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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 3.3] Away Team - Cave Exploration


Def'leor turned back towards the entrance. "C'Baruce Alis'tar Shim'moto. Kindly join us in this cave, spread out and help check the floor for bodies. See if you can find any indication of a cause of death. Or anything that seems unusual."

She then continued moving slowly, cutting the rubbery vines with her blade and clearing a path for her to walk.

The deeper De'fleors away team went, the more 'damp' the air felt, the vine covered ground would soon give way to something a bit more natural: dirt and rocks, although the absence of the vines made it easier to notice any bones that might've been on the ground, although it would also reveal another vine - thicker than the ones before - that was stuck to the cavern wall. It wasn't long before the small cavern path would spill out into a much larger room, one that was easily twenty feet high and thirty feet wide; it had a pond in the middle that had a large number of glowing bugs congregated around it. From thie pond, dozens of side passages could be seen, although because of the distance, the away teams natural night vision wouldn't be able to tell right away 'where' those passages lead.
The Cave

Shar moved at the back of the group and was silent most of the time. Her hand held onto her rifle and scanned the surrounding. This cave looked weird to her and she got strange feeling. Something just was not right. The daur would bet there will be most of those things in there. Well at least there will be something to fight. Still Shar would prefer a nice stroll, since there the team was a mix up of new people and they were not trained very well to co-operate. Well should anything happen, Shar just had to hope that the basic training they all head would let them work as a team. If anything, Shar knew that Lex knew what to do.
Kil'nda sighed. He wished he could explore the runis as well but right now someone needed to watch the tank and he was the best guy to do that. This area wasn't secured either so someone needed to be outside with the Tank. He took to making scans of the local nearby flora and funa. He could at the very least try and get some useful data for the lab coats that were starside
Outside the Cave

Luckily for Kil'nda he wasn't alone, the two soldiers that had accompanied Alis'tar returned on thier bikes, stopping just behind the tank. "We can take over from here," one remarked as they dismounted and turned the bike off. "You are part of the away team yes? Go ahead and join them, we'll watch your tank and let you know if anything happens out there."
Kil'nda sighed as he was given leave to get out and help with the away team. "Alright then check the long range communications every fifteen minutes and relay our status to the ship. With any luck maybe we can get even a partial message to go though and let them know where's alive down here." he said before he climbed out of the tank and took out his Rifle. He proceeded inside radioing ahead to let the group know as he slowly made his way though as he found much the same as the other had. He took care not to trip over anything that may have been on the ground. He would soon catch up to the group. Surveying the room full of passages he wondered how they should proceed. Perhaps it would be best if they searched in two by two teams but it wasn't his call to make.
Ross stayed right behind Def'leor as she cut up the vines, careful to stay out of her swings but still close enough that he could react to any threat that may reveal itself. He was momentarily mesmerized by the small lake glowing with life, but he shook his head and checked the area for any AP mines. After being satisfied that there were none, he got closer to the lake, watching the bacteria going to and fro. "Interesting little creatures. Maybe I'll inquire about them once someone gets someone can study them." Again, Ross forced himself to stop looking at the creatures and to scan the entrances. "A'freub." The kit addressed Def'leor as he turned and approached her. "What are your orders, mah? We could separate and cover more ground but our combat effectiveness may be lowered by lack of numbers." Ross shot a glance at Vik, non verbally letting him know that they would be partnered together if possible, in the event that the marines did split up.
The Cave

"Yeah I do not think separating is a good idea," Shar spoke up from behind as one of the new guys spoke up. "We are in no hurry. Better stay together just to keep on the safe side. We might run into more of those things that we ran into in the ruins. And there is not shuttle or tank here for support if needed. Al we got is us and our guns." Shar explained herself as she looked around. She was seemingly uninterested in the cave and it life. Flowers and little animals did not really raise her curiosity, she was wondering about strange sponge things with laser guns a lot more.
Def'leor considered the information. They were here to investigate. Standing in this chamber was not going to get them any more information. "We need to know what other threats this facility may offer. After all this is supposed to be a future colony world. I personally would not want to hear about citizens being killed because we played it safe. We make two groups. One with me and the other with Shar. We will pick two passages and explore them for 15 minutes and then return back here. After that I will assess and decide what we do next."
"Rodger." Kil'nda said as they were told to split into groups. "I'll have your back A'freub." He said as he readies his gear and waited for the remaing three to pick someone one to fallow, though form the looks of things Vik and Ross seemed like they would be together regardless so he suspected the new comer to be the third man on his team
The Cave

