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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 4.3a] - Lost & Found

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Klimmeck's Hole - Far End of the Bar

"Medicine?" Shrie asked as she stood by he bar next to Tam. She was towering about it so she decided to sweep up on one of the bar stools. This would at least bring her closer to Tam's eye-level. "I should eat pills for pain. I don't like it. It numbs the mind. One gets used to pain." She said simply and leaned on the bar. She pushed her cloak back over her shoulders and Tam could now see a pistol at her belt and a sword at her side.
"Not medicine per say, it's something I use for other purposes" Tam replied with a slight shrug. He noted the pistol and sword Shrie was wearing and smiled slightly at it, at least she wasn't going to make him do all the work if something went wrong.
Klimmeck's Hole - Far End of the Bar

"Hmm, I prefer alcohol." Shrie simply stated, looking towards bartender. She was thinking in her head if she felt more like beer or more like something stiff. Or maybe both. Still it would be better to just have few beers here and buy few bottle of something tougher for later. She could get drunk back on the ship after all. Even if this was minor thing, it was still an errand.
"It's not for the purpose that you are thinking" Tam replied with a slight close mouthed grin. He didn't feel like causing people in the bar to stare at him as of yet. He looked at the bar tender when she came back and gestured once again at the bottle of Pygrinkamesh he'd seen the last time he was there and held up two fingers asking for a highball glass full of it.
Klimmeck's Hole - Center of the Bar

Desmond watched the man's expression change with some mild amusement, taking a long drag of his newly-lit cigarette as he cranned his head to glance at the two newcomers with feigned disinterest, whether his conversation partner wanted it or not. The cherry on the end of the cigarette glowed with more intensity as he turned back around to the bandaged man, and nodded, with all the calm in the world.

The bounty hunter took the shot glass from the drink that he had ordered before and downed it in a single go.

Amanozako winced at the sudden loud shriek, which caused her sensitive ears to ring and a lance of pain to crash through her head, having been so tuned in on listening to the others. She gave little more response to the apologetic waitress than a harsh glance as the woman retreated. One ear twitched at the account of her handiwork on the local news broadcast. That technician should count themselves lucky, she thought, most of her prey did not survive the encounter.

She frowned and pushed herself up to her feet. She had been loitering too long at her table with no drink and none of the wait staff had come buy to take an order. To continue like that would tart looking odd, so she headed towards the bar to order something, and, of course, listen in and get a better look at things going on up there.

She was especially interested in the Gartagen, he was a soldier, or at least a former soldier, like herself and could be an interesting challenge if things came to a confrontation with him, though she had little doubt she could kill the alien if need be. As she walked to the bar, her eyes glanced about, checking in the direction of the slimy onlooker to make sure he stayed put. He was paying all too much attention to her for her liking and was most likely going to be trouble very soon. His lecherous stares could be a cover for an operative keeping tabs on her. She may very well have to eliminate him soon and formed some plans for this at the back of her mind as she came up to the bar and cleared her throat for the bartender's attention.

"Boilermaker" She ordered with a nod. She had picked up a taste for strong drinks from some former Nepleslian mercenary counterparts in the past, not that the alcohol effected her Her neko body processed out all of it's effects on command, which, in keeping with her constant heightened level of awareness and dislike of being caught off guard, was always immediate.
Klimmeck's Hole - Center of the Bar

After setting the highball glass of Pygrinkamesh that Tam ordered before him, the bartender quickly made her way along the bar down to Amanozako after she approached, once she noticed her. Before she had a chance to greet her, the order for a boilermaker came, and she responded with a nod of compliance and a friendly smile, creasing her leathery skin together along the visible cracks in her ample makeup.

Next to Desmond, Erik drained the remainder of his first drink, evidently a bit faster than he was used to, judging from the way he sputtered slightly, and swallowed hard to flush away the slightly greenish tint that was briefly visible on his face. Taking a few breaths to steel himself, and trying everything he could to avoid eye contact with the Gartagen several seats away, he pulled the drink that Desmond had just purchased him nearer, and prepared to put it down as quickly as he was able.

