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RP Chapter 5: Of Here and Now

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Sudran in System Azorea
Aaki's Office
Bukor 3, 942
11:00, Commonwealth Standard Time

Aaki sat in her office, awaiting the senator of Nepleslia and Commander Tam of the Gartagen Union. She pressed her pink lips together as she tilted her head and her orange hair, which was piled neatly atop the crown of her head, moved with her. She studied nothing in particular in the distance, merely looking at the sky scrapers just outside of her own officer building.

Instead, she was studying her internal thoughts on what the day would hold.
Aaki's Office

The Nepleslian ambassador knocked, before letting himself in. "Morning Ms. Aaki." Huey said as he entered, Alistair right behind as always. "Mornin' Miss." Alistair said, moving to hold up his section of the wall.

Huey moved and took a seat. "Thanks for facilitating talks. Nepleslia and I greatly appreciate your help." Huey said nodding to her.
"Indeed" Tam said standing up, as the Neplealian man entered the room. Tam would remain standing until Huey had taken a seat out of courtesy.

"I am Redak Dies Tam." The Gartagen officer said offering out his three figures right hand to Huey in greeting---the Nepleslian greeting.
Aaki's Office

Aaki straightened in her chair with a smile on her lips after she had shifted to face the two men. She spoke after both had said their own greetings and gave one of her own as she tilted her head.

"Let me extend the hope that our dreams smile on us on this day. Please, sit and we may discuss matters of importance. I have come to find that you once had a treaty that needs attention. Is there anything else on the minds of either of you?"
Tam winced at the sight of the original treaty.

"Ah. The prior administration of Nepleslia did not renew it when the time came if I am not mistaken."
Aaki's Office

Seeing the troubled look, Aaki responded, "How do the both of you feel about renewing it under the current administration?"
The Gartagen commander answered first.

"The treaty was hard fought for. Yet not easily forgotten. We respect Nepleslia and it's independent and hard people. My government seeks no quarrel or conflict. A renewal of the treaty would be a step in the right direction. How ever we are prepaired for more or less...if desired."
Aaki's Office

Huey turned and greeted the Gartagen with a handshake. "A pleasure to meet you Redak Dies Tam, I am Hugh Graves, Ambassador for the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia." He replied formally, before moving and taking a seat.

"The past is the past, we must focus on what lies ahead." Huey replied to the two. "We are prepared to renegotiate the old treaty. We would rather stay out of conflict for now. We will however put in a nonaggression pact, with the possibility of changing it back in the future." Huey stated, getting straight to the point. "Does this sound agreeable to you?"
Redak sat down as well. He maintained a very prim and proper posture, keeping his shoulder's back, his hands in his lap and his spine stiff. He gave of the air of the military man. His face was expressionless as he let Huey speak. "Non-aggression comes standard when dealing with the Union. We have always maintained a policy of non-imperialism. Nepleslia to my knowledge has had nothing other then word's aimed at it...mind you that was due to the previous administrations posturing."

"We can and do agree to Non-aggression."

Redak fidget slightly in his chair. "My Empress is on diplomatic tour, she desires a formal meeting with the leader of your nation. The other point of discussion is....Non-aggression in the face of new possible threat emerging? I was told to inquire to both of you if you had any information on these...Kuvexians?"
Aaki's Office

Huey sat back in his chair. "The Premier is a very busy man, but I am sure he would want to meet with your Empress."

He frowned inwardly at the next question. His face however remained neutral, not giving away any feelings either way about the subject."We know little of these Kuvexians. We have only heard rumors and hearse. Most certainly not enough intelligence to act on it. As such we are observing the situation for the time being." He replied.
Redak's eyes became slits as it was revealed that the Nepleslians knew even less about the Kuvexians than the Gartagens did. It did not bother him that the Nepleslians didn't know, but that so little information had been shared with them, and like wise the union. Redak had seen this before.

"We know they have thicker armor. Shuttles capable of boarding your craft." Redak said flatly. "Courtesy of our Yamataian allies, and our intelligence orginisation. "But that is all we know as well. Except that they are coming this way. We do know that much."

"We fought the NMX as you and Yamatai did. Though with the exception of Ether...even then there was little cohesion...the only time a coordinated joint military action occurred against the NMX was above this world. With Madam Aaki's people and my own. As you can see the NMX did not stand a chance.

"What I am saying is non aggression is a given. My people are not imperialistic, nor are yours. However, had we formed a unified front as suggested at the International relations conference of YE 34....a more United approach would be wise. Yamatai likes to fight alone. We however have no such predilections. When the time comes call on my people and we will stand with you. Paper or no paper."

Redak's eyes went back to their normal almond shape. "Though the paper would make the statement."
Aaki's Office

Aaki looked to the Gartagen, "How do you know they're coming this way? These... Kuvexians?"

She was quick to comment and looked to Huey, apologizing, "I am sorry for the interjection, but I must know on what intelligence have these Kuvexians come towards this sector?"
Redak nodded at Aaki's question. "Intelligence reports and cooperation with the Yamatians. The Union navy is moving into a posture to aid the Star Army. As the Solar Commander of this region I get notified of potential threats."

He then also added not intending to brag, but merely stating the fact. "The Gartagen intelligence orginization has also been observing and cataloging engagements and fleet movements. We don't know what or even when, they are not that good. But we do know that it is coming, and from the galactic west."
Redak Tam then opted to add something. An alliance was perhaps too much. The Nepleslians liked their flexibility. They were not ridged like the Gartagens weee, nor where they eager for war as the Yamatians.

"The empress in her wisdom, has suggested that in place of a full alliance. You...both of you commit a minor amount of ships. A cooperative she put it"
Aaki's Office

Aaki nodded quietly and sent off a communication on her datarod very quickly. Within a moment, a soft chime could be heard from the device and she checked the information that came from it.

"We will not commit any ships to your cause against these mysterious Kuvexians." Aaki said, looking to the Gartagen. "We will cope with the threat if it reaches our borders in our own way."

She then looked from Redak Dies Tam to Huey.
Redak nodded. "We will send you any data we acquire on these kuvexians. That being said they won't make it that far."

"Nor would we let you face it alone"
Aaki's Office

Huey nodded. "We are in the same boat as the Iroma... We do not want to start a war we are not ready for. We will, however, provide information if it becomes available." The Ambassador replied to Redak. "We shall write up the treaty, and we can have Premier Sanders and Empress Vishta sign the treaty when they meet." Huey added.

"Does this sound agreeable to you?"

Alistair remained silent, watching the diplomats speak.
"It does sound agreeable." The Gartagen said with a nod.

"Nobody wants a war. War is coming. If you need us you can call on us. " Redak said calmly offering out his hand to the Nepleslian Diplomat to shake.
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