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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 4.1] Into a Den of Trouble Part 2!


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Several days after leaving Home System
Recently Charted System - KI-1-54-9

The Gam'trosha appeared as a ghost out of space, its silhouette appearing out of no-where as arcs of lightning spewed from its hull. After a few seconds, this phenomenon ceased and the ship hung lazily in a high orbit over what looked to be a small planet with a number of much smaller islands, all of which had patches of green and brown on them with a dark orange ocean in-between them all.

On the ships bridge, Sa'kira stretched her arms once before standing up. "Lexicon, please load the supplies for the scientific colony here onto the shuttle and then transport them to the surface," she spoke as she walked up to the viewscreen, an image of the planet was on it. "Also, the planet's rings distort our communications so when you arrive ask the lead scientist for an update," he said toward her Lexicon. "We'll have to transmit their report once you return."

Throughout the ship the crew were either hard at work performing maintenance routines, or just busy with their other duties. In the medical bay, a simulation was just ending involving the marines who had used one of the ships cargoholds to hold an exercise.

Alis'tar looked up, as Sa'kira was giving orders, listening intently. A chance to go planet side sounded good, the days of travel had been uneventful. All the excitement happening at the very start of their mission with the cargo situation, though that seemed to have been resolved quickly. He had spent most of his time on the bridge, helping out with monitoring what he could. Though with the thought of getting out, and stretching his legs. He rose from his seat, saluting his superiors. "I would like to request permission to travel planet-side as well to help."

Alis'tar was confident that he'd be able to do more good helping the XO with delivering the supplies, then sitting here on the bridge, that and he couldn't deny his curiosity of what was below, and what he could learn. Though this was also the perfect chance for him to break out of his comfort zone as well, and maybe try and be a little more social; if at all. This was still a mission, so there was always that need for discretion. He had only really met a few of the crew when they were given leave, and with that maybe he'd meet a few more on this little endeavor.

Def'leor turned to Sa'kira, "So we are going in with no communications. With the Ship Mistresses permission I will take the O'Eytene and his Marines along. They can assist with offloading, and provide security if it should be needed."

She activated her intercom, "O'Eytene Lu'man, gather your marines and report to the shuttle bay. They are to assist with loading the shuttle and will be coming to the surface with us." she switched it off.

Hearing Alis'tar, "Suit up Shim'moto, good opportunity to get some ground experience." she said as she stood up and walked towards the door. "If all goes well, we'll see you in a little while ma'am." she said with a slight smile.

Once out of the bridge, Def'leor sent a message directly to Shar. "We are going in with no communications. Let's make sure we are prepared for any reasonable contingency. Def."

Elza'beth stood up and turned to Sa'kira. "Looks like I will be heading down to the surface since the Marines are going down. Besides, it will give me an opportunity to observe the colonists." she then headed out.
It had been a few days since the incident in the cargo holds. Kil'nda was just starting to wake up. He normally worked maintenance in Engineering and other parts of the ship lat e night.. well given they were in space at at time they would consider to be night. He looked over any new ship activities that might draw his attention. Finding there would be an away mission even one set on a colonized world, he chose to put his name up for availability. Never could hurt to have a combat Engineer on the ground with the Marines.

Shar was checking up her equipment in the armoury, when the communication from Lexicon arrived. She read both messages and just sent quick "Acknowledged, I'll get them ready Lex." Back to Def'leor. So it was time for marines to go and stretch their legs. That was good, the team needed experience.

"This is O'Eytene Shar'ica to marines," Shar activated her intercom and called up her people directly. "Tite'Yanus, Kil'nda, Vik'tor, C'ross, Dar'tagnan. Get over to shuttle bay and get your muscles ready. We will help load it up and unload it later when we land. Also we are going in with limited comms so load up, like you are going into war. Dar'tagnan and Tite'Yanus, work together on what gun pack you are going to bring. I want the team to be versatile and ready for everything. Since the shuttle is going to be full of supplies, we are not taking the tank this time. You all got 10 minutes, see you there."
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Enlisted quarters

C'ross had taken Shar's advice to heart on the subject of his balancing close and ranged combat, spending time to study the latter to improve on his... Less than preferable proficiency with such weapons. He had been perusing a digital copy of the Neshaten standard-issue rifleman's manual for the umpteenth time when he heard the intercom. He leaned back and looked at the ceiling, as if that would be where he would find the veteran. He sighed and stood up, leaving his quarters and adopting a brisk jog on his way to the armory to retrieve his combat gear.


