Star Army

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RP: SFS Chapter Two: Linda's Wit (Cheza's Secret)


Ovine Member
Inactive Member
Common Area, NSS Nemisis, 1421 Hours, on a Friday

"Some items of interest, children! Stand in line, shut yer beercatchers."

The entire unit had been gathered in one of the common areas of the NSS Nemisis. This, they'd been told upon arrival a few days prior after their mission aboard the Ruby Rose, would be their new home. It was a white-painted Orca-class flagship, commanded by an Admiral. As such, it was a finer home than the Ulfbhert had been by a long shot. Harmonious Solarsailor had its own berth in a separate compartment of the carrier, along with Phase's personal shuttle and a pair of empty spaces. The halls were carpeted, the petty officers tended to smile at passing marines. Actually, just about everybody on the ship at least pretended to smile as they walked around. The mess hall was superb. The bunks were comfortable. There was a full metal shop on one of the support decks that off-duty marines were permitted to tool around in so long as they remained respectful on the frequent occasion that the eccentric Admiral Grigori Kuznyetski appeared among the commoners to add to what appeared to be the galaxy's largest collection of zip guns. With a lit cigarette peering out from the slit of his welding mask, the Admiral was usually given a wide berth-- though he showed an interest in the work of his inferiors, occasionally approaching and asking questions about their work.

Put short, it was the kind of posting that fairy tales and legends were written about. They were a three-week leave on Fortuna away from living in some sort of tale told by teary-eyed Petty Officers in dirty bars on one-shuttle planets in one-airbike towns. They were not, however without their suffering. Aside from Elijah Garvy, who was mustered with his shiny new Corporal patch, just about everybody was in some kind of trouble.

Alistair Thorne had been on strict restrictions for the last few days. At first, he'd been bound to his quarters with no explanation by the Commandant. Then, between being brought meals he witnessed some of the prisoner interrogation-- we won't go into that here. Suffice to say, he was back on duty and assured that for now he was standing at muster with a clean slate.

Eir Nygaard Smith had been released from the Nemisis' medical center the day before. Medical nanites, the miracle of modern medicine, and the best surgeons in the fleet had provided her with a shiny metal arm that worked just as well as the last one but with just a bit more rigidity. Also, it was a real pain to wipe an ass with.

Halcyone, Phase, Beep, and Cloudheart had all been sent the military tactics equivalent of a pamphlet. They were told to research squad teamwork, and be prepared to present what they'd learned.

Black had demanded Domicile's removal from the unit, but because of her status as Auxillary such things were left out of his hands. Command had consulted a Free State representative identified as High Druidess Schemeweaver, and had yet to receive a response. Black played this off by pretending nothing had happened.

Linda Nelson remained unmolested for the time being.

And now, with all of this behind them, Commandant Black was addressing the gathered unit with a datapad in hand and a pair of comically small spectacles planted on his face.

"First off, there's been some restructuring. Fourth Fleet is dissolving into the other fleets. Grand Admiral Valken has stepped down, and some new asshole named Lazarus Clark has taken his place. If anybody asks you kids, we're now officially a First Fleet operation." Black moved to the next item and cleared his throat before continuing, his entire body tense with the formality of the situation. "We've also had a rank restructuring. The list of new ranks is available on your datajockeys. It seems Command has finally listened to my begging and eliminated the P3C rank, but in their infinite wisdom renamed my position to 'Colonel'. Since I liked being a fucking Commandant, you will proceed to continue calling me 'Commandant Black' and only use 'Colonel Black' at your peril. Except you, Garvey."

Something like a smile appeared for a split second as Killroyal leveled a thick finger at Elijah and barked, "Son, you can call me Kill."

When this moment of tenderness passed, Killroyal cleared his throat and the rest of the announcements came out in a droning growl.

"Your sister Smith has emerged from the butcher shop mostly unscathed. Welcome her back to duty and give her a fucking hug when you can."

