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Closing the door, Opening a new Life

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Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 44.9
RP Location
Uesureyan Fields/Funky City (Nepleslia)
(First Post, please let me know if I messed up anything.)

The neon skyline of Funky City shone in the distance, a stark contrast to the drab solid walls of the large star-port that was quickly receding behind the olive drab bus. Uesureyan Fields had been Wallers home for the last four months, while completing NSMC boot camp and infantry school. Waller stared out the window as the bus crossed over the filthy river that separated the military base from the outskirts of Funky City.

Wallers jeans felt strange after the months of wearing nothing besides his issued uniforms. The red Aethersperm T-shirt seemed to fit tighter than it had, the pectoral muscles on his chest jutting out farther than he had realized. Absent mindedly Waller brushed a stray piece of black hair behind his ear as the bus trundled to a stop.

"Everybody off unless you're going back to the barracks." The driver, a stocky man wearing sergeants stripes, barked from the drivers seat. A handful of other freshly graduated marines stood and quickly disembarked. The sight would be familiar to anyone who has been around a military base. Tattoo Parlors, Strip Clubs, Pawn Shops, and used vehicle sales lots stretched as far as the eye could see.

"First things first, food." Waller thought to himself as he glanced around and saw a diner close by. The neon lights above the building flickered, "Maples Breakfast Palace". Faded pictures in the grungy windows may have once be recognizable as different dishes, but had washed out from exposure to the sun. A small bell rang as Waller pushed open the door. A woman in her late 40s with an empty look in her eyes and a half smoked cigarette dropping from her mouth, glanced up from the table she was absently wiping down.

"Sit where ever you like, I'll be with you in a sec." Her voice was rocky, tired. Her dress had been a light shade of blue once, now faded, food stains evident from too many shifts. She seemed as worn as the paint peeling away from the walls. The shiny sub-gun slung in the small of her back seemed out of place.

Waller slipped into a booth, his back to a wall, able to see the entrances. His revolvers grip pressed into his side, reminding him it was there. A holo-menu appeared above the table as he sat down. Flicking throw the menus he settled on a "Carnivores Omelet". Four eggs, sausage, bacon, ham, and steak with cheese. All topped with a generous amount of country gravy. A side of 3 pancakes, hashbrowns, and a muffin rounded out the meal.

Waller gave his order to the server and waited for his meal. He absent mindedly watched the people passing by the front of the diner. As he did so, a ding rang out from his DataJockey. He pulled the device from his small backpack, checking what the alert had been for.


**ATTN: PVT Redhawk, Waller**

NSMC Personnel CMD
Fleet Assignments

You are assigned to 3rd Assault Fleet, 309th Armored Infantry,
Report date: NLT 7 days after receipt of this dispatch
Report to fleet transport service, Uesureyan Fields, Nepleslia

Authorized Cargo: Issued equipment, one personal items container (24 inches by 36 inches by 12 inches).



Waller set the dataJockey on the table as his food arrived. It was a sloppy, greasy mess. Perfect. He quickly devoured all of it. He transferred payment from his DataJockey to the table. There were butterflies in his stomach as he stood to leave. He couldn't be sure if it was the food, or anticipation of what was to come. Maybe both. He pushed open the door to the diner, noticing that the sun had fallen completely below the horizon now, leaving the cluttered streets illuminated by neon lights and the occasional yellowed street lamp.

The foul stench of rot, industrial fog, and trash assaulted his nostrils as the wind shifted directions. The roar of motorcycles filled his ears as a group of individuals on motorcycles and hover cycles formed a semi circle around him. A particularly surly individual who hadn't bathed for the last 6 years, judging by the smell, leered out at him from behind the headlight of his cycle.

"We don't wear that color around here....chum." He slurred out, one glove fat finger jutting out in the direction of Wallers red AetherSperm shirt, "Fact, we don't let *Anyone* wear that color here. Why don't you jus take it off and leave it. 'long wiff any cash ya gots. Ya know, as a thank you for our *kind advice*." The fat man smiled, revealing a mouth of rotting and missing teeth.

(Feel free to tack on here)
Vana had been doing a little bit of last minuet shopping. The whole clan was getting together something that hadn't happed in years. Her dear brother had finally gotten out of that mess he'd been in. She till wasn't sure how her cut and dry brother had managed to land such trumped up charges but she was just happy he was back. She was also looking forward to finally meeting this 'girlfriend' of his.