Ross entered the armory soon after he had set off from his quarters, his eyes scanning the room to reacquaint himself with the locations of the various weapons and equipment. Upon sighting Shar, he dipped his head in respect before entering the room, making a bee-line for the combat armor. He began the arduous process of assembling his own armor, starting from bottom to top. "Excuse me, O'Eytene. If I may ask, are we aware of what may be disturbing communications?" His request sounded innocent enough, though the look in the noble's eyes suggested that he hated having to ask that question. He had a dislike for entering a situation with almost no prior knowledge, it was like a businessman entering a deal taken on by his predecessor. "Best see to it, then."
Deck 03 - Engineering Bay, Lower Level

One of the many pressure doors aboard the Gam'trosha opened with a distinctly mechanical sound, allowing Keri'cruen entry into the starships main engineering workspace. Once past the threshold the adolescent platinum-haired engineer pushed himself lightly off the adjacent bulkhead. The young daur boys slight form began to sedately drift in response, now under the influence of the compartment's null-gravity. Keri's tufted ears twitched in response to the now familiar sounds of the chamber; the faint tinkling resonance of the primary lunebaren reactor cycling, the muted thrumming of the exploration vessels gravity drives maintaining the Gam'trosha's delicate position in orbit. The kits luminous blue-green eyes scanned his surroundings; passing over glowing holographic projections and unattended consoles -- only briefly noting the information presented; filing the pertinent details in the back of his mind -- before his gaze fell upon the compartments only other occupant.

"Xeui," Keri said in apparently good cheer, greeting the adolescent, red-and-black uniform-clad shukaren daur girl that hovered weightless beside the engineering bays primary engineering workstation. The male kit floated over to join her, deftly catching a hand-hold and manoeuvring himself to a stop in the position beside the o'eytene engineer.

The kits attention momentarily left Xeui'na then and instead focused itself on the displays she was studying. Curiosity and a desire to get to work prompted Keri to ask, "What's on today's agenda? Any problems so far?"
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Cabin 7
Elza'beth entered the cabin that she shared with her époux. She noted that at least this time he had put up his stuff before dashing off. She went to her locker and took out her windbreaker. she rolled it up and put it into her small backpack she took with her. She strapped her Seta'sis sword to her back, and put her pistol in her backpack. She checked the charge on her sight goggles and put them on. Slung the backpack over a shoulder and headed to the shuttle

Dar'tagnan moved briskly through the passage ways to get to the Armory. He was careful to avoid bumping into any of his fellow crew mates. He slowed to a walk before approaching the door. He opened it and looked in. Dar walked in and started looking at the various items on the shelves. He looked around and did not see the other My'leke. 'Guess I will have to wait for him to arrive.' he thought. Spotting a BRM he walked over and took it. He attached it to his Universal Module, that would ensure Elza would be able to get around easily. He eyed the Variable Plasma Rifle for the mission.
Deck 03 - Engineering Bay, Lower Level

"Not since they replaced a lot of the fautly wiring, glad to no longer see alerts clicking off every few minutras," Xeui smiled at Keri, it was hard to keep herself from not doing so, she knew the Kit well. "Although we do need to address some other issues. The new capacitors that were installed still aren't operating at 100%, and they replaced some of the cabling in the FTL drive-core which - while it shows as being green - I want to double check and ensure that it was all connected properly. Since we are in normal space, it is safe to take the drive-core offline and perform an inspection. After that we'll run another inspection, however, I think our biggest concern is really our sensor array," the Kit tapped her console and brought up a display of the rear sensor array.

