Star Army

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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 2] Relaxation

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"What about that piece of paper we found one of them?" Shar asked with raised eyebrows. She would hate to think, they would get nothing from the attack. So much loss and so little to gain from it. That would be just too frustrating. "And what about navcomps of those skiffs they landed in the hangar? Might show us where those wankers were before."
Erm'olai tailed started involuntarily moving as he couldn't hold back at least some of his annoyance. It felt more like High Command was turning their ship into a nursery than an Exploration Vessel. It meant he had to keep track of more traffic throughout the ship's data network as well as making sure no one fiddled with the computer systems. His tail started moving even more as he realized he had never been able to make the Gam'trosha's computer system more efficient than they had been at launch.

He certainly couldn't trust the Kranemela employed by the shipyards either. It meant his work schedule once they returned from their rest would be doubled over all. But, such was the life of a professional among Xerabe. The dark-furred Laibe was pulled from his thoughts to grab the horrible meal that passed for food in such settings and then onto the appearance of the overly compensating monstrosity literally moving by their location. Though at least the Laibe Kit he saw earlier seemed at least up-to-date on specifications of other vessels. It gave him some semblance of hope --- or at least cooled his frustration.

He seated himself across from the red-furred kit and went about his meal, ignoring the fleeting discussions on whatever had happened when he was not here.
"Perhaps I could be of assistance regarding this matter... ?" A small, almost quiet mono-toned voice said near the door. A Daur kit stood there in uniform. One of her black furred ears twitched, her tail swishing slowly from side to side nonchalantly as she did so giving off the impression of indifference. But the pale green eyes bespoke of keen observation due to their flitting around the room.

Seemingly satisfied after her cursory inspection, Ay'indri made her way further into the lounge, heading toward Sa'kira specifically. The kit snapped off a crisp salute complete with greeting.

"I am C'Baruce Seeker Phra'athit Neha Ay'indri. We did not get to meet prior to this event due to medical complications on my part."
Shar lifted her head and smiled at the kit. Yet another young'un as her old partner would say. She and him would always joke about kits, when they joined the city guard. It was all just a bit of tease, she knew well enough that those kids could pull their weight. Some of them at least. The youngsters like Keri had not rouble dealing with problematic situation.

"Well good to see you are all right again. We are all ears," Shar responded to the kid. She but the blunt of her cigarette into an ashtray and then proceeded to light another one. "Want a beer with the story?"
"The Kith'sobashen Class," Ye'gor nodded in response to the Shipmistress, "One ship that, though I would love to see, I hope will not need to be deployed." Sobered by the thought, he left the discussion of questioning prisoners to the adults and went back to his food. The young engineer noticed the dark furred Laibe across from him; but his attention was soon taken by what had become a familiar voice.

The young Laibe's ears shot up and faced back while the shiver down his spine caused the tip of his tail to bloom. Ye'gor knew he owed the other kit, yet at the same time Ay'indri's next appearance felt all too soon for him. The thought of her questioning prisoners was an image he felt he could do without once it flashed through his mind; but when he looked to his food to distract himself, he found he no longer had the appetite to help.
"Or'ion confiscated it and are looking into it," Sa'kira said, responding to Shar's question about the items she had recovered during the combat trial. "Although Or'ion has yet to post anything about it, no updates and no additional details....." her voice trailed off as another ship made a rather brief appearance below them, its hull was a shimmering black and only stayed visible for a few seconds before it quickly disappeared into the darkness of the stations hanger bay. Or'ion certainly doesn't stay far from its interests...

When Phra'athit Neha Ay'indri entered the observation lounge, Sa'kira turned toward the Kit, yet another to add to her ships crew. It was becoming readily apparent that navy policy regarding the number of kits on a ship was being suspended although she had yet to be told why; although when she thought about it she really didn't care to much about that, the more the merrier in her opinion and besides that, she knew that these kids would get a lot of experience.

With a nod of the head, she asked. "Our ship is going to be refitted with some updated systems, hopefully it'll solve some of our problems that we've been facing during the past season."

She hesitated for a moment, before a volumetric window appeared beside her. "And it seems the reservations I booked have cleared," she smiled and turned the window around. "If none of you have any plans right away, you are invited to join me for dinner."
Upon hearing the word "Seeker", Erm'olai's tail seemed to sway and move and his ears went flat and back for a short period of time. Sky-blue eyes swiveled to gaze upon the new kit before his ears returned to their normal indifferent position (though it took some willpower to do so). It had been a blessing to finally be rid of those Watchers, but now he had to deal with a Seeker --- on the ship he served upon. Could he not get away from Or'ion for at least a few days!?

A low, throaty growl of annoyance could barely be heard by those around him as he grabbed the glass of water he had for his meal and sipped it with all the regal indifference he could muster.

No need to get the Seeker on his tail at this moment. An offer to a better meal (he assumed at least) that his current one was a blessing. "If it is more agreeable to my palate than this, I would be delighted, Mah."
Def'leor had gotten herself at place at one of the tables and started eating. She listened to the voices of the crew and the various conversations. Only one really stood out to her. Sa'kira was talking about yet more upgrades for the Gam'trosha. She had mixed feelings about that, every time the ship went in for repairs or upgrades. It seemed to come out with multiple sabotaged systems, or improperly installed equipment.

She was about to ask about what measures we being taken when the Ship Mistress spoke about dinner reservations. Well, it would be rude to not accept her invitation. Wonder where the reservations are, and what kind of food they serve. she thought.

"Ma'am, what time are the reservations for, and where?" She inquired.
Keri's ears twitched once as the young platinum-furred kit listened with interest as the others conversed, his luminous blue-green eyes shifting between each of the other crewmembers and they spoke in turn.

The adolescent engineer's attention finally turned toward Def'leor, then back toward the shipmistress after the aviator queried their leader in regards to the dinner reservations she had made.
Ye'gor heard the growling before noticing anything else. His ears moved in the direction of the sounds half a second before his eyes did and soon realized it was the rather black looking Laibe across from him making the noise. The kit shrank back a little, wondering what had started the elder off.

When the mention of dinner arrangements came up however, the young engineer's ears moved in the direction of the shipmaster and his tail stopped. Ye'gor hadn't thought much about what he would do while on leave really and that may give him an alternative to his usual. "I would only be getting under the maintenance crew's feet or drawing, Mah," he spoke up, "Especially if I finish my studying too quickly."

Soon after speaking however; a pang of nerves hit him and he started picking at the missing piece of his ear as he realized what he had just said. "Great, now they'll think I'm just a freak... or more than they likely already do," he thought to himself, diverting his eyes to the remainder of his food again.
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