Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 3.3] Away Team - Cave Exploration

Shar worked with her HUD, she watched the creatures bumble about in the building, via sensors of the tank. "Got the tank to have a look, uploading now." Shar said to others and send the IFF data to their own HUDs, so they could at least see the positions of enemies that the tank tracked. She smiled, cause it should be easy now.

Suddenly she then heard a dink of stones falling on top of her helmet. It was cause by a dropship that came down and blasted one of the creatures that came in to the open. Shar did not move and watched the dropship, it appeared friendly, IFF said it was friendly and it had the neshaten military markings. Shar did not like taking chances. So she activated the tanks weapons systems, but did not activate actual targeting systems, since that would flag the dropship and they would knew they were being targeted. Instead Shar would aim manually if she needed, the dropship was not far and it was just hovering midair. She did not aim yet though.

"SNV Gam'trosha grounds troops calling the dropship. A'fuereb Lu'man Yar'ica Shar'ica speaking." Shar called the dropship on the open military channel. "Thanks for the save, but mind identifying yourselves?" She called. Shar also saw on the sensors of her tank that drop pad, landed close by. She looked that way, but save for a stream of dissisipating smoke trail, there was nothing visible.

"Hey Lex, we have a drop pod landing close by." Shar called Def'leor on secure private channel. "IFF says it is a friendly, we should go pick them up, before they tun into more of those things."

The pilot glanced at his instruments, noting the incoming comm. from one of the away teams members. "As'ine Squadron, 2nd Wing. Y'Verus Iu'yashahe Cua'abe," he responded and made a minor correction to the dropships downward angle, causing its engine pods to alter their positions ever so slightly so they'd stop inching forward. The pilot was just hoping that whatever was attacking the away team didn't have a heavier weapon on them, otherwise this would turn ugly pretty quickly.
"All right, there is still one of the uglies in the building. Uploading you IFF data from my tank," Shar responded to the dropship and sent a data-stream their way. She also realised that the dropship had view from above. "Also, go a visual on that drop pod that fell nearby?"
Vik narrowed his eyes at the creature before the briefest of moments before he ducked behind the pod on his right and looked about for any sign of an escape or alternate manor of engagement. The Laibe didn't imagine the pod had shields to use against anything, it was designed to get bodies in action and that is what it had done, now it was a beacon to mark his location. Disengaging wasn't an option, there were supposed to be allies here and he needed to find them. "Alright... Anything with two brains cells to rub together knows where I am because of the pod and the fire I've been putting out. I need to avoid FF with what ever is on the ground and in the same uniform as me..." Vik thought with a minor scowl. The C'baruce groaned as the only idea that came to mind was to just shout as loud as loud as he could and hope he was heard by who needed to hear him. "Sound off!" The Laibe shouted loud enough he could hear his own faint echo and clenched the swordrifle in his paws that a Shukaren or Myleke would respond.
Def'leor smiled and suppressed the urge to cheer when she saw the creature explode in a very satisfying manner. There was still another one to deal with and it appeared to have dug in and was not providing a target to them.

"A'Fuereb Lu'man, I am fine. No radio so keep me apprised of those above us. Meanwhile I have no eyes on the hostile. Going to have move to another point to see if I can get a shot."
"I could just shoot it with the tank Lex, but then there won't be much of the building left to research," Shar replied to Def'leor. She then pointed to the dropship. "Flyboy there seems to be friendly bunch, I am trying to find out if they have eye contact with the pod that fell nearby." She yelled over the roar of Dropships engines.
Mortems shout got attention.. just not the attention he'd probably been hoping for. As the creatures tentacles spun around to its backside and began to fire into the forest behind it, having heard the soldiers shout but not being able to actually 'see' where they were, the firing was wild and had no semblance of being concise. The above pilot began to move the dropship 'around' the hover, although the cover itself was quite expansive in size so it would take a little bit of time. "Landed several meters from the zone," responded the pilot to Shar's request. "Can't track it properly with all the foliage though."

Mortom's pod took several of the hits that had been intended for him, splashing across the pods heat-resistant armor and dissipating.
After seeing a dot in the distance come gradually closer, a few details on the dropship became apparent and Ye'gor was soon please to see it was heading their way. When the craft got closer, it took the aliens firing for him to notice they were visible. This prompted the engineer to try firing back at the creature, but ended up missing instead.

He cursed some as the alien disappeared again for a moment, looking to see the craft land. It might almost be better to just get the hell out of there while they offered cover fire, but he soon realized the higher energy weapons would be a bit too dangerous in the area.

The young Laibe looked around again, then noticed the creatures firing again. Additional misses pissed him off further.

"We really should get out of hear instead," the kit yelled, hoping someone heard.
Vik'tor flinched some as he heard the sound of lasers impact the drop pod in front of him, though to his surprise they didn't go through and hit him as well. Now knowing full well he couldn't sit here forever and after hearing over the incoming fire that someone was anxious to leave as much as he was. After a moment of preparing himself, Vik took off to the left of the drop pod, running ten or so meters whilst putting down fire on the creature in cover. However, he turned on a dime after his suppressing fire had made its way into or through the cover the creature was behind and ran back to his pod and sprinting past it to the right this time in hopes that his faint would work.

