock and was soon back into the vacuum of space. Retracing its steps, though with a bit more speed, Six Four returned to the medical bay doors.

This one apologizes for the wait, there was a situation on the ship. It has returned with the extra Dusk suit however, Do you have a way to keep yourself pressurized when the doors are opened?
Concordia Veil

If it were not for the fact that he had an armfull of captain and that the doctor had skipped out instantly upon recounting it's actions, Six Four might have been permanently delayed by Oreza, who had to take a long moment to compose himself after learning that the Freespacer had drugged Sienna. He could see it now, when she came off the drug's influence, she was going to be hell to deal with.

"Damn it all!" Oreza groused as he let out a long breath and finished the trip to Sienna's cabin. He was sure Six Four had no idea just how much more difficult it had made his job by doping out the captain.

Once in the small cabin, he laid Sienna down on her bunk, making sure she was as comfortable as possible and could rest in quiet. He did take her pistol away for safe keeping. Leaving someone on any kind of drug with a firearm was plane stupidity. He would return it to her when she was both off the drug and would not immediately use it on the Freespacer doctor. Once done, Oreza sealed the cabin, leaving the 'Do not disturb' notice on and moved back to the small ships forward sections. It was then he got Amelia's message about the other ship.

"No, not yet" he replied over the intercom, "Keep our signals emissions as low as possible and see if you can get a read on what kind of ship it is" He opened the hatch to the cockpit and squeezed inside. "What's the situation?" he asked, his voice back to it's calm normal and peeked over at the main sensors scope.
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