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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 3] Into The Unknown!

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"That is fine Ma'am... Is there perchance a empty cargo container I can set up a simple office in... I doubt the crew will feel comfortable coming into my cabin... As for the Bridge... Uh... What would I be doing there?" She floated there studying the Officer before her.


With a sigh he looked at the response, how to reply was a challenged. The Shipmistress most likely thought that he had found a terrorist or something.

It's not what I found out about them, it's who they are... The new Ini'she... She needs to be transfered off the ship before we leave!
Another one who was "fashionably late" was Shar'ica. The black furred daur speeded through the empty space, enjoying the zero gravity. She was not late yet, but it still was not great. She was of course in her full uniform, except that her jacket was open a thing she just had to do for some reason or another. At her side was on of the newer Sharp needlers, which she acquisitioned while off ship and exchanged it for her plasma pistol. She liked the possibility of fully automatic weapon that the firearm possessed.

"Good morning ma'am," Shar as she floated to where shipmistress were. She noticed the equipment being loaded on. "Well I always fancy a good bike, but that is a lot of tanks if I can be frank. Might it be that for once we will be the one hitting someone in the bollocks?"
Sa'kira would soon find a curt message from her other Or'ion operative on her communicator. The kit, decidedly absent at the impromptu rendezvous had already boarded the vessel and proceeded to inspect it.

There is no evidence of tampering or foul play in the engine clusters or main reactor room. Armories are stocked, inspected, along with the cafeteria. Food that has come aboard has been tested for foreign contaminates, disease, poison, fungal, parasitic and viral vectors all clean. Water reserves are also clean.

Through my communicator I am currently also running a program through the ship's computer systems to detect any malicious software, trace its origin and eradicate it. Please inform the appropriate parties, U'Cetrinal.

In addition after the cargobay has been secured I will begin my inspection of the accrued goods. Vehicles included. All in all, my inspection of the Gam'trosha which has thus far taken under three hours is roughly seventy-nine percent complete.
"Nice to meet you, C'Baruce." Keri replied after Lato introduced himself. "I'm Se'verem Keri'cruen." He gave the newcomer a brief, friendly nod, after which the young kits silver-furred ears shifted slightly. He paused, listening for a moment as Ye'gor spoke and was about to reply when there was a sudden, resounding clang and a indignant female voice, pained, cast down upon them from the catwalk above.

Keri looked up to see Xeui'na's youthful face and bright golden eyes peaking over the railing. After she finished speaking, the young kit said in reply, "Heya, Xeui."

The young kit kicked off from the ground gently; engineering was one of the few places aboard the ship which was kept in perpetual zero-G due to interference from the ships sublight drives. Keri'cruen managed to catch hold of the errant tool-kit and one of the fleeing tools trying to make it across the large chamber. Inertia carried Keri further upwards toward the roof, from which he pushed off down toward the catwalk upon which Xeui'na stood.

Ye'gor watched Keri head up to help Quin and noticed that he had the situation handled. Figuring to leaving the awkward couple to their own devices, he looked back at Hache'lato.

"I am Tos'cana Ye'gor," he began before pushing himself towards the reactor control console, "Did they send you in as a babysitter?" the Laibe kit tried hard to make it sound like a friendly joke, however his poor understanding of tone made it come out slightly belittling. The engineer then started checking the console to make sure that the Luneberen Crystals had been replaced during the recent maintenance.

Lato flicked an ear in annoyance at Ye'gor but payed the comment little heed. Probably not a good idea to immediately start at odds with the existing crew. Lato looked up at the commanding officer giving a grin as he propelled himself upwards to her eye level and then saluted.

"C'Baruce Haun'do Mache'lato reporting for duty mah. I have been assigned as your weapons engineer for the duration of my tenure here, so I hope I can be of service. I would like to take a look at the current subsystems. I'd like to know what I'm working with."

Sa'kira rubbed her chin, thinking about the message sent to her. "Your basically an advisor to us, and a person we go to in the event we encounter a distant species unlike ours. Unlike those of us in the military, our role is to protect the Kingdom and its citizenry, thus we may not always consider that a new species may be friendly on first glance."

When she heard Shar's statement, her attention turned toward the marine for a brief moment. "One can hope, the bikes are so that we can scout out a planet more easily, sadly we need the tanks in the event we run into hostiles."

Looking back at the message, Sa'kira thought for a moment on how to respond to Zur'el.

Unfortunately, I can't send her off. The Royal Family has mandated that all ships leaving the home system have an Ini'she onboard, if I was to have her reassigned, it could take several days for us to get another assigned to us. Plus, this Ini'she was recommended to this ship by the squadrons CO.

