Star Army

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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 4.0] - Dawn

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"My biological bits work just fine. Are injuries pertaining to the knee a particular problem where you work?" Seth asked. He certainly found himself seated with a very interesting group of people. Drumming his fingers on the table idly he glanced at the faces of the group. "So you're organs are toxic Tam?" While he was with them he might as well try to learn a little more about them.
"No," Shrie replied simply to Seth. None of her injuries really happened to her because of any work she did. "Not work. Angry men with pipes, hammers and crowbars."
"Most parts of my internal system are rather toxic, it's a specialty of mine. Tends to come in handy when things try to eat me" Tam replied with a slight smile.
"I'll remember that if I run into any gartagens that look particularly tasty," Seth said to Tam. He had to stop and think for a moment when he heard Shrie's reply however. "Angry men with blunt objects. Sounds like some friends of mine." The smile was still on his face but he was mentally kicking himself for saying that. Thinking of those people was not something he enjoyed doing.
Diner 9

Shrie frown at the man as he replied. What kind of person would be friend with people who like to beat others for the fun of it. "It seems I would not like to meet your friends then." She replied simply with a stern voice. "By the way. We talk for abit. But. What is your name? I am called Shrie."
"We had a falling out several years ago and I think they're still sore with me so I wouldn't want to meet them either." He said a little sheepishly. This time when it came to give his name he was more prepared since telling Tam and he didn't have to pause. "My name is Sam." He might of just backed himself into a corner if he ever slipped on the name now but there's no way it could ever happen to him.
Diner 9

Shrie did not realised that giving names would kill the conversation sort of. Her people skills were still sore after all. She tried to remember what people usually talked about when conversation got stale. Back home it could be weather, but on station like this it seemed a bit pointless as the weather was always great here. What else then? Shrie could not just start talking about rifles, especially since she did not want to seem like a killer and also, because she was behind on what rifles are the best at killing people at range of 2 kilometers at the moment. A year or two of straggling about gets you lost in things like this.

"I am pleased to meet you," Shrie said a sentence that she memorised. It was custom to say things like this. Then she got a 'heureka' moment when she though of way to get the talk to continue. "What gets you on Dawn station?"
Diner 9

Six Four looked back and forth between the one called Sam and Shrie. It was a bit intrigued by both of them, studies would have to be conducted and it made a mental note to itself to do more observations or one on one conversation when it had time. The Gartagen was also a bit of interest to the doctor, it hadn't really had a chance to talk to a living one, it had seen the remains after a few terrible incidences on the black moon.

"Tam," it began as it drummed its fingers together, " This one is curious, from what it understands the males, and some females apparently, have some sort of venom injecting apparatus? This one apologizes for being a bit ignorant on the subject."
Seth realized that he should have said something after he gave his name to keep the ball rolling but once again, he messed up. When Shrie started the conversation again he felt better right up until she asked him a question.

"I travel places to do odd jobs and such to make some money before moving onto the next place. I got a ride here from Funky City from a man on a cargo run. Are you here for any particular reason?" He hadn't worked out his story yet and was more than happy to try to steer the conversation away from him.
Diner 9

"Not that I know of," Shrie replied wondering what kind of 'odd jobs' Sam is used to do. On Lor a man would pistol would make it clear, but in Nepleslia everyone had a pistol so that did not mean much. Shrie decided to not try to run the man in the corner or anything. It was not her business what he does after all. Unless her makes it her business somehow. "And here we are to eat."
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"9" Diner

Coincidentally, as soon as Shrie said that, a bored-looking young Geshrin male stepped up to the table carrying a plastic tray. "Al'Guskiaka, number two, number thirteen, cup of coffee..." he rambled off as he placed the tray on the edge of the table and nudged it towards the center. "Enjoy your meal," he added, although he was already walking away by the time he got the sentence out.

Waiting behind him, however, Seth noticed that the gaunt-looking Gaz was hovering over them once again, this time looking quite a bit less hostile. With a sheepish look on his face, he stepped forward and shoved his hands in his pockets as he looked directly at the Nepleslian. "Hey, uh," he started hesitantly. "Just wanted to say sorry for all that hubub back there. Girls, y'know? Heh."
Diner 9

Six Four's intrigue was diverted when the geshrin put the tray of food on the table. "Oh my..." It mumbled to itself at the the plate that was sitting in front of it, piled high with what could only be described as a caloric federal reserve of comfort food. The white oval plate had a set of eggs over easy in the middle with three pieces of toast on the side (white if Six Four recalled correctly, maybe sourdough a taste test would need to be conducted) , two pieces of bacon, two sausages of the link variety, hash browns with onions mixed in, and finally a set of biscuits and white gravy that saturated most of the plate.

