Star Army

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RP: 5th Fleet [Chapter Six] Lazy Lyfe


Well-Known Member
It was over. The final battle was fought. The world was saved. It was everything that any starry eyed recruit would have wanted. Except, the thing about recruiting is that they lied. LIED! They never, every said how boring being a soldier was.

That was the reality that every single soul here at Forward Operating Base Hotel had to cope with. Yes, some were sent outside the wire to conduct patrols, but even on the base, there was work to be done of course. Fixing armor and vehicles, tending to the wounded, getting briefed or debriefed as well as filling out paperwork. But on top of that, guards had to be posted on the perimeter and inside the base as well. And then there were the soldiers who simply had nothing to do. Meanwhile, there were even souls more miserable than they - souls that were on standby. A condition that forced them to basically be in-uniform and ready to deploy on a moment's notice. While basically waiting in one's assigned barracks. With nothing to do except wait. It was something that not even Goddess Chiharu could save them from, and for those soldiers, the phrase, 'Nekovalkyrja is suffering' summed it up well.

Fortunately, there were plenty of other soldiers who simply didn't have anything to do.

This meant that they had to go off and figure that part out. Yes, they were at their base, but this base WAS a five star hotel. A nice one, with all the amenities that one had to offer. This meant that there were many venues to pursue, and considering that there was some mop-up work to be done, they absolutely had to be brought back online at all costs. Failure to do so meant plummeting morale. As a result of this, the hotel's restaurant was up and running again, and though a little pricey, the Star Army chefs at it were working hard enough to make it worthwhile. The fully stocked bar, only needing a little bit of looting in the surrounding city to offset any missing content, was a popular place to be. Even the arcade, spanning an entire floor of killtastic goodness, was quite impressive; coming back from patrol, only to start blasting at even more aliens there was apparently not overkill to some. Finally, there was the pool - practically competition size, and with many diving boards and even water slides leading into it, being there at the hotel was like being at a small water resort.

Despite all this though, Sif merely sighed as she sat, watching it all.
Rin smiled when she entered the large room that housed the hotel's pool. The pool was big enough that one could swim laps on one end while the diving boards and water slides were used on the other end, and that suited her needs just fine.

Wearing just her exercise uniform with a towel tucked under one arm, Rin found her way to one of the many lounge chairs lining the side of the pool. She plopped her folded towel onto the chair and stripped off the T-shirt, revealing the standard-issue bikini swimsuit. With her bare feet slapping on the concrete floor, Rin dove over the edge of the pool and into the water. She then began to swim laps back and forth across the pool. Physical activity always helped Rin take her mind off more pressing matters, and so for the time being she was simply swimming back and forth, back and forth.
Dimitri was 'politely escorted' into the hotel by a hand full of Neko's from the 5th squad. "You are not permitted to come withing 10 meters of the vehicles without express permission." One of the Neko's spoke up, she could easily be described as a 'panther' themed neko with dark skin and black short hair that had neon blue highlights in it.

"And return my money" muttered the neko next to her. She was more timid and had short hair with a color that would bring a Sand Cat to mind.

The panther neko's ears twitched at that and turned to her sharply "What you were betting too? You should know better! You're not a Nepleslian!" With that opening the panther began ranting off about how as a citizen of the great Empire, their conduct should be a step above that of Nepleslians.

However while she was ranting she wasn't paying attention and Dimitri took this time to sneak off and get away before he got in more trouble. He had been encouraging races with the vehicles on stand by in his boredom and made a nice little sum on bets. But he would have to take some time off from that and relax otherwise he'd just get caught again, so he decided to get to his room and get changed into his exercise uniform which was a white shirt and black shorts and head to the pool.

Given that this was the military, that was to be expected. As Rin made her serene laps across the pool, others from another squad were playing around, disturbing the calm waters. Some women clambered onto the shoulders of others as their mounts waded through the water, opposing duos trying to topple one another while others dove off of boards at the deep end. Some, like Rin, simply swam. Perhaps they did so to wash their troubles away, or to stretch a little after being cooped up on base. And of course, there were those that lazily floated about without a care in the world. Dimitri, having just approached the huge pool, took this all in at once.

"It makes sense that I'd run into some of you like this, sooner or later," a woman's voice remarked dryly. It wasn't too odd that the petite Nekovalkyrja, being just seven inches tall, was dressed in a red bikini that matched her proportions. It was the fact she was holding onto a small cooler in one hand, and a folding beach chair in the other. All matching her proportions. "You going to climb all the way up there?" she asked him, pointing to one of the larger water slides that coiled about on its long way down. It was large enough that there was even an entrance to the pool from one of the hotel's floors above them.

