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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 2.2] Or'ion

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Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Geo'kenese Starbase

Or'ion Main Office, Deck 523

The main offices for Or'ion, at least on Geo'kenese, were non-discrept. There wasn't any evidence that an office was even there, with perhaps the exception of a lone individual wearing black clothing that was leaning up against a parasteel wall.

The man had a hat on, and had it pulled down over his eyes, but enough of it was out of the way for him to notice Zu'rel. "Looking for something?" he asked the Kit, his arms folded over his chest and one eye looking down the hallway, it was a rather empty hallway at that....
The young kit looked the man over, trying not to get pissed off at the games. "Yes I have an appointment here at this office, so ether kindly point me to the office, or get the hell out of my way." Zur'el eyed the man, if he moved fast enough he might be able to draw his blade and cut him, if he decided to attack.
"I'd watch the tongue if I were you, C'Baruce," said the man in a slightly agitated tone, he flicked his hat up to a man who looked to perhaps be in his late to early forties.

He watched the Kit for a few moments. "W'Xesna Lui'sha Sh'ene," said Lui'sha as he turned toward the wall and placed his hand on it. He waited several heart beats, looked up and down the empty hallway, then gently pressed on it. A series of straight lights resembling an odd symbol appeared on the wall, these lights danced across it for several brief moments before coming toward a few feet down the way.

There was a hissing sound, followed by the wall partition moving aside to reveal Or'ions offices behind it. Zu'rel would hear people talking now, some in a cryptic tone, others as plain as day; he'd also notice a mixture of enlisted and officers moving from one side of the office to another, moving from one room - to another.

"If you were requested," said Lui'sha as he motioned through the offices. "Follow," and with that he made his way into the offices. As they walked, Zu'rel would hear the following from a group of agents that were sitting at a nearby table.

"So, its true then?"

"Yea, most likely, intel is rather adamant about it..."

"We still need more though.... I mean if its true that those terrorists plan to strike at the royal family then-"

"Hush, all we have is that they plan to, we have no data on 'when' or in what capacity..."

"And until we get that data, we have to stay quiet. That's the nature of our job."
Zur'el watched and studied everything going on with a keen interest. absorbing everything for possible future use. "yes i do have an appointment as I said. He followed the black clothed man into the offices. The information that he could hear was all file away. Including the possible attack on the royalty. He believed it was wrong that they weren't going to inform the royal guard but that was above his pay-grade.

"Where am i suppose to go?"
"Interrogation Room K," Lui'sha walked up to an index and tapped on it, it was a rather vague index actually that was very large and had rooms that seemed to have no labels while others were.

After a few minutes of walking they arrived a security checkpoint, where Lui'sha flashed his badge and the four guards - all dressed in ABS's and wielding heavy weaponry, nodded and stepped side. "You're military ID will be cleared for this facility after today, so you won't have to be guided around," Lui'sha said and looked down the hallway at the room that the Kit was told to go to. "J'Yura Shi'lashe is waiting in room K, you can find her there."
"thank you." Zur'el looked down at his ID then slid it back into his jacket pocket.

He left the guide glad he didn't have to get into a fight on his first day of being assigned to this office. As he came up on the door he knocked and waited. Wondering what was waiting on the other side of it.
Zur'el would hear a grunt beyond the door, followed by a yell of pain. This sound died out though after a few seconds and soon a door just a few feet down opened up and an older woman stepped out. "Over here C'bar," she said to Zur'el; the woman wore a regular casual outfit of a long dark blue dress with a navy style hat.

She beckoned him over and then disappeared into the other room.
With a nod Zur'el folled the lady into the second room, looking around to see what all there was. "Ma'am I was requested to report here." He bowed shallowly before standing straight up.
The officer nodded toward Zur'el and walked over to a two-way window, beyond it Zur'el would see two men dressed down to only their underwear - if you could call a loincloth that - with two other more heavily armored men in the room pacing around them. There was obvious signs of a fight, only it had been a one way fight, given that the two tied up men looked like they'd gone several rounds with a boxer.

"All Or'ion agents go through this," said the officer after she watched Zur'el enter the small room. "Your task is quite the simple one, you see those two," she gestured with a thumb. "Their the ones that were captured on the ship you've been assigned two, funny how one of them played dead and thought he could get away with it," there was a smile on the officers face, which quickly changed to a frown. "Regrettably they are not being very cooperative."

"You've got your pick of tools. Use any that you want, question them, I know this is your first time so think of this as a learning experience. The other interrogators there will help you out if need be, you may ask them for suggestions. Need not worry about the responses the two traitors to the Kingdom give, everything is recorded. They have no rights, no protections, as far as the Kingdom is concerned - they are already dead."

Shi'lashe nodded slowly and pressed a button that was the left hand side of the window, there was a buzzing sound which caused the two interrogators to stop and look toward the window, with a nod of the head they hoisted one of the traitors out of the seat and took him out of the room, leaving just one of them in there.