"Our forward array is fine, but I think when they were replacing some of the wiring and stuff, they jostled something in the rear array. I'm not getting as clear fidelity from our rear and I'd rather not leave the Shipmistress blind to anything coming from behind us. That array is important for planetary scans as it contains components responsible for deep scanning of the surface, its useless with this planet given its electromagnetic field blocks the scans, but we need to get that fixed before we leave te system. Can you please take care of that?" she asked.
Deck 03 - Engineering Bay, Lower Level

Keri attentively listened as Xeui listed the tasks that needed to be performed, occasionally nodding in acknowledgement and acceptance. The young engineer's blue-green eyes shifted their focus toward the imagery of the Gam'trosha's rear sensor array once it was brought up by Xeui on her workstations display, then after the shukaren daur girl fell quiet the male kit replied enthusiastically, "Alright then, I'll see to the aft array first. If we're getting unclear readings from every sensor in the rear array like you're suggesting, then you are probably correct that the problem is not a fault in the array hardware itself--" the kit grinned then added, "-- its more than a little unlikely that every separate sensor in the array could become faulty at the same time. Probably its just a dodgy or loose data-cable between the system and the main computer screwing things up."

The boy shifted his weight and started himself floating towards the tool-kit locker. Back over his shoulder, Keri said, "If you start a remote diagnostic to isolate which cable might be our culprit, I'll head in that direction now. By the time I reach that section our computer should have narrowed down the possibilities for us."

Keri took possession of an engineering kit and then shoved off again, drifting toward the engineering bays aft section. "We also might want to alert the bridge that we'll be fiddling with the aft sensors... just so they aren't surprised if they suddenly loose sensor coverage while I'm shifting things around."

After one last glance back at Xeui, giving the girl a chance to respond, Keri opened and started to climb into a maintenance hatch with the intention of reaching the internal section of the ship adjacent to the aft array.
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Kil'nda got the commands, that he was coming along and grinned. Engineering was fun but his mixed Talents were more of use in the field. He opened up a menu before him and then sent a message to engineering that he would be taking part in the away mission and that they would need to fill his time slot with another till he could come back. He began to dress and get ready for field work heading out to the Armory and getting Geared up in his armor along with his sword which he already had with him, a pistol and his Juvo’tron Sniper rifle, along with his standard Tool Kit to use in in the field as a Combat Engineer.

Kil'nda headed for the shuttle bay in order to report in and help with the loading of the ship they would be using as well as get any briefing there was to be given on the mission at hand

"All right lads," Shar said to the infantry as it was filling in the armoury and went about gearing up. At her side was The Seta'sis Sword and Ripper pistol and she was clad in Armored Body Suit. As her main weapon, Shar picked The Vela'rius Swordrifle and she had few grenades on her suit. The NCO looked at C'ross. "I assume the storms are back. In any way, we will have to handle ourselves. Pack enough ammo and don't forget field rations."

Shar than walked to Dar'tagnan. "You plan on taking a rider? As long as one of you take Taurus, I do not care. Last time we were down there we met some nasty things and I would like to have a heavy weapon in my team, since we cannot take the tank."

"Kil'nda," Shar walked to the combat engineer. "You have training with explosives right? Grab some I-24, we might have a use for it."

Dar looked at Shar, "Actually O'Eytene, the BRM is for the Ini'she. As for the Taurus, it seemed appropriate for Mar'Tendo Gai'Tano Tite'Yanus as the more senior of us should have that. But we can always load a second one and stow it in the shuttle. I can switch out the BRM once the Ini'she no longer requires my assistance. He proceeded to attach 8
Type 21 Star'ling Frag grenades to a web belt, and attached it to the side of the BRM."

Def'leor came into the armory with Elza'beth walking along side her. "Looks like you have things well in hand Shar." she said to the leader of the Marines. "Kindly include a Juvo’tron Sniper Rifle and ammunition to the supplies being taken with us. I want something with a bit more range than my Swordrifle on hand." She said with a smile. "Also allow me to introduce you to our new Ini'she, Sa'gesse Elza'beth Che'valie. The Ship Mistress felt it would be good to have her on the surface to evaluate the colonists and our team after the mission. She also happens to be bonded to Sa'gesse Dar'tagnan C'Baruce."

