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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 4.3a] - Lost & Found

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Center of the Bar

With a nod, Erik painstakingly turned around, steadying himself for a moment on the edge of the bar as he maneuvered around the stool on which he'd been sitting, and beckoned Desmond to follow. "We'll need to get a cab," he said in a hushed, but leading tone, wordlessly indicating he didn't have any actual intentions of footing the bill. "It's a bit of a walk for me, as busted up as I am, thanks to that damn lizard."

He ran his palm over his shaved head gently, making a dull scratching sound as his calloused hands rubbed against the stubble. A few more patrons were starting to file in towards the bar as he led him out.

Far End of the Bar

"Sure thing, hon," the bartender replied, still looking slightly apologetic as she plucked the liquor bottle from beneath the bar once more. She'd just begun to pour him another glass when a trio of grizzled-looking young men started trying to flag her down. She held up a finger, asking them to wait just a moment while she finished serving Tam his final drink, and then ran his credit chit, looking over at Shrie once more to check that she was still doing fine before turning to continue her duties.
Center of the Bar

"Whatever. Go," Desmond said as he followed Erik. He didn't look behind towards Amanozako, as that would be another dead giveaway, but instead stuffed his hands inside the pockets of his jacket, reaching for the earpiece that he had concealed there and grasped it firmly. As he walked out of the bar, the bounty hunter pressed the transmition button three times in a quick row, expecting the neko to get the three beeps with her digital brain.
Far End of the Bar

Shrie did not say anything as Tam talked to the long-haired man and the barmaid. The lorath kept busy with her beer, which was not bad at all. Abwehran pilsner, nice and bitter. Shrie might have not been speaking, but she was listening for sure. She made sure to watch the men, that Barmaid talked about, but not looking at them straight, just with edge of her vision. As then picked their tab, stood up and started leaving, Shrie finally gave them proper look. One was bruised bald man, looked a bit like thug. The other one looked normal. Maybe too much normal? Shrie might have been just paranoid.

"They left," Shrie said to Tam and had another healthy gulp of her beer. "But true, we go and be careful. You think this place has backdoor?"
Klimmeck's Hole - Outside

Erik led Desmond out into the street and turned to the left as soon as they were out the door, his hands stuck in his pockets as he occasionally glanced over his shoulder every few seconds to make sure he was still following. Or, alternatively, to make sure someone wasn't going to ambush him from behind, perhaps. Intermittent traffic buzzed along the street next to them in both directions, and the walkways were beginning to get a little more crowded with each passing moment as the local businesses, trade shops, and industries approached shift change, filling the streets with people of all colors, shapes, and sizes, many of them a bit more "colorful" than in most other parts of the station-city.

They hadn't walked more than half a block before a black-and-white sedan, gliding along the street on a cushion of air hummed nearby. Erik withdrew one of his hands from his pants pocket, grimacing slightly as he raised it high up in the air. The car slowed to a crawl and pulled over along the curb, just a few feet away, and stopped, its rear passenger side door opening automatically to invite them inside.

Rubbing his shoulder, the shaven-headed man glanced at Desmond, twitching his head to beckon him to follow, and gingerly climbed into the cab, a simple task complicated by his injuries. Scooting across the bench seat in the rear to make room for the bounty hunter, he settled in. A soft, gentle tone sounded from the front seat of the cab. "Please state your desired destination," a digitized voice queried harshly.

"Apartment block 98," Erik replied loudly, waiting for Desmond to enter the vehicle.

Klimmeck's Hole - Far End of the Bar

As if she'd suddenly realized something, the bartender caught herself in her tracks, turning towards Tam and Shrie once more. "Look, I know it's none of my business," she told them, part of her customer-service-heavy facade faded into more of a concerned-bystander air. "But if they aren't friends of yours, and after what you did to the guy with the shaved head," she continued, pointedly looking at Tam, "I'd be concerned about what they're planning to do. I overheard him saying he could take the other guy to your girl friend, and I don't know what he has in mind for her." She looked at both the Gartagen and Lorath each in turn, eyebrows raised, and nodded slightly as if asking for some kind of confirmation, and then the friendly smile returned. "I just wanted to give you the heads up."

