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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 3] Into The Unknown!

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Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Six days after dinner at restaurant
Levia, Geo'kenese Starbase, Concourse E1, Internal Hanger A29

Sa'kira floated aimlessly in the zero-gravity, she stared through the transparent docking tube that connected the lobby to the Gam'trosha, and pondered how much the Engineers had found to be wrong.

She smiled briefly as she watched several of the stations personnel loading up vehicles and other cargo into the ships cargohold, she also observed some personnel moving foodstuffs as well, it was going to be a long trip if they were packing in a lot of food.

Although she could also see a number of vehicles also being packed, including light tanks and military style anti-grav bikes, the bikes she understood given their exploratory nature... but the tanks? With a shake of her head she choose to just ignore that for now, everything being loaded was done at the orders of her squadrons superior.

She glanced down the tube, pondering a few things as she waited for the crew to arrive.
Ye'gor made his way gingerly down the docking tube, his eyes on the Gam'trosha. I wonder if this will be a real run this time, he thought to himself, getting closer and closer to Sa'kira, I'd love to watch a drive under full power for once. The engineer then noticed an object out of his peripheral vision and stopped just short of bumping into the Ship Master.

"Oh! My apologies Mah," he stopped and gave the best salute he could in the micro-gravity environment, "I should be looking where I am going."
Keri'cruen pulled himself down the corridor by one of the wall-mounted hand rails; his weight gliding gracefully through the air on a new trajectory. The young kit grinned, his youthful blue-green eyes dancing with the enjoyment and the freedom he felt from being in zero-G. The grin softened just a tad though; zero-G had its drawbacks though, remembering with distaste the medical treatments he had to undergo in order to counteract the long-term downsides of living aboard a ship where most of the compartments existed in perpetual null gravity, and the initial sense of vertigo he'd had before becoming accustomed to the new experience.

The adolescent engineer then caught sight of Ye'gor and Sa'kira as he approached the entry appature for the Gam'trosha's docking tube. He reoriented himself, shifted his weight and then pushed off so that he would coast down the narrow tube.

Just shy of the pair, Keri let his foot and an arm catch on a pair of opposing hand rails; bringing his form to a sudden stop. The kit grinned sheepishly, then blanked his expression for one more serious than before and gave Sa'kira a perfect salute. Perfect that is, except for the fact that he was standing upside almost upside from the shipmistresses perspective.

"G'morning, mah.... ahh" With both limbs he he pushed off a little so that he began rotating relative to his companions and roughly matched their orientations. "Ahh, sorry." He blushed scarlet beneath white fur. "Good morning, shipmistress." He said again, issuing another salute to the ship commander, then shifted his head slightly and gave Ye'gor a soft, respectful nod.
Def'leor stood at the entrance to the tube that connected to the Gam'trosha. She saw Sa'kira and a few others of the crew in the tube. From her vantage point she could see that were looking at the ship and what was being loaded.

Another launch, but will we finally go somewhere than to another training area. I joined the service a chance to see sights no one has before. Definitely has not worked out so far.

She took a step into the tube, launching herself into the zero gravity. She floated gracefully, and gave herself a slight spin so that she could see around. As she approached the others she executed a maneuver to bring herself to a stop. She gave Sa'kira a careful salute in the zero g and said.

"Beautiful day for flying Ship Mistress. Do you know if command is finally going to let us earn our pay and head out to new space?"
"Hard to do in zero-g sometimes," Sa'kira said to Ye'gor comment, and looked up to notice Keri approaching. She was tempted to right herself up, but Keri did that instead. "Nice to see the youngling full of energy."

"I hope you two are well rested from your vacation and that you enjoyed yourselves," she said before her attention was drawn to Def'leor.

The XO's question made her smile a bit as her gaze changed down to the loading docks where she stared at a group of station personnel that were still loading equipment onto the ship. "They have," she said and produced a paper copy of the briefing and handed it to her.

The copy had details on a few planets that they would be going to investigate, including a request from the division of colonization to survey two planets and another request to transport medical and food supplies to science outpost in a completely different system, but that the supplies weren't time sensitive.

"Go ahead and get the ship ready for launch please," she looked at the engineers. "Run any diagnostics and checks you need to run, also, the computer systems have been upgraded a little bit - including the addition of new encryption software and firewalls, you'll need to configure those yourselves, also, one of our capacitors has been replaced with an improved version which will store at least twenty percent more power, you'll also need to configure the systems to account for this new piece of hardware."
Def'leor took the paper from Sa'kira. She read the document, a broad grin spread across her face.

"Finally. I will make my way to the bridge and pull up the data on these locations. See about plotting the most efficient route to get us to each of these." she said after listening to the Ship Mistress' instructions to the others.

Great, more changes, more tinkering.... hope nothing falls off the ship when leave because of the shipyard folks she thought.

She continued down the passage and entered the airlock on the Gam'trosha and disappeared.
"I should still be more careful," the systems engineer replied to Sa'kira before noticing Keri's nod and returned it. Seeing the XO arrive made things even more nervous for him, causing him to stiffen more. The Shipmistress was merciful, however, and the order to prep the ship for launch was a relief beyond words for Ye'gor.