Vana paid for her items and arranged for them to be sent to the "Lair". That's what it was referred to, the Dragon's Lair. On account of her Grate-Grandfather was known as the Dragon of Nepleslia. The old ID-Sol was nearly 100 and had been quite a soldier and commander in his day. He was the Patriarch of the Canterbury Clan. She hoped that she'd soon be able to hear his booming laugh again.

She had made quite a bit of money on that last job, but hadn't quite pulled the trigger on new hearing implants yet. There were still some tests to run to make sure they were combatable. So in the mean time, she had her transcribing glasses to hear what people were saying. She was heading down the street when PORK, her Gunhound, suddenly pushed her against the wall. Several motorcyclist came zooming down the road, some even driving on the sidewalk. She hadn't heard them coming. Scum. She signed silently then rubbed PORK's ears. "Thanks Porky." She said too loud since she couldn't hear to moderate her volume.

She had half a mind to climb to a rooftop and just start unloading on them with her sniper rifle. But at this close range it would hardly be a challenge. Any shot under 1000 yards was child's play. Maybe she'd only use her revolver. That might make things a little more interesting. She shook her head and just kept walking. A short distance later she saw those damn bikers again. This time it looked like they were having words with someone. That was 'Fresh Meat' if she'd ever seen it. Fresh out of basic. Well, she couldn't let one of her own get into a fight alone. She was a Vet after all.

"Excuse me!" Vana shouted. She had been going for a conversational tone, yet it came out a yell, almost obnoxious sounding. "Would you biker mind moving about 2000 yards down wind? That should be far enough for the stench not to bother me and make picking you off more interesting."
Sweat glistened between the fat rolls on the man's head and neck as he glanced sideways as a female voice asked him to kindly move down wind. It was at most two steps away from Waller, he took the chance. Lunging forward he balled his left hand and slammed it into the mans now exposed adams apple. Waller used the swing to mask his right hand draw of his HHG.

Waller pressed the squared muzzle into the back of the next Bikers head. hard. "I hate fighting after chow. Its bad for digestion. You don't want to fight do you?"

Fat man's hands were clawing at his throat as he thrashed on the pavement, struggling to breath. Waller turned the biker, placing the rest of the gang between himself and the woman who had goaded them. Grabbing the bikers greasy hair, he pulled them backwards until Waller felt his back against the wall of Maples Breakfast Palace. Four more bikers, he couldn't tell if they were armed. They made furtive looks back and forth between Waller and the woman with a Gunhound, unsure what to do with their mouthpiece writhing on the ground, and another member with a large revolver pointed at the back of his head.

Freaking Punks. No balls.
Vana smiled. Fresh Meat was good. Within seconds of her distraction he had taken full advantage of the situation. What also impressed her was the man's restraint. Most Neps in this situation would have started blasting by this point. But he hadn't. That told her that he had a good head on his shoulders. She shook her head at the bikers who had suddenly gone from in control of the situation to backed into a corner. What these punks never seemed to get what you never knew who was who in Nepleslia. The seemingly easy pickings could turn out to be a veteran of many a fight. Often the most unassuming people were the most dangerous.

Vana was wearing her clan's trademark camo cloak over her shoulders. She set her hands on her hips, just inches from the large revolver and knife strapped to her thighs. On her back was her sniper rifle, which was nearly as tall as she was. Her strawberry blond hair was hanging lose but it didn't cover the blue dragon tattoo on her face. She looked up at the sky as it she was looking at the stars. Though none could be seen through the smog and light pollution everywhere. "Sure is a pretty night." She said, almost shouting again. "Good night for a long ride out of town. You know, a chance to get away and get just ride. Yep, that's what I'd like to do. Sure beats getting shot up by a little girl, or eaten by a Gunhound." As if on cue PORK, who had been sitting quietly by his mistress, suddenly began growling and snarling. All the hair on his back standing straight up. "Poor thing, I keep forgetting to feed him. He'd probably eat three of you before his stomach told his brain there was food in him."