"Next, the details of our last sortie are currently considered classified until the hacking attacks and the enemy organizational structure have been identified. Try and keep from yapping about it."

"Also, we'll be doing some training for the next while until I think you kids are capable of making combat decisions like pro murderers instead of filthy death enthusiasts."

There was a pause in the announcements as Thaddeus Elway emerged into the common area pushing a cart loaded up with booze and cigars. Trailing behind him was an unfortunate-looking petty officer with a permanent expression of having been put out. The origin of this sorrow became clear when Black gestured to this creature and added with great intensity, "This is Petty Officer Hartley. Admiral Kuznyetski generously turned him over to me when I demanded a personal slave for my unit. If you need anything at all, you ask him and don't be afraid to put him out. It's his job, kiddos."

"You may have noticed some new faces in the room here with us. Introduce yourselves to each other and remember, you're fucking family now so don't piss on each other."

After taking a moment to retrieve a cigar from the cart, Black nodded down his list of points one more time and then tossed his datapad over his shoulder without a second glance, causing it to clatter to the ground in three pieces. Removing his tiny spectacles he finished with a, "Finally, Corporal Nelson, please report to the hangar to receive visiting intelligence agents. The rest of you, I expect in the gym in twenty minutes. Garvey, wrangle 'em."

And then Black left them all in the common room with a cart full of booze, a bored-looking Elway, and PO Hartley, the soon-to-be unsung hero of all their support and logistics needs.
Common Area, NSS Nemisis

Roy stood at attention as he listened to Colonel-Commandant Black speak and run down his list of things that needed announcing. He had however had no recollection of how he ended up in the common area. It felt as if just a few minutes prior, he had been walking down towards the metal shop with Cloudheart, Adam, Lisa, and PO Hartley as well. He traced the weird feeling he had back to simple boredom and shrugged it off. For the days Roy had been stationed here, it seemed that boredom was a constant to him, though hopefully not for long. He knew that he had missed something very intense prior to coming here however and cursed the universe that allowed him to miss it.

When Black left the area, Roy fixed his cap and tossed his eyes around the room to see the other faces of his unit. He had barely seen most of them around before and frankly did not know what to say to introduce himself. He was still a boot and he wondered if they could smell how much of a boot he was. Most likely. Still, he had nothing to say in anyway to introduce himself to the others. He decided to 'screw it' and meet the squad leader first.

"Hey Corporal, I'm Roy. Pretty new here, looking forward to working with you guys." Roy managed to muster out his words in a good fashion while he stuck out his right arm to shake the relatively taller man's hands.
Crew Quarters, NSS Nemisis 1400

Alistair sat in the dark as he waited. Ever since the interrogation, he was not allowed out of his quarters. Thus, all Alistair did was sit and smoke his pack of cigarettes that the Master Sergeant so graciously provided. He opened the pack to see he had only one more left. 'Ah hell.' He thought as he lit it and threw the empty pack at the door. He took a long drag and slowly let it out as the MPs guarding his room opened the door.

One of the MPs looked at Alistair, showing little emotion. "You times up Private. You are to muster in 20 minutes." He threw a rucksack at Alistair. "Here is your gear. Try to be on time." He said as the MPs left the door and Alistair sat alone again. He smirked.

Alistair took a shower and got dressed. He ran a hand through his hair, and took one last drag of the cigarette before turning and leaving the dark room.

Common Area, NSS Nemisis 1421

The young marine made it just in time for muster. He stood stoicly as the Commandant spoke, listening to every word. He wondered how angry he had made the Commandant. He also wondered how everyone else thought of him after what he had done. After Black left, Alistair grabbed a cigar from the box. He nodded at Elway, giving him a smirk as he leaned against the wall. "Evening sir." He said lighting his cigar and offering another to the Master Sergeant. "Thanks for the cigarettes. They really helped to pass the time." He said taking a deep drag on the cigar. He also noticed the small Cloudheart. He looked at her, then immediately turned away. He had failed her, and couldn't bear to face her again. He instead closed his eyes and felt the burning as the smoke entered his lungs.

