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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 4] Into a Den of Trouble!


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Nesha Prime, Ne'ushae
S.A.M. Drydocks.

Sa'kira stretched her arms, having spent the past few seasons monitoring the Gam'trosha's many retrofits and also helping the cities youth with combat training and other things, she was generally surprised that despite not being in space for quite some time now, her skills and commanding hadn't rusted at all - perhaps due in large part to the assignments command had given them, after all, they couldn't remain on shore-leave forever!

The Gam'trosha was situated on one of the S.A.M.'s very few outside waterdocks, located on the edge of the city but within its great defensive walls. The ship bobbled slowly in the water, and technicians, engineers, and others were putting the finishing touches on the ships top paint work. There were a few differences in the way the ship looked, but it was mainly restricted to just its weaponry, it had some new turrets and even newer shield domes that pockmarked the hull.

The biggest difference though for Sa'kira was the insides, which she had boarded the ship several hours before the rest of the crew were set to arrive - although that didn't mean others hadn't arrived before her. Half of the ships original cargohold had been gutted and was replaced with a counsulors office, dedicated science lab, and even a fighter and vehicle bay; she had at first been a bit annoyed at the changes but realized that despite the changes, they still had a rather vast cargohold.

Sa'kira stood outside of the ship, on the gangway, overlooking her charge. She wasn't in uniform right now, it wasn't needed today; given today was actually a military holiday and one of the few times that the Navy didn't require its soldiers to wear a uniform although she still had her rank band on since it made since given its a military base they were on afterall.
C'ross walked away from the entrance to the drydock with a blank expression, even as the tiresome guards there had been heckling him. Their reason? "Suspicious garb." Of course, they didn't find anything, and his armband and family crest likely helped him escape from further investigation. But he was still quite agitated at the checkpoint's occupants. Ah yes, the garb in question was, admittedly, quite shady in a student-dominated environment. The nobleman was wearing a black trenchcoat, suit, loafers, and a fedora with a red band around its base. The tie on the suit was black and the dress shirt behind it was a deep red. The family crest mentioned before was nestled quite smartly on the left side of his suit, close to the tie. The kit in question was still keeping a grip on his sword, which hung visibly on his left hip. Ross had spent his shore-leave visiting the military museums and martial arts centers around the city, the former being for pleasure, and the latter being for business. As his father said: "Experience can be gained from any source. The flight pattern of even the most minuscule and timid of birds could save your life on the battlefield, and be used to better your swordsmanship."

Ross stopped right before the gangway, noting that the Gam'rosha's captain was present. He sighed deeply before approaching with a stone-cold expression. He stopped at a respectable distance before crouching down onto his left knee, laying his right arm across his chest, and descending his head down low. The Swordmaster didn't say a word, waiting for the command to recover.
Kil'nda had actually been on the ship hours before the captain herself. It was the cure of working in engineering. He had infact been called over to the Ship several times. It was because as someone that had to know everything about the systems he was given another cause about how to do his job on the ship. He sighed as he finally got done with the long lecture. He headed out to the railings of the ship as he stretches out with a yawn. He heads to his room. Everything all packed up and back on the ship This time they wer expected to be gone much longer.

He hadn't had that best of Shore leave. Seeing his family and little brother was great but as for his lover.. well he hadn't really been there much." he gave a sigh shaking his head. He had only a small while left before they would be gone from the plaenet for who knows how long. . He headed to exit the ship hopfully to spend a few more hours planet saide and even chat with fellow crewmebers before it was time to head out. He found both Ross and the Captain already there.

"Ma'am." he said with respectful salute to her. He then turned to smile to his other crewmate. "Yo, C'ross, how was your stay on the planet?" he asked. His current outfit wasnt much thanks to the informal where they could currently have on and being a Laibe there wasn't much use of clothing. It consisted of a slevless green shirt and black cargo shorts.
Sa'kira turned toward C'ross and returned the gesture with one of her own. "Welcome back, A'Fuereb C'ross," she said with a smile and then turned toward Kil'nda, "You too, A'Fuereb Kil'nda, hope you two enjoyed your time here." She turned back toward the ship, hearing the distant gate begin to open; as the gate opened up further, a large naval ship - an actual waterborn one - sailed through the opening and toward another dock where a group of technicians were already waiting.
Another figure was approaching. A daur woman with red-hair. Shar had a nice shore leave, spent with her family. She even made the visit to royal palace, saying hello to all the "uncles and aunts" in Royal guard. A lot of time was spent chatting about what she did in the military so far, well all that she could talk about. Some stuff was confidential after all. All in all it was a nice time. She especially enjoyed the time spent with her brother. He was chatty and positive as usual.