After the message was sent, Sa'kira sent another message - to Engineering and the Bridge, informing them of the diagnostic initiated by Ay'indri.

"There should be some cargo containers available, not ideal of course but like I said, this ship wasn't originally intended for an Ini'she to serve aboard her, I'm hopeful that'll change in the future," Sa'kira said with a smile and looked down the boarding ramp; she was wondering where the rest of the crew were.


"You may," Quin said as she accepted the tool-kit from Keri and smiled, although one could tell that her face was slightly red with embarrassment as well. "I'm certain the Shipmistress has already informed you of the upgrades to our ship, so I won't bore you with the details. Except that we need to ensure those upgrades were properly done, the Shipmistress doesn't seem to trust the station technicians anymore."

Def'leor looked at the data, and the message from Sa'kira. It just struck her as so very wrong that they were still having to check their stuff to ensure it was safe from damage by their own people.

She selected the system for Surveying as their destination. Next she pulled up the local system to look for the best path to get the Gam'trosha out.

Lato gave a small smile at the last comment. "Always best to check anyways I guess I'll start with the upper turrets and work my way down mah. It should only take about three hours for a thorough check. I'll let you know if there's anything amiss."

Lato then made his way out of engineering towards the top turrets. Capacitor banks and kinetic stabilisers beckoned.

As Lato made his way out, Ye'gor had finished his checks on the reactor. "Mah," he called up, "How much of the drive core and engines have you had the chance to go through?"

Vladi'mir walks back to the operation station and smiles liking what he saw, all functions seemed to be up and working. He looks around again surprised that there was only two people in the bridge, but shrugs it off thinking more people will come.

He goes back to checking the functions and smiles more seeing that nothing if faulty and all is in working order.
Deck 2

Lato clambered up inside the port side turret. Both of the other small arms turrets had checked out perfectly both on the software and electronics. This however was a slighty different story. As Lato initiated a test powerup and power down cycle an acrid smell began to seep fromone of the capacitor banks. It wouldn't cause any trouble for a while but it was a potential fire hazard that could possibly cause the malfunction of the entire turret.

Shutting the entire assembly down he took a closer look. A single capacitor had been installed in the wrong polarity burning itself out under the high current. He brought his torch close to asses thr damage to the surrounding components. As he did so the faulty capacitor discharged its residual current ,singeing his fur. He jumped back with a yelp. There was now a smal blackened circle on his left forepaw. Cursing at his carelessness he noted thefaulty component. It was a five minute fix job but he did not have his tools with him currently. With a sigh he finished his inspection of the last of the top turrets.

Noting the lack of gravity, Erm'olai allowed a sigh to escape before continuing on slowly, but surely, towards the Computer Room. It had been a long time since he had been in these halls and it had been only for a short time at that. A single mission on this vessel and then he had suddenly be ousted due to his competence in gathering evidence. He had spent much of his time brushing up on the vessels layout as well as her computing systems to see if any updates had been made to the infrastructure while he had been --- indisposed.

Luckily, he had remembered (or at least) brushed up enough to make it to the Computer Room. Authenticating his access, the Laibe slid into the room before shutting the hatch behind him. At this point, he took the time to glance around the room for anything --- out of place.


Computer Room

At least the dock workers put there tools away this time. Moving to the terminal for the computer core was a bit awkward, but Erm'olai eventually found a perch he could hang from to access the system.

Given the Gam'trosha's predisposition towards being targeted for sabotage, Erm'olai was about to start his diagnostics before noticing the network load. Pulling up the logs, the Laibe noted a connection currently in place and running their own set of diagnostics. A quick browse through authentication codes identified Administrator-level access, which was a bit --- disconcerting. He didn't know who had been in charge of the systems while he had been gone, but he knew that administrator-level access was only given to the Ship Mistress, the Executive Officer, the Chief Engineer, a senior Software Engineer (him), and Intelligence Specialists.

Memory drew him to the fact a Seeker was onboard and he couldn't help but allow his fur to bristle a bit in both dismay and annoyance. His Communicator was in hand almost instantly as he contacted said Seeker directly.

"C'Baruce Phra'athit," came the indifferently professional tone of Erm'olai's voice. "Are you accessing the network for any reason?" he asked as his tail began to move constantly. At least he didn't have to worry about body language on a communicator call.
"I could not agree more ma'am," Shar said and grinned at the shipmistress. "I do think that is better to have tanks, rather then not having them. This was we can kick more arse when needed. Oh and did you check these new needler pistols? They are pretty good. I need to hit the medbay and ask for some chemical to douse the needles in. Sleeping agent of some sort or something."