Vana had been smiling the whole time she'd been talking but the smile vanished. She was growing tired of this. "Get lost or start shooting." Her hand was less than an inch from her revolver but it was the blade that she was more deadly with at close range.
The Four remaining bikers glanced nervously at each other before deciding that discretion was the better part of valor. As they began to peel out Waller pumped his arm back, then slammed his pistol grip into the of the skull of the man he had been holding. The biker crumpled to the ground, knocked out cold. Fat man was starting to be able to breath normally and had lifted himself to his hands and knees.

"I'll... kill.... you...." he gasped as he tried to bring his feet up under him. Waller planted the heel of his boot squarely into the mans temple. Fat man fell to the ground, blood seeping out from his mouth. He had bitten through his own lip. Waller made sure fat man was in a position that would allow the blood to drain, and not asphyxiate him before he woke up with a massive headache.

Old habits died hard, he started to run the mens pockets for any weapons or valuables....
Vana smiled as the bikers raced away. She knelt down to PORK and rubbed his muzzle while he in return licked at her face. "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" Vana said to the green haired canine. She stood back up and watched as the man secured the biker leader. When the man finished his inspection Vana said in a loud voice, "Nice going Fresh Meat. Guess you actually paid attention in boot camp. Buy you a drink?"
Waller finished rifling through the fat mans pockets, coming away with a currency chip, some loose nine millimeter ammunition, and a picture of a half naked 80 year old woman on a motor cycles signed "Big Momma". Tucking the picture back into the mans vest, Waller stood and brushed the dirt and dust from his clothing.

"How about he buys us both a round?" Waller grinned holding the mans currency chit. "Thank you for the assist, things may have gotten a little dicey there." Waller extended his hand, watching to see how the gunhound reacted. He was impressed with the rifle the woman carried. Few people could actually utilize them fully, Waller felt like this woman was probably one of them. Not only that, but she was more than a little attractive....."Did you have somewhere in mind?"
PORK watched the man intently and began to make the slightest of grows as the man extended his hand. Vana just smiled and reached out her left hand. She almost never tangled up her right hand if she could help it. For one thing, her right had her trigger finger, something she protected at all costs. Second, being right handed, if she was drawling a weapon her right hand would be the first one reach of a weapon.

There was a pause between the man asking his question and Vana answering. She had been watching his mouth intently as he spoke and was now reading the transcription as it came across her classes. In the two years since losing her hearing, Vana had become very good at reading lips. But when meeting someone knew it helped to have a translations so that she could confirm what she was reading. Once she had finished reading the question Vana smiled. "I'm sure we can find some worthy establishment around here." Looking around she spotted two or three signs for bars or taverns. Nothing that stood out to her though. But she realized where she was and remembered a decent place not far from there.

"I've know of a place." She said, shouting. "About two blocks from here."
Waller gripped the woman's offered hand, giving it a firm shake. He turned to walk with her towards the drinking establishment of her choice. Waller attempted to get some ear and butt scratches in on the adorable gunhound as they walked. The big K9s were a national treasure in his opinion.

"Why are you yelling?"

(feel free to pilot me where you need)
Pork ignored the man's hand and kept himself between the man and his Mistress. Vana reached down and rubbed Pork's ears. "Porky here doesn't warm up to people right away." She said loudly. Although when Waller asked her why she was yelling, Vana stopped suddenly and looked a little embarrass. "Have I been yelling?" Her volume dropped a good bit. "Better?" She asked.

When she spoke again, her hands began to sign using hand signals like were taught and used from in the military from basic to special forces. "I lost my hearing almost 2 years ago. I was a sniper in the 107th. We were pinned down by heavy artillery and I had by eardrums ruptured and completely destroyed from the week long shelling. Normally it would be an easy fix. Nep cybernetics and all that but for some reason no implants have worked. I had really bad ringing in my ears or super sensitive. Even organic eardrums wouldn't last longer than a month before messing up. I mostly prefer speaking using sign, learned it growing up, but not everyone is as fluent in it." She tapped her glasses. "I'm really good at lipreading, but I have to be looking at the person so I got these things to transcribe what people say when they talk, which helps. But it doesn't do very well at telling me what volume I'm speaking."

