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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 4] Into a Den of Trouble!


"Identify them please, if they are not a threat then just round them up and we'll get rid of them when we return; otherwise if they are then eradicate them," came Sa'kira's response - she hated having uninvited guests but having animals get onboard a ship was a common occurance.


Instead of the creature running away, Tite'yanus would suddenly feel something sharp bite into his tail.
Cargo Hold

"NICE FUCKING HELLS!" Tite screamed as a sharp pain began radiating up through his tail. He immediately started spinning in circles slamming his tail as hard as he could into anything that he could find. "KILL 'EM WITH FIRE! GAS 'EM! SHOOT THE BLOODY BASTARDS FOR ALL I CARE JUST GET THEM OFF OF ME!" He wasn't 100% sure what was happening around him but if the pain didn't stop soon his next step was going to be to run over to the other person in the room, that he was pretty confident he didn't even know, and start wiping the creatures off on that person instead.
"It will be done, Mah." Ross barely took his hand off his communicator before he heard the foot-falls of a My'leke and the apparent stowaways. Neither were quite how he had imagined them. The swordmaster took up a basic defensive stance, ready to move quickly in the event that the latter was actually dangerous. He relaxed his stance when he noticed the rather small size of the creatures in comparison, sheathing his sword. The corner of his mouth stiffened at the heavy marine's chastisement. "They let themselves out from what I can deduce, regardless-." Tite's immediate reaction to being bitten cut Ross off, who raised a brow at the other marine's sudden and strange behavior before noticing the creature hanging on to the older man's tail. He moved in quickly to assist the ailing My'leke. "To me!" He shouted, waiting for the tail to come whipping his way. Upon this event occurring, he would grab onto the heavy marine's tail and hold it with his left hand while he struck the creature with his right, the bottom of his palm striking it on the underside of the nose.
Cargo Hold

Dar'tagnan arrived after Tite-yanus and paused briefly at the scene. Creatures he was not familiar with were loose in the hold. But more important one of them had attached itself to the other My'leke's tail. Surveying the situation he drew the only two weapons he had immediately. His plasma pistol and his combat knife. It seemed that the Daur was trying to assist the My'leke. Dar stepped in and closed the door to the hold. He also went to the environmental controls and sealed all the vents. 'As long as none of them had already escaped through one of the vents they would be contained' he thought.

The Ship Mistress seemed to want to keep the critters safe. But he was also concerned about what might happen if they chewed into the wrong container. He grabbed a pair of extinguishers and drew his pistol with his tail.

For the moment protecting his crew mates was priority. If anymore of the pests came closer, he would give them a blast of the extinguisher which should keep them at bay. He hoped.

Tite'yanus's tail thrashing had caused the crirters in the area to back away, either unsure of what was going on, or just not sure of what to do - although the critter that was presently attached 'to' his tail soon found itself in the one place no critter wanted to be. As the critter tried to remain attached, its movements stopped and it fell limp - it realized that this wasn't due to it being dead, because it wasn't, but rather because the tail it was attached to had stopped moving for that brief moment - although this realization was short lived when it felt something hit the underside of its nose instantly causing it to release its grip and fall down onto the ground with a loud 'thud'.

With it no longer attached, the critters full features and appearance was now more easy to discern - it was a Duy'cha. The other Duy'cha soon came out from hiding, their teeth showing and were slowly closing the gap on the marines.
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Cargo Hold

Once the small creatures released their hold on his tail, Tite'yanus immediately jumped back towards the door and barred his teeth at the small creatures, his throat vibrating with a low growl. His tail weakly flicked around behind him, with a numbing pain shooting up from his tail and up his spine.

"All the cargo should be strapped down. Vent the little buggers out the bay door?"
Cargo Hold

Dar, gave the Duy'cha a blast from each of the extinguishers as he backed up. "We are still in atmosphere, so we can not vent them. Once we reach the upper atmosphere we could do that. I sealed the vents in the room, so they can't leave. What if we leave the room, and purge the oxygen and flood it with CO2. That will kill the twice damned menace."
Cargo Hold

Ross narrowed his eyes as he unsheathed his sword, taking up a more versatile defensive stance to promote dodging. He didn't wish to allow these Duy'cha's to put holes in the Neshaten Marine Corps's uniform. "I am prone to agree with the latter option. How long would you say that would take?" He executed a quick stabbing motion at the nearest rodent to test its reaction time and response, though remained at a distance so that it wouldn't contaminate his uniform with its stench.
Cargo Hold

"We can kill them in a few minutes by removing the O2 and flooding it with CO2. A lot quicker than waiting until we get into rarefied atmosphere." Dar said without taking his attention off the creatures. He let fly another burst from the extinguishers, while moving closer to the door.
Cargo hold

Ross's stab was meet by the critter jumping backwards and bearing its teeth, giving off a slight hissing sound at his attempts at trying to kill it. Two other critters came up behind and likewise bore their teeth, with one launching its tongue out to try and gripe the weapon, only for the tongue to get frozen by Dar's use of a fire extinguisher; which kept the critters at bay and forced them back a bit. While these ones were going face to face with the marine's, another jumped atop a crate and peered over the edge before jumping down toward Ross, its teeth open and claws extended.
Cher'naya left the bridge and headed towards the Cargo hold to offer medical assistance to the crew if they need it, broke into a sprint to be there if anyone needed her all other thoughts left her mind but to help her crew.

