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Approved Submission Cherry Blossom Necklace


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My second clothing item, and I fully acknowledge that on duty Star army personnel are not allowed to wear this.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Very beautiful addition. I fixed what stood out and you got yourself an FM approval : )
3 Day Approval.
I'm having a little trouble seeing how you could coat a flower with molten (?) starship armor without destroying it. Ideas?
I'm having a little trouble seeing how you could coat a flower with molten (?) starship armor without destroying it. Ideas?

@Charaa Maybe instead of metal, you could use some kind of transparent polymer or resin? I didn't catch this and @Wes has a good point.

"Lamination" doesn't always need to use heat, but when it doesn't it then it uses pressure. Also not very good for flower petals. "Filament" is a string of something that's usually melted, though. Looking at durandium, it seems to have likely been chosen because it has a very thin alloy base unit (along with the rule of cool).

Maybe instead of "laminated in a Transparent Durandium filament" it could be "coated with a monomolecular latticework bonding made of Transparent Durandium." Or something. Just an idea to maintain the original intent.
I'm having a little trouble seeing how you could coat a flower with molten (?) starship armor without destroying it. Ideas?

Sorry, honestly, I was trying to come up with the right word to use since I wanted it to be transparent so that the petals could be visible, but also solid, and Transparent Durandium is all I could think of.

Based on the video it does do what I want, so epoxy resin might work well.

could โ€œFilamentโ€ be made from something edible? asking for another page reason.
I've made edits to the page, to remove mention of transparent durandium to be on the safe side.
Reactions: Wes
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