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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 5.0] - There and Back Again, The Tale of Profit


The curious, nebulously hired on lamia reeled her head back as "Captain Bigpants" revealed themselves, pushing her upper body upwards and gaining a fair bit of height in the process. Not out of fear of the machine's visage - Andromeda was in all likelihood bigger even in presence, despite being a fairly thin woman as far as humanoid characteristics were concerned - but out of surprise! Not even the costume and dialect Crash presented themselves with, Rommy didn't really "get" that, but instead something far and away more benign; he was a robot! That was still pretty damn out there to the technologically backwards snake woman, though it did explain a few things.

Like the awful name.

A silence loomed between the pair after Crash made its declaration, Andromeda just all wide eyed and staring far more than polite. It didn't last forever, but forever was simply a mighty long time. "... I'm Andromeda! Andromeda of clan Halifax. Hello!" Completely undaunted when she actually got going, though. "This is the, uh... You put in an ad for a mechanic, yes? Well, that's me! A mechanic. Hello!"
A.S.S.H.A.T. - Loading Ramp

Amelia just shrugged upon hearing more of Shrie's questions. "He's alright," she simply stated, taking a sip of her coffee again before turning around to greet six-four and the other newcomer. The noise of the cart had been warning enough for her that someone had also coming, if the airlock to the hangar opening hadn't been enough already, simply waving her free hand at the freespacer as she walked up the loading ramp. The Nepleslian turned aroumd from the loading ramp, where the Separa'Shan had disappeared to, to regard Seth.

"Supposedly, the new mechanic," she replied.
A.S.S.H.A.T. - Loading Ramp

Anyone who knew Shrie would not be surprised by the fact that the lorath was completely oblivious to the Separa'shan, until Andromeda slithered inside the ship. Only then Shrie registered her and blinked few times at the sight of half-snake, half-woman. Still the space was big and so it took Shrie only a while to get around the surprise. She just felt bad that between seeing the terribly neon monstrosity of a ship and meeting Amelia after sometime, she completely missed the new person. Shrie gave a nod to everyone who arrived afterwards.

"Is this... all of us?" Shrie then asked Amelia a bit of a silly quiestion, since now it was all of who was on board of Veil.

"Yar... I suppose I did, But the position is filled." The bot respond with, "But I guess by you... You Andromeda?" the bot looked her over, walking around her. Every so often Crash would poke the Snake girl then continue on. " Well get yer crap in a state room. I'll have one of them unlocked and the door open for you." Mentally Crash did this as It contained on. "You will not be allowed in the Bridge or any other stateroom with direct permission. Main cargo holds. the ones on the sides of the ship, are also off limits to yar, unless under supervision by one of the older crew members. With this yer keep the engines purring and maintained, repel boarders as needed and generally keep out from under foot." The bot stopped and glared at her with the unblinking lights of the optics. "If you agree to this you will be give a share of profit at the end of the trip, room and board on me. And a chance to see other places..."

The Bot sat down in a throne style seat at the bow end of the wardroom and looked at her. "Are we in agreement, or am I flying this boat without a tech?"

Rommy wasn't some sniveling worm, though; each prod to her lengthy body would receive a jerk and some mild bit of retaliation; something to her torso or above would get her metaphorically sharp elbow crashing down on the machine's "hand," while her more serpentine features would get a swinging swat from her tail as it twitched in response. Hopefully even "Freespacers" understood pattern recognition, but the snek was still faintly frowning by the time it was done.

It didn't entirely distract her from the conversation, though it was close. Made her look a little spacey when it took a moment to respond, staring at the skipper. "... I'm not good in a fight-" There ought to be little doubt to any would-be watcher that she could crush the machine between her coils in a near-instant, even if that archaic saber was drawn. "-but the rest is fine, sure. I will do the best to my ability to keep everything maintained as long as I'm aboard." A mild about of emphasis, sure.

"Thank you, uh, captain."

"Very well, Go make your berth, but be quick once the rest of the crew is aboard I will be giving a brief and then we will be launching." Crash pulled repro antic pocket watch, even though Crash could sense the time, it was a good emphasis one the timely manner It expected. "Be off now..."
Loading Ramp A.S.S.H.A.T

Tam showed up at the docks and saw the garishly painted ship and the absurd name painted on it and sighed 'This is going to be interesting' he muttered to himself as he started hauling stuff out of the hidey holes he'd stashed it in. His first load was primarily his armor, weapons, and a pack filled with various tools and supplies for performing repairs on his gear and to indulge in his habit of tinkering with various things. Tethered to his side was the battle platform he'd built at one point out of an old antigravity generator and four of the Zen armaments Precision sniper rifles that he'd acquired at one point. All the platform was missing was some form of AI to control the weapons and then it would be an extra autonomous weapons battery for the ship.
Loading Ramp A.S.S.H.A.T.

