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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 2] Relaxation

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Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Geo'kenese Starbase, 1st Fleet Hanger, Gam'trosha obsevation lounge

Sa'kira stood leaning up against the railing, peering over the side at twenty other ships that were of the same class as the Gam'trosha. Nearly a full season of continious drills, patrols, and supply running - hardly a thing for a military ship - and finally the crew had earned some much needed shore leave.

The shipmaster turned around, now her back was against the rails. New promotions will be going out soon once command authorizes them, along with medals to boot. I wish our ship could have the new engine and faster than light drives installed but the hull wasn't designed for them....

She pushed off the rail and folded her arms over her chest, waiting for the crew to arrive in the lounge for a final briefing for they could go off on shore leave.
Tite'Yanus was the first one into the lounge. He strolled in, his tail flicking behind him as he moved. Entering the room, he paused in the doorway to arch his back and stretch before approaching the shipmistress. He sat in front of her and straightened his body, snapping his tail to his forehead in a salute.

"Ma'am," he said plainly. He waited for her to return the salute before getting back up on moving to find a nice spot to lie down.
Def'leor made her way over to the lounge. She had just completed another of the courses she was taking. In addition to her normal duties, she was taking training courses for her role as Lexicon. So most of her off shift time was taken up with studies.

Sa'kira is planning on giving the crew shore leave. After all this training time, I am fairly sure they will appreciate it. The question now is what to do with my time. Definitely no classes. I guess it depends on what the other bridge personnel have planned. Folks who want to visit with their family can do so, but I think I prefer to hang out with someone who wants to have fun. She thought.

She walked into the lounge paused briefly to survey the room. She spotted Sa'kira and Tite'Yanus. Def'leor walked over to the Ship Mistress and came to attention. She performed the appropriate salute and waited for the Mistress to return it.
Zes'kas strolled into the lounge, looking to see if anyone got there first, somewhat downed upon spotting Tite'yanus and Def'leor. Damn, almost first, if only I hadn't gotten caught up a bit in the med-bay.

He continued, and snapped a salute at Sa'kira and then Def'leor, "Got hung up in the med-bay, sorry for arriving so late." He gestured around the room to emphasize his joke, "Zes'kas here."

He waited to recieve her reply before turning and sitting next to Tite, "So... get anything else out of that guy, besides insults?" He was referring to the Liabe intruder that Zes'kas had saved for interrogation.
Ye'gor rather stiffly made his way into the lounge taking note that he wouldn't be too outnumbered. He had just come from changing back into his dress uniform after helping out in engineering which meant that he still smelled some of lubricant. The Laibe kit took his place in line and dropped his left knee to the ground while bringing his right arm across his chest, his head bowing at the end.

"Mah," the young engineer began, "C'Baruce Tos'cana Ye'gor reporting."
It had been a long time since he had been on his assigned vessel. Nearly a season locked up in secret facilities under the watch of Or'ion testifying on the attack of Levia. Watchers and their disdain, Superior Officers and their constant need for updates, it had all be dreadfully annoying over all. The only solace had been working with Technical Specialists in Software Engineering. Such a joy to have intelligent conversations with like-minded and skilled individuals.

But, like all good things, it had to come to an end at some point. A point that involved blindfolding and such, which had been another nuisance over all.

So now, a certain midnight-furred Laibe had entered a certain observational lounge of a certain exploration vessel. His things had been delivered to the vessel, which meant he was only in uniform with his usual goggles donned above his eyes. He glanced around the lounge with tail still and ears flat, totally indifferent to the majority of those with in the room. However, his ears moved forward a touch upon sighting his target: U'Cetrinal Sa'kira Yuna'me.

He was on the move. Crossing the distance at a slow, purposeful pace, the Laibe moved close to his Commander and saluted in a formal, near-perfect stance of tail off to the side, hand across his chest, and ears forward (almost as if it were out of a textbook).

"My apologizes for my --- absence, Mah." the dark-furred Laibe stated with all the regal, yet respectful tone he could muster. "C'Baruce Ro'sario Erm'olai, formerly detached to High Command, reporting for duty." he greeted.
Sa'kira smiled when she saw one of her crewmen walk in, a person who had been pulled from her ship after the Levia incident; it had angered her a bit that command had done this without consulting her but that was the nature of navy.