She then gestured to a door off to her right that lead right into the interrogation room. "One last thing," she turned toward the Kit. "No need to be gentle with this one, he's responsible for the deaths of twenty one kits, eighteen adults, and has been involved in the destruction of two passenger transports. Had he been caught before we got him, the citizenry would skin him alive... in fact," she pointed toward the set of tools.
Walking over to the tools Zur'el looked them over a couple of times. They were all the standard knifes, hooks, saw blades, hammers, and the like. He picked up each one and felt it's weight and played the tool around in his hands for a moment before setting it down and picking up the next. after going trough the tools he set the last back down and took a step towards a chair. disrobing his jacket and gently removing both his gun belt and his sword wrap she laid them both on the chair. Digging in his jacket pocket he pulled out a small nail file. "I will use this Ma'am."

he walked back out of the room and took a deep breath and let it out slowly before entering the room with the prisoner. "Good evening. I am C'Baruce Zu'Rel Tar'Vas, though at this juncture I'm sure you don't really care." He slid a chair out on the other side of the table from the prisoner and sat down laying the nail file gently before him, placing his hands flat on the table inches on ether side of the little tool. "Funny thing is they offered me many different tools before I came in here. But I didn't think they would be needed, not when i have this handy tool." He gave the man a toothy grin.
The man, looking a bit bewildered perhaps from the beating he'd already taken, looked up wearily at the kit and let out a groaty laugh. "Or'ion must be downsizing," the man snickered. "Having to enlist the help of a piss in the pants brat," he coughed, blooding hitting the table in front of him - though not close enough to land on Zur'el.

"I won't say a word to you, Kit...." his voice trailed as he continued to snicker, he was finding this rather amusing right now.
"That is fine. I really didn't think you would. So how about this, we can discuss your friend's hand. Did you know I kept it? It was the first limb I have ever removed. I thought maybe I can get the it dried out and hang it in my cabin. What do you think?" he sat there not really rising to the insults form the ruffed individual before him. he picked up his nail file and started working on one of his fingernails, his eyes were on his nail that was being sharpened a bit.
The prisoner raised an eye-brow. "You are one sick fuck," said the man as he attempted to break the binds but found that they were much to tight still. "Did Or'ion make you this way or were you born twisted? This is why you Daur must die, your minds are all twisted and soured, thinking you are superior to us.. thinking you know better than us.."

He spat on the table, just a foot away from where Zur'el had his hands. "So tell me, when you meet my companion, how much did you piss your pants hmmm?" he gave a bloody grin.
Raising an eyebrow in response to the man's question, "Well I didn't piss myself, I calmly tried to talk to him, and when we went off and drew a knife me. then I cut the wielding hand off. It was quite boring all and all... I rather had been able to calmly talk to him. Oh well. Now that I answered your question, I think it would be fair play if you answer one of mine."

He paused and lifted the finger up that he had been working on, eying it and blowing the filings off. "I was wondering what you hand for breakfast that morning. I ask only because a crappy breakfast might help explain how you failed to escape."
"For breakfast that day?" the prisoner said and thought for a minute before grinning. The man glanced at the window for a brief moment, then looked at the Kit.

"You," he said to Zu'rel. "I hear Daur taste wonderful when broiled, with a certain amount of spices, although I have to wonder.. what do you think will happen to your 'sister' though?" he cocked his head curiously to one side, the grin on his face remaining.
"I suspect by that you mean to imply that your cronies on the 'outside' will use her to get to me? if that is true then most likely she will die. it would be a sham really, but what can one do?" Zu'rel sat there studying the man trying to find a way in. His file had started working the next finger nail in line, slowly working it, sharpening it, all most mindlessly.

"Well as for your answer, you can clearly see i am whole here, therefore you have lied. Though i won't hold that lie against you. you are clearly distressed and looking to try to set me off ease. Little lies of the like make one feel..." He paused as if he was looking for a word to fit, "in control."

With a smiled he examined the second fingernail and blew it clean of the file's dust. "So breakfast... Oh I am careless and rude, when was the last time you ate?"
The prisoner stared at the Kit, somewhat amazed that he hadn't gotten the reaction he'd been hoping for. "Earlier this morning," he finally said after nearly five minutes of silence. "Not Daur though, would've preferred a nice tasty Daur," the man did a slow head turn toward the window, grinning at the lady beyond.

"So, what are you going to do?" he asked, curious. "Nothing you say, or do, will make be reveal anything about my brethren."
"Me? I think i will sit her asking innocuous questions until you get fed up and try to attack me. Then I believe these two lovely brutes will beat you a bit, before they sit you back down in that chair." He spoke as he finished up yet another finger, inspecting it as he had the rest.

Licking his lips, Zu'rel was getting a bit thirsty. Maybe they would have to break for some water or something. "Do you think that your threats and brave statements will make me give up? Hell you got me out of a awkward dinner party, so I must thank you."
"Dinner Party?" The prisoner thought on that for a few moments, with a sly smile on his face. "Ahhhh, let me guess, party with your master yes?" he stared the Kit in the eyes and snickered. "Its too bad I couldn't gut her, would've been swell to display her entrails on my trophy wall."

As the man spoke, one of the two heavier set Agents shifted their positions, this one was - ironically - a Laibe who had no love for the prisoners organization and seemed like he 'really' wanted to have a crack at him but wasn't.

The other one, a Daur who had his arms folded over his chest; just stared at the prisoner.

"I take it you can't take me on alone eh? Gotta have your two adults here to help ya out? You ain't that strong, I could break ya like a twig...."
"It will be ashame that you will never find out. But yes with my master. I'm sorry you couldn't so as you say, if it would have made you happy." His mouth was getting quite dry now. Turning to one of the guards, "Could one of you guys grab me a pitcher of water and a glass. Oh make that two cups I bet our guest here would like some also." he gestured idly to the prisoner across the table from him, then he went back to his fingernails, the scraping sound filled the room.

"Then again, Maybe could we get some supper in here?"
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