"Rin looks content not to though," Sif remarked, eyeballing the other woman.
Dimitri walked into the miniature water park and smiled seeing all the young women going about their business and having fun in a variety of swimwear. This was something you wouldn't get to see in Nepleslia, and he is almost glad he was chased out since he got to see this because of it. However his ogling was cut short when he hear a familiar voice, he was not sure how she would take the childish grin plastered all over his face.

He turned to face her but she was not floating like he might have expected instead she was below so he looked down. "Well I was out with the vehicles..but I got in I decided to come here just to relax." At her mention of the slide however he looked up to see it and then grinned looking back at her. "Do you want to go up, I can take you up there. I can't fly or anything but I got arms and legs."
After the adrenalin rush of her last mission, returning to base had been both a resounding crash back to drab reality and a comforting slice of (near) normalcy for Aya. She had spent a not insignificant amount of time making use of the arcade, but it wasn't long until the siren call of the pool had lured the blue skinned Nekovalkyrja toward it - and, unexpectedly, the rest of her squad.

"Hey!" she chirped, walking over to Dimitri and Sif. "What's going on?" She caught sight of the miniature cooler and folding beach chair, and the absurdity of it almost made her double take. However, as she didn't wish to incur Sif's wrath she kept her mouth tightly shut.
"I see," the miniature woman flatly replied to Dimitri's initial explanation.

When he asked her if she wanted to get up to the top of the water slides however, a plain and bored, "Maybe," was what he got. "I saw it looming over you from this angle," Sif added. It was true though. From where she was at by the pool, she had to look quite a ways up from the ground to keep eye contact. For her, it was like looking up at one building, only to see an even bigger skyscraper behind it. Before either of them could say anything more however, a familiar voice quickly chimed in as Aya found the two. Answering before Dimitri could, Sif was typically blunt, "I wondered if he was going to try the water slides, but he was looking at the girls in the pool."

The sound of Star Army Soldiers relaxing - girls giggling as water splashed - went on without a care in the world as the three of them stood there awkwardly.
As Rin finished another lap, she caught sight of some of her squad mingling near the edge of the pool. She dove under the surface of the water and smoothly resurfaced at the pool's edge, her head slowly rising from the water without a splash. She folded her arms in front of her and placed them on the edge of the pool, resting her head on her arms as she did so.

"Hey!" said Rin loud enough for her squadmates to hear. "What are you all up to?" she said with grin.
Dimitri turned to Aya and waved to her as she approached, giving her a smile. However before he could say anything though Sif spoke up with what seemed okay at first, but then the latter part of her statement was heard. "What? I was just admiring how well built this place was." He quickly spoke up to try to protect his image.

At that point though Rin spoke up from the pool so he waved to her as well. "Sif just wants someone take her on the water slide." He spoke up up in response. He didn't know Rin as well, but she was part of squad 13 that saved him and he wanted to get to know everyone a bit better.
Three became four as Rin spotted and joined them.

"And Dimitri was looking at all the girls in the pool," the miniature brunette repeated herself, tacking on that extra detail after him. As flatly bored as she sounded, it was getting hard to decide if Sif was deliberately trying to embarrass the young man, or was just being focused on the facts. After all, it was exactly what he was doing. On the other hand, the Mini-Neko was also implying that he was looking at Rin as well. "Besides that, he's been asking me if I wanted to get onto the slide ever since I asked him if he wanted to." Setting down the cooler in her hand, she pointed at the giant water slide's exit; they could see the water steadily gushing out into a small whirlpool.

"It's not safe for me, since I risk getting sucked under though. And I refuse to do something as undignified as sitting in someone's lap."
"Suuuure you were," said Aya to Dimitri, rolling her eyes. However, a playful grin was plastered across her face. In response to Rin, she said, "Not much, just checking up on everyone else. Looks like the gang's all here!" Doubtless Sif wouldn't appreciate her squad being referred to as a 'gang', but in Aya's opinion she did need to lighten up a little more.

Sif's response drew a resigned shrug from the blue skinned Nekovalkyrja, her expression turning grave. "Oh, that's a shame. But it's also kind of funny if you think about it - the mighty Sif, scourge of the Mishhu, brought low by a mere waterslide!"
"You girls make it sound like I'm a dirty old man." He spoke with an exaggerated whine in his voice just to play along. He figured it was all harmless or at least he hoped so. Hearing Sif talk about the water slide made him smirk, his idea was similar to Aya's but since she quickly went down that route he decided to go a different angle to try to 'encourage' the Mini.

"We can always tie you onto someone's head, and you can sit up there to ride if you don't want to sit in someone's lap." He chuckled some at the idea of Sif tied to someone's head though, it was just too funny.
Rin hopped up out of the pool to join the rest of the group, running a hand through her soaked spiky hair and resting the other hand on her hip. She glanced down at Sif.

"What if you rode down the slide on Dimitri's back like a surf board?" she said with a smirk.
It was impossible to tell whether or not Sif was bothered by the squad being referred to as a 'gang', but what they did get was some insight into Sif herself.