"Welcome home C'Baruce Ro'sario, I hope your stay with command was a pleasant and educational one," she said and looked at the rest of the crew. "Once the others are here I'll begin my briefing, until then you all are free to grab something to eat or drink from the cafeteria," as she was saying this three starfighters flew by the bottom of the ship, their gravity engines ablaze as the fighters made their way to an opening hanger bay door.
Walking out of his cabin Zu'Rel was dressed in his uniform with his light goggles on and his sword on his him. With a sigh he went to the wardroom, wondering the whole way if new orders came in and if so what kind of mission they were going to leave on.

Entering the wardroom He snapped to attention and saluted the Shipmistress. "Good day Ma'am" He learned many years ago as a pup that a bright positive greeting could win a lot more then silence.
Erm'olai dropped his salute at the greeting and shifted back to his indifferent state, though his tail twitched for a moment at the mention of his 'stay'. "It was --- enlightening, U'Cetrinal." he replied before a rather new face appeared to report. He assumed there would be quite a few new faces since the launch ceremony.

He was positively ecstatic about it.

Instead of greeting the new face (to him), Erm'olai decided to take his commander's advice and headed towards the cafeteria. He did feel a tad peckish from his travels.
Def'leor watched as several of the crew arrived, most were familiar to her. One she only recognized because they appeared in the roster, but she never had any opportunity to interact with them.

She turned and made her way to the cafeteria. Cafeteria food, wonderful. Food is bland enough but most cafeterias strive for bland. She thought. Def'leor took a tray and started surveying the food. Looking for items that had the highest potential for flavor. After completing that task she got a small ramekin and put a strong condiment in it.

She walked over towards Erm'olai. "C'Baruce Ro'sario, I see you are back with us. Just in time for the Ship Mistress to feed us again." She said with a smile.
Ye'gor made his way to the cafeteria and into the line, making sure not to budge or give too much ground. Once he had a tray and was at the food, the young engineer let his nose tell him what to grab, resulting in a tray that mostly contained dead carcass and fungi. The kit then nabbed the condiment that he determined actually had any kick to it and happily applied what he could on according to his tastes.

The young Laibe then grabbed some water and made his way out to the Lounge and set his tray down. Once seated Ye'gor surveyed the rather heated concoction with his nose while stirring it before nodding sagaciously and taking a bite. The morsel bit back, and for the first time in a long while, a smile crossed his face as he gave a contented sigh.
The slight form of a silver-furred shukaren daur kit passed through the entrance of the Gam'trosha's observation lounge. The young male hardware engineering was attired in the same black and red uniform as the rest of those present in the room, though he in particular bore the the rank patch of an A'Fuereb upon the armband that encircled his left bicep. His bright, jewel-like eyes scanned the room for a few moments and his slightly unkempt mop of silver hair, in addition to the the frames of his metal glasses gleamed faintly under the rooms bright lights.

After a moment or two Severem Keri'cruen quickly crossed the space separating himself from Sa'kira and saluted with somewhat greater poise and less nervousness than he had when the young kit had first joined the Gam'trosha's crew.

"U'Cet," Keri said a quiet, respectful tone as he addressed the Shipmistress by the shortened form of her military rank.
Erm'olai turned to the Daur Aviator and his eyes focused on the rank on her uniform. Apparently their had been some changes since he had been pulled away from the vessel. Which meant his wonderful education experience had been turned into a hurdle. Part of him wanted to growl and raise a fuss over the fact that someone of his caliber had yet to be rewarded. But throwing a tantrum was not professional. Instead he forced himself into indifference and bit his tongue on the rank.

"So it seems, A'Fuereb," he replied firmly in an effort to hide his envy. Well, luckily a distraction in the form of a young Laibe drew his attention from the utter disappointment. "Is it just me, or have we gotten more kits on the crew than before?" he made the off-handed comment as his ice-blue eyes focused on the red-furred youngster that was Ye'gor.
Def'leor smiled at Erm'olai's comment. "Yes, it does seem that the Gam'trosha is getting a greater number of kits. But then again with the various losses we have sustained between the asteroid incident, and the ambush by renegade Neshaten. Our squadron and the other units here have lost a good number of soldiers. I guess that headquarters is replacing our losses with whatever troops they can round up.