Cargo Hold

Cher'naya slid into the Cargo hold and surveyed the crew that was fighting the little things that were found and saw that the two crew members were headed to the door she just came through and realised they were going to escape the room soon. She was happy the creatures were focused on the fight and no one looked at her, she kept the door open for the others of the crew and waited for them to get closer then she would drag them out if needed.
Cargo Hold

It took some time for Shar to get from bridge back to the cargo hold to the check up. She took a slight detour to her room, to change into her armoured suit, which was only proper uniform for infantry-woman like her. Ship was already moving when Shar was on her way again, judging from the vibrations. She could hear on the ship-channel that there was some trouble in the hold itself. Great more animals sneaking on board. She will have to make sure not to adopt any of them. Her own little critter was troublesome enough.

Shar opened the doorway into cargo hold and quickly slipped inside, making sure that nothing gets out. Closing the doors again, she looked around and saw the clusterfuck. It appeared that this time, she would not have to fear adopting one of the animals, since these one were actually quite dangerous and unfriendly ones.

"All right lads," Shar spoke up to get attention of other to her. She drew her pistol with right hand and her sword with left hand. "Let's not fuck around. We need to clear this and best way to do this is do it ourselves. It will make for a good training too. Cher, please stand back and cover our back, these fuckers have poison in its tongue so we might need your help later."

Shar than picked her communicator and called up bridge. "Boss, this is Shar," She called shipmistress. "Cargo hold is full of Duy'cha. We will proceed with extermination, please lock up the hold. It would be bad if one of these sods would get out of here."
Ross saw the flurry of movement ahead of him, nearly snarling in contempt at the creatures' insistence on dying. He simply raised his blade, point aimed for the Duy'cha's mouth and allowed gravity to do the rest. No need to slice it apart, gravity would deliver him a bloody shower than a rodent on a spit. He just wished the damnable thing had remained ground level so that when the nobleman killed them, the blood wouldn't splatter on his uniform. "Very well, we'll do this the hard way. I needed to wash my blade anyways." Ross sounded slightly more excited about this prospect than perhaps he should. Then again, he hasn't been able to use his sword on anything beyond a practice dummy and a sparring partner...
Cargo Hold

Dar looked at Shar. Especially after hearing them report what had already been determined. The idea of engaging the Duy'cha... with their greater numbers did not sit well with him. But he swapped one of the extinguishers for his plasma pistol. "Hope there is nothing volatile in here." he muttered softly.

He took aim at the closest of the creatures and fired his pistol aiming for the head for a quick kill. Using the downward angle to ensure if he missed his shot would hit the floor harmlessly.
Cargo Hold

Tite'yanus watched as more people worked their way into the bay and started barking order. He rolled his eyes with a low growl and started slowly moving his way to the side of the room.

"Well, kids, it looks like I'm going to be pretty useless to you guys." Without his My'leke module he had no weaponry that he could use, so he was resorted to sitting in the corner and politely licking the back of one of his paws. "I still think it would be easier to vent the bastards into space, but if you want to hack and slash at them, be my guest."

Sliced through the mouth, the Duy'cha that had tried to leap down upon Ross flailed a few times before its body went limp, its legs dangling to its side at least for a few moments before the legs began to float in the air - this was followed by the rest of the infantry starting to feel the sense of weightlessness brought on by the ship breaking out of the atmosphere. The other critters, apparently having never experienced this, began to panic.
With the WShip powered up and well on it's way to orbit, Kil'nda was excused form his current assignment and asked if he could help the crew down in the cargo hold. He mihgt be needed of something got damaged or needed repairs of some kind. Kil'nda had to make a stop by his room as well. Grabbing a sword and pistol as well. His rifle was far to powerful to be using on this low of a threat. He Made he way to the Cargo Hold just as the gravity around them got lighter. He entered the door seeing the animals panicking due to the change in gravity. He joined up with the others. "I'm here to help." he announced to them. He stood with the others, if one of the creatures tried to attack them head on it would do well with everyone packing swords. "What's the plan? I was under the assumption we were not to kill them unless they were too great of a risk." He said
Ross growled in a feral manner when the rodent got stuck on his blade virtue of the lack of gravity. He used his new found freedom from the constraints of the deck's attraction to him to flip around with his feet directed towards the remaining Duy'chas. He brought his blade down and kicked the rodent on it towards the creatures, a form of intimidation and relieving the blade of their filth. Upon doing so, he reoriented himself into a more feasible position. "Well, you see, they put the Navy's property, that is to say my working uniform as well as the cargo, at risk by attempting to cut through the fabric and weaker materials with their teeth. With this risk, I would calculate that they are therefore open to immediate execution." The martially-inclined nobleman replied to Kil'nda. The tone of his voice would sound somewhat cheerful, (as cheerful as Ross can get in a normal situation) which would suggest a certain passive-aggressive attitude about the task of removing the Gam'trosha of its unwanted passengers. By the way he was now attempting to get into melee range, it would appear that he was ready to get on with the task, regardless of gravity's presence.
Cargo Hold

Dar'tagnan looked around. "Perhaps we should go with a change of plan. We are obviously in a position that we can vent the Duy'chas. We don't know how many containers they are in. But 30 minutes of hard vacuum should be enough to finish any that stay in the boxes, and the rest will get sucked out when the cargo doors are opened. Which was C'baruce Mar'Tendo's suggestion after he was attacked." He took aim at another Duy'chas and fired his pistol at it.
Cargo Hold

"That is all nice and well," Shar said, between aiming and shooting the animals with her nailguns. "But did any of you geniuses check if all the cargo is vacuum proof? Also some of the boxes are damaged by the animals. We need all that stuff so we protect it. I know it sucks, but think of it as a training. Just kill those buggers."

"Hey Tit," Shar turned to Tite'yanus. "If you don't want to bite those bastards, then go get a bloody weapon."
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