With that, she turned back to head down the bar and take care of her other customers.

The long-haired man, looking slightly perplexed, eyed Tam and Shrie for a moment. "Trouble?" he asked.

Klimmeck's Hole - Center of the Bar

On her way to attend to the newcomers, the bartender approached the Neko still seated and nursing her boilermaker, lightly tapping her fingertips on the bar in front of her with that creased smile of hers. "Your tab is covered, sugar," she told her in a friendly tone, nodding behind her at where the long-haired man was sitting with the Gartagen and Lorath. "Courtesy of that gentleman at the end of the bar." Strengthening her smile in finality, she moved past and greeted the patrons who had taken a seat several stools down from the Neko.
Klimmeck's Hole - Far End of the Bar

Shrie carefully listened to the bartender and tried to put two and two together with getting four and not three or five as her brain usually did lately. So. One of the men that just left got into trouble with Tam. He now got friendly with other guy, who looked fairly average and average looking guys always mean trouble, because you only look this average if you want to look this average. Or maybe Shrie was just paranoid. Now the men were not interested in Tam, possibly because the bald man tangled with him and realised he was lucky to still be alive. Was this some kind of revenge plot? They could not get to Tam, not by beating him so they wanted to punish him by beating someone dear to him. Tam was here with captain yesterday, so captain had to be the girlfriend barmaid mentioned. That meant captain was to be attacked, which meant Shrie felt really sorry for the bald guy and mr. average. Still better safe then sorry.

Shrie put a 5 DA chit on the bar and looked at Tam. "We go." She said.
Tam nodded to Shrie and looked at the man and replied "Possibly but I think I can deal with it with this one's help" he gestured towards Shrie. "Let's get back to the captain as soon as we can" he said as he finished paying for and drinking his drink as he fiddled with the black glove that covered his right hand.
Shrie just gave a nod back to him and finished her beer. She got off her bar stool reade to follow Tam. She was after all not sure where captain was. She then poked Tam and pointed at the communicator on her belt. "Maybe," she started. "warn captain?"
Klimmeck's Hole - Outside

Desmond followed Erik, keeping an eye on the bandaged man as he hailed a cab. Being freaked out about sharing a room with the person who had given you a beating had surely seemed to have set the other man on edge, which only made the bounty hunter worry as he eased himself onto the backseat. The street rabble that he made a living off in Delsauria had more balls than that, and he hadn't even kicked their asses before.

But then again, he was in Yamataian space after all. The more time he spent there cooling off some other bounty in Nepleslia would spend time squatting in the quasi-warzone that was Funky City and getting stronger, while he got weaker. He quickly brushed the thought away, setting his head back into the task at hand.

With one last look towards the bar to see if Amanozako hadn't made the mistake of actually following him right after he left, Desmond closed the door, checking for any tails that they might have picked up at the bar.
Klimmeck's Hole - Far End of the Bar

Tam nodded at Shrie's reply "That sounds like a good idea and then we might as well follow those two to see where they are going" he said in response to Shrie's comment.
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Klimmeck's Hole - Far End of the Bar

The long-haired man flashed a brief look of empathetic concern as he nodded, rising from his seat to excuse himself from Tam and Shrie. "I understand," he told them, clasping his drink in his left hand and laying a hand on the Lorath's shoulder blade with a firm, but reassuring pat. "I'll let you handle your business." With a farewell smile, he started to migrate down the bar towards Amanozako, his smile slowly morphing to a smarmier one as he eyed the Neko up and down.