"Well might as well go lookin' around on the inside I suppose," Seth said as he walked over to the base of the the ramp. In all certainty though, if the inside was painted like the outside it was going to be a horribly nauseating trip. He walked up the ramp into the ship without removing his glasses in the hope that it would alleviate some of the eye strain that the paint job caused.
A.S.S.H.A.T. - Loading Ramp

Amelia waved briskly at the other Nepleslian as he walked away into the ship. She was about to reply to Shrie when he spotted the familiar form of the gartagen crewmember of the veil; now, everyone was present and they could get on with it. "Yeah, that's it, let's get going," the astrogator echoed her previous thought to the Lorath, finishing the last of her hot drink before turning to walk up towards the ramp and into the ship.
A.S.S.H.A.T. - Loading Ramp

Shrie nodded at ran up a bit to catch up with Amelia. "We travel far?" Shrie asked the smaller navigator as they walked. Shrie realised, that apart from her cloak, suit and weapons, she did not really take anything with her. She though this was just a meeting for the job, not that they would actually leave. That said, Shrie did not really need much and her things would be safe on Veil, until they come back. She just hoped that Amelia did not forget to lock up Veil. That said, Amelia was really smart, so it should be okay.

One Captain Bigpants continued to pace back and forth once Andromeda had left,watching the vid feeds from the hangar bay. Crash sighed and opened the link to the internal comm channels through out the whole of the ship. "If you are all staying aboard, then please report to the wardroom to meet with you employer, if not please de-board so we can get on with the cargo run." the bot used a plain, nondescript female voice. It forced itself to stop pacing and sat down in its lead chair.


The interior of the ship was pretty nice, mainly since it was brand new and straight from the dealer's lots. As the occupants left the Hangar bay they had to move through the internal cargo bay. It was a fairly large open area, with plenty of room for the personal cargo and needed storage for the crew. There were plenty of crates, some with dry storage foods and medical equipment. One large red box had a large digital code lock on the door, and inside of it there were a few medium-sized firearms, side arms, munitions, charges, and a few small explosives. They were there since Crash knew what it was like to be boarded, and prepped just in case. There was a staircase set along the wall on either side of the bay, leading up to the upper catwalks that met with the upper deck. There were a pair of forward hatches on both decks, one leading the the upper passageways, the other the lower.

The lower passageways led to the Medbay and the lower staterooms for passengers. Between them was a large area, designed for general use, down there was a few weight lifting machines and a treadmill. Along with a fold down table and a large volumetric screen for movie nights. Along another were two pair of washers and driers for clothing and linens. The Med lab pushed into the general room with windows that looked into it on all three sides. With in it was a fairly well stocked medical suite. Not as glamorous as a warship of Yamatai, or Nepleslia, but good enough that a well trained medic could keep someone alive in an emergency for the ship to get to a station or habited planet. It was a cramped space with a table for surgery, which doubled as the exam table, A compact desk that was crammed between two cabinets. Each of the plentiful cabinets were glass faced with the shelfs stocked with vials, bandages, and surgical tools. there was exactly on non-glass faced cabinet. It had a well coded digital lock pad, that secured and locked the highly addictive pain killers.

The upper hatches in the Cargo bay lead to the passage way that wrapped around the Wardroom and the Galley, then lead through more hatches that secured the upper staterooms and the bridge. Contrasting the exterior of the ship, the wardroom was quite spartan and bare. The metallic walls were whitewashed and plain, while the furniture was still looking brand new, like the freespacer ship had been freshly minted from a shipyard and then had the painting on the hull applied as a joke. To the middle, there was a long, metal table where the crew could gather in their meetings or to eat from the kitchen attached to one of the sides

To one of the corners was a leather sofa and a pair of comfortable lounging chairs forming an L around a large viewscreen, painted black in contrast with the carpet and walls of the room, leaving the other corners empty until the crew decided what to put there.

The Staterooms upper and lower all had close to the the same layout. The uppers were being a single occupant rooms, with the lower being doubles. With in each were a bed a full size in the singles, Queen or two twins in the doubles. Each room have a closet like locker, desk with a wheely chair and... The best part each room has its own wash room with toilet and shower. Private washrooms could be considered a luxury, and with the fact they each were stocked with fluffy towels and wash cloths it was bonus of working for a barbaric Freespacer.

Tam would walk up the ramp with his main gear and work his way to the wardroom where he'd find a seat and just wait to see what kind of madman wanted to hire this motley crew.

Six Four shruged to itslef as the others mingled on the ramp, wondering what anyone could want to talk about. Figuring it should pry get its medical equipment on board and set up its medical quarters the freespacer pushed its cart into the ship. To its surprise however, it found a decently stocked medical lab after abit of exploration. It frowned to itslef for a moment, realizing that if it was informed of its exsistance it could of made more room for books instead of medical supplies.

Taking a few moments to place all of its stuff onto the medical table to sort out later, minus Specimen One who's tank found a nice home on a shelf, the doctor briskly made its way up to the wardroom figuring that it should most likely be briefed on what was to come. It was the Logical choice afterall.

Seth wondered around the ship inspecting the bizarre choice of paint only to realize that it did unfortunately coat everything. After hearing the announcement over the intercom, he quickly made his way into the wardroom and sat in an empty seat.
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