On the Neko's approach, he glanced her direction, and offered a single nod in greeting, before looking back at Desmond. "Your 'friend' went home with a guy last night," he explained. "Big guy, real douchebag. I know where he lives, though. You make sure that lizard at the end of the bar minds his own business, and I'll take you there just as soon as I finish this."

Klimmeck's Hole - Far End of the Bar

The long-haired man who had been ogling Amanozako finally rose from his seat, only pulling his greedy-looking gaze off of the Neko long enough to occasionally check his path as he moved over to where Tam and Shrie were. Placing his drink on the bar, he flashed an outwardly friendly, but somewhat off-puttingly ominous smile at the Lorath and Gartagen as he took a seat. "Evening," he greeted them, eyeing Amanozako once more before finally putting his attention on the two nearest to him. "Mind if I join you?"
Klimmeck's Hole - Center of the Bar

"Careful," Desmond commented as he watched Erik chug down the first drink and prepare to do the same to the other one. "Drinking too much too fast can kill you," he added, somewhat sarcastically as he took his time to examine the several different bottles displayed on the bar. Watching a somewhat injured person try to down his drinks in record time to get out of there had gotten boring fast, and at least he could spend the rest of the time trying to figure what each drink was made of.
Klimmeck's Hole - Far End of the Bar

"Beer, please. Abwehran if you have." Shrie ordered when Barmaid was around her and Tam. The fyunnen decided to keep it easy. To stop drinking was always easier with beer, then with stiffer stuff. Once she opened a bottle of vodka, she usuaklly kept drinking until it was all gone. Booze helped make bad memories go away or rather it made her not care about the bad stuff. That was enough for her.

When the man with long hair came in, Shrie gave him one look. She froze, unsure how to react about sudden appearance of new person. With a bit of emergency in her face she looked at Tam. Shrie thought it would be easier to let him decide if the duo would mind this long haired fellow.

Amanozako started on her drink, downing a large gulp and using the glass to hide the frown on her face as the pervert came over and tried to impose himself on her marks. There was no question something fishy was going on with him.

She was fairly sure she was going to have to shoot him. But for now stuck to her drink and listening in on them with her superior neko hearing.
Tam shrugged "it's a free bar" was his response as he took the cup from the bar tender and pulled out his vial of concentrated toxins, he had to ensure to use it daily or else his body would begin to reject it. He opened the vial and dumped the contents into his pygrinkamesh before taking the glass and slamming it down before he started shuddering as the toxins coursed through his enhanced system.
Center of the Bar

Erik nodded, his cheeks puffing out as he covered his mouth with a fist, as if suppressing a belch, or perhaps holding nausea in check. "Yeah," he croaked. "Ain't my first rodeo, you know." He took a tentative sip of his next beer, keeping as low of a profile as he could manage, only looking over at Desmond from the corner of his eyes every so often. Taking notice once more that the Neko had apparently joined them for good, he gave her a nervous little smile and yet another nod, trying to play off his discomfort. "So," he continued as nonchalantly as he could manage, glancing back briefly at Desmond. "Gonna throw me a bone here as to what this girl did to deserve the likes of you? Not like it makes much difference to me, I'm just curious." He quickly took another drink of his beer, trying to drain it as fast as he was reasonably able to handle it without getting sick.

Far End of the Bar

"That it is, my friend," the long-haired man agreed, settling in. "That it is." He leaned his elbows on the bar, giving the bartender a polite smile as she walked by, then glanced at Tam's drink curiously. "Homesick?" he asked the Gartagen, obviously recognizing the cocktail mostly for what it was.
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Center of the bar

"No," Desmond replied, glancing back from the bottles towards Erik again, and leaned forward, somewhat conspiratorially before continuing. "But you're not coming out of this empty-handed if your info is helpful," he added in a hushed whisper, barely audible amidst the noise from the rest of the pub, before turning back to face the bottles and wait for him to finish his drink, but his gaze lingered a bit to stare at Amanozako as she approached. It would be simply too obvious for him to blatantly pretend to ignore her.
Far End of the Bar