Apartment Block 98 - Outside at Street Level

The taxi whirred to a stop as it pulled over to the curb, a monotone chime sounding inside the cabin. The digitized voice immediately followed with "Arriving at Apartment Block 98. Your account has been charged, Erik Gammel. Have a nice day." With a pneumatic hiss, the curb side door opened.

Running a hand over his shaved head, Erik looked over at Desmond with a cocky smirk, even around the look of mild discomfort that even the gentle stop caused him due to his injuries. "Well here we are," he mused, pointing towards the open door with his chin.
Apartment Block 98 - Outside at Street Level

Jumping out of the cab, Desmond still had the same half-frown, half-squint expression as he closed the vehicle's door, giving it a double tap on the roof to indicate the driver that he was good to go. The bounty hunter tried to pick something out of the ordinary on the neighborhood that they were in, as well as if anyone else was following them. Given how the bounty's crew had just decided to stroll inside the bar earlier, he wouldn't be surprised.

"Tell me which apartment and you can go," He said to Erik after a while, shifting the strap of his duffelbag around his shoulder for a bit to ease the pressure.
Apartment Block 98 - Outside at Street Level

Erik was painstakingly preparing to slide across the bench seat to follow Desmond out of the cab when the bounty hunter stopped him, and he looked over at him in protest. "Whoa, wait a minute," he argued. "I'm goin' with you. I wanna see the look on that bitch's face when you arrest her, or..." he continued, unsure of what words to choose next. "Or when you do whatever to her. I just want her to know it was me. C'mon man, you gotta gimme this."
Apartment Block 98 - Outside at Street Level

"Arresting her," Desmond repeated, as if surprised that Erik had suggested that. He had never specified what he was doing, just that he needed the bounty's whereabouts, but it was still somewhat surprising that people always assumed that. "Where did you get that idea?" he asked right afterwards, stuffing his hands inside the pockets of his jacket, but didn't actually let the other man answer. "I'm not gonna rip you off, if that's what you're wondering. Our deal still stands," he added.
Klimmeck's Hole

Shrie shivered as she felt hand under her left shoulder, she felt the pressure against stump of her missing left wing, which of course was hidden because of her cloak. She quickly stepped out of reach and turned, her face showing anger. She quickly calmed herself, re-assuring herself that the gesture meant no harm, even though her chest continued going up and down as her pulse went up in matter of second. "Don't touch," she simply said, her left firmly set on her left shoulder in protective gesture. "Please." Shrie took a free deep breath to calm herself fully.

"Call Captain," she said, turning her head to Tam. She then turned back to the exit and pulled up her cape. "We go. Hurry."

Amanozako gave little more than a nod of recognition when the barkeep told her the slimy pervert had payed for her drink. She downed it and listened in on the last bits of conversation between the Lorath and the Gartigan. She needed to catch up with Desmond, but had a hunch those two were part of their quaries crew.

The slimy guy was coming her way as the others prepared to go. She caughed the Lorath mentioning infirming their captain, she needed to inform Desmond and tail them.

Via her wireless Amanozako called Desmond,speaking to him through his earpiece with her mind. "The other two are about to leave the bar and warn their captain, our target. Be alert and send me your location"

She finished the last sip of her drink and turned to go, hopefully to step out if the bar before the Lorath and Gartigan got up, but the guy was walking right to her, a slimy look on his face.

"Is there something you want?" she asked him as he came close.
Klimmeck's Hole - Far End of the Bar

The long-haired man withdrew his hand and held it up in apology as Shrie recoiled from his touch, but offered no words as he left.

Center of the Bar

As he approached the Neko, the man flashed his smile again as he set his drink down, before the seat next to where Amanozako was sitting prior to standing up, and leaned on his elbow casually. "Depends on if you're staying, doll," he replied, his lecherous eyes wandering over the Neko once more. "Whatcha willing to offer?"