Halcyone looked about as the meeting was conducted. Her armored encounter suit glinting in the ship's interior lighting, freshly repaired and polished, any sign of damage or scuffs from the recent action gone.

"What do you think they want with us in the gym?" she asked Cloudheart as the meeting came to an end. She had spent the bulk of her free time with Harmonious Starsailer in the hangar working on fine tuning some of the additions she had made to the 'spacer gunship and had planned to head back down there once this manditory meeting was over with.

The engineer was not sure what in all she thought of this yet, she knew she didn't like getting shot at and seeing what had happened to the others she was not sure she liked all thr violence as a whole.
Common Area, NSS Nemisis, 1421 Hours, on a Friday

Linda was very demanding when her stuff was moved from the Ulfbhert to the Nemisis, only specific things were allowed to be moved by the logistics crew, the rest she moved herself. And no one was allowed in her room when she was packing or unpacking at either location. It was obvious that she had things to hide but she was an IPG operator, it was a given that she had a few things to hide, it was also a given that if someone found out about them that she would make their lives a lot less pleasant than they were. This was how most IPG avoided questions and got away with making such demands with regards to personal belongings. Afterwards however she was a bit more outgoing than one would expect of a IPG operator, once she had compiled her report she was busy familiarizing herself with the ship and partaking in a little recreation.

When called to gather with everyone she listened in to the short speech. She had already heard about the ranks and adjusted appropriately. The news about the arrival of an intelligence agent was news to her however. Once Killroy made his leave the woman adjusted her glasses and looked over everyone for a moment. She took note of the faces present and would look them up later to find out more about them, but for now she made her way to the hangar.
Common Area, NSS Nemisis

Adam looked around at the eclectic group. He really had no idea what to make of the diverse unit and frankly it matteted little to him. If Black told him that this is his new unit then that is what they are.

He stood toward the back, behind Eir, half paying attention to the talk and half staring at her ass. As Black left his attention moved to the cart of booze. He brushed past his fellow soldiers in front of him and approached the cart grabbing whatever bottle he saw first. Although not a heavy drinker it certainly helped to calm the headache being formed from having to liaten to the small talk drivel.

He nodded to Elway and paid particular attention to the the newly appointed Corporal. The way he held himself and the way he looked was very familiar to Adam from his days before prison.

He walked back towards Eir and stood uncomfortably close in front of her. "So, who's who in this little menagerie," he asked the metallic armed soldier," I know the short one and the new blonde is all."
As the fat, truncheon-like finger of Commandant (now colonel, but at your own peril) Black leveled at Garvey, with all the menace of an elite Funky City special weapons and tactics cop about to shoot you to save paperwork on a raid, Eli thought that the last thing he wanted in the world was to call his commanding officer by his first name. Truth was, his newfound corporalcy had made the tongue-tied former street criminal feel rather awkward, and was, at the moment, a mixed blessing.

Once the direct deposit system caught on to his new ranks though, he imagined he'd like it very much indeed.

Commandant Black dismissed the the formation, and Garvey snapped to attention. "Sir!" he shouted.

A brief deliberation in Garvey's mind tried to discern just what the hell to call this motley formation for parade commands. Platoon? Formation?

"Squad!" Might as well. "Dis-missed! Be in th' gym in twenty, or it's yo' ass, seh very yes."

Shortly after this, one of the new privates, Roy, approached Eli, hand held out for an introduction. He took the shorter man's hand in his, and shook it. "Peace be wit' ye, Roy, and yeh stop callin' me Corporal."

He smiled, teeth stark and white against his skin. "Garvey do yeh just fine. Pleased to have you aboard, but yeh make sure yeh on time in the gym, seh yes. Black not a man to be triflin' with."

