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RP Chapter 7: Of Want and War

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Kyope Tower

Mahsa linked her fingers with his and giggled. "I'll teach you as much as you want." She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "If you get really good at the different kinds of medication, it can have effects on your dreams as well."
Kyope Tower

Alistair leaned into her kiss and smiled. "I'd like that very much." He replied giving her hand a light squeeze. "I want to learn everything you can teach me." He added, looking down at the Iroma woman.

Huey looked to Aaki. "So, my friend. What is this place?" He asked.
Top of the Kyope Tower

Aaki stepped out of the elevator and swept an arm to her right. She strode forward after doing so, leading the group past a large expanse of open ballrooms and then to a back room. She went to what looked like would be a closet until she knocked in a very specific way and was let in by a door man.

He nodded to her, saying, "Welcome." The thick air started to waft close by as a curtain opened from beyond the door man and a woman walked into the small waiting area they found themselves in.

"Loleth party," Aaki said and she was let in to beyond the curtain. She gestured for Huey, Alistair, and Mahsa to follow.
Top of the Kyope Tower

Mahsa stepped off the elevator arm in arm with Alistair and followed Aaki. "Well I might not be the best teacher, but I will do the best I can." With a coy smile she continued to walk after Aaki "But for now, it is all about relaxation, not work or training."
Top of the Kyope Tower

Alistair gave Mahsa's arm a soft squeeze at the coy look she shot him and returned one of his own. "You give yourself to little credit." He replied as they walked. "Yes, let's enjoy ourselves." He added.

Huey followed Aaki to the door, marveling at the surroundings. As they approached the door and Aaki gave a secret knock, Huey's curiosity grew. He was eager to see what was inside. He allowed Mahsa and Alistair to go ahead, following everyone inside.
Top of the Kyope Tower

"Welcome to Purist," Aaki said to Huey in a low voice as they were escorted into a hallway with small, occupied booths on either side in which the group could see into if they wanted to turn their head one side or the other. Inside of the booths were Iromakuanhe and some Azorean drinkers and hookah smokers enjoying one another and doing so with the help of what Purist offered.

Aaki kept her face forward as she walked. In a short time they were at the back of the room, a bar, and the hostess took them past this area to go to a different area of the lounge. They were shown to a larger booth, almost a room, really. Aaki stood until Huey was the only one still standing and then took her cushioned seat and looked to the two across the table from her and nodded her head to Alistair and Mahsa.

"Huey," Aaki said after watching the hostess leave. "You do not have salcra weed or barra leaf in Nepleslia, but do you have hookah? This is what this place is, a hooka lounge, though you can drink or eat instead!"
Top of the Kyope Tower

Huey and Alistair followed along, scanning the lounge as they walked. Both were quite impressed with what they saw as walked to the reserved room.

Alistair moved and had Mahsa sit first before taking a seat next to her. Huey sat last, next to Aaki. "I have never used a hookah before." He replied honestly. "But, there is a first time for everything isn't there?" He added. "What drink and flavor hookah should I try?" He also asked.

Alistair looked over to Mahsa. "I'll have whatever you get... I'm not sure what to try." He said looking over at her.

Aaki looked to Mahsa, "I agree with Alistair, it is up to you what we go with tonight. You know the menu to choose from better than I do."
Purist Private Lounge

Mahsa sat down next to Alistair and did not hesitate to lean softly against him. She did not expect to be called to make the selection for today so she took a moment to think.

"Well...since they haven't tried it why not Barra Leaf, it won't get in the way of what they drink either...I recommend the Barghum and Payam beer, but it might not have enough bite for Nepleslian taste..."
Purist Private Lounge

Aaki nodded as Mahsa spoke and smiled gently at Huey, saying, "I like it with less bite, but Nepleslians do not?" She went on, "We'll get those things, indeed. Sounds more than lovely, Mahsa."
Purist Private Lounge

Huey smiled and nodded to Mahsa. "We will try that then." He said looking back over to Aaki. He chuckled slightly at her question. "Nepleslians are known to have a higher tolerance for alcohol, so we tend to have higher concentrations in our beverages." He explained. "But I am perfectly happy sampling the local brew." He added.

Alistair smiled warmly at Mahsa and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her a tad closer. "That sounds fine by me as well." He said, his other hand moving to hold hers.
Purist Private Lounge

With everyone's approval, Mahsa touched a small display on the table and put in the order for them. "The order will be here shortly." She scoots closer to Alistair, any closer and she'd be in his lap. "But now I think it's time you tell me a little about Nepleslia." She smiled at her lover, kissing under his chin.
Purist Private Lounge

"Now that we've gotten brass tacks out of the way, I think we can begin to enjoy ourselves," Aaki mused as she let her eyes drift away from Mahsa and Alistair. Her blue eyes settled on Huey and she spoke out again. "To have fun, I hear your people use guns quite a bit. Is this true?"
Purist Private Lounge

Huey smiled and suppressed a chuckle. "That would be correct. We Nepleslians do love our guns. I personally own four firearms. Three handguns of varying caliber and a semi automatic shotgun." Huey said leaning back in his chair, his own eyes, moving to Aaki's as he finished speaking.

Alistair sighed contentedly as Mahsa's kiss and nodded. "I'll tell you anything you want if you keep this up." He said with a smirk. He thought for a moment then spoke again. "Nepleslia is a hard place to explain to those who have not seen it first hand. It is a very crowded and... urban to put it mildly." He said looking back at her.
Purist Private Lounge

Mahsa glanced at Huey as he spoke about his weapons and then back to Alistair. "You will have to take me some time so I can see just how it is. But..if it is like that, do you have any places where you can go to relax? You were quite stressed when we first met."
Purist Private Lounge

Alistair leaned over and kissed Mahsa on the forehead. "I'd love to take you back to Nepleslia." He said. "I really never did find a place to unwind and relax. Like I said before, I always focused on my work..." The Nepleslian smiled warmly at Mahsa. "Yet, ever since I met you all my stress and worries seem to just melt away." He added.
Purist Private Lounge

"Well if there's one thing I know, it's how to help people relax." Mahsa chuckled softly. "I've been wondering..." She looked between Huey and Alistair. "Did you two meet because of your assignments or did you know each other beyond that?"
Purist Private Lounge

Huey and Alistair looked at each other for a moment, then Huey spoke. "No, I didn't have the pleasure of knowing Alistair before he was assigned as head of my security detail." He replied honestly.

Alistair nodded in agreement. "Huey is alright though, for a politician..." the marine teased.

"And you're okay for a jar head." Huey retorted.
Purist Private Lounge

Aaki's mouth felll open a bit and then it turned up at the sides in a smile.

She asked, "A jar head?"
Purist Private Lounge

Alistair and Huey looked at each other and both busted out laughing. "A 'jarhead' is a nickname for a marine in Nepleslia." Huey replied after he composed himself.
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