Perhaps they think that Ship Mistress Yuna'me can mold them."
Ye'gor's ears twitched at the word 'kits' and moved to pick up more of the discussion. He could not deny having benefited from the Navy's need, but wasn't necessarily thrilled with the blood required to get there. He almost stopped eating for a moment when his stomach growled again to remind him he would be more helpful fed.
Sa'kira listened as she stared down through the transparent floor. Down below the ship, at least several decks below, was a large military transport that was being loaded with troops - although those troops looked like ants from this distance, the giveaway was the heavy equipment such as tanks and fighters.

"The Youth Corps serve as a militia, they can be called upon to serve at a moments notice. Of course, they don't really 'need' to be called upon; I think the Spirit of V'kaste drives them to act, to volunteer."

She wanted to wait a bit longer before starting the briefing, but she could tell by looking at the maintenance crews on the nearby walkway that they were looking a bit annoyed at the waiting.

"Ok," she said and looked up from the view and toward those already there. "After a full season of fighting, patrolling, and transporting; command has given us some much needed shore leave. However, because of the escalating problems with the Netrunu'marol, we are not permitted to leave the station in the event we have to scramble to some emergency."

Sa'kira didn't like this, she would've preferred going groundside but that just wasn't a luxury they could afford right now. "Any questions before I continue?" she wasn't the type to just drone on, although she could've finished this briefing in one go, it just wasn't her style...
Shar finally arrived as well. The shipmistress was talking so the black-furred Daur did not want to bother. She just gave out a nod of greetings and disappeared behind the bar. She shower up again later with a bottle of beer in her hand. She bit into the cap with her teeth and took it off opening the bottle. She then got a drink, emptying half of the bottle in few chugs.

Shar then leaned against the bar and lit herself a deathstick paying attention to the shipmistress. When questions came out she raised a hand, still holding onto the beer.

"I got one," Shar said with a smirk. "Did we get anything out of the scumbags we caught?"
Sa'kira glanced at Shar for a moment. "In coma's I'm afraid, it appears the injuries they suffered in their little attempt at taking out ship were quite... serious... the docs put them into medically induced coma's. Despite them being the enemy, dead men tell no tales," said Sa'kira as her gaze shifted to a very large vessel that flew beneath them, fighter flying by on all sides including a few that flew within several feet of the Gam'trosha's lounge.
Ye'gor didn't seem to have any questions, but was soon distracted from his food by the fighters. He began looking around at them all until the he saw the large carrier moving beneath them. The young engineer jumped out of his chair with all the energy of his youth ending up on all fours looking at the ship below.

"La’zerus Class, Strike Carrier," the kit began analytically, "1,100 meters long by 540 meters wide by 180 meters high, with twenty decks. Sports two Lunabaren reactors - necessary to bring it's bulk to hyperdrive or hold it above the ground for any amount of time. It can take a pretty good beating, though it sacrifices speed for more offensive capability."
Sa'kira glanced down at the ship that was movingly slowly beneath them. "And just think, a few seasons ago it was the largest warship in our fleet.... now that distinction belongs to the Kith'sobashen."

She smiled, then closed her eyes for a moment in thought and looked at the crew. It was slightly worrying that not everyone was actually here yet, she had to wonder if some of them were busy getting ready to leave the ship - or worse - had those who had not arrived yet already left?

That thought didn't so much worry her as it angered her, navy policy dictated that soldiers had to wait until they were dismissed by their ranking office before going off on any type of leave. With a heavy sigh, she spoke up.

"Although I have been told that once they wake up, they'll be interrogated for any useful information pertaining to their operations," a smile crossed her face. "Although it does appear that since they failed to take down our ship during the trials, they haven't made any further attempts but that doesn't mean they haven't planned something already. Thus, I want you all to keep an eye on things while you are on leave, report any suspicious behavior."

She stopped once to clear her throat a bit, then waited to see if anyone had any questions - or perhaps even - concerns.
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