Star Army

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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 2.2] Or'ion

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The Laibe looked at the Daur, then at the prisoner, then back at Zu'rel and then at the window, before leaving to get the water and cups for the Kit.

The Prisoner snickered as he watched the Laibe leave. "Pretty sad that you're race has successfully brainwashed some of my people into serving you, slavery is what it is... how does it feel to be a slave master mmmm?"
"Slave master. did you not just hear me ask? I don't order people around, never have. Have I ordered you around at all? No I haven't i have sat here and had a civilized conversation, well at least on my end. You have sat there and insulted me and threatened my family. A real shame I do say."

Finishing the last nail on his hand he set the file back down before him and looked the prisoner in the eyes. "I have to say that I was thinking that this was going to be a waste of time. Though now.. i think you are going to give me a lot of what I would like to know." He smiled and motioned for the Daur to head out of the room.
With a nod, the Daur agent left the room, leaving just Zu'rel and the prisoner alone. In the back room, the officer watched with folded arms, pondering what this Kit was going to do - she was slightly annoyed that so far no new information had yet been given but she wondered how long that would last.

"Is that so?" asked the Prisoner. "Perhaps you are deaf, but I ain't saying a thing about my comrades. I'll sooner die than give up any information."
Leaning forward looking him directly in the eyes Zu'rel spoke slowly and clearly, "That is where you are mistaken, you will not be killed, you will not be aloud to die. You will live until you give them the information they want." With a quick motion he swiped his now sharpened fingernails across the prisoner's face, sending flecks of blood flying.

"Now having to suffer my childish question, and the abuse that will be dished out, Aye you will deal with that."

Leaning back into his seat, Zu'rel wiped his bloodied fingernails off onto a handkerchief he had in his pants pocket. "Now I believe I was curious About what you had for breakfast the morning of the attack. Well?"
"Fuck.. you...." said the Prisoner through gritted teeth, it was obvious he didn't expect the Kit to actually 'do' anything, perhaps underestimating the young one. "I won't speak, I won't betray my comrades, I'll die before I say a word...."
"Which brings us back to the point, that they won't let you die." With a shrug Zu'rel got up, picking up his nail file as he did. slowly he walked around the table to lean up against the side next to the Laibe. "Shit I bet they'll hook you up to a life support machine and keep you alive, in pain, but alive all the same."

He watched the blood drip white from the Laibe's face. "We can co0ntinure the whole insult game or we can wrap this up, go get dinner and not be in pain for the rest of the night. Or..." With a flick of his hand he carved another few gouges on the man's face.

"So Breakfast... innocent question... No bearing on your comrades in the least. You really going to try to hold out over that?"
The prisoner grumbled, and let off a few mental curses before he spoke up. "Wheat bread, along with water... what else do you think they feed us?" he asked the Kit with a growl. "You outta treat yer prisoners better.."
"Well yeah, But I'm pretty sure I ask what you ate the morning of the attack." Zu'rel's hand swiftly reached behind the Laibe's head, with a quick moment he slammed him head first into the table.

"So what did you have? Grains? Meats? Your mother's intimate places?"
The prisoner sighed, it wasn't like that kind of stuff would be harmful for others to know. "Ka'kia Jui'ta Steak, with Nui'ha Mashies and spices and sauces."
"I see steaks and mashies, yum. Now what did you do after that, work on writing a will?" Innocuous questions and minor abuse, Zu'rel looked and acted like he didn't know what he was doing. Though with the fact the Liabe just answered, meant that one small step was made forward. More the man talked more likely he was going to slip up and give away something.
"What did we do after that?" The prisoner sighed. "Why, we practiced on killing you .. or rather... things that represented you of course, do you think all we do is sit around all day and sing songs?"
"Oh really... Did your friend practice losing his hand? Oh never mind, so what was this training like? what did you do?" Zu'rel Smiled as he concentrated on the man, and let his insults and attempts to rise roll off his back.
The prisoner shifted in his chair as he watched the Kit for a few moments. "Now, why would I answer that?" he asked the Kit, although it wasn't a question he was expecting an answer for.

"Use your imagination Kit, what do you THINK we did?"
"Well Based off of what you actually did aboard the ship, lets see... Crash.. followed by running about like poultry with their heads cut off, followed by being captured. So I would guess you practiced against stuffed Ursas." Zu'rel prodded with the statement, it did seem the man would talk when pissed off.
A rather loud growl could be heard from the prisoner, he didn't take that comment to well. "To bad we didn't crash on top you, would've saved us the trouble...." he continued to scowl.

"I'll have you know that we practiced planting bombs, and ensuring that they dealt the maximum amount of destruction, the more of you we take out - the better we can live. Perhaps one day, we'll free ourselves of your influences..."
With a bored look on his face Zu'rel sat back do in his chair before the prisoner, "So what kinds of explosives did you train on? Baking soda and vinegar? Or did you get into the heavy stuff and break out the black powder and wax paper?" He knew he was pushing a bit directly but the Liabe seemed to be opening up a bit.
The prisoner growled once again. "Try L-24..." he said to the Kit. "We practiced on figuring out how much of it to use, how much would be to much or to little..." his voice trailed as he thought.
"Wow... I'm impressed, Even i wouldn't use that stuff, scary. One sneeze and poof..." Zu'rel was impressed with the prisoner's bravery to use such dangerous explosive. "So did you use some crappy knock up for the practice zone? You must of, I doubt you guys would have had a decent replica or you guys most likely would have pulled it off better."
"Do you honestly think that your military is so secure that we can't get ahold of your ships?" A grin spread across the prisoners face. In the backroom, the officer was rather curious about this, it was information they already knew but she just wasn't sure just how deeply these guys had infiltrated.

At that moment the door opened and a Laibe came in with some food, a luxurious meal for Zu'rel. As the Laibe set it down he glared at the Prisoner and scowled before leaving the room.
Looking down at the food, Zu'rel spoke almost absent minded, "Well that is nice, I was sure that you would have been using some school's drama department to build your test ranges. Well I guess i was wrong." With a bit of hunger he looked over his meal, there was nice thick steak, some mashed tubers, and a bit of greens. "Would you like some, I'm sure i couldn't finish this all?"

With care she started deciding everything up in half. "I know it isn't any Daur but what can you do?" making sure not to allow the prisoner any utensels, he slid the food across the table, but stopping just outside the Laibe's reach "So where would you keep this ships?"
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