Shrie settled herself on a barstool, her legs still reaching the ground thanks to her height. While she waited for her beer, she gave the long haired man a sideway glance. She was wary of him, but that said, she tended to be wary of everyone she did not know. She decided to let Tam talk and looked around at the various patrons around the bar. There was the short woman in coat and a hat, two men chatting away in the center of the bar. No one looked too out of the place. Tam did say that rowdy characters can be found here, so she still kept her wits with her.
Tam looked at the man and shrugged noncommittally, before replying "Yeah, something like that." He then ordered another high ball of the same thing. He rarely noticed the effects of alcohol and it helped to deaden the pain from his abdomen when it flared up on him.
Center of the Bar

Erik's eyebrows shot up on Desmond's mention of payment, and a serpent-like grin spread slowly across his face. Suddenly he seemed slightly less interested in avoiding the Gartagen's attention. "Well hot damn," he crooned, tilting his head as his beer hovered a few inches off the bar in his hand. "You put it that way, what am I still dragging my feet for?" Steeling himself, the young man cleared his throat and started to put down his drink much faster, grimacing slightly as he did so. When he had finally drained it, he gingerly placed the empty glass on the surface in front of him, shuddering slightly as he flushed a pale yellowish green color again.

He dropped his hand quickly towards the bar, as if he were about to slap it, but the instant before impact he seemed to think better of it, and stopped his hand millimeters from the surface, electing instead to quietly place it down. "Right, then," he said with a conclusive tone, rising gingerly to his feet, grimacing slightly from the pain of his injuries. "You ready to go?"

Far End of the Bar

The newcomer just smiled and nodded to Tam, then upon taking notice of the way the Lorath was watching him, turned his head towards her and gave her a wink. "Long way to be from home," he continued to the Gartagen. "But then I guess it's a living, am I right?" he continued with an uncomfortably over-friendly tone, nudging Tam lightly with his shoulder. "Can't make that money with your feet kicked up at home all the time." As he was talking, the bartender returned once again, placing a beer in front of her with a bright smile. As she did, the long-haired man touched her on the forearm, still with the pleasant look on his face. "Excuse me," he said, nodding the side of his head down the bar in the direction of the other group, "but if I may, I'd like to buy that pretty lady's drink for her."

After following the man's nod with her eyes, the bartender turned back to smile and wink at the man. "Sure thing, hon," she agreed, while simultaneously producing the bottle of Pygrinkamesh from seemingly nowhere, refilling Tam's glass. As the liquor poured, she glanced up at the Gartagen's eyes. "Kinda surprised you aren't sitting with your friends down there," she observed, motioning towards the others at the center of the bar. "You guys not getting along, or something?"
"My friends?" Tam asked mildly bewildered as he looked at the group and noticing the annoying man that he'd ejected from the bar the last time he was here and smiling slightly when he saw him.
Far End of the Bar

"Yeah," the bartender replied, finishing the pour and setting the bottle beneath the bar. Soon after she'd said that, a somewhat concerned and slightly apologetic look creased her leathery face. "At least I think so. They were asking about that pretty girl you were here with last night. I just assumed you knew them." She drew a slow breath through her closed teeth, as if she'd realized she'd made a mistake. "Should I have just kept my mouth shut?"
Center of the Bar

"Yes," Desmond said, sliding a DA bill that was more than enough to cover the expenses for him and the extra drink that he had bought to the other guy, ignoring how the mere mention of a reward had spurred him into getting out of there. Money had that tendency with people most of the times. "Let's," the bounty hunter said as he stood up from his bench and waited for Erik to lead the way.
Far End of the Bar

"I'm not sure, but I thank you for the warning nonetheless" Tam replied with a smile as he paid for his drinks with his money card. "I'll only have one more and then we should probably see about heading out" he said to Shrie with a glance towards the departing duo.
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