They arrived at a pub. This one seemed to be in better shape than some of the other ones around. It looked to be more of a respectable establishment where the patrons didn't like having their drinks or meals interrupted by people looking for trouble. A good time? Sure. Let off some steam? Absolutely. Just as long as you paid for the damages and bought the house a drink afterwards. Vana went straight in and claimed an open booth. She unslung her sniper rifle and leaned it up against the wall where she could get it into action quickly if needed before sitting down herself. Pork jumped onto the booth beside her and laid down where he could see the whole room. "By the way." She said, signing again while speaking, although this time her volume was at a much more normal level. "My name is Vana."
Waller followed the woman into the pub. Wood paneling and oak furniture populated the cement floor, which had quite a few dark stains and sticky spots. The place had a well worn feel to hit, like the hilt of a knife lovingly used for many years. A Heavily muscled man was polishing the bar with a discolored rag. The other patrons of the place all seemed content to ignore the existence of anything except the drinks in front of them.

As Waller slid into the booth beside PORK and Vana, "Waller Redhawk, AKA Freshmeat." He said with a sheepish grin. A server in jeans and a T-shirt with a large towel slung over her shoulder approached the booth where they were sitting.

"What can I get cha?" She asked.

Waller looked up, "Whiskey double, on the rocks."
Vana thought a moment then using only her hands signed out. Nepleslian... Red wine...YE35...in a glass...and Aetherspirum... winter lager... in a bowl. It took the waitress a second to catch on, but she understood. This place had was familiar with Vets. She soon returned with a whiskey double, on the rocks and a glass of Nepleslian red wine. She also had a bowl of beer for Pork, which she set down in front of the Gunhound.

Vana took a sip of her wine. It was very good. "Where are you headed next Waller Redhawk?"
Waller picked up the glass, watching the whiskey swirl around in it a few times before answering the woman, "I just got orders to report to the 309th, can't say I know much about them."
The words were washed down with a long draw from the whiskey glass, the liquid left a pleasant burn in his throat as he set the glass back down on the table.

"I just hope its better than getting stabbed to death in a ditch for a StimBurger. That was about all I had going for me before joining up." Waller did his best to communicate this in the hand signals he had learned during training as he spoke the words to the woman.
Vana smiled. She appreciated that Waller was trying to communicate using his hands for her sake. His signals were a little choppy, but understandable. Especially since she could also see his lips moving. She took her glasses off and rubbed her eyes. She hated wearing those things, constantly having to change her focus to read what was being transcribed on the glasses. Vana's vision was exceptional at 20/10 but those damn glasses gave her a headache somethings.

She took another sip of her glass. "The 309th?... What a small world....My brother was recently .... assigned there.... Sergeant Caffran Canterbury." She was only signing now but there was no mistaking the smile on her face. She was very proud of her big brother. "Caff is a... close quarters specialist... and has a real gift... for stealth." She smirked. "He's far better... than me at stealth... and knife work... but I always... out shoot him."
"There is no need for stealth if you can neutralize the target from the next gird square." Waller signed out the words as he spoke them, being sure to clearly enunciate for Vana. "Besides, it would be hard to not notice someone as....aesthetically pleasing as yourself. Is there anything I should pass along if I see your brother?"

Waller grasped his glass and drank some more of the whiskey. Keeping his attention on Vana to ensure he didn't miss any of the conversation.
Vana rolled her eyes and snorted. "Wow... Never heard...that one before....You guys... need to come up with …. better pickup lines." Vana sipped her wine and shook her head. "Caff is... coming home... for the holidays... I'll see him... tonight." By her smile it was clear she was very much looking forward to seeing him again. "But if... you do... wind up seeing...him.... Ask him... who won... the apple tree... shootout." Vana smiled mischievously. "He also... plays the pipes... pretty well too...although he... doesn't like to... do it much... in public."
Waller didn't want to hold up a family reunion any longer than was absolutely needed, especially if his future NCO may be the one attending. "Thank you for the help, but I think it's high time I racked out. I'll be sure to ask about the apple tree though." Waller signed as best he could. "Enjoy the time with your brother, if he is anywhere near as good as you are, I hope he is the one watching my back."

Waller slid his now empty glass to the edge of the table and stood, leaving the fat bikers currency chip on the table. There was plenty to cover the tab and leave a nice juicy tip.

(OOC Probably a good time to close it out.)
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