Shar wore a long yellow skirt, yellow shirt showing her mid-ridd and black leather jacker covering her shoulders. Over her back was her sailor pack, with her sword attached to it. On her belt, in back holster was a pistol. Shar did not like walking about unarmed. One never knew when some Laibe fucker would try something.

The NCO approched the shipmistress and two soldiers. She saluted to Sa'kira. "Ma'am," Shar said with a nod. "O'Eytene Lu'man Yar'ica Shar'ica reporting back on ship."
A familiar black Laibe had arrived a few seconds short after Shar. Vik had worn an collection of clothes that hinted at what he'd done to occupy him whilst he was on leave. He sported woodland camouflaged combat pants and a short-sleeved white t-shirt with his armband on his left shoulder as per reg. Though his already expressive choice of clothing had the Laibe's blades on display as well with the kukri being on his right hip, this in turn put his Seta'sis sword on his left and both were held by a black belt.

The wave Vik offered in greeting to the group that had already formed ceased as his left hand fell to his side. Granted their was an officer present, the A'Fuereb stopped on Ross's right before he fell on his left knee and put his right arm across his chest whilst he hung his head low.
A few minutes later Tite'yanus could be seen steadily walking into the drydock, his bags slumped over his back. The same guards that stopped C'Ross attempted to stop him as well, but some barred teeth and some choice language growled at them quickly changed their attitude. His tail flicked behind him as we walked away from the guards, a common sign of annoyance among the My'leke. He bounded the rest of the way to the ship, stopping only for a moment to offer a quick tail-salute to Sa'kira.

"Good morning ma'am. Permission to come aboard?"
Shortly after Tite'yanus arrived. A taxi arrived at the entrance and a figure emerged. Def'leor turned around and pulled her bags out. She slung them over her right shoulder. Def'leor made her way into the drydock. She had a cane in her left hand. Her lower left leg had a brace clamped to it.

Slowly she limped with the cane to assist. It took her longer than normal to arrive at the entrance to the ship. When she approached Sa'kira she stopped and saluted. "Good morning ma'am. Permission to come aboard."
"Permission granted," she responded and looked past the group toward the main entry-way onto the gangplank, Sa'kira was wondering where the rest of the crew were. "I hope you all enjoyed our time on the home world, because we may not see it for awhile. Stow your gear, and make ready for departure."
"To you as well, mah." Ross returned as he stood up, quickly taking his leave as Vik took his place. The Swordsmaster hastily retreated into the Gam'trosha, sighing in relief at his return. He was, perhaps, far more happy to be back in the thick of it than he should have been. His belongings were all packed into a briefcase that hung loosely from his right wrist. Recalling the ship he had traversed after his first combat mission easily, he found his quarters without hindrance. He arranged his belongings appropriately, stopping, however, on a new addition to his belongings. It was a small model of Chilerious, her body and face obscured by a set of medieval armor with an accompanying sword. From her position, the model would suggest that it was depicting the appearance of Chilerious after her sacrifice, as she was on one knee and her free hand was grasping some unseen wound in the gap of plate armor between the breastplate and her left arm-pit, forehead on the hilt of her sword as if she was a knight. Ross had found it in a marketplace near a local church. The vendor had given it to him for free, noting that he was a Swordsmaster and believed that the model may bring him good luck. The nobleman let it sit in the palm of his hand for a few moments before placing it on the stand next to his bunk. He whispered a quick prayer before returning to his briefcase and began changing into his duty uniform.
Upon dismissal, Vik had risen to a stand before he navigated his way to the quarters he'd been assigned to with C'ross. He'd arrived later than his Daur room-mate due to a brief visit to the lavatory. The Laibe's arrival was within the same time as the prayer C'ross had offered to a little toy statue at first glance before he recognized who was being depicted. "You glad our leaves’s over?" Vik questioned C'ross after a deep sigh as he changed out into his active duty uniform.
Kil'nda held up a finger for a moment and then took in a deep breath. "Ah the last free moments of Informality... Alright then time for work." he said with a grin as he got on borad and headed for his room. He slipped out of his clothing looking around wondering if he had been assigned a roommate yet himself. He shrugged and then put on his actual uniform. He didn't have time to enjoy his room or to be dressed in civilian clothing like the others. He had to be in the engine room helping get everything ready for this ship to get off the ground.

He headed for engineering "Kil'nda reporting for duty." he announced ready to help.
Def'leor gave a brief bow to Sa'kira and boarded the Gam'trosha. She made her way to her cabin tossing her bags onto the bed. She would worry about unpacking later. For now she needed to get to the bridge.

Dar'tagnan entered the drydock and paused at the entrance. On his back sitting comfortably was Elza'beth his mate. 'There is our ship.' he thought to her by their connected tails. She had turned off her goggles, and looked at the ship by means of their link. 'She is impressive. But she seems different. Modified perhaps?' she thought.