Apartment Block 98 - Outside at Street Level

Erik's eyes narrowed as he processed Desmond's reply for an inordinately long time, then a grin slowly spread across his face as he gradually began to nod. "Ohhh, I get it," he said, though the somewhat vacant look in his eyes didn't entirely make it clear whether or not he actually did, or if what he was understanding what the same thing the bounty hunter was telling him. "No witnesses, no questions. The less I know, yada yada." Grinning ear-to-ear, he winked at Desmond. "Read ya loud and clear, no problem. I'll just wait out here, then."

The two men climbed out of the taxi, and no sooner than Erik's feet had touched the sidewalk, another chime sounded from the cab and the door hissed closed, just before the vehicle hummed back to life and sped away, blending into the river flow of traffic along the streets. Limping a few steps towards the door, he lifted his good arm and pointed a few floors up the face of the plain eggshell-white face of the building looming high over them. It looked more like the near-ruins of a defunct hospital high-rise rather than an inviting stack of domiciles crammed into the urban decay around them.

"The dude's apartment is on the ninth floor," Erik explained. "Can't remember exactly which one, let's check the directory." Moving a few more steps towards the iron-barred glass entrance door, and referring to the directory board on the wall just to the left of it, he ran his finger down the handwritten, yellowed slips of paper on which each of the residents had written their names and stuck them in the slot corresponding to their apartment number. It didn't take him long. "Here we go," he said, tapping the glass covering the list, and looking over at Desmond with a conspiratorial grin. "Apartment 9A."

At that moment, the barred door flew open, barely missing knocking Erik back out into the street, and a haggard, frumpy older woman carrying a paper bag stocked full of indiscernible bits of cloth and bottles shoved past, crudely ignoring both of them men as she exited. Before the door had the chance to swing closed again, Erik caught it in his hand and held it, still grinning at the bounty hunter. "And what luck, you don't even need to lie your way in."
Klimmeck's Hole - Far End of the Bar

Tam pulled out his comm and typed in a message to Sienna, couching it with some encryption and setting up a bit of a code

S, this is T, at KH, some guy was here talking to the idiot I punted and the bar tender says they were looking for you, be alert, me and the tall one are oscar mike to your location

With the message sent Tam nodded to Shrie and proceeded out to find a cab that could take them to where they had spent the other night letting the captain sleep the alcohol off.
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A minute or two after Tam sent his message, his device chirped with a response from Sienna.

Handle it. But use your head, the last thing I need is to come get you and One-Wing out of prison.
KH - Out front.

Shrie walked out of the bar, sure that Tam would follow as he was sending the message. Her eyes scanned the street, looking for a cab to hail. If there would be none, she would simple used her communicator to call one. The duo was in hurry after all.
Apartment Block 98 - Outside at Street Level

"Don't try to look so inconspicuous if you're just gonna stand outside," the bounty hunter said, grabbing a hold of the door and making his way inside the building. Erik nodded in confirmation, looking pleased with himself at his involvement and watching Desmond as he might admire a big brother of sorts, a broad grin across his face beneath the bandages on his nose. He opened his mouth to say something, but his words were muffled by the door closing behind him, leaving the bald young man alone in the streets.

Apartment Block 98 - Inside

Desmond waited until he heard the click of the door closing behind hi, before pulling his earpiece out an putting it on; things seemed like they were about to go down and he needed the backup. Desmond gave one careful look around before he pressed a finger against the earpiece while making his way to the elevator. "Amano, I'm at the apartment block 98. Track my signal if you don't know where that is," he said, pressing the elevator's call button.

Distant machinery hummed as the aging elevator whirred to life, a few brief echoes of metal scraping on metal reverberating in the shaft behind the elevator's doors, followed by dull, muted and distant grinding noises steadily increasing in volume. As he waited for the elevator to arrive, he took stock of his surroundings. Cheap-looking black and white tile adorned the floor, stained in various places by faded brown and reddish patches across the narrow foyer. The light bars overhead were little more than functional, without any sort of decoration or dressings, and several of the drooping, cracked, or water-damaged ceiling tiles were shifted out of place. The hallway was barely wide enough for two average sized people to walk side-by-side, and the eggshell-white walls were covered in scuffs and signs of wear. The hall itself cut through to the other side of the building, leading to a windowless, heavy metal door that looked like an emergency exit or perhaps a service access, and another similar door with a tall, narrow window set on one side was just to its left. Without being able to see through it from where he was standing, it was easy to guess that it led to a staircase or a fire escape of some kind.

