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Yamatai News (YINN) Chemical Attack on Kodian Capital

Gashmere City, Gashmere - In a shocking act of violence, a chemical attack has struck Gashmere City, the capital of Gashmere. The attack, which occurred in the early hours of the morning, resulted in more than five thousand deaths and tens of thousands of injuries.

Gashmere is home of the Kodians. It has been part of the Yamatai Star Empire since shortly after being discovered by the YSS Nozomi in YE 27 and is governed by the General Assembly of Gashmere. Gashmere has a population of over 2.507 billion.

The chemical agent was delivered via a series of bombs placed in key locations throughout the city. The bombs were detonated remotely, releasing a cloud of toxic gas that spread throughout the city. Emergency services were overwhelmed by the scale of the attack, and many of the injured were unable to receive medical attention in time. Local emergency services were quickly overwhelmed or struck ineffective due to not having the proper equipment to respond safely.

We spoke with Bjorn Halfjornson, an emergency physician who responded to the attack, who gave the following statement "When we arrived at the scene, it was chaos. There were bodies everywhere, and people were screaming for help. It was a nightmare. We had to wear special protective gear to avoid getting sick from the chemical agent. It was really scary, knowing that just one breath of the gas could be deadly. We did our best to triage the victims and get them to safety, but it was overwhelming. There were just too many people in need of help. I've never seen anything like this before. It was like a war zone. I just hope that whoever did this is brought to justice. I'm just grateful that we were able to save as many people as we did. It was a miracle that some of them survived. But there are.....were.... so many who didn't make it."

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, and it remains unclear who was behind the assault. Both major political factions of the Kodians, the Alien Peace Council and the Anti-Xenoist League, have denied any involvement in the attack, and have condemned the use of chemical weapons as a cowardly and inhumane act.

The attack has sparked outrage among the general public, with many Kodians calling for an end to the violence and a return to a more peaceful and united society. Chairman Koda has issued a statement condemning the attack and calling for calm. However, many Kodians are skeptical of Koda's leadership, with many blaming him for the failure to prevent the escalation of the civil conflict that has gripped Gashmere in recent years.

As the situation on Gashmere continues to deteriorate, the international community has expressed concern about the conflict, with many calling for a peaceful resolution to the crisis. It remains to be seen who was behind the chemical attack, but one thing is certain: the attack on Gashmere City will go down in history as a dark and tragic day for the Kodians.