"Originally, I was just going to sit down and watch all the girls in the pool like Dimitri was, but I'm starting to come under the impression that you all want me to go down the water slide," the seven inch tall Neko remarked, her face inexpressive yet bored. Hearing the young man's suggestion though, she turned her green eyed gaze on him. "Hm. That may work," she mused, staring. Before they knew it, Sif dropped her beach umbrella and leaped right up to his shoulder. Despite the jump of surprise, the Mini-Neko remained sure footed - Dimitri was soon feeling a Mini-Neko's bikini clad Mini-Butt resting on his head. Grabbing some of his hair, she tested its length. "It may be long enough to tie into a knot, but I suspect merely holding onto it will do," Sif remarked. Moving around a little, she then observed, "The seat is also somewhat hard, an already well known fact considering his survival thus far."

At Rin's suggestion however, she turned her head around and peered down Dimitri's back.

"I'm not sure that would work. There's nowhere to safely hold on to, and using his rear end as a seat is also not an option despite the lower curvature. It is too undignified, and it actually sees use," the Mini-Neko flatly observed. She was looking him over like how a soldier would with a new vehicle, and so far, he just wasn't built for comfort. "Something similar would do however." Sif was now looking over each of the two Nekovalkyra with them.

"Which one of you has the most suitable upward curvature for a passenger?" she asked Aya and Rin.
Dimitri did not expect Sif to suddenly jump up to his shoulder and indeed did jump in surprise. The feeling of her sitting and walking around on his head was rather awkward however. "Yeah please don't tie it, I don't think I can get the knot out." He did not notice thought that Sif had called him hard headed along with the explanation though, that one was over his head. "I always thought my hair was kinda soft."

The idea of Sif using him as a surf board gave him some mixed feelings though while it looked hilarious after all it was him as the board which wasn't going to be as fun, so he didn't try to push for Sif to try it out even if it looked a little undignified. However the mention of 'upward curvature made him chuckle, Sif was trying so hard to be proper.
"Upward curvature?" asked Rin with a raised eyebrow. "You mean..." she said, glancing down at her chest. She gave her bust an exploratory squeeze with both hands. She then glanced at Aya's chest as well, attempting to determine who was the most suitable between the two of them.
A small hand ran through Dimitri's hair.

"Your hair is soft, but only for a male. It is a little frayed at the ends and not thick enough to provide any cushion from your skull," the Mini-Neko on his head factually explained, rapping her knuckles against the young man's head for emphasis. "You need to stop using cheap soap and supplement it with a reasonable conditioner," Sif added. Looking back at Rin however, she just nodded. "Yes. It is a fairly common riding position for Miniature Nekovalkyrja such as myself when their steed is wearing suitable attire."

"In most circumstances however, they are Younglings who duck under to hide."
"Huh?" Aya stared at Sif blankly until it sunk in what exactly the Mini-Neko was referring to. Realisation - and embarrassment - dawned upon her face, and giving Rin only a brief glance to double check, she blurted out, "IthinkRinwouldbethebetterchoice!" She abruptly seemed to get very interested in the ceiling and floor, studiously avoiding meeting the gaze of the rest of the squad.
"They keep giving me shampoo that isn't meant for men, seriously do any of you use bubblegum scented shampoo? I mean I know the army is mostly women, but they gotta have something more gender neutral..unless they're doing it on purpose..." He wasn't sure logistics would wast the time to do that, besides, they wouldn't get to see his reaction either. Either way he was a bit tempted to pick up Sif off her head and put her on Aya's chest but he felt that he would get bitten and slapped for that, so he just spoke up instead.

"Do you like 'upward curvature' that much Sif?"
Before he knew it, Dimitri found himself looking at an upside down Sif, face to face as she hung off of his head, clutching his hair between her toes.

"You do realize the bubblegum scent is for you hands?" she flatly asked him. "It's typically flower or fruit scented soap such as plum that is used for shampoo," the green eyed Mini-Neko pointed out to him. Nobody in their right mind, not even women, would want bubblegum scented shampoo. But on the other hand, it was only the large boxes of soap that were labeled - the smaller bottles inside weren't, seeing as they were originally meant to be used as soap dispenser refills. When Aya spoke up, rapid fire like a LASR, Sif retreated to the top of Dimitri's head and merely rubbed her chin in thought as the other Neko blushed.

"Rin might be the better choice," she observed, looking over the Neko with larger 'military assets'. "However, I will run the risk of suffocation. Meanwhile, I'm not sure I will be secure with you Aya. There may not be enough to even grab on to and I may simply end up falling off." Sif crossed her arms in thought - it was apparently a hard choice. When the young man spoke up again with another question however, he got a firm, "Hai," as she nodded her head to emphasize the point.

It was said without shame.