Elza'beth looked at Dar with a small smile watching his preparations. She then looked at Shar, "I promise to do my best to not interfere with your soldiers Lu'man Yar'ica Shar'ica O'Eytene."
"Aye, Aye" Kil'nda said as he recived the order to bring along L-24. He had plenty enough training to know how to effectivly use the explosives as well as how not to hurt any of his team with it with reckless use. Hearing a call for a rifle as he readied the explsives in their "Shock proof" containers he called out. "I already have mine onboared Ma'am, unless you were meaning one for personal use." He said. Using the Rifle himself he could go grab one of the spares real quick knowing where they are kept in the armory as well as where they keep the Ammo for the rifle.
Deck 03 - Aft Sensor Compartment

After a couple of minutes travelling, Keri'cruen popped open yet another maintenance hatch and dragged himself out of the narrow confines of the Gam'trosha's labyrinthine maintenance conduits. Once in the clear the young shukaren daur engineer retrieved his engineering toolkit from where it rested beside the opening before he turned to examine his new surroundings.

Blue-green eyes scanned the room and passed over the hardware and components that composed the inner workings of the ships aft sensor array -- at least the portions of which able to be accessed without taking an EVA excursion on the hull. The kits eyes narrowed their focus to the labelled panels which indicated what protected components laid hidden beneath. As he searched Keri sent a query back to Xeui'na via the ships internal engineering comms channel.

"Xeui, I've reached the array. Got any info for me?" Keri asked in a mildly curious tone as he isolated the panels obscuring the ships data transmission lines from his sight; D3-ASA-047, D3-ASA-056 and DS-ASA-059. One or more of the cables behind those panels was the likely culprit for their poor sensor resolution.

Quin' shifted her position when she heard Keri'cruen's message and moved back to her station where she brought up the automated report. She peered at the information and then created a holographic representation of the array that Keri would be near. She sent a data burst to the ships computer, which in turn sent a diagnostic request to the array, which was meet with a 'can't connect' message.

Grumbling she blew up the holo-view. "Looks like the possible malfunction might be in either D3-ASA-047 or 056, check those cables out. Otherwise someone will need to go for a spacewalk," the Kit was inwardly smiling.
Deck 03 - Aft Sensor Compartment

"Srisa, I hope not," Keri said, almost but not quite whining. "Knowing my luck, some mysterious and hostile alien starship would start shooting at us the moment I start crossing the hull."

The platinum-furred kit sighed dramatically before he added, "You said 47 or 56 right? Okay, I'm on it."

Keri knelt himself down beside the closest of the two panels, retrieved a tool from his kit and started disconnecting the panel from its frame. No more than half a minute or so later, Keri pulled the panel free -- his blue-green eyes beginning to search for any obvious problems or anomalies. The cable looked physically intact at a glance -- just in case it was simply loose, the young kit fully disconnected and then reconnected the cable from its socket in the hopes that would fix the problem.

After a moment, Keri again shot Xeui a message over the ships engineering comms channel, "Xeui -- I've finished refastening the data cable in '47. Has that had any noticeable effect on your end?"

"Okay, everyone if you have all your gear, then get on board the shuttle. We have a mission to accomplish and we can not do it from here." Def'leor turned and headed to the shuttle with her weapons slung over her shoulder. She took a position at the shuttle entrance and waited for the others.

Elza'beth already carrying the only weapons she would be needing followed after the Lexicon. Once she approached the shuttle she paused briefly to look around before heading to a chair.

Dar'tagnan carried his weapons following behind. Once in the shuttle he secured the Taurus to the deck of the shuttle so that he could use it once he ensured that his mate was safe and secure.
Kil'nda got onbord moving to a container that was used for the explosives he had. It used everything form anti shock technology to Gravity manipulators to keep them from receiving a disastrous shock on taking off and entry. He prepped himself and his weapons waiting for the others to climb in so they could take off .
Shar loaded up the Juvo’tron Sniper Rifle along with normal and armour piercing ammunition. She was ready to go and watched her troops get on the ship. She nodded to Elza'beth, letting the Ini'she board. She than proceeded to get close to Dar'tagnan.

"All right," she said to the L'manel. "I got a job for you. Watch after our Ini'she and Lex. I do understand that... you want to keep miss Elza'beth close and I am not gonna stand in a way of that."
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