The freespacer wasn't used to seeing this much food in front of it, it being a doctor as well as a freespacer it kept its portion sizes down for health and limited resources reasons. The meal in front of it would of fed at least three of its kind and it wondered how a single individual could eat all of this. Glancing around however it noticed that a few patrons in the restaurant most likely had three of these meals a day at the minimum between snacking. With a sigh as well as not wanting to be rude it looked around for its tableware that had been jostled away when the tray was set down.

"This one requires a spoon." It said quietly to itself as it peaked around the plates.
Tam nodded to Six 4, "this is true" he said as he slid off one of his two gloves and pointed at his fingers. "Most Gartagens only produce the venom through their dewclaws, I personally have been somewhat modified so that it is excreted around all of my talons and in my bloodstream. One of the side effects of being an adherent of a forbidden art while making use of it in the RRF" he continued as he watched the patrons in the restaurant.
Seth watched disinterestedly as the teen brought over their food and had turned back to respond to Shrie when he caught a glimpse of the man behind the server. Half tempted to ignore Gaz as he spoke, he eyed the beautiful burger with onion and bacon and his coffee hesitantly before making up his mind.

"I completely understand, some don't always consider the facts and instead jump headlong into problems," He replied in a friendly enough tone. "Maybe next time you should keep them farther apart from each other." In truth, Seth agree to anything right now to have this conversation not take place and was sitting there willing him away.
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Diner 9

Shrie gave a nod to the waitress as her food was brought. What was on her plate was some kind meatroll and who knew what was inside. The meatroll itself just looked like a steaked that someone rolled and put something inside of it. Next to it was some roasted potatoes and tartar sauce. Shrie raised her eyebrows and fished for some utensils to eat with.
"9" Diner

Gaz flushed a little red at Seth's statement. "Yeah," he reluctantly agreed, shoving his hands into his pockets as he swayed back and forth slightly, looking uncomfortably embarrassed. "Pretty sure I won't see neither of them for a while," he added with an indifferent shrug, then attempted to force a joking tone. "They were nuts anyway. Good riddance, I say, plenty more skanks out there just like 'em."

Across the diner, Six Four noticed the bullish man who'd approached her earlier stand from his seat and follow his comrades out of the diner, but not before he gave the group one more lingering stare. An unsettling grin crossed his wide face as he "saluted" the Freespacer with two fingers, and vanished out the door.
Diner 9

Six Four finally located the rolled up napkin with the utensils inside, still paying no no heed to the 'new' visitor at the table. Breaking the semi sticky paper around it the Doctor pulled out a spoon, holding it up infront of itself as if to declare "I have found it, Do not worry" but said nothing. Its tinted visor looked down at its plate in front of it, cocking its head to the side a bit perplexed.

"How is one supposed to eat this?"

It said to itself before running a mental search for any references. After a few moments Six Four set the toast off to the side on the napkin before taking its spoon and mixing the contents of the plate together into a breakfast chutney of sorts. With a slight click the helmets mouth entry port opened and the freespacer began to dig into its meal.
Diner 9

Shrie grabbed a fork and knife as well, cutting into the steakroll to see what was inside. It seemed to be a true nepleslian food indeed. As the steak roll was cut open, Shrie could see that inside was large sausage wrapped in bacon with a bit of onion for flavour on the side. It made her raise her eyebrows, but she did not care too much. Food was food and the fyunnen was angry.

On the side she could hear Sam and Gaz talk. She overheard especially one particular word. Shrie raised her head and looked a Gaz. "Skanks?" She asked back, letting the word hang in the air. What she did not realise, that fork in her hand was suddenly bent in half by her strong fingers out of anger, that the word brought to her.
Seth had been on the verge of replying when he heard Shrie speak. The way she spoke worried him slightly and caused him to cautiously look at the woman. Seeing her anger he decided he had to find away to disarm this situation. "Cmon, I don't think he meant nothin' by it and he probably knew them better than we did." He calmly said to Shrie after a moment of thought.

Looking back at Gaz Seth began to make small hand moments. "You should say or do somethin' fast. I'm not sure how he acts when she gets like this but I sure don't want to find out anytime soon." He whispered to Gaz hoping that the Lorath couldn't here or see what he was doing.
"9" Diner

Gaz's eyes widened slightly at the sight of the seven-foot-something Lorath bending the fork like it was made of plastic, and he took an involuntary step back. "Hey hey hey, now," he said rapidly, holding his palms up in front of him. "Didn't mean nothin', sorry, sorry."

As he backed up, his hip bumped into the seat back of a booth behind him, causing him to nearly jump clear out of his skin, barely managing to contain a short yelp of surprise as he whirled around to face the new imagined threat. Seeing no one behind him but a group of seated patrons who only looked anywhere from disinterested to mildly annoyed at the intrusion, his face flushed a far deeper shade of red in embarrassment. Turning back to Shrie and her company, he swallowed hard, trying to salvage what remained of his dignity, and nodded. "So yeah," he stammered. "I-I'll just be going now. Enjoy your meals, yeah?"

Quickly, he turned around and started pushing his way out of the restaurant as fast as he could.
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