With a very very shallow bow Bar'Diel turned and floated into the ship. She Made her way first to the Cargobay. After looking around for a few minutes she found a seemingly empty large cargo container. she looked around for a Cargo specialist.

"Hi! I need to use this Cargo Container. Can it please be moved off to one side here and left empty? I would like to set up with in it. Please." She smiled and her words were soft hiding the demands in it.


He fought the urge to throw the communicator across his cabin when he received the message from the Shipmistress. "Damn-it all!." He got up from his chair and with a bit of force gathered up his files and with not and slammed them into his personal safe Or'ion provided him with.

"Maybe she won't ever come to the bridge. I'll have that at least to hide in."
She donned his jacket and his sword/pistol belt hand started for the bridge, as he walked he punched out another message to the Shipmistress.

ma'am i understand the orders and everything, but ... She might be a hindrance to the crew and the effectiveness of this ship. I fear that members of the crew will have issues dealing with this Ini'she.

He hoped, his pleas wouldn't go on deaf ears.
"I am." The voice sounding decidedly bland over the communicator, as if she herself was busy. "The Shipmistress should have notified all essential personnel of this, as I had requested her to do. The details were given to her to give to the others."

Having no reply to go on, Ye'gor decided that the Crena Energy Engine would be his first to check on. This first took him to the drive's maintenance panel, where he began running various diagnostics. As the young systems engineer waited, his ears twitched as his foot shook in anxiousness.

Part way through the test, a tiny alarm came up then quickly resolved itself, soon humming along just fine. Seeing this, the young Laibe noted the time and resolved to take a look at the test logs once the diagnostics finished. Issues or no, a maintenance program may not always be able to tell a partial fault from a success or failure.

The log showed the boy that there was a ping error between the Energy Matrix and one of the control boards that seemed to go away rather quickly in the port engine. This got Ye'gor to thinking he just might need to head down to have a look. He opened up the hatch that lead to the proper assembly housing and pushed and pulled his way into the maintenance tunnel.

"Not much," Quin said as she reoriented herself and moved over to the reactor. "I've only been onboard for two hours, and those hours were spent mostly looking for data logs, I had only just begun to inspect the reactor when you gents arrived," she moved upward toward the top to inspect a coolant line. "It is best we give the Shipmistress our seal of approval, so lets give the reactor a good look over. Inspect all of the datalines, power cables, and coolant pipes."


"I have," Sa'kira said as she tapped the air and pulled up a holographic screen of the weapon that Shar was talking about. "It seems to have just the right weight for our usage, its internal components are near perfect and it should serve our purpose well as a sidearm, it seems high command is issuing the weapons in mass to all of our forces for use as sidearm."

"Ah, when you get to Med Bay, let C'bar Sec'retna know that there is a fresh batch of medical supplies in the cargohold that she'll need to bring up to the med bay before we depart," she smiled and looked back at the weapon and opened up the log on their current weapon allotment.


"Am empty container?" The cargo-master, a My'leke who was standing at the edge of the cargo-ramp said. "We have one that we were just about to remove, but if you need it I'll have my men set it aside. Is there anything else you need?" he asked.

Vladi'mir finishes his checks of the ships functions and smiles, thinking everything was in order then sighs realising he had nothing to do now. He walks to Def'leor and smiles "greeting mah, is there anything i can do to help you?" his ears were up and forward and his tail was up and the tip was fluffy. He has a slight wag in his tail as well, "i would like to get some orders mah".
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Sa'kira glanced down the airlock with a sigh, they had a deadline to meet and it was fast approaching, she looked at the holographic clock that floated just a few feet away and noticed that their time for departure was fast approaching. "We'll be departing soon," she said to Shar and to anyone else that might've still been in the area, with that she turned and began to make her way to the bridge. She tapped her communicator to send a ship wide message.

"All crew please prepare for departure in ten mitura, secure all stations and ensure all external entrances are sealed," she glanced back at the airlock for a moment to address Shar. "A'Fuereb, start patrolling the ship. Don't want any unexpected surprises while we are out of the system."


A number of exit routes appeared on De'fleors display, showing possible ways out of the system, but the most direct - and quickest - was a route highlighted in green that showed that they would be using the new booster crafts that command had authorized for use. The booster craft in question were highlighted on the HUD and showed up as being on standby just outside of the hanger, they also were pegged as being unmanned craft whose access codes were encrypted and flagged only for the Gam'trosha to use currently.

Another ping appeared on the HUD, a group of fighters just outside of the hanger that were orbiting the craft.
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