After a fifty to sixty meter sprint, Vik'tor moved around the corner of what he assumed was a ruined building of some sort. A silent moment of reloading his Swordrifle and thought passed as he realized the source of the voice he heard would be directly ahead with the creature on his left. However, Vik continued around the house, proceeding to his hope for contact with meeting up with the force he was supposed to whilst keeping the buildings between him and the creature. "Okay..." Vik'tor started to raise his voice again, though he had a frustrated tone, "Sound off!"
As he kept his weapon trained on the building, Ross's ears twitched as he heard a pair of firearms discharges behind it. He noticed the friendly forces below him move around to look for the remaining hostile. "Hm, there have been reports of traitors in our midst, perhaps they are unsure of our allegiance." He seemed to finally realize. He held onto the weapon, leaning out of the opening of the dropship. He noted a Daur moving around on the ground, so he show-cased his less than impressive height and waved to her. After being sure his body-language was noticed, he retreated from the opening and re-took his position at the dropship's rear weapon. "Can we get behind the building to where those shots are coming from?" Ross requested, even if he figured the pilot was moving over there anyways.
Def'leor seeing that there was more firepower available concurred with Ye'gor. She stepped out from the building and walked over to the tank, "Lu'man, Tos'cana time to move to a safer point. Lu'man, try to raise that Dropship. Warn them to be careful where they shoot. A stray bolt hits that crystal and we'll all just be a memory."

"I can try but it there are a lot of trees over there, so you may not get a good shot, but we shall see!" the pilot could be heard yelling over the dropships engines. The engines whined as the ship lurched and began to move sideways parelle to the ground, trees appeared briefly beneath it - along with the sound of a few of limbs being broken off due to how low the ship was, before it came around to the opposite of the house. "Becareful of the crystal!" the pilot oculd be heard a moment later; the dropships shields would flare briefly when the creature began to fire at it through the trees - which ended being higher in this location and obscured much of the view.


As Vik'tor moved through the foliage, bushes and tree limbs would splinter as the creature attempted to take him out - but the foliage being what it was had successfully shielded Vik'tor.

The creature had been tracking the dropship, and fired toward it when it came around - but apparently felt it wasn't in too much danger due to the high canopy that was now blocking it, but that didn't mean the creature was going to its guard down and instead its head swiveled around toward the wall before a tentacle arched over the top and slowly began to scan the area, its small 'eye' would soon fall upon the tank and blink for a moment, it wasn't entirely sure 'what' the contraption was or whether it should fire on it or not so instead it just watched it.
Whilst he was in cover, Vik'tor checked himself for any wounds. But to his surprise, he was unharmed and silently thanked his luck before peeking around the corner of the house he had taken cover behind. When he concealed himself in cover again, seeing little point in exposing himself, Vik made his way from cover to cover until voices he understood were in earshot. Relief and eagerness shot through his veins as stealth went out of the equation and he sprinted towards the sounds he knew belonged to friendlies. When he came into view, the mad dash came to a slower jog until he was ten meters away from the tank. "C'baruce Kub'lukov Dom'inic Vik'tor, fresh from the Gam'trosha!" He spoke with a level of excitement in his voice.
Shar kept hidden working with her sensor array and waiting for the shuttle to help. It was easier and safer for shuttle to the hard work, instead of the team moving through the open. Then the sensor of her tank got a ping on the IFF as a friendly soldier came to the tank. The soldier identified himself, had to be the one from the pod. Shar started the tank again on full power.

"Get on the tank," she simply said to the soldier over the comms he used. If he would do so, she planned to carry him on the armoured over to the rest of the team.

"Lex, that pod-guy got to our tank," she then said to Def'leor. "I am bringing him and the tank over here. I want to keep the big gun close if we find a need for it."
Def'leor approached Shar. She kept the creature in her peripheral vision, but at present there was no clear shot from their vantage point and it seemed more interested in the DropPod.

"That sounds good, just keep that big gun pointed away from that crystal. " she said with a chuckle.
Ross scanned the terrain in front of him quickly to make sure that he wouldn't accidentally shoot the volatile crystal that everyone was afraid of for some reason. Funny world. Regardless, the young Daur ducked when enemy fire came in on the shuttle, but the shot went wide and revealed it's owner's original position. Ross fired two bursts at the position, but he doubted that they would really hit the enemy. However, stranger things have happened. The Youth soldier listened intently for anything that would give the hostile's position away. "If I was a floating atrocity of a creature, where would I be?" The young man knew that would only be revealed until this creature made some kind of noise that Ross could pin-point its position through.
Seeing people head over to the tank brought questions, but the enemy fire kept him from really doing anything about it. The best he could continue to do was trouble the aliens back.
Its tentacles slithered across the surface of the wall, fire raining down upon the away team; but this fire was slowly subsiding as the creature apparently realized that it had effectively boxed itself in - with a dropship above it and the away team not far - along with a tank for good measure, it knew that it wouldn't be getting out of the area in one piece. With this revelation in mind, the creatures tentacles fell from the wall and down to its side although at least one remained in the air as it looked for the dropship - it gave a a rather low noise, a kind of grunt.

There was a sudden dull 'thump' and then silence filled the area. The only thing the away team would hear right now was the sound of the breeze blowing through the trees and the ruins, along with the sound of the dropships main engines above them. This silence was briefly interrupted by a sickening 'slap' against the wall the creature was behind, followed by a groan before silence once again fell over the area.
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Upon hearing these noises, Ross swiveled his weapon to aim at the origins of the sounds and nearly fired, but for some reason he didn't. "I think this unit just killed the hostile. Last thing I need to do is shoot the guy who did it in." Despite these thoughts, the swordmaster didn't relax. He looked down the sights, waiting for something to happen. "Be a door gunner, they said. Best job in the military, they said. This is rather stressful."
The noises that disrupted the silence sent chills up Vik's spine and had him twitch. The odd sound had almost frozen him in place, but his senses took control again almost instantly as he climbed up unto the turret of the tank. "Any plans to get up close and personal with that thing? Well, the better question is what is it?" He asked to the voice who'd told him to climb on the tank as he exchanged the crystals in his swordrifle with a smirk.