Eli gave Roy one final comradely pat on the shoulder, then broke off from the smaller man. Black's schedule for today was aggressive, and despite the training, there were a million duties for someone even as low as Garvey on the chain. Suit dispositions, parts orders, their status as a unique organ of the Nepleslian military was apparent by the sheer number duties that filtered down even into the lowest, scum-sucking leadership position there was - the junior NCO. He sighed, smiling at Eir. He held his arm up in a flex, an ironic gesture Marines did towards another when a limb was hacked off and replaced with bionics, before walking out of the room, and to the gym.
Lisa Simmons stood at east, listening to colo- commandant Black. She smiled a bit as she heard the man talk. So far she liked his way of doing stuff, but she was pretty sure that he was a no nonsense man. He would probably be a lot more dangerous than all the pretty boys and by-the-book bastards she served under in the past. The blonde smoke a cigarette as the so called briefing continued, wondering what this team will be up to. She felt a small prickle of sadness as she heard about the fat of 4th fleet.

She was in 4th years ago, back when it was more or less young. Even though Valken was a bit of an arsehole, he could get the job done. Though with his way ot micro-managing shit and poor choice of chiefs for his marine units, he probably got so many ulcers he just had to quit. At least that was Lisa's theory. It was kind of nice to not see any familiar faces in her new unit, though she would not mind seeing Henry or Wulfe. Wulfe was a great soldier to cover your back and Henry Morris was... well one could have all kind of fun with the man. Lisa also missed Claire, but last she heared Claire left the service. Hopefully she would be a famous singer by now.

When the briefing was done, Lisa liberated a pack of cigarettes from the cart, giving the Master Sergeant and Petty officer a lazy salute, before strutting back to the rest of the squad.

"Yo," she opened up lazily. "I'm Corporal Lisa Simmons, you can call me corporal until we get to know each other a bit. I am a tech sentry and I play a killer guitar, I guess that is about it for introduction. It is gym time.

Lisa jogged off to catch up with the young brown corporal who seemed to be the head NCO for the squad.

"Hey Corporal," Lisa said to him as she moved at his side. "You are senior on this squad so as far as I am concerned we are clear on who is the boss. Don't be afraid to delegate some shit my way if needed though. Smoke?" She ended the sentence, offering the rasta-man her pack of cigarettes.
"So many new faces~! I'm so happy to see them~!"

Phase, up until this point, had been uncharacteristically silent. Or perhaps she was characteristically silent and she's continually out of character otherwise. In either case, the gleaming, shining Freespacer, with black and dark grey metal enshrining most of her components, finally strutted out with her display smiling with glee. That voice clearly ripped from a Yamataian porn star was as lilting as ever.

"But first~ . . ."

Phase swiveled her belly until it faced forward. She popped it open and grabbed a hand puppet, clearly a facsimile of Killroyal complete with a tiny cigar made from. . . was that construction paper? And sauntered up to Alistair Thorn.

"Hey kiddo, quit being an angsty loser grump and get with the fuckin' program!" Phase said in a tinny, tiny approximation of their glorious Commandtimidator's voice. The puppet flounced around, pointing one felt hand intimidatingly at the former ganger. "Or I'm gonna make you clean the entire hangar with your tongue!"

Before he had a chance to respond, Phase about-faced and dumped the puppet back into the confines of her stomach before skipping, yes, skipping, over to the freshly minted Corporal and the new fellow, Roy. Or at least, following them closely.

"Oh Garvey~, con~grat~ula~tions, dear~! And hello new boy~!" She greeted, her display lighting up with nothing more than a pair of lips that her brass-capped fingers met and folded out, clearly attempting to imitate that gesture of blowing kisses. "My name's Phase, what's yours~?"
Common Area, NSS Nemisis, 1421 Hours, on a Friday

Dom stood there in the far back corner of the room listening. The Newly minted Colon...el yelled growled and generally was unpleasant like the rest of the time.She didn't figure he would ever feel better until he let her help him with his health problems, and that damned smoking habit of his. When he barked off about the work out that was coming out, her young girly fleshy body started sweating from even the thought of working out. It was soooo gross and she really really didn't want to go out and have to work out in front of everybody.