Another door was just down the hall from him, with a faded sign hanging crooked next to it that read "Office." Behind him, near the front door, a doorless threshold led into a mail room, lined on all sides by tiny, individually keyed mailboxes, many of which looked like they hadn't been used in years. The whole place felt like it had seen better days, now falling into a slow spiral of neglect and disrepair. It was somewhat depressing, in many ways, to consider what it must be like to live in a place like this.

Finally a bell sounded from the other side of the wall, and with a quiet groan, the elevator doors slid open, revealing the inside of a musty-smelling and intangibly damp-feeling elevator with only one of its two overhead lamps functioning. After memorizing the two possible alternative exits, should he need it, Desmond wasted no time getting inside the elevator. His hand reached for the button pannel on one of the sides of the elevator, hovering over the numbers until he spotted the number nine and pressed it. For a few seconds, nothing happened. Just as he was considering pressing the button again, however, the doors started to close, and with a sudden lurch, the car began its ascent, and he opened the duffel bag that he was carrying.

Desmond removed the pistol from it as he rode the car upwards, he could hear muffled voices passing by through the thin walls, overhearing vidcasts playing too loudly, couples arguing, children chattering, and on one occasion, a few things he probably wasn't meant to overhear. It was tough to imagine if there was any semblance of privacy in this building, so he removed the cylinder-like silencer from the bag with his other hand, attaching it to the pistol. He let the bag drop to the floor, pulling out the shoulder holster for the pistol and removed his jacket before putting that on too. Normally, he would have settled for a leg or hip holster, since the position that the weapon was holstered there made it more natural, and in turn easier and quicker, to draw it, but in that situation he had to trade that for the concealability(sp).

The bounty hunter patted himself on the sides of his chest once more, feeling the rough fabric of his Styrling Everyday Vest underneath. That one had also been another trade-off, because he had to remove the bulky Durandium plate so that he could wear it under his clothes, but he'd take the extra protection any time.

The car lurched again as it decelerated, nearing its destination, and with a jerk, it stopped to the sound of another bell of a slightly different timbre than the one from the ground floor. After a pause, the doors opened, revealing a stubby hallway very similar to the one he'd just left, albeit with dirty, low-pile carpeting rather than the tacky tile. Directly in front of him was a battered and worn wooden door with the corroded brass characters "9C" glued to its center at eye level, and the corridor led to the left and right, ending in square, nondescript four-pane windows overlooking the street in front of the building, and the alleyways behind. Four more apartment entrances were at each end of the hallway, two on either side, their doors facing one another.

Putting his jacket back on and picking up the bag, Desmond stepped out of the elevator, adjusting the small duffel-bag's strap around his shoulders as he looked around. He looked to either side of him, spotting the apartment that he was looking for to his left, then moved towards it, slowly and carefully, trying to pick any noises that he could through the building's seemingly very thin walls.

Coming from the apartment across the hall was a vidcast that was playing loudly enough to almost discern every word spoken from down on the street, along with the occasional clatter of dishes. Muffled shuffling sounds every now and then could be heard from the opposite end of the hall, but apartment 9A was almost completely silent. Or, at the very least, too quiet to hear over the ruckus from its neighbor. The bounty hunter's eye kept staring at the apartment's door when he approached it, but instead of knocking at the door first, Desmond tried to open it, turning the doorknob. Much to his surprise, the door was unlocked, and it creaked ajar a crack before he could stop it, so he slowly kept pushing it forward, while reaching for the holstered pistol and drawing it.
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