Alis'tar nodded to the orders and began his own search throughout the cave with the team for any pieces of remains that could be hidden, but as they moved deeper into the cave, there wasn't much brush and such to hide any remains. That was something at least, the pond that they came upon was interesting, with glowing insects. He'd have stood there for a while longer just watching the creatures go about their own business if he hadn't heard the orders. It made sense splitting up the team like that, with so many different passages to explore going at them one at a time would take too much time. Though as he was the newest on the team, he wasn't really sure if he should voice upon which team he'd be place; he'd go where they needed him.

He turned once more to look at the pond, and then taking a moment to look towards the passages. There were quite a few to choose from, his ears folded somewhat. This cave was huge, and it was quite possible several of this passages just led to dead ends, or wrapped around to this main area of the cave. Thoughts turned to the hostiles already encountered, it was quite possible more could be waiting down one of these paths but like the XO had said it'd be better to put the threat to rest now then hear about it at a later date with the consequence of civilian lives lost.
The Cave

Vic'tor and C'ross looked at one another for a moment before one spoke up. "We'll join the A'Fuereb Shar then and watch her back," Vic'tor said and glanced down at his rifle, making sure that the safeties were off just in case they ran into trouble; meanwhile C'ross had looked down one of the passages, one of many that jutted out of this room.
The Cave

Def'leor took the first passage to her right, with her escort. She moved slowly and adjusted her goggles to improve vision. "A light source would be nice." she said to Kil'nda and Alis'ter.
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Kil'da fallowed Def'leor watching her back as they took one of the tunnels watching her back at the moment. Upon being asked for a light source Kil'nda nodded his head. "Rodger stand clear of me." he said. He then switched a light on in his helmet which shown into the corridor. His heart beat faster for a moment. If someone had been waiting in ambush they would likely shoot the light that just came on. He let go of his breath calming himself in less than a second as he readied himself and his weapons as the team had light now as he would slowly scan the corridor with it
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Alis'tar also brought his light up upon being asked. He scanned the passage, slowly so as to possibly catch anything hidden by the darkness previously. He felt the same wave of nervousness that Kil'da had; any hostile that had been sitting in the darkness waiting would shoot the two lights first. His hand tightened on the grip of his rifle, glad to feel the weapon in his hands. There could be anything in this passage, and hopefully with both Kil'da and himself as the light sources things would move along smoothly.
Passage A

Def'leor moved down the passage. She felt better now that she had extra fire power and some light to help illuminate the way. The Neshaten may be nocturnal but they still required at least some light. "If anything shows up aggressive, watch your fire. Keep your weapons down stream so any ricochets will continue on down. We do not need anyone becoming a victim of friendly fire. That means more paperwork for me." she said with a small chuckle.
Passage B

"All right you guys, let's go," Shar said to the men that were chosen to follow her. She lifted rifle to the shoulder and moved our the passage. "Eyes peeled, ears open, make sure you won't miss anything. There can be more of those blob things." With that she started walking down the tunnel ready for anything.
Passage A

Def'leors team wouldn't go far before they would run into the end of the passage, there were four side rooms that branched off it and each one was dimly lite by the same fireflies that had lite up the front entrance earlier. Something glittered in one of the rooms....

Passage B

Shar's team would soon, after some walking, wind up within a large domed room - a room that as mostly dark with the exception of a beam of light that pierced through the rocks and illuminated a very tiny section of the room. There were fireflies in this room as well, although they were mostly further up in the air.
The Hall soon gave to four rooms of choice. Kiln'da had proceeded with caution this far and seeing an object of some kind giving off a faint glow, he chose to shine his light into the room and run a full scan for life signs or to see if there was some sort of trap his Helmet could pick up.
Passage A

Def'leor really wished she was back on the Gam'trosha. This winding around in these warrens waiting to be attacked was wearing on her nerves. So far this planet's exploration had been anything but 'typical'. "Try to avoid making yourself too much of a target when looking in the room." She said to warn Kiln'da.