As soon as Colon....el Black turned and started off with the cigar, Doctor Domicile raced after him trying to catch up. Her little FARS, Sweety, unit zipped along behind her keeping up and chirping and whistling a cheerful tune. As she caught up, Dom popped the seals on her helmet and pulled it off so he could see her real face. "Mr. Black.... I was hoping to talk to you and attempt to explain my recent actions..." She fell silent, a small frown framed her face and evidence on tears stained her face. She was strung out and tired from her work in the med bay since the last mission, but the tears had nothing to do with that. Well not totally.

"I Froze and focused on the troll and the others because I was frightened... I remember when my parents were slaughtered, along with everyone I knew... I know it just sounds like an excuse... but I signed up to be a ship's medic... not a front line combat medic... I don't know.." her eyes had increasingly misted and filled with tears, and finally they started to fall from the violet eyes. "I don't know if I can do that again..."
Common Area, NSS Nemisis

" Will do, Garvey." Roy spoke and could not help but to smile while doing so. The man seemed like a great guy to be around. His attention quickly turned to the mechanical Freespacer soon after as it introduced itself. It was certainly always interesting to see a Freespacer of any sort to be about, let alone one of machinery.

"Name's Roy, nice to meet you Phase." He kept a smile plastered onto his face all the while tipping his field cap in acknowledgement to her blown kiss. His eyes slid up and down Phase's metal body in order to take in her appearance fully.

"You're a Type Four Freespacer right? I have to say you guys are very interesting to look at. I don't mean that in bad way, just, you know. Interesting." Roy hoped he hadn't offended the Freespacer in any kind of way. The way Phase looked did in fact intrigue him since he hasn't seen much else of the Freespacers since he first came to this place.
In the halls, Commandant Black tried to keep his face sour while Domicile turned on the water works. At some point, however, he just couldn't muster the energy anymore and just let his face sag into bitter defeat.

"Look, kid," He told the doctor with a heavy frown, "I'm not gonna lie, I tried to get rid of you but somebody high up on your side of the rift thinks I need to keep you on so it's tough titties right now. And, really--" Black stopped himself short. He had been about to blast in to her, just let out all of his anger and disappointment in one cruel self-esteem crushing rant. The kind of thing that he did to his penal battalion back on Vandenberg. Then he realized he wasn't on Vandenberg and he wasn't talking to a criminal. This girl wouldn't know he was asserting his dominance any more that he'd know whether or not she was crying crocodile tears. With a very deep sigh, he put a hand on Dom's shoulder to stop her and leaned low to get at eye level with her. "Look, kid... You wanna help people, right? I want this unit to run like a family. Your sister, in the last picnic, she got her arm lopped off. We needed a medic nearby. You don't have to stand up front with everybody, but you do have to hang around them. That's what we need you for-- and that's how you've got to help people. What's supposed to happen on a battlefield when your brothers and sisters get hurt if there's nobody around to drag them away from danger and stick a hypolathe up their asses? It's a tough job, little girl, but somebody's gotta handle it and you're what we got."


"Who knows? It's probably more terrifying danger!" Cloudheart replied to Halcyone with the kind of smile that isn't usually associated with terrifying danger. She seemed to have taken the whole thing in stride. In her own good-natured way, Cloudheart had decided not to let the issue of her kidnapping come up aside from the harsh verbal firestorm she'd gotten from Black about it. She seemed to accept the dangers of her assignment rather cheerfully for all things considered and aside from her incredibly cold avoidance of the wayward Neko Ilsa for the time it took to take the Valkyrja back to Yamatai's border for an exchange-- Cloudheart had lived her daily life with a soft smile and a tune on her lips.