Dar shrugged, 'Possibly, she has been in dry dock. Well, best go and report in.' He moved briskly confident that Elza would remain securely in her seat. He disconnected his tail from her to pull the cart that had their possessions. He let go of the cart at the base of the ramp and waited for Elza to slide off. The two approached. Elza looked at the person before them which appeared to be the Ship Mistress.
She walked with her left hand on Dar's shoulder and stopped when he did.

He executed a crisp tail salute to Sa'kira.

"C'Baruce Che'valier Sa'gesse Dar'tagnan and Che'valier Sa'gesse Elza'beth reporting." he said holding himself with pride.
Tite'yanus strolled through the entryway before looking around the corridor. Turning back to Sa'kira he cleared his throat before saying, "Uhm... Ma'am, it's been a while since I've been ship-side. Which way is it to the crew quarters? And, which one would be mine?"
The seasons had seemed to tick by slowly for Alis'tar, who had spent most of his shore leave in libraries. When not at a library he found himself visiting some of the stores, and a few of the museums with time permitting. He had found several books of varies genre that would keep him well occupied into the night, almost always distracting him from reality and the responsibilities of it; like eating. Alis'tar almost always got caught up in reading that he would forget to eat, or sleep for that matter passing out with his nose in a book was almost always guaranteed when he read. While he had slept in once again, this time much to late to feel comfortable. He was all but rushing himself towards where the Gam'trosha was docked, stopped and looked over by guards; of course he didn't like like he should be there, hair all a mess, his clothes ruffled as if he had slept in them, hi sword hung loosely at his hip; thankfully it was his armband that got him through. Once passed he tried to fix himself proper as he made his way towards the ship, this included pulling his glasses out of his pocket and sliding them onto his face.

Alis'tar had at most made himself presentable, by the time he made it to the gangway stopping, and taking note of two possible new additions to the crew, and Tite'yanus. He had seen the later at least once to his memory; during the promotion ceremony. After waiting a few moments, he made his way nearer to the group. He watched Tite'yanus stroll on through the entry way before asking which way the crew quarters were, causing a light smile to grace Alis'tar's face, though soon he fell to his left knee right arm over his chest; head bowed. He'd await for the Ship Mistress to address him, for giving his explanation of why he was in such a state, as well as so tardy, though thinking about it in hindsight; it was quite obvious he had overslept.
"Welcome Aboard, C'Baruce Che'valier Sa'gesse Dar'tagnan, Che'valier Sa'gesse Elza'beth. As this is your first posting, I'll assign a crewmen to give you a tour of the ship - as its specs have changed since the last time you probably studied them," Sakira said with a nod and a smile.

Her attention then turned toward Tite'yanus, the man had askeda question that was a bit out of the ordinary. "Same as before," said Sa'kira as she checked the roster listing and locations for all of the crew. "Some additional crew quarters have also been added to the ship during its major retrofit," she made sure a copy of the additions and changes were sent to all of her crew, she didn't want anyoen to potentially get lost due to the changes.

"Welcome back A'Fuereb Kil'ndra. Please stow your gear and make ready for departure, but before you do, can you please show C'bar Dar'tagnan and Elza'beth to their quarters and also provide them with a tour of the ship."
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Elza'beth smiled at Sa'kira as she gave a polite bow and adjusted her goggles, "Thank you ma'am. The tour will be much appreciated given my condition. My époux has been pouring over the information about the Gam'trosha since he received word of our assignment. I personally am looking forward to working with you and the rest of the crew."

Dar smiled and his eyes went briefly to Elza. "I thank you for the opportunity to serve the ship and our people."
"As you Command." Kil'nda said with a parting alute. He picked up his things and then motioned for the other two to fallow him. "This way I'll show you around to the crew quarters." he said. "You two know what your jobs will be right?" he asked as they boarded the ship. "If not you'll need to check for that after we take off." He lead them though the ship until finally they came to the crew quarters. "Alright do you guys know the room numbers assigned to you?" he asked not wanting to just leave them lost in the corridors
"Uh, okay." Tite responded with a sound of doubt in his voice as he turned and slowly made his way down the corridor, checking every passage and bulkhead as he walked. Fifteen minutes, winding up in engineering, and a trip through the armory later he finally found his way to the crew quarters. Stopping just long enough to pop his head into the room and throw his bags onto the empty bunk, he made his way to the lounge to sprawl out on one of the couches.
Dar'tagnan looked at the documentation they had been given. He then turned to Kil'nda. "Elza'beth and I have been assigned to Cabin 7. As for our jobs, my époux has been assigned as the Ini'she for the Gam'trosha. I however am a Marine, although I have not yet chosen as specialization."
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