"It will be done, Mah," he replied then nodded at the other engineer again before cautiously making his way onto the ship and towards Engineering.
Keri saluted again before as Sa'kira dismissed the engineers to their tasks, following after Ye'gor a few seconds after the software engineer started to continue his progression down the docking tube. The young kit put in a bit of effort to catch up, and once floating along side the other engineer he opened his mouth to speak again in a chipper voice.

"I haven't seen Xeui'na around yet. Knowing her, she's probably already aboard and running the system diagnostics in engineering; compiling a massive list of things for us to fix." Keri winced slightly, then grinned before he continued. "Did you want to split the tasks the Shipmistress mentioned? You're probably better suited to handle working the kinks out of our new encryption software and firewall protection systems, while I take care of the upgraded capacitors. Or we could do both jobs together."
'So this is the place, huh.'

Lato was standing outside the docking bay for the Gam'trosha gazing out the window at it. The ship made quite a first impression on the relatively young male.

The white furred Laibe padded over to the umbilical tube and launched himself into it. Keeping close to the wall. Using one of the handrails to slow his motion Lato stopped before the Daur at the ships entrance hatch.

"Greetings Shipmistress, C'Baruce Haun'do Mache'lato reporting for duty." he greeted saluting, or attempting to anyway. He caught himself before he span too far in the zero-g. Looking slightly sheepish he added "Apologies for the rush of a transfer. I think my assignment here was maybe a last minute decision. But then bureaucracy will do as it always has done. I hope I didn't cause too much trouble."

He was slightly annoyed at himself that he was letting the nervousness show. Then again it was his first post which gave him a slightly euphoric sensation. A feeling that maybe he was starting to go somewhere with his life.

Ye'gor listened to Keri's comments then suggestions and ran them through his mind a bit. "I would need help with the firewall as I'm more of a Systems Engineer - power generation and distribution, engines, FTL drive." He then opened the hatch into the ship and offered the other engineer the chance to enter first.
Vladi'mir smiles as he slowly makes his way up the docking tube and look around, his red eyes stare at the tanks and his body shudders a bit but he ignores it.

As he made it to Sa'kira his smile broadens and he hold onto the rails with is feet, then gives a salute which would have been good if the zero-gravity didn't start making him turn upside down, he ignores this still smiling "greetings shipmistress, Agent Takah’ashi Vladi’mir reporting for duty", He grabs onto the rails and tries to turn so he was the right way up again.

his black fur looked a bit dull in the light as he looks at the others in the docking tube and friendly nods to them his eyes glancing back at the cargo they where carrying on and his fur stands on end "shipmistress i have a question about those tank, why are we bringing them with us?"
Sa'kira continued to watch the loading crews before her ears flickered at the sound of two crewmen approaching; she glanced over her shoulder and recognized them from the dossiers that logistics had sent her.

"Welcome aboard," she said; returning the new crewmen's salutes. "I hope you two enjoy your first assignment, we have quite a mission ahead of us," she glanced down at the deck below, before hearing Vladi'mir's question.

With a slight turn to the side, she watched as another light tank was brought aboard the ship. "Precautionary measure, you never know when we'll be needed for things that fall outside of our mission."

"C'Baruce Takah’ashi Vladi’mir, you're assigned to the bridge," she said to the new agent and then looked over at Mache'lato.

"C'Baruce Haun'do Mache'lato, you're assigned to Engineering and will serve under X'Muyeia Quin'trema Xeui'na."

"Make me proud, and do not violate the trust I will be putting into you two in the seasons to come."
Vladi'mir nods and climbs into the NSV Gam'trosha and smiles his ears up and forward and his tail was up and the tip was fluffy because of how exited he was, as he makes his was to the bridge he started to run down the passageway towards the bridge.

He made it to the bridge a few minutes later panting lightly, smiling as he looks around at the different stations "wow i'm finally here"., he makes his way to the Operations Station and looks over all the information on the ships functions.

He looks back around and waits for the crew, so the ship can get going 'i wonder where we will be going this is very exciting' he looks around and walks to the other stations glancing over all that they showed.

"My gratitude, shipmistress. By your leave I will head there forth with to meet the rest of the engineering team."

Lato bowed before heading off into the depths of the ship. The anticipation was building within him and he felt like he could take on the galaxy and survive.

Arriving on Deck three the white Laibe entered engineering. Taking a moment to look around. There were a couple of other crew members there already.

"Excuse me, do you know where I could find the chief engineer? I would like to report in before I begin diagnostics on the weapons systems." Lato asked. He paused for a second before he realised somthing. "Oh, many apologies, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Haun'do Mache'Lato. Im the new weapons engineer. Its a pleasure to meet you."
Once again, Erm'olai was fashionably late compared to some of his crew mates. Then again, he probably had a higher standard of grooming than many of his associates. As he quickly entered the docking tube, he couldn't help but thank his experience of working on the Sasa'ne Orbital Elevator. After all, many points of maintenance had involved zero-gee operations --- though he was still quite a novice in such environments. So he took it slow through the tube.

Inevitably, the midnight-furred Laibe's eyes spotting the Gam'trosha's Mistress. Not wanting to suffer any backlashes of a quick stop mid-flight, Erm'olai saluted Sa'kira as he approached. "My apologies for not stopping to do a formal report, Mah." he stated in that insufferably precise, manner of speech. His body continued to float on by without stopping. "I would like to hurry over to the Computer Core to check if the Shipyard Personnel did anything --- lacking." he made the pause before shifting his tail in annoyance. However, that motion seemed to start him spinning, much to his further annoyance. "It would also be hard to stop myself from..." he started to explain himself, but the explanation ended up fading off into the distance as he continued down the docking tube while spinning.

After passing another black-furred Laibe, Erm'olai decided to merely stop his explanation and prepare himself for the inevitable contact with the Gam'trosha's internal gravity. An event that seemed to cause the older Laibe enough trauma to grunt as his hands latched onto the entry airlock and his arms strained to halt both his velocity and the potential fall upon his flanks.

Tumbling through the air like she was doing flips off of a diving board Bar'Diel came flying down the passageway. At the last moments she straightened out and caught herself on the wall bringing herself to a giggling halt in front of U'Cetrinal. "Ma'am Reporting for duty... um... is there a office for me aboard or will i have to rig some thing up?" She forgot to give her name but to be fair she did look a lot like her little brother.

"Can I go aboard or do i need to sign anything ma'am?"


he had boarded the ship late the night before, with a stack of files to go over. Morning had found him hudled over his desk with the files laid out before him. Most were having to to with the interrogation he had performed a few days ago. The rest were on the new crew member, he had gone over their backgrounds carefully. Though he got quite ill when he read the file jacket of the new ship's Ini'she. It was his sister. Zu'Rel was sure he had gotten away form her when he joined Or'ion.

This was going to be a rough tour of duty, unless he could convince the U'Cetrinal to have her transfered. With that though he sent the Shipmistress a message to her personal communicator.

Ma'am I would like to speak to you in private once you have a moment, but before we leave port. It is relative to a new transfer we have coming aboard.

Little then he knew that his message chimed on her communicator, at the very moment his sister was reporting for duty.

Def'leor entered the bridge. She took a brief moment to survey the area, nothing significant had changed this time. She took her usual station, and entered her authorization code into the keypad. She pulled up the navigation system on her IDT. She then entered the coordinates of their three destinations. She wanted to see how they aligned to best figure the optimum route.

Having only recently arrived ahead of Lato, Ye'gor looked to Keri as if to ask the same question. He had recalled another, female, daur had been in engineering before and that she had been giving most of the instructions up until they arrived at port.

"Actually," the red Laibe began, "where is X'Muyeia Quin'trema?"

Ye'gors question about where Quin was would be answered by a loud 'twang' followed by an equally loud and pained 'ouch!' that came from above the three. Anyone looking up would notice a few tools and a tool-kit floating away from the rooms second level catwalk. They'd also hear a voice complaining about the maintenance hatches and how they had sharp corners on them that needed to be fixed, after a few seconds, the originator of the voice poked their head over the railing.

"Ah!" Quin yelped in surprise as she stared down at Ye'gor, Keri, and Latos. "Welcome back, and welcome aboard!" she said to the three and stood up straighter. "So, what's our new engineers name and your occupation?" she asked, having not heard Lato's earlier introduction.


As Erm'olai floated by, Sa'kira watched and let out a mental sigh. The soldiers salute had saved him from being being reprimanded by the Shipmaster, although that could've also been because she was currently in a good mood. "Unfortunately," she said, turning around to address Bar'diel. "The ship was designed 'before' the Navy authorized Ini'she to serve aboard military ships, so you'll either have to make due with regular enlisted quarters, or put in a request for us to have a Ini'she quarters module installed the next time we return to port. Otherwise, welcome aboard. You'll be assigned to the bridge."

She smiled at the Ini'she, although that smile faded a bit when she noticed her communicator chiming at her. She tapped it, and then sent the message to a holo-display that appeared right beside her, a privacy setting prevented anyone but her from viewing it and composed a reply to the message.

What have you found out about one of our transfers?


The nav system came to life, showing a series of navigational routes that the ship could feasibly take to their three separate destinations. Each one had an ETA to them, with the one involving the surveying of the worlds requiring less time than the one that would involve shipping supplies to scientists, which actually would take them a few days to get to.

De'fleors system also showed that two colonization fleets had left the home system, and had made their way to one of their destinations already and would arrive 'after' they had - due to their much faster FTL drives, while another system was pegged as already having a colonization fleet there.


Erm'olai wouldn't come crashing down against the deck, potentially because the hallways lacked such devices. He would notice that a nearby directory, showing all of the ships decks and rooms, showed that artificial gravity was disengaged throughout the entire ship due to an ongoing diagnostic.

Vladi'mir smiles and looks around once checking what was on the ships functions once again, after awhile of reading he turns around noticing a new person had walked in. He walks over to Def'leor and salutes "hello, i'm C'Baruce Takah’ashi Vladi’mir" he smiles and look at her "i'm an Agent, glad to have someone else in here now".
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