Elway had not. In fact, nobody had seen him at all until this moment when he arrived bearing the gift of a certain Petty Officer whose hollow eyes contained the look of a man that life had tread upon daily. There were Chiefs two decks up who grinned as they'd watched him go, knowing that their sessions spent chanting over a voodoo doll of the lonely crank had not gone to waste. They smiled into their coffee the same accomplished way that Elway had when he'd stamped the detachment paperwork. But this is not a tale of those wicked men. PO Hartley glanced around the room as everybody made their way on and then slowly began to follow them, jogging to match place with Eli in the corridor so he could be (as ordered) seen and not heard. As for Elway, he just nodded respectfully to Alistair and then disappeared once more.

As she neared the hangar, Linda found the Master Sergeant walking next to her. He tucked his hands behind his back and murmured in a low tone despite the halls in this portion of the ship being bereft of life. "Chief Jaeger is here. As are a pair from the homeworld. It seems we'll have our hands full today, Linda."


When the others arrived in the gym at the appointed time, what awaited them was horror incarnate. Or maybe it was sexy? I guess it all depends on perspective. Commandant Black had at some point during his time off managed to find to other men with his shape. After seperating from the good Doctor Domicile, he'd gathered these scions of upper-body strength. Outsizing him (only slightly) on one side was an ID-Sol with a face that looked like it had been carved out of stone. Smaller and on the other side was a leathery drill instructor whose lean musculature suggested hours of intensive strangling of privates. All three men wore only board shorts emblazoned with the NSMC star logo on both the right knee and the left ass cheek. And all three of them stood there glistening with sweat and body oil while they chugged away at their cigars with flailing free weights in either hand, just getting in a good warm-up before whatever terrible injustice they had planned took effect. Taking note of the entering marines, Killroyal set down one weight, stamped out his cigar on another, and then set it down as he addressed his doomed children.

"Boys and girls, this is Uncle Roy," The ID-Sol," and Uncle Killhat." The kill-ha-- uh, the drill instructor. "They are going to assist the all of you into getting into that fighting mentality by having you beat the shit out of each other, beating the shit out of you, and having the shit beaten out of by you. We will invent creative goals for you if you are just too metallic to suffer-- I'm lookin' at you, Phase, there's my girl-- and the rest of you will just plain suffer." He spread his hands wide to ward them from fear, "But fear not, children! This pain is what we call 'good heat', and it will reforge you like steel into team-members who know how to work together and coordinate instead of screaming children who know how to scream and run around screaming!"
Lisa entered the gym and stood next to Garvey. She frowned as she saw the worst that nepleslian drill instructors had to offer. Not worst as if they should do a shite job. More like worse, because they seemed like they were about to make everyone wish, they would be dead. Lisa sighed and stood ready for the training. It is going to be hard, but she was not that much worried. All she had to do was just keep going. As she always does. It will be much harder to keep snarky comment to herself. Telling and admiral that he is an idiot, that would be easy. Telling the same to drill instructor is suicide.

"Damn, I hoped I would leave this shit behind, when I finished boot camp." Lisa said to Garvey and sighed again. "Or rather, that I would be the one doing the shouting and yelling by now."

Adam strolled giving the room a nod of approval. Exercise and training was generally a prisoners only outlet beyond infighting. He knew that, beyond the smithy, this was going to be a constant playground for him.

Seeing Black standing among two similar individuals was in fact both a true nightmare for Adam but yes, maybe a bit sexy. He heard what was to happen and unusually, Adam's heart beat faster, his breathe came quicker. Fighting had always been a way of life for him and these were the things that he looked forward to.

"Fucking right, let's do this," Adam said enthusiastically as he began untucking his stuffy marine uniform shirt. He pulled it off revealing his bronzed lean corded muscles under a white tank top. He slung the uniform shirt over his shoulder like one would a towel. He sniffed and rolled his shoulders with a hint of an odd predatory grin on his face.
Alistair returned Elway's nod as the man disappeared. He chuckled as the Master Sergeant took off without a word, leaving him with the cigar. He took a long drag and exhaled as Phase walked over to him...

After Phase left without another word, Alistair was truly dumbfounded. The lit cigar in his mouth dropped out his gaping mouth as phase left. 'What the actual...' His thought was interrupted as everyone else filed out of the room and began moving to the gym. He sighed stomped out his lit cigar and walked out the room.

As he entered the gym, he found that it was not going to be a fun day. The two drill sergeants plus Black meant that his entire body would scream in agony. He sighed internally and snapped to attention, and stared straight ahead. He didn't want to give anyone else a reason to be angry with him.
"Reforge? If the desire is to change myself~," Phase opened with, tracing her hands over her body, "Then I can do so very~ very~ easily."

The new instructors were new variables. She waited for their response to her simple provocations so she could begin profiling them.

Meanwhile, somewhere along the way, a drone had popped from Phase's leg and skittered after Elway, keeping an eye on the man. The device was simple, nothing more than an eyeball with spindly legs, but very small and dark so it easily blended into the shadows and corners.
Hangar, NSS Nemisis

Linda turned her attention to Elway as they walked and spoke back in a low tone. "Since he's coming personally I assume it's for more than just a report. Did you turn up anything notable in your interrogation that would warrant a visit?" She had the slightest bit of worry, a superior flying in unexpected was always worrying no matter who the soldier was. The difference was how they showed it, or in the case of Linda and several IPG, how they didn't. She just continued till she arrived at the hangar, keeping her calm focused expression.

Again, somehow Roy found himself some place he doesn't remember being. A vague sense that he walked here after talking to a Type 3 Freespacer filled the gaps of his memory. Maybe he should get himself checked by a doc later. Right now however, it seemed there were bigger problems at hand seeing how two giant DIs plus Black are about to tear them to pieces and glue them back together backwards. It was a terror that flooded Roy like no other.

An inaudible curse was muttered from Roy's lips silently as he stripped his uniform top off to reveal a generic and plain T underneath. Roy cleared away the feelings of impending doom from his thoughts and planted new thoughts of motivation. To hell with it, today is the day he learns to love pain and beyond. Or at least, learn how to survive the pain.

The suited doctor stood in the rear of the group, her Sweety hovering about her head with the leather doctor's bag hanging below. Dr. Domicile had her suit's environmental controls tuned so that she was quite cold. She hated to sweat, cause that caused her to have to bath and she hated having to strip off her suit for that. Not that she was paying much attention to the DI in front. Flashing across the inside of her faceplate was the latest episode of a medical show. Some nurse was talking about how she needed pain pills to make it through the day, between sleeping with one of the doctors, and having to fight a new doc straight from a school. Occasional snorts and giggles slipped out from her vox box on the exterior of her suit.

Even watching the show didn't full all of her mind, a part was still reeling from her conversation with the and the fact she was stuck having to go into combat. It was causing her to develop a plan of action for her PA and making more an more the field medic's best suit ever. If she was going back into combat she was going to make sure both her team and the enemy knew she was there to patch them all up.

A third part of her mind was filled up with trying to find a place on the ship to set up a little doctor's office, outside of her quarters, that she could see patents in private. She needed a table for the person to seat on and a rolly chair for herself. Mentally she was connected to the ship's Quartermaster's office to find a space and get it stocked. For some reason they kept saying that she could use the main Med bay for this, they just didn't seem to understand that she needed the space for her practice.

Halcyone had stuck near Cloudheart all the way to the gym. Now she stood with all the others listening to what thr drill instructors had to say. The amount of sweat and cigar ash they had built up screamed of an unsanitary envyronment, so she kept her envyronmental suit sealed up tight. She had no idea what kind of germs they had floating around here. She also had no idea why pain and suffering was a good idea in their minds?

Halcyone frowned behind her tinted faceplate and was glad that the only thing that could be seen through it was her glowing eyes. She wondered what the point of all this was. She had no desire to become dirty and sweaty like them, nor did she want to suffer or be in pain. She